Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 329 [Time] Is Playing a Rogue

Chapter 329 [Time] Is Playing a Rogue

"[Time] is not used like this!" Doctor Strange complained to Ange.

"Since 【Time】has given only two possibilities, why not?" Anger's words were also riddles.

The doctor understands, Ange knows that the doctor understands, and the doctor knows that Ange understands.

It sounds convoluted, but compared to the possibility that he almost lost himself, it seems that Anger's new possibility is better.

Doctor Strange obeyed.

As a magic wand, when using the power of [Agamoto's Eye], the handprints and formulas are pleasing to the eye no matter how you look at them.

Only Thanos on the opposite side had a bitter face.

He watched Doctor Strange use [Time Gem], but he couldn't stop it. After all, Ange just used the power of [Space] to transfer the power of his [Power Gem]!

Thanos still doesn't know that in history, he held up his glove, and with a push, he crushed an asteroid with a diameter of at least ten kilometers away dozens of kilometers away on the spot, and then controlled it with the power of the space gem, and smashed it out The most man-made meteor shower in history.

In that scene, Thanos's force was directly full.

Today, he can certainly use the [Power Gem] to crush the asteroid, but the two gems [Space] and [Time] are opposite!

What's even more murderous is that the other party is obviously telling him with actions——[Time Stone] is used in this way!

No matter what the other party wants to do, just give the other party what they want and it's over.

"Huh!" Thanos snorted angrily, striding forward, this time the fist he swung out from the air was no longer purely the energy of the purple [Power Gem], but also the orange soul power.

The combined power of the two gemstones is terrifying. A giant tornado with a diameter of [-] meters is formed instantly, and it will be photographed on the faces of Ange and Doctor Strange in the blink of an eye.

To be honest, the doctor was a little panicked.

Just a little, not much.

Hi!Isn't it just death, and it's not every death. The number of times of death in the hands of Dormammu was less than four digits.

The only concern is whether the Infinity Stones will have power interference with each other.

Now it seems that there is, but it will not interfere completely.

In front of Doctor Strange, Ange raised his left hand from a distance, and on the gray and black counterfeit Infinity Gloves, the blue [space] and yellow [mind] also turned into a cone-shaped tornado, and greeted them from a distance.

Power is offset by space.

You attack my soul, I toss your mind.

come!Hurt each other!

The next moment, Thanos and Ange snorted at the same time, and took three steps backwards.

Thanos suddenly bent forward in frustration, and lowered his proud head: "Gamora! Gamora! I'm sorry for my father! I actually love you very much. Can you forgive Papa?"

shock!The famous Thanos of the universe is actually a daughter-in-law! ?
An Ge suddenly forged a whip with divine power, and whipped something in the air: "As long as you have the courage, Sadako will be on maternity leave! I really have no days! Tell me! Whose name is Sadako?"

shock!Anger, the world-famous god of war, won't let go of even ghosts! ?

A grand social death came so suddenly, both sides suddenly had a wonderful feeling of not knowing what to say.

Well, great beings always have quirky weaknesses.

Da Chao... finally made a move. Although Ange secretly asked him to take advantage of Thanos's disease in the soul circuit just now to take advantage of Thanos's life, Da Chao was too upright, so he hesitated for a while, but the Wonder Woman next door to Da Chao Not so much nonsense.

Diana gouged out someone's eyes and rushed towards him like lightning.

Who would have expected Thanos to 'see' Diana killing him, and murmured with dazed eyes: "Gamora, have you returned from hell? Wait a minute, I don't mind your revenge. As long as I My long-cherished wish has been fulfilled."

"Die! Thanos!" Diana, who had known for a long time that Gamora was a green-skinned female orc, had a feeling of being out of breath, and the force of this sword was even fiercer.


It must be admitted that the combat power of Thanos is absolutely unmatched in the world.

At the moment when the Excalibur [Hector] slashed his neck, Thanos woke up again and twisted his neck at the last moment. Even though one of his main arteries was still severed by the Excalibur, he escaped. The fate of being decapitated on the spot, and Yu Yu kicked Diana away in turn.

It's just that Dachao's Kryptonian fist made Thanos feel less comfortable.

With a loud "bang", Thanos was blasted half a kilometer away, hit a rocky mountain, and was embedded in the mountain, let alone nearly a hundred meters.

Turned into an ordinary existence, the main artery in the neck was cut off, and he was hit by a thousand-ton Kryptonian punch, so he died long ago and couldn't die anymore.

However, the [Power Gem] made Thanos' physical strength reach an unbelievable level for mortals.

Not only did he not die, he made a backhand at the last moment, conjured up his [Tyrant's Double Blades] and gave Da Chao a ruthless blow to the chest.


Da Chao at this time is the body of super Kryptonite that has not been weakened by kryptonite!He was stunned by Thanos' exaggerated sword and severely cut a deep rib wound.

Originally, Thanos still had a chance to inflict more serious damage on Dachao. There are too many strong people on this side of the earth!
At the critical moment, Fulla blasted over like a missile, and kicked Thanos's war blade, making Thanos feel a bit like a failure.

After the second round of the confrontation, it seemed that there were many losses.

In fact, only Thanos was injured!

In front of Purple Sweet Potato Jing, a small space suddenly pressed the 'rewind button'.

Dachao was pleasantly surprised to find that the wound on his chest healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.To be precise, this is not healing, but Doctor Strange has brought time back to the moment before Da Chao was injured.

With a light push from the doctor, Da Chao's body left the space where time goes backwards.

Immediately afterwards, the trio of Guardians of the Galaxy — Star-Lord, Destroyer, and Mantis — who had just died suddenly, were surprised to find themselves alive.

"I'm not dead?" Xingjue touched his lower body that should have been crushed.

Uneasy, this guy actually tore off his trousers in public and took a look, before letting out a long sigh of relief.

"Uh..." The widow and other heroines were speechless.

In fact, despite the fact that Star-Lord's father, Yi Ge, is a living planet that has lived for millions of years, he is a god.Even if Xingjue can really inherit his father's talent, he won't be able to become a god.Perhaps the only god he can become is—harmonious god!

Only then did Xingjue belatedly look at Doctor Strange who was dressed as a magician: "You saved me? Thank you."

"No! I'm just the one who works part-time. He's the one who wants to save you." The serious doctor seemed not to be tainted with Star-Lord's stupidity, and took a step back with a little disgust, then pointed at Ange.

Ange raised his eyelids: "Can you calm down after dying once? If you don't calm down, then die again."

"Uh..." Xingjue was embarrassed.

Compared with the harmonious atmosphere here, Thanos crawled out of the rubble, his face sank like water.

For the time being, he has found out the details of the other party - he finally knows why Dormammu retreated, and the guy who plays with [Time] is a rogue.So what if he is stronger?He can kill the opponent a thousand times, and the opponent dares to resurrect a thousand times to show him.

In contrast, he only needs to miss once, and he is finished.

 Make up silently.

  My hard drive is gone, 55555
(End of this chapter)

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