Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 62 Playing Big Secretly

Chapter 62 Playing Big Secretly

In the original history, before Bane started his Gotham destruction plan, he got Batman to Penaduro's prison in the Caribbean Republic of Santa Prisca where he grew up.

A pregnant woman was brought here many years ago and gave birth to a boy in prison who will bear all the consequences for the crimes committed by his father.This boy is Bane - trapped in this dark and sinful prison forever since he was born, until he escaped from birth and came to Gotham to start his domineering career.

In the duel, he defeated Batman, the only guardian of Gotham, and broke Batman's spine. This is known as the "Battle of Broken Back" in history.

As a troublesome villain, ahem, Bane decided to let Mr. Guardian of Gotham taste his pain back then, so it was right to throw Bruce to this prison.

This life seems to be a bit different.

"What? Batman is still locked in a cage underground?" Ange frowned after receiving the communication from [Huntress]: "Sure enough, this is not a simple Gotham riot."

Ange decided to stand still, while Bane over there started his grand performance as brazenly as in history.

He first led his troops into the headquarters of the Wayne Group, and after killing several guards, he took Lucius Fox, who was the chairman of the board of directors, and Miranda Tate, who was disguised as a victim, and an ordinary shareholder in a whirlwind. Kidnapped to the underground world in one go.

This undoubtedly triggered the rebellion of the mayor of Gotham, and immediately ordered the hard-working Chief Gordon to lead all the police into the sewer to save people.

"This is a shame! If so many patriotic businessmen are taken away by criminals and the police do nothing, will there be any businessmen coming to Gotham City to invest in the future?"

Don't say that the official level crushes people to death, even with such a big influence on public opinion, Gordon can't do nothing.

Originally, he had a plan to second the New York City police to help clean up the gangsters in the sewers. Now, after discussing with several police chiefs, he immediately decided to act according to this plan.


Tens of thousands of policemen stepped into Baine's trap magnificently.


Most of the openings of the lower tunnels are constructed with added cement, which usually looks like cement, but can actually be detonated.

All of a sudden, tens of thousands of police officers were trapped in the sewer.

However, it is slightly different from the history:
"Hi! Dude, how did you prepare everything so comprehensively?"

The police officers in Gotham City looked dumbfounded, watching their colleagues from New York take out a lot of things from their backpacks:

Oversized power banks, emergency lights, plastic film for flooring, a large number of compressed biscuits of different flavors, canned vegetables, water purification tablets for purifying sewage...

He meows!
People who didn't know thought they were going camping in the primeval forest.

The police in New York City were also somewhat confused: "We don't know, anyway, this is the order from above - each person prepares food and water for two people, at least [-] days."

Gotham Police: "..."

On the ground, there are no more than 90% of the police, and there is no existence that can check and balance Bain. He took a large number of younger brothers, rushed into a stadium where the Super Bowl football game was being held, and directly announced that he would kidnap the entire city.

"This is a nuclear fusion reactor! It is also a big baby that can send you all to the sky! I, Bane, hereby declare to take over Gotham City! No one can leave this city, who dare not get my permission Step out of this city, and I will reduce this city of 1200 million people to ashes!"

Bain launched the nuclear scientist he kidnapped, and the rising radiation level at the scene also told the old US government that this thing can be used as a nuclear weapon.

Thus, the most outrageous scene in Gotham City happened.

The National Guard blocked every bridge to Gotham City for the Mafia.

You know, Gotham is a city built on a large island. Once the bridge is blocked, only waterways can leave Gotham.

In fact, winter is starting now.

Much of the waterway between Gotham and the mainland is frozen over.

The ice layer is not thick, and people who walk on it will definitely fall into the ice cave and drown.

But the ice layer gave the defenders an excellent view. Anyone who tried to run out would be seen, and would either be caught and sentenced to death, or let them fall into the ice cave and drown.

Bain and his people began to run amok in the city. They incited the people's hatred of the rich, encouraged the poor to plunder the mansions of the rich, and hanged the social moths they called rich and unkind to the street lamps, or exiled them to ice. face, fell into the ice cave and died.

Everything seems to be the same as the original history, except for a few intruders.

"Hey, Ange, it seems that you are really wise to put your home in the suburbs of Gotham." Gwen hung upside down on the spider's thread, as if playing a boring time, swinging from side to side, floating over to nibble on Ange from time to time Two bites.

Anger ignored Gwen, but focused on the image from [Huntress].

In the center of the picture is a very scary door frame located in the underground space of Gotham.

This terrifying door frame is ten meters high and four meters wide, and the whole body is made of human bones.

It's not the white bones dug out from the cemetery, but... the bones that were peeled off after killing a living person, and still have bloodshot bones.

The victims were the rich who were executed by the people under Baine's instigation.

Among them is Mr. Daggett, an old acquaintance of Catwoman and the former second shareholder of Wayne Group.

Anger didn't even send the video of Daggett's end to Catwoman. After describing it, the big beauty vomited tragically on the other end of the phone.

"Enough! Kratos, don't you know what it means to be sympathetic?"

"If you're really a little girl who doesn't understand anything..."

"Huh!" Catwoman hated Kratos's teeth.

In her heart, she had to look at Kratos again.

As long as Bane is executed in the end, it will prove that Kratos is the most skilled chess player who controls everything, and even Batman is just a pawn on his chessboard.

"Kratos, what are you waiting for?"

"A shock! Or, an accident that is destined to happen!" Ange started to be a riddle again.

"Hope you're right." Catwoman hung up the phone.

Next to Ang, Gwen continued to dangle in mid-air while Sarah put a peeled grape into Ang's mouth.For them who have experienced several zombie incidents, it is not surprising what happened next.

Rather, this time it was purely Ange fishing on purpose, wanting to see how the guys from the zombie universe came to this world.

For three days in a row, Bane has been doing all kinds of anti-human and anti-social things on the surface.He even got the secret workshop where Batman and Lucius worked together, and got a few high-tech tanks on the same level as the Batmobile.

While Bane ruled Gotham for the time being, he was also very happy to hate the old and beautiful commander.

In the dark, the bloody door at the bottom of Gotham is finally about to open.

(End of this chapter)

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