I'm not just a director

Completely famous

Completely famous
The influence brought by the trip to New York can be said to be huge.

As an international metropolis, New York has almost become a distribution center for world news.

Not only that, New York also has a large number of well-known film magazines.

Like Movie Review.

This is a bimonthly film magazine published by the Film Society of Lincoln Center in New York.

It is very authoritative in New York and even in the whole of the United States.

The magazine includes critics' ratings of films, film reviews, introductions and interviews with filmmakers, and film festivals in various countries.

At the same time, many film magazines and related reports have given high praise to the film.

""Saw" removes the bloody side, its narrative structure, and audio-visual language are master-level.

At the beginning of the new century, I am very pleased to see such a suspenseful horror film that is destined to become a classic. "

"Most movies with suspense elements basically like to have a reversal at the end.

In fact, reversing the plot and subverting cognition are commonly used elements in suspense films.

"Saw" is no exception, but the most special thing is that it is not just an ending reversal.

It's pretty much the entire movie in reverse, and it packs a genius level of punch and inspiration. "

"A perverted murderer with a psychopath, two "prey" who are toyed with in the palm of his hand, struggling to survive, a dark and terrifying underground room, plus ingenious killing tools.

These are all essential elements of a typical American horror movie, and it makes for such a very bloody and brutal movie, which is also more disgusting.

But if a horror movie feels that way, it's more than halfway there in a sense.

"Chain Saw" tells us that it has always hovered at the borderline of morality, which is the most brilliant and amazing part of the movie.

I admire the main creator of this film, director and screenwriter Jiang.

This young director from China is also the director of "Ghost Story" which raked in 1.5 million box office at a small cost of tens of thousands of dollars last year.

Talent may not play a decisive role in Hollywood, but it will definitely make him the darling of capital, and we look forward to his performance in Hollywood. "

"I am looking forward to the release of this movie. I think I will definitely go to the theater to watch it again and call all my friends. After all, this is one of the few high-quality horror suspense movies."


Whether it is film critics or newspapers, they all highly praised and had great expectations for this "Chain Saw".

Of course, there are also some critical voices, which are specifically reflected in the slightly rough film, and there is still room for further improvement.

But at $120 million to make, those voices were quickly drowned out.

As for the entertainment news, the focus was on the interaction between Jiang Pei'an and Marisa at the test screening.

"Marisa's new love, young Chinese director's venture into Hollywood"

The director of "Ghost Story" debuted with a new work, and his girlfriend Marisa gave a kiss on the spot

"Marisa, Manipulated by Mysterious Power, Dedicated to Chinese Director"

The photo of Jiang Pei'an and Marisa embracing each other was printed under the headline in the newspaper.

Thanks to the gossip media, Jiang Pei'an finally felt like a celebrity.

Now when he is walking on the street, from time to time, fans will come up to take pictures and ask for autographs...

Taking advantage of this east wind, Lionsgate has successively added test screenings in several cities.

This made the announcement tour, which was originally a little relaxed, suddenly become urgent.

After all, they still have several cities that they haven't passed.

When Old Brown told Jiang Pei'an to increase the number of test screenings, Jiang Pei'an agreed without thinking.

After all, Zeng Ying is a good thing, which shows that the influence is constantly expanding, and at the same time, it can be publicized to a greater extent!

And these all play a big role in the final box office results.


In the hotel, Jiang Pei'an put down the newspaper, pointed to the headlines of several increasingly outrageous entertainment newspapers, and rubbed his temples wearily:
"Mr. Brown, this is probably the result you want, right?"

Old Brown is holding a movie magazine Elegant Tasting.

Hearing this, he put down the magazine and glanced at the newspaper on the table.

"Jiang, I didn't expect things to turn out like this, but there is good news, right?

According to Tom, you've made headlines in several New York entertainment papers, and they're all out of stock.

To be honest, this result was much better than we expected! "

Jiang Pei'an rolled his eyes, he would rather not have this kind of pornographic news.

In case it is sent back to China...

Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao.

Jiang Pei'an's cell phone rang suddenly, he picked it up and saw that it was Gao Yuanyuan's call.

Generally speaking, the two basically chat by text message, and the number of phone calls is very small.

Gao Yuanyuan called at this time, it should be late at night in China, right?

An ominous premonition came over him.

Jiang Pei'an quickly picked up the phone:
"Hey, what's the matter, Yuanyuan?"

Gao Yuanyuan was silent on the other side, and Jiang Pei'an felt his heart pounding.

"Yuanyuan, are you listening?"

Jiang Pei'an forced himself to calm down and asked.

"I am listening."

Gao Yuanyuan finally spoke, but his voice was hoarse, obviously he had just cried.

"what happened to you?"

Jiang Pei'an asked with concern.

"I, I miss you so much."

Gao Yuanyuan sobbed softly, which made people feel distressed.

"I came to the hospital for an infusion at night alone, and I, I didn't want to call you.

But it's just... I just miss you all of a sudden and want to hear your voice.

I know you are very busy and tired abroad, and I didn't want to disturb you.

But... woo woo woo. "

Hearing Gao Yuanyuan crying, Jiang Pei'an was very sad.

But now he can't rush back to be with him immediately.

"Are you seriously ill? I, I'll find someone to accompany you."

Jiang Pei'an said immediately.

"It's not serious, it's just a stomach problem, it will be fine after the infusion in the ward...

Don't worry about me, just talk to me.

My parents should come over later. "

Gao Yuanyuan said.

Jiang Pei'an nodded, chatted with her, and told her the interesting stories that happened recently.

Gradually, there was no sound from Gao Yuanyuan's side, and the sound of her even breathing came from the receiver.

Jiang Pei'an hung up the phone, and Old Brown asked with concern:

"Jiang, did something happen to your family?"

Jiang Pei'an shook his head, but did not tell about Gao Yuanyuan's illness.

So what if you say it.

At this juncture, Lionsgate is now willing to let him go back to China?
After several rounds of marketing, Jiang Pei'an's popularity gradually increased.

Originally, the focus of this publicity was on him, but now he proposes to return to China?
Not at all realistic!
Jiang Pei'an is also well aware of this truth.

But I don't know how many times this kind of thing will happen in the future.

This time it was Gao Yuanyuan, next time it might be Hu Jing, and next time it might be the parents...

In Jiang Pei'an's heart, for the first time, the idea of ​​returning to China came into being.


(End of this chapter)

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