Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 70 Dad, You Are Buffed

Chapter 70 Dad, You Are Buffed

This time, Bruce Wayne under the bat mask showed a rare anxious expression.

If you can't even deal with his heavy firepower, if you switch to the military, those guys will only use stronger firepower to deal with this monster.

What kind of cloud bomb, what kind of tactical nuclear bomb, Gotham City will not want it by then.

"Yo! Need help?" A playful voice came from Batman's communication channel.

"Hey, Tony, are you done?" Ange's voice came from the communication.

"Of course! There is nothing Iron Man can't handle." Tony is such a flamboyant man.

It was a bit harsh to Master Wayne's ears: "My missile can't handle him. It's a high-energy explosive with the equivalent of 300 pounds of TNT. Do you have a plan B?"

"I could try laser cutting. The problem is I can only do it once."

Anger didn't know the stage of Tony's development of Iron Man, and he barely judged that it was a Mark-4 based on its appearance.Logically speaking, this thing is not particularly strong.

Since Tony said that there is a laser transmitter, there is still Debo.

Anger said: "It's difficult for me to cooperate with your heavy firepower. Why don't you blast a wave, and I'll go up and see if I can suppress his actions?"



The historic first cooperation between DC and Marvel, the two major scientific research madmen, immediately filled the scene with light pollution.

The Bat fighter's cannon combined with the shock beam from Iron Man's palm plowed the ruins around Bane over and over again.

Even if it is difficult for Baine to make an effective counterattack, the two of them can't take Baine down either.

At this moment, the portal that had just stopped for a while started to move again.

Layers of dark green light floated around the portal made of bones, and even the blood in the original blood pool began to turn a disgusting dark green due to the pollution of this light.

Not only that, a large number of frightening cavities appeared around the portal in the blink of an eye—after the construction debris such as reinforced concrete and concrete collided with this ray of light, no matter whether the essence was stone or metal, they were all melted and swallowed at once. disappeared without a trace.

Accompanied by a dense and strange atmosphere, they swarmed out of the portal, and half a person appeared on the electronic screens of Iron Man and Batman at the same time.

Half a person!
This should be a woman. She has long black hair that is messy like seaweed. She wears a crescent-shaped headdress and a tube top. Apart from that, the large piece of skin exposed to the air is strangely gray-white.A large number of runes full of evil power seem to be engraved on the skin.

It all came to an abrupt end in her lower abdomen.

Because this female zombie is only in half.

When she crawled out of the portal, she could still see a large section of rotting intestines dragging outside of her body, as well as a large segment of her spine.

Seeing the face she showed when she raised her body, Ange exclaimed on the spot: "Everyone be careful, this is [Witch]!"


What witch?
Her dark green eyes first locked onto Master Wayne who was driving the Bat fighter.

Before Batman had time to react, what was left of her was a wisp of dissipating green smoke.

The next second, when she reappeared, she was already in Batman's cockpit.

"What..." The Batman in this life has lost his knowledge after all.

After beating too many clowns and gang leaders, Batman doesn't have much experience in dealing with extraordinary people.Facing the zombie witch who suddenly killed him, he really had nothing to do.

Under such zero-distance conditions, Master Bat made a movement that even he himself did not expect.


It was a very un-Batman knee bump.

When he was a teenager, Bruce Wayne went to the snow mountain to study art, and learned extraordinary fighting skills from the [Assassin League].And the leader of [League of Assassins] is the mysterious [Ninja Master] Lei Xiaogu.

Although there is also a knee bump in ninja fighting, it is definitely rarely used.

And the next claw strike made Bruce deeply doubt whether he was still himself! ?
Regardless, with this quick instinctive counterattack, Batman grabbed the Witch's face fiercely, leaving shallow claw marks on her stiff face.

The counterattack also ends here.

The next moment, the cockpit door was opened by Batman, and the first person to be knocked out of the cockpit was the Witch.The witch who was completely enraged made a piercing scream, and a series of lightning thunder snakes scattered on her body full of curses.

The Bat Fighter, which couldn't dodge in time, splashed sparks on the spot, lost control, and exploded before hitting the ground, turning into a shining fireball.

It's okay to be born Batman.

He performed nearly a dozen front flips in the air in a magnificent manner, and even without a batsuit to help him glide, he landed on all fours without any injuries.

The only small problem is...

Catwoman, Katana and Huntress said in unison, "Why is Batman so similar to Bronze Tiger?"

A certain instigator dared not speak.

Just at a critical moment, he put all the skills highlighted in the system prompts to the wild father through [Soul Skill Sharing], and instantly added several skills to Lv3 with the red soul.Among them is the [Wild Fighting] skill obtained from Bronze Tiger. He can't use it, but it doesn't mean that Ye Daddy can't use it.

Miraculously, just now Bruce also used the [Wild Rage] skill to withstand the witch's energy impact.

In a fight, Batman didn't know how he survived it.

It's so hard to die, bastard Tony whistled: "Wow, Mr. Bat, is your fighting style so wild?"

Ridicule is ridicule, Tony is not idle.As a humanoid mech, Iron Man can't carry too many heavy firepower weapons. His pen-sized missiles may be useless against the giant Bane, but this does not mean that they are ineffective against the Witch. He shot past him, and almost missed it. .


The witch raised her hand, and the bright electric light spread out, detonating all Iron Man's missiles in mid-air on the spot.

What Tony didn't expect, what he couldn't do, Batman did.

Taking advantage of the Witch's attention being attracted by Iron Man's missile, Master Bat pounced, even if there was a flash of lightning in front of him, he still twisted his body gorgeously in mid-air, turned a corner flexibly, and drew an S-shaped track of progress.

In the end, he passed through the gap between several electric lights, and kicked the witch's face fiercely.

Seeing the witch flying out screaming, Batman was stunned.

"this is me!?"

The improvement in agility made him as light as a swallow.

The increase in wind element resistance allowed him to ignore the aftermath of lightning to a certain extent.

He didn't even know that it was his elder brother who did something good.

Over there, heartbroken by the downgrading of his [Wind Elemental Resistance] skill, An Ge grinned his teeth and whispered: "Father, you have been buffed, send it quickly. Ah no, hurry up!"

(End of this chapter)

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