I'm not just a director

Chapter 128 Jiang Pei'an: Chinese Movies Are Turtles

Chapter 128 Jiang Pei'an: Chinese Movies Are Turtles

The hall of the Beijing Movie Theater was full of voices and crowds.

The movie hall is very large and can accommodate more than 1400 people.

Many movie fans and various media came to support the event.

Sitting in the first row of the auditorium are the main creators and managers of the crew, producers and leading actors.

For example, Han Shanping and some leaders of China Film Group.

Yu Rongguang, Gao Yuanyuan and others also sat in the first row.

As the director, Jiang Pei'an also played a guest role as the host at this premiere.

After all, he is very popular and has the greatest relationship with the movie. Who else is the host of this job.

Jiang Pei'an wore a black trench coat and jeans, very casual and casual.

Following Jiang Pei'an's appearance, there was an immediate commotion in the theater, and the flashes kept flickering.

"Thank you all fans and media reporters for coming, I think there are still some foreign friends.

I don't know if you can understand me when I speak Chinese.

Since you are living in China, you must pass the language test.

Just like when I was directing or roadshowing in Vancouver, the whole conversation was in English.

But English also has dialects, just like when I talked to some actors, he opened his mouth with an authentic London accent.

I was dumbfounded. Is your English a bit standard?For this, he also laughed at each other. "

Jiang Pei'an said with a smile on the stage while holding the microphone.

It sounded a bit like self-deprecating, and everyone smiled slightly.

The opening atmosphere was still very relaxed.

On the stage, Jiang Pei'an glanced at the auditorium.

He saw Hu Jing.

This girl was cheering him up with a tight face and clenched fists.

Gao Yuanyuan sat in the front row and looked at him with a smile on his face, his eyes seemed to be full of him.

Jiang Pei'an glanced over the two girls without a trace, and continued:

"It was only after someone reminded me that I realized that I was a bitch.

Do foreign journalist friends know what a soil turtle is?
A soft-shell turtle with a high degree of fear of the outside world, so it is constantly on alert. "

Having said that, Jiang Pei'an changed the subject and said:
"I'm a bitch, and sometimes I feel that Huaxia Film is also a bitch..."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience in the audience was stunned.

Good guy, how dare you say that!

The media were as excited as if they had been injected with chicken blood!
Is this firing at Huaxia Movies? ! !

Jiang Pei'an's words will definitely become the headlines of tomorrow's entertainment news.

The flashlight began to flicker non-stop, and the editors started to record with small notebooks.

This premiere is getting more and more interesting...

Some people secretly glanced at the face of Han Shanping sitting in the front row.

"Han Dong, this..."

Gao Chengsheng, secretary and production director, looked worriedly at Han Shanping beside him.

After three months of getting along, Gao Chengsheng and Jiang Pei'an got on well.

Humble, powerful, and talented.

He admired this young man from the bottom of his heart.

Jiang Pei'an can't say something he doesn't know the severity of on this important occasion!

Most importantly, don't make the big boss angry!
Han Shanping still had a smile on his face, and said:

"Keep listening and see what else this kid has to say."

On the stage, Jiang Pei'an put one hand in his pocket, as if letting go, and continued:
"'Turtle' is usually a derogatory term in our contemporary vocabulary.

The word 'earth turtle' is often used in two typical situations:

One is that city people use it to refer to those country people who have entered the city but do not have the concept of so-called city people.

The second is that people with overseas experience refer to those native-born compatriots who have never studied abroad, gone abroad, or have no green card.

Although Huaxia Movie and I, these two 'earth turtles', live on the land of Huaxia, they are full of vigilance towards the outside world.

But we have never stopped exploring, learning advanced shooting concepts, advanced accounting models and excellent story scripts.

We are all working hard to move forward. There is a Chinese proverb called 'only see the thieves eating the meat, but not see the thieves being beaten'.

The words are rough and the rationale is not rough, which means that the public often only envies the generous gains, but is unwilling to appreciate the difficulties behind the gains.

The more impetuous the social atmosphere is, the more people love to fantasize that "the sky will send big money to the people".

But I don't want to think about the tempering of "hard work, hard work".

Here, I pay tribute to those who have contributed to the film industry in obscurity.

And whether today's "Taken" can evolve from a "turtle" to a "scarab".

I think everyone should have a deeper understanding after watching the movie, thank you again for your support! "

Jiang Pei'an can actually say more about the "turtle" remarks.

