Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 175 The same trick cannot be used twice

Chapter 175 The same trick cannot be used twice

"Wait! Is this female robot so strong?" Not far away, Hawkeye, who was driving a Quinjet fighter, was a little dumbfounded.

As a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, Hawkeye has access to a series of not-so-high-secret files, and he has seen the robot sisters who appeared in the Empire State Building incident.

It's just that in the files, this team doesn't know whether there are real humanoid robots, and the combat performance is not so exaggerated.

Just now she theoretically flew out, but it flew out of an abandoned building very strangely. It is not yet certain whether it is flying or some kind of exaggerated jumping of body functions.

It's just that her actions made people who didn't know first rule out that she was a Kryptonian.

There is no Kryptonian's flying and direct movements, but the attacking movements are more martial arts.

This is in line with the character design of the robot sisters, that is, the power of fists and feet is [-] points stronger.

"Boom!" With a flying kick, she staggered [Doomsday]'s body on the spot.

You know, the air-to-surface missiles of a group of Quinjet fighter jets and Iron Man just didn't shake it at all.

Anyway, the more superheroes fighting powerful monsters, the better.

In the sky, Hawkeye, who drove the fighter a little away from the main battlefield, said to Nick helplessly, "Boss, this doesn't look like an enemy we can deal with."

Nick was not discouraged: "Gentlemen and ladies, think about what we can do."

On the contrary, the widow had an idea: "Didn't the news say that the Lex Group had developed a weapon against Kryptonians? If this is also a monster from Krypton, maybe it will work."

At this moment, Agent Hill suddenly intervened in the communication: "Member Finch said that she wanted to report Lex Luthor, and she said she knew where the Kryptonian weapon was."

Nick decisively: "OK, Hawkeye, Black Widow, you two are responsible for this."


At this time, the battle in the ruins on the other side of Gotham City has reached a fever pitch.

[Day of Destruction] Completely insane.

It blasted an extremely violent punch.

That was a punch far beyond the peak of the extraordinary on earth.

There is no specially drawn light and shadow effect, because this fist represents the ultimate violence.

Facing the swooping Superman, the power of [Doomsday]'s punch actually exploded a forty-story abandoned building with at least a thousand square meters per floor in an instant.

Countless masonry, steel bars, and stones shattered into pieces the size of a human thumb, as if what it shattered was not a building, but a huge wave.

Superman failed to pass through this wild storm that represented destruction, and was blown backwards by this extreme destructive force.

It brought a shock wave that spread to several square kilometers, making people realize why it was named [Destruction Day].

Let alone a small town with only a few thousand people, this kind of punch can easily blow up a skyscraper, and it may only take a few minutes to destroy Gotham City!

Dachao was sent flying, and Fulla was affected and bounced out.

Only Ange hid behind the half-squatting Wonder Woman holding up her shield, barely avoiding a blow.

But in the next round, it was the giant beast that pounced on Wonder Woman.

Before the two of them could turn around, the fist the size of a millstone had already hit.

The round divine shield radiated divine power extremely dutifully, trying to resist this absolute violence with the power of the gods, and the golden shield shone brightly.

After a stalemate for about a second, the golden light completely disintegrated after a violent shock, and then the terrifying impact comparable to a small tactical nuclear bomb was transmitted to Wonder Woman through the shield.

She arched her body to the extreme.

However, her demigod body could bear it, and the ground under her feet bloomed like fireworks.

Having lost her focus, she was immediately sent flying high like a mortar.

Anger didn't care about Wonder Woman who fell heavily into the distance.

He knew that she would be able to bear it, and taking advantage of the opportunity she finally created, An Ge leaned forward and stabbed [Destroyer Day] in the lower abdomen.


A big bald head descended into the world like a god of thunder. He was surrounded by lightning and let out a roar that shook the sky, as if seeing an enemy who had been lost for many years, he rushed towards his enemy without hesitation.

How shocking this scene is.

No one knows why he is so desperate!
It didn't look like he was participating in the siege of this monster at all. Instead, he was a monster himself, trying his best to fight for the last chance of survival.

A roar that seemed to tear apart the night exploded on the golden dagger.

A large group of lightning sputtered from the abdomen of [Destroyer Day], and the densely concentrated lightning arc twisted at high speed, like a gas cutting gun for cutting metal, and a hot platinum substance bloomed on the contact surface between the blade and the skin.

This is the combined effect of thunder and lightning combined with the power of lava!
In fact, after just one-tenth of a second of confrontation, as the knife light swept past, a large piece of flesh and blood in [Destruction Day]'s abdomen turned into fly ash.

"It's done!?" More than one person let out a cry of joy.

Do not!
It's done!Also lost!

The wound seemed huge, and it was more than enough to put Ange's body in. You could even see blood splattering from the viscera wriggling in the abdominal cavity.

But An Ge knew that this was far from enough.

The biggest feature of [Day of Destruction] is that the same move cannot be used twice on it.

There is no way to kill it with one blow, and if you use the same trick again, it will have a terrible resistance beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

It hardly eats the damage anymore.

Of course Ange knew its weakness, but having accumulated strength from so many powerful enemies, Ange wanted to try at least to see if he could really defeat or severely injure this super monster whose absolute strength surpassed that of Dachao.

After missing the blow, Ange immediately dodged and made two 90-degree changes without slowing down.

Sure enough, the next moment, a hand as huge as a door panel slapped it, passing by less than five centimeters from Ange's back.

Ange could clearly feel the power contained in the huge wind, even through the leather case.

"No! Don't fight recklessly!" Ange flashed out of the [Doomsday]'s attack range, and did not forget to remind his teammates.

The next second, Fulla was in trouble. She was rubbed on the shoulder by [Doomsday], and flew backwards like a cannonball on the spot, smashing through two buildings.

During this period, Wonder Woman took refuge again, and this time [Doomsday] slammed her fist hard on the ground.


too exaggerated!

It is true that this is a ruin. Before the problem, this was the dock area, and the entire coast was covered with solid cement.

The monster punched down, and the ground cracked open.

It was one meter wide at first, and then the terrible crack expanded rapidly, extending all the way to the sea.

Then a large amount of seawater poured in along the increasingly widening cracks.

Looking from a distance, it turned out that this large wharf area created by artificial reclamation has completely subsided...

"No! It can't be left on Earth!" Da Chao and Director Nick almost made the same decision.

(End of this chapter)

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