Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 60 Look!your idol

Chapter 60 Look!your idol

Most afraid of the air suddenly quiet!
This is a big misunderstanding!

For a moment, the Lance sisters behind Ang were all ready to show their 'professionalism' and couldn't laugh at anything.

But ah, the key difference between pretending to be a failure and being awesome is-whether you can turn the force back.

In the darkness, the burly figure of Kratos stepped out suddenly, and a terrifying aura that was as strong as it was real filled the entire underground passage in an instant.

The fierce and unparalleled eyes stared at Catwoman, and the rough goatee squirmed in sync with the cruel scar on the right eye, like an ancient beast chewing the flesh of its prey.

"Selena Kyle! How you take my words is one thing, how you do it is another."

Simple truth!

If Catwoman yearns for the light and is determined to help Batman, then she will naturally tell the whole story of her safety and pray for the protection of the guardian of Gotham City.

It's a pity that Catwoman had already made her choice before meeting Batman, so even if the words of 'Kratos' caused a misunderstanding, even if it had the effect of pushing hands, in the end all responsibility still rests with Catwoman.

Catwoman trembled all over.

Of course she knew that the terrifying man in front of her was the recently famous Kratos.

She will never forget how Kratos violently killed Dr. Lizard and Electron in full view, and beat up Harry Osborn who was the second generation of the Green Goblin. for acquaintances.

The layman watches the fun, and the layman watches the doorway.

Even after only seeing the blurry image on the TV, Catwoman knew that she was definitely not Kratos' opponent.

Batman is famous for not killing people. In a sense, the price of betraying Batman will not be too serious. His moral cleanliness has made him and restrained him.At least betraying Batman won't kill him.

Kratos is not!

This lord may be regarded as a righteous camp, but he is a murderer without blinking an eye.

At this time, seeing Kratos's appearance of "I wash my ears and listen to your sophistry", of course Catwoman will not pin her life on whether the other party will show "kindness and mercy".

No longer showing off her sexy figure, Catwoman's movements are more agile than others imagined.

A flash bomb slammed into the ground, and the next moment, the passageway was like daylight.

Catwoman rushed towards Bain's secret stronghold without looking back.

Although the other party doesn't want to see her, he certainly doesn't want to see Kratos.

It must be admitted that Catwoman's natural sense of danger allows her to make a perfect judgment that can be called a textbook.

Unfortunately, she judged the path correctly, but judged the difficulty wrong.

Catwoman has let go of all her senses to identify possible traps in the darkness, but sadly, she was still caught.

"Ah!" Catwoman let out a scream, and staggered and fell to the ground.

With her agility, this was originally impossible.

Her performance was extremely funny.

After some dancing, the whole person's body was at a strange 45-degree angle with the ground.

The more she struggled, the slower her movements became.

After struggling for just a few seconds, she gave up as she finally discovered the culprit who had restrained her.

"Spider Silk!?" Her voice was full of desperate trills: "Is Spider-Man yours?"

"It's [Ghost Spider]!" Accompanied by a proud female voice from not far above her head, Catwoman barely raised her still movable head, and saw the slim female figure hanging upside down on the ceiling of the underground passage.

Catwoman's heart sank to the bottom of the abyss of despair.

She has been feeling guilty since she decided to betray Batman.She worked hard to clear her criminal files, isn't it a sign of a bright heart?

A real strong person doesn't care about the appearance on his arrest warrant, but only cares about how many zeros there are in the bounty.

The higher the bounty offered, the more valuable it is!

No matter how many crimes I commit, as long as the police can't catch me, it doesn't matter how high the reward is.

She cared, so she said she could be saved.

It's a pity that yearning for the light does not conflict with yielding to the darkness. She lacks strength and has the weakness that almost all slum girls share.

This is why Catwoman is often double-faced, wandering between good and evil.

At this moment, Catwoman felt that she was done.

A kui ye can't deal with it, but a hero like Spiderman who is also highly sensitive and has the ability to control Tiantian can overcome her!

There were small footsteps behind her, and it was clear that Kratos was not alone, besides him, there were several female footsteps.

Just where she couldn't see, Ange snapped his fingers.

"You two, two shifts, keep an eye on Batman. Don't save him unless his life is in danger. Since he's failed, it's good to let him sober up. Use him as bait for the time being. "

"Yes!" [Katana] and [Huntress] nodded at the same time.

When Ange called them over, they thought about many possibilities, but they never thought that they would witness Batman being captured by Bane with their own eyes.

What a humiliation this is!
Firstly, they were more or less lamented by Batman's failure.

Secondly, they felt that their boss was protesting to them, as if saying——Look!Your chosen idol!
You know, before they joined Ange, they always wanted to hang out with Batman.

Now they both have nothing to think about.

After the two of them disappeared, Ange continued to arrange: "Miss [Ghost Spider], please wait until Bain is away and thoroughly investigate Bain's lair. I feel a strange aura."

A cold light flashed in Gwen's eyes, and she suddenly realized: "Got it."

When Gwen left, Catwoman knew that it was finally her turn.

The only thing she didn't expect was that this Kratos also had the ability to manipulate spider silk.

Uh, it doesn't seem to be as smooth as the female Spider-Man, but he seems to have sufficient experience in dealing with spider silk.

First, two thick iron chains tied her body tightly, and then a cloth full of anesthetics covered her mouth and nose.

After a while, two women who looked like female robots with a very hot figure came up behind him and burned the spider silk in the passage with a small flamethrower.

After some time, Catwoman came to her senses and found herself in a basement.

Then again, it's also full of spider silk.

As soon as she woke up, she was so frightened that all the [-] pores on her body stood up.

and many more!

Could Spider-Man's real body be a real big spider?

Are they dragging me back to the lair to eat?
There will be terrible poison injected into my body, and then all the organs in my skin will be liquefied, and the last tube will be sucked clean?

Don't blame Catwoman for thinking too much.

After all, this bizarre world is so outrageous.

At this time, Kratos' voice came again: "Are you awake?"
ps: I feel a little uncomfortable tonight, the next update will be at noon tomorrow. sorry!
 A little uncomfortable tonight, the next update will wait until noon tomorrow. sorry!
(End of this chapter)

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