Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 188 Whale Fall

Chapter 188 Whale Fall
On the other side, a few minutes ago, Master Gu Yi, who had been fatally stabbed, plummeted down.

After she passed through the mirror space and entered the real world, she crashed into the glass dome at the entrance of the lobby of a building in a very miserable manner.

That way, he looks like a hapless ghost who invested all his wealth in Bank of America stocks and then went bankrupt.

If Stephen and Modu had some doubts about Gu Yi a while ago, now they only have endless regrets in their hearts.

"Damn it! We may have misunderstood her!" Modu's voice was trembling.

"Save people first—" Stephen, who was a doctor, made the most correct judgment.

Then, he troubled his ex-girlfriend Christine again, and found the emergency room where she was.

But science can't save those who play metaphysics.

Not to mention the ancient one standing at the top of the earth's mysterious field.

Gu Yi soon died.

Died fairly peacefully.

If it were a boss in another field who died, wouldn't he die like a catastrophe?
This is no joke.

The magical power in Gu Yi's body was originally as surging as a strategic nuclear bomb.

Desperate to die, she transferred almost all of her magic power ahead of time, and even reserved enough magic power for her final battle. At least when she saved her lover and confronted Casillas with the first dozen or so moves, outsiders couldn't see it at all. Make any flaws.

At this moment, Stephen was no longer that simple doctor. The moment Gu Yi's heartbeat stopped, he went out of his body.Not only him, but also Modu, they saw Gu Yi for the last time.

"Master Ancient One, is what Kratos said true? He said that you use the power of darkness because you have no successors, so you have to use the power of Dormammu." Modu's voice was completely choked.He questioned, he was angry, but when he knew another version of the truth, he hesitated again.

"Yes, and no." Master Gu Yi saw the expression of remorse on the face of this disciple who once didn't believe in herself, and she showed a gratified expression: "It is precisely because I have experienced the horror of darkness that I desperately prevent you from touching the darkness." strength."

"Master, I..."

"You step back first, I have something to say to Strange."

"Yes." Modu stayed away from the two of them, and his soul returned to his body.

Only Stephen and Gu Yi were left.

Doctor Strange hesitated to speak.

"Kratos' intervention was definitely an accident. You can ignore his words."

"How could I not care about his words... You... Master, you really mean it..."

"I've dealt with horrible incidents I don't know how many times. Only this time, I couldn't make it through. Not because of Casillas, but because of the dark forces in me that are about to consume my soul and sanity, maybe it's better than that " Gu Yi finally admitted, her words made Stephen fall into silence for a few seconds.

Gu Yi comforted him and said: "You haven't gotten used to the role of a mage yet. But you must understand that there are some things in this world that can only be done by unique people. People who can carry the inheritance of the supreme mage... may not be found in 1000 years. one."

Stephen was deeply shocked by the news: "I..."

"Guard the earth from being invaded by aliens from other dimensional worlds. If you don't do it, no one can do it. I didn't mean to force you, but it's the truth."

After the shock, the smart as Stephen quickly accepted the reality: "I see."

"As for that Kratos..." Gu Yi raised his soul hand and pointed to the sky garden 40 meters away across the road.

Following the direction of her fingers, Stephen saw Kratos and several heroines standing in a row.

Seeing Gu Yi pointing his finger, Ange took all the girls to touch their chests with their right hands and bowed slightly.

The great guardian who has guarded the earth for thousands of years is about to pass away. This is the last tribute to the guardian.

Gu Yi suddenly laughed, and a little bit of space between her right hand, a soul mask bloomed, covering her and her disciples, preventing her words from being heard by outsiders: "Stephen, do you know? I spent countless years peeking into the past and the future , but I can't see the future between you and that Kratos."

"Ah!" Stephen exclaimed softly, he had personally used the [Eye of Agamotto], of course he knew the power of this powerful artifact.

Gu Yi actually said that she couldn't see it, what does that mean?
"I only saw possibilities. Yours, and his. So I gave up on holding him accountable for the timeline change."

"I abide by your decision."

Gu Yi shook his head: "For this powerful man full of mystery, you must maintain enough awe and vigilance. You may be a successful doctor, but you are too arrogant and conceited, which will harm you and make you Can never be greater."


"Look! Listen! Feel! Then use your wisdom to judge the world—"

On the other side of the road, An Ge quietly watched Gu Yi make his final remonstrance.

He didn't try to eavesdrop on what Gu Yi said, as a time traveler, he was quite clear about Gu Yi's last words.Just the part about him, I don't know how crooked the world line will be.

Brilliant lightning bolts flashed in the sky of the soul world from time to time, and time seemed to freeze at this moment.

After Gu Yi finished her last sigh, her soul dissipated into this world.

She left for a full three or four seconds before Stephen noticed it, feeling infinitely emotional for a while.

Doctor Strange didn't notice that a ray of soul fragments without any impurities flew to the opposite side of Kratos' chest under the traction of a mysterious force...

Angie was really surprised.

He only wanted to send this great guardian one last time, but he really never thought that he could pick up some [White Soul].This pure soul also contains powerful soul power.

Almost at the moment when the white soul was inhaled by him, his teleportation technique soared to Lv256, and his mirror image space technique soared to Lv182.

In addition, there are a large number of [? ? ? 】The spell appears in the system prompt.It's just that the system all displays [The host's magic level is too low, and it cannot be analyzed temporarily! 】

It is no exaggeration to say that the second biggest beneficiary of Gu Yi's death turned out to be Ange!
Ange suddenly thought of a word [whale fall].

It means that a whale dies, but it can feed a large number of other marine life.

In a sense, the passing of the ancient one also had this effect.

Not long after, Gu Yi, who was being rescued on the emergency platform, was pronounced dead.

Stephen was stunned for a long time before arriving at the Hanging Garden across the road, which is a coffee shop.Here, he met Kratos.


"Thank you." Stephen hesitated for a moment, then asked, "Cassilias..."

"I returned his soul to his master."

"Thank you."

"You should know that the matter is far from over. Casillas is not completely dead. Dormammu's attack will arrive soon." Ange stood up after reminding him.

"Wait! Can you lend me some money?"


"Gu Yi doesn't have a social welfare number. There are a lot of troubles in rescuing a person of unknown origin. First of all, the emergency fee is very expensive. I... have no money."

An Ge smiled: "Exactly, I have the ability to make money."

(End of this chapter)

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