Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 320 Counterattack

Chapter 320 Counterattack

Time, space, and fate, these three bugs have the same ability, and getting one of them is already outrageous.Not to mention that Doctor Strange mainly focuses on [time], and the other two are so proficient.

Even if his physical fitness is slightly poor, these three tricks alone are enough for him to occupy a big position in the entire Marvel world.

The last general in command of the Thanos Legion is in trouble. If this is a traditional legion, it will probably collapse.

Fortunately, the vanguard guards are all martyr-like lunatics, and the Chitauri biochemical soldiers also don't know what fear is, and the situation on the scene is still maintained.

It's just that no one expected that a huge undead ferocious wolf entered randomly.


A distant roar to the sky awakened the same distant memory of the people on earth.For Wakanda, who are quite close to natural creatures, this sound is not unfamiliar.

There are African wolves in Africa, but they are not the kind of huge wolves that appear in film and television works all the year round, such as Siberian wolves. African wolves are about 130 centimeters in length and relatively small in size.

What the hell is this huge mountain-like monster in front of me?

It is also more than 100 meters long. The unit of the problem is meters, not centimeters!
When it strode forward like a merry-go-round, its movements were already very light compared to its huge size, but the nearly eight-meter-long giant palm imprinted on the ground still gave the world a thunderous feeling, and even the heartbeat couldn't help being confused.

Sif, who was covered in blood, had a weird face on her face: "Fenrir..."

The world-destroying demon wolf in the legend of the Asa Protoss has now become the watchdog of the allies. This feeling seems to be taken over by the 'tauren', which is always strange.

The only thing that is certain is that this demon wolf is here to help in the battle.

[Wheel of Destruction] Although it is huge, the demon wolf Fenrir is even bigger.

The 20-story-high big wheel is like a big toy in front of the demon wolf with the same shoulder height (shoulder height is not body length).

Crackling, the first batch of ten wheels of destruction that poured into the protective shield were all crushed by Fenrir.

Originally, the Asgardian army formation had been crushed by this huge war machine. I don’t know how many soldiers were killed. Breaking the formation does not mean collapse. Just when the [Wheel of Destruction] car arrived in the front line, the demon wolf killed it.

The Wheel of Destruction turned into broken plates and fell heavily to the ground, shocking the entire battlefield.

Sif had a strange feeling. She always felt that Kratos had expected the Thanos Legion to do this?

In any case, the allies are strong, they can't stretch their hips!
"Warriors of Asgard, follow me to kill the enemy!" Sif raised the sword of the earth and led the charge.

Thanos' offensive began to fall apart.

Most of Thanos' subordinates have no fear at all, and there is no so-called retreat. What really leads to the collapse is the extremely exaggerated battle loss exchange ratio between the two sides.

Fenrir, the world-destroying demon wolf, is the unstoppable pioneer.

Under its huge wolf paws, the mere vanguard is nothing more than a bedbug trampled to death; even with the largest laser cannon on the Chitauri, it will be swallowed by the strong death breath of its body as soon as it hits it, and the halo will not even sway; the Leviathan flying giant, which can be compared with Fenrir in terms of size, is too slow and clumsy in front of Fenrir.


Once Fenrir approached within a thousand meters, regardless of whether Leviathan was in the sky or on the ground, Fenrir made an exaggerated jump, directly biting off Leviathan's neck in the air, and slammed it to the ground.

Its size and combat power determine that unless Black Day Five comes close, its charge is invincible.

"What is this?" President Ellis, who was far away in the Pentagon in America, nervously watched the live broadcast on the big screen.

The black general Swanwick replied in an uncertain tone: "Mr. President, if our conjecture is correct, this should be Fenrir, the demon wolf who destroyed the world in Norse mythology. Fortunately, according to our observations, it should belong to our side."

"Didn't you report it before?" What the President actually asked was that the Fulian and Zhenglian didn't say hello to them?

"No. I'm afraid that the information will be leaked, so let's use this as a trump card."

The details of the battle that destroyed Asgard were almost unknown to the high-level senior officials in the United States. They only knew that Asgard was blown up, and Thor and others brought an army to the earth for temporary refuge.

Who knew that he brought a demon wolf, Fenrir, with him!

Scary to death, okay!

But now is not the time to worry about this matter, all the generals are looking at the president, waiting for his order.

"What are you doing in a daze? Follow the counterattack!"

On the ground, the Asgardian Legion raised golden banners representing pursuit, and they threw themselves into the counter-charge after a while.

With Fenrir and the Asgardians taking the lead, the Wakanda on the two wings and the mechanized troops of the coalition also followed,

Looking down from the spy satellites above the entire battlefield, one can clearly see that the battlefield, which is more than ten kilometers in length and width, has begun to show signs of being one-sided.

The air force of the Chitauri was finally defeated, because the coalition planes needed to take off from the air force bases of the countries surrounding Wakanda, gather to form an air queue, and then fly over.

Of course, the Chitauri Air Force was showered with massive surface-to-air missiles before the fighter planes arrived.

Thousands of white missiles streaked across the sky, like a wall rising in mid-air, and swept towards it like a hurricane passing through. In the blink of an eye, more than half of the densely packed Chitauri airships in the sky fell, and the remaining airships had to face the encirclement and suppression brigade composed of thousands of different fighter planes, which is unprecedented in human history.

It was in such a general environment that General Deathblade ushered in his own end.

As the leader of the five generals of Obsidian, his death method is not as useless as in the movie. He picked up his weapon for Vision, and it was done with a mediocre backstab.

This guy is the fiercest one under Thanos, and his body has the characteristic of indestructibility.

Wonder Woman and Penthesilea chopped or stabbed the magic weapon more than once, pierced his heart, and cut off his neck. However, this guy is like the legendary slime monster or undead, and there is no so-called vital point at all.

Rao is [Achilles] and [Hector], the two magic weapons are amazingly destructive, constantly destroying the body tissues of General Deathblade, and it is still possible to see that the lost limbs or biological tissues of this guy are recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Aw!" This time, it was the Hulk who was ruthless, and rushed forward to carry a blow from General Deathblade that almost pierced his arm, tearing General Deathblade's body in half on the spot.

Wow!The absolute cruelty index of this scene exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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