Chapter 333
"The resources of the universe are limited after all! You can stop me, but you can't stop the disputes in the universe!" Thanos was about to die, he made such a sound from his head that kept flying high, and at the end of his life, he murmured dully He muttered to himself: "Death and destruction will come eventually, why not purify the world first before complete destruction?"

Ange withdrew the [Sword of God of War] from the portal, and looked at Thanos's head that began to fall after losing the thrust, and heaved a long sigh:

"I never thought of stopping all the disputes in the world. Sometimes, whether disputes or wars, this is also the driving force for all races to move forward. Maybe one day human beings will be destroyed, and even the entire solar system will be wiped out. But every race Have your own ideas. When you can't convince each other, and you can't quell the conflict, then [war]!"

Thanos looked at the [God of War] rooted in the earth in front of him, with a wry smile on his broken mouth: "That's it. At least in this life, you won."

In the final vision, the overlord of the Titan star saw his other opponent, Thor, raised his hands lightly, and slammed down the huge battle ax...

Thanos, the overlord of this universe, has just fallen!
"Lord Thanos is dead!"

"The tyrant is dead!"


The death of Thanos symbolizes the end of an era.

The two most important forces under Thanos made completely different responses at this time.

In the sky, countless blue light spots began to climb rapidly.

Those were Chitauri's large and small spaceships, regardless of whether they were biochemical soldiers or Chitauri's own people, they received the order from the leader and began to evacuate the battlefield as quickly as possible.

Thanos, their biggest backer, is dead, but their race still has to multiply and run to the future.

At the moment when the lord passed away, the judgment made by the leader of the Chitauri was to preserve the combat power to the maximum extent, in case of the counterattack of the various races that were deeply ravaged by Thanos.

This is the cosmic version of Whale Fall.

The passing of an overlord means that the territory he controls will immediately fall into maximum chaos.

The Chitauri wants to run, the Vanguard does the opposite.

They launched the most fearless charge towards the temple where Ange was.

Death is their destination!

It was their greatest regret that they could not die in the hands of Thanos during his lifetime.So after the death of Thanos, these fanatical creatures who love death decided-they at least have to die for the lord.

Even if you die, you will die on the way to the charge.

Only this time, they not only have to face the Asgardian army rushing from Wakanda, but also face the countless heroic spirits under the command of the God of War.

In this vast desert, the intensity of the war does not seem to be decreasing in the slightest.

It's just that most of the strongest superheroes chose to stop, leaving the rest to the second and third line heroes to work on.

Sometimes, this is also a kind of respect.

In front of An Ge, Da Chao and Fulla spat out a mouthful of blood.

"It's not dead, is it?"

Facing An Ge's question with a bit of a bad taste, Da Chao's expression was wonderful: "I still can't accept your cold joke."

On the contrary, Fulla said solemnly: "Let's bask in the sun!"

After all, Fulla's slender body turned into a rocket launched on the spot, broke through the speed of sound with a whimper, and then continued to accelerate, easily breaking through the atmosphere.

She wanted to absorb the most sunlight above the atmosphere, and she was also attacking those Chitauri space battleships by the way.

Da Chao hesitated for a moment, but also followed.

Over there, after killing the last Leviathan, Diana and Penthesilea, who were covered in blood, returned to Anger in a chariot.

"Wow!" Ange used a small water magic to help them temporarily wash away the unpleasant stench on their bodies.


"At least for the time being..." The two Amazon girls felt a little unsatisfied. After all, with Da Chao and Ange around, it was not their turn to be the main attackers.

At this time, the damaged Iron Man came down, and Tony opened the mask: "Although I don't want to spoil the fun, I can ask, is that Darkseid still coming?"

"Come on." Ange said lightly.

"Oh, that's really bad news. I hope he's late anyway."

"Tony, learn about Murphy's Law."


Murphy's Law - simply put, that bad things that lead to catastrophe have to happen.

right!Strong enemies will still come.

But before that day comes, you can still take a little rest.

At this time, Peter also came back. Although his nano-spider suit has a self-repair function, there are several scorched black marks on it, which seems to have not been repaired yet.

"Next question, Mr. Wayne, what if we get rid of Darkseid as well?"

Anger suddenly smiled: "Then before the death of a few key heroes, the earth will be one of the safest planets in the universe."

The heavenly father boss is not a Chinese cabbage.

A heavenly father-level existence will often occupy a small or even a large galaxy.

Back then, Master Gu Yi defended the earth for thousands of years, but anyone with a brain and knowledge of the universe would not come to the earth to deliver food.Only monsters (aliens) who don't have eyes keep coming and going.

Similarly, Odin has been in the universe for thousands of years. Although there are small rebellions in the nine countries from time to time, large-scale wars did not happen until Odin fell.

This is the prestige that came out.

Think about it, if Thanos, the sub-celestial parent, and Darkseid, the celestial father, also fell on the earth, then who would come to the earth to deliver food casually without being short-sighted?

At this time, Batman and Doctor Strange also came.

Master Bat said in a deep voice: "The next question is very important - how to deal with this thing?"

Everyone followed his words and looked at Thanos' body. The golden infinity gauntlet was still on Thanos' left hand. On the armor on the back of the hand, the purple [Power Gem] and the orange [Soul Gem] were exuding mysterious light .

Everyone was silent for a while.

"This is the source of strife." Sif said suddenly.

The expression on Thor's face is wonderful: "Asgard once tried to separate the Infinity Stones for safekeeping."

Heimdall interface: "Obviously we failed."

Not abusing the power of the Infinity Stones is of course good intentions.

According to the Celestial Dynasty, everyone is innocent and conceived his crime.

Possessing such a powerful treasure would have attracted the prying eyes of countless Xiaoxiao and even lords.

Even if you don't use it, it will cause countless troubles in itself.

Just look at how many times they competed for [Space Gem] before the reunion.

Holding this thing, it is almost annoying to be worried about by the enemy from morning to night.

"What do you guys think?" Tony asked.

"Leave it to Ange!" Thor said suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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