Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 192 The Collapsed World Map

Chapter 192 The Collapsed World Map (3 more)
"call out--"

It was faster than when it came, even surpassing the limit speed of the female warrior's archery, and retaliated fiercely.


The arrow passed over the edge of the female warrior's left temple with incomparable precision, at most a centimeter away, and finally hit the mountain wall not far behind her.

In the next moment, a dense spider web-like crack with a diameter of one meter spread out at the point where the arrow landed.


so quiet!
The eyes of every female warrior are full of disbelief.

After a brief shock, they burst into loud cheers.


"Macho, I want to have a baby with you!"

"Choose me! Pick me—"

The girls in Gotham nightclubs can show off their beauty, but they can be more or less polite.And these Amazon female warriors are enthusiastic and unrestrained, showing off their beautiful bodies wantonly, which is very similar to the yachting area in New York Harbor.

Facing a group of female wolves who surrounded him, Ange felt a toothache.

Diana giggled beside her: "Don't worry, they're just talking."


"You have fully demonstrated your strength. Female fighters without the title of Duel Champion are not qualified to harass you."

"Wait! Why are there still more than a hundred people rushing over?" An Ge was a little panicked.

"They are all champion fighters!"

An Ge suddenly understood: Paradise Island has been here for so many years, even if there is a fighting competition once a year, these descendants of gods with long lives can still save a lot of fierce girls.

He got it!
Human energy is limited.

Girls are unlimited.

Fighting the infinite with the limited, he will lose.

I used to think that being an emperor would be cool, but after trying it, I realized that he is only a few girls, so he is about to become a master of time management.

Don't talk about three thousand harems, it's really three digits...


He doesn't have to do anything.

The corner of Ange's mouth raised, and a faint elemental force swayed away. It was a dual elemental force mixed with wind and fire.This force is not necessarily lethal.

It can also turn into a deadly killing field in an instant.

This semi-circular energy field is like a curtain, rejecting any Amazon female warrior who is not strong enough to approach.

Lifting the curtain is not easy.

A fierce girl who was not afraid of death stretched out her finger and lightly touched the light curtain, and her nails were scorched black immediately.

On the contrary, a few female warriors, who were astonishing at first glance, strode over in a daze.

The wind and fire elements, which seemed extremely unstable, seemed to be frightened when they were less than five centimeters away from their bodies, and ran away by themselves.

It seemed that when they walked through it, it was like passing through a water curtain that was harmless to humans and animals, relaxed and comfortable.

This scene naturally fell into the eyes of the leading Penthesilea sisters.

"Oh, dear sister, don't you think this is very like the first time you saw Hercules?"

"Sister, don't make fun of me. I'm already past that age." Hippolyta said very cryptically.She is already an elder, so she doesn't want to get involved, but on the other hand, she is quite satisfied with the hunk helper recruited by this daughter, and doesn't mind her men approaching him.

It is true that the Amazon is a matrilineal clan, but the strongest female warriors and powerful men give birth to even stronger female warriors. This is a kind of honor and a kind of inheritance.

She and Zeus gave birth to Diana, which is the best proof.

The Amazons respect the strong most, and Angelo has done such a thing, so he naturally became the guest of honor.

The passionate Greek music is played, coupled with the wild and heroic sword dance of the Amazons, this kind of dinner can be described as quite exciting.

Ange has no doubts, as long as he dares to nod, the banquet will even change, and he is the unique C position.

Ange... looked around for something similar to a wooden fish, and wanted to accumulate some merit for himself.

In this world, he has the blood of the Wayne family.

He doesn't necessarily resist or fear this, but he has priorities, and he will never go crazy when the enemy is approaching the city.

The queen sisters on the main seat were almost talking about the old days, and Hippolyta personally filled a glass of fine wine with a golden goblet and walked over.

"Thank you! The great hero Kratos who killed Achilles, no, I should call you Ange, it was you who saved my sister from the curse of fate and returned to me safely. I represent heaven Thank you from all the Amazons of the island!"

"This is also the choice of [Fate]." Ange knew that humility would not work for the Amazons.He sat down and accepted Hippolyta's thanks frankly.

"As a thank you! You can choose any low-level artifact in my treasury as a reward for you." Hippolyta's light golden hair accompanied her bright eyes with a flash: "Of course, you are also eligible Take away any Amazon female warrior on the island except me."

This is a heavy load.

Ange suddenly felt strange, and teased: "Including Diana?"

When Wonder Woman next to her heard it, her cheeks turned red. She really wanted to punch Ange, but she felt embarrassed in the public.

The Queen of Paradise Island in front of her was stunned for a moment, and then said softly: "You know what mission she has on her shoulders."

"I know."

"If she accomplished her mission, then my answer is still yes - including Diana!"

This is very generous.

Anger didn't know how other people felt. Anyway, with the approval of the legendary 'mother-in-law', Anger was not afraid that Diana would run away.

You respect me a foot, and I respect you a foot.

Ange was very satisfied with Hippolyta's generosity, and he stretched out his hand for Helen to fill the glass: "I also offer a toast to Your Majesty. Your generosity has illuminated the entire Aegean Sea."

There is no doubt that this is an extremely high praise.

Especially from the mouth of the great hero who killed Achilles.

The atmosphere instantly became heated, and the Amazon girls next to them were clamoring wildly, shouting all kinds of Amazon slang that Ange couldn't understand, most of them were expressing their excitement or something.

"In the name of the gods—let us defeat Ares together!" Hippolyta threw the cup, grabbed Ang's wrist with one hand, and held it up high.

"Defeat Ares!" Anger yelled approvingly.

The atmosphere of the banquet suddenly reached its climax.

Wine, music, dancing, and the noise continued until dawn.

At noon the next day, Ange was awakened by the rumbling guns of the giant ship.

Finding that the person next to him was Penthesilea, An Ge secretly said: "It's okay."

After freshening up, they found Penthesilea.

Anger said bluntly, "What's the situation with Ares now?"

"The siege has been going on for three months. But he hid and did not attack Paradise Island directly. It may be that only his followers are at the core of the fleet."

After Hippolyta finished speaking, Diana, who obviously changed her role after returning, stood up: "We estimate that Ares was also seriously injured in the last battle with the gods, so he needs [war] to increase his strength. .When he has accumulated all his strength, it will be the end of Paradise Island."

"[War]? I'm so familiar with the First World War."

"Really?" Diana smiled mysteriously, and spread out the latest version of the world map.

Ange was dumbfounded when he saw it.

There used to be a very classic question: Why did World War II last longer than World War I?
Answer: Because Japan and Germany are more fierce!
In his concept, Germany carried the banner during World War I and World War II.

But what the hell is the [Greek Empire] that spans Eurasia on this map?

(End of this chapter)

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