For example, the current situation of Chinese films, internal interest entanglement and possible tribulations in the future.

But this is a public occasion, and the speech can be radical, but it cannot cross the line.

Talk a little more, I'm afraid he will be imprisoned in a small black room!

Before the movie started, there was already warm applause in the theater.

Some viewers couldn't understand Jiang Pei'an's strange metaphor and found it amusing.

But there are always people who understand and fall into deep thought.

At this juncture, the development of Huaxia Film is really too slow and tangled.

While thinking about introducing foreign blockbusters into China to inject vitality into the market.

On the other hand, they are worried that blockbusters will impact and destroy local films.

Full of vigilance to the outside world, but extremely yearning.

Han Shanping in the auditorium also sighed in his heart when he heard Jiang Pei'an's words.

This year, he led the team and invited some well-known domestic directors, producers and senior leaders of China Film Group to travel around North America and Europe.

The purpose is to learn the management experience and advanced shooting techniques of the international film market.

This study also really broadened their horizons and gained a lot.

In fact, even without Jiang Pei'an's presence.

In the original timeline, it was Han Shanping's study abroad this time.

Since 2000, China Film has made considerable contributions to the reform of the domestic film industry.

Therefore, Jiang Pei'an said just now that we have never stopped exploring, learning advanced shooting concepts, advanced account sharing models and excellent story scripts.

It refers to the efforts made by Han Shanping and others for the Chinese film market behind the scenes.

"Brat, who are you calling a thief!"

Han Shanping looked at Jiang Pei'an who was bowing on the stage.

Although he was cursing, the smile on his face never stopped.

Gao Chengsheng listened with trepidation.

But after seeing the big boss being coaxed into a smile, he relaxed.


Gao Chengsheng murmured in his heart.

After Jiang Pei'an stepped down, all the lights in the theater were turned off.

The movie begins.

An S-shaped golden dragon flew out from the green ground.

Dragon label!

In April this year, the science and education film "Universe and Man" co-produced by the Beijing Science and Education Film Studio and the Movie Channel Program Production Center is the first film to use the dragon logo.

Prior to this, film public release licenses were dominated by red backgrounds and white text.

It is worth mentioning that there is no music in today's Dragon Label titles.

It wasn't until 2003 that it began to accompany the aggressive BGM.

Jiang Pei'an had watched the movie many times, and he didn't return to his seat immediately.

Instead, he stayed on the stage and observed the audience's performance while watching the movie.

The first few minutes of the movie are calm but also create conflicts in daily life, and at the same time explain the background.

Due to the sufficient marketing gimmicks in the early stage of the film, the various hot scenes in the trailer made many viewers enthusiastically pay attention to the follow-up story development.

This is a very good start, and Jiang Pei'an will continue to pay attention.

"Yu Rongguang did a good job. I thought he was a star before, but I didn't expect him to have a tender side."

"This daughter is played by Gao Yuanyuan, I've watched her TV series, she's so beautiful!"

"Isn't this Zhang Ziyi in "My Father and Mother", I didn't expect her to participate in it!"

"Hey, I'm a little disappointed, the front feels a little dull..."

"Don't talk, watch a movie!"

There was a murmur in the movie theater, and they sat in their seats for a whispered discussion.

Just when everyone felt a little flat, the movie came to 20 minutes.

When the daughter and best friend arrived in Hong Kong, the handsome guy played by Huang Zhongze struck up a conversation.

But there was a foreshadowing in the movie. With the change of music, the rhythm of the plot began to gradually tighten.

This was followed by a dance performance by Zeng Li.

In private, Zeng Li feels peaceful and dignified.

But in order to show the "extroversion" attribute of her girlfriends, Zeng Li also went all out.

A "spicy dance" showed her figure to the fullest, especially when Jiang Pei'an took pictures of her straight and slender legs.

Legs play year!
At 25 minutes into the movie, the kidnappers appeared. At this time, the daughter was eagerly talking to her father.

This kind of time-space connection but powerless camera switching immediately grabbed the hearts of every audience.

It was also from here that the plot of the movie entered the hurricane stage...


"Yu Rongguang is a tough guy!"

"This fight is really different from other styles of fights, it has to be like this, there is no time for laughing and posing.

The movements are clean and neat, and the goal is to directly knock down the opponent, so fucking handsome! "

There were exclamations one after another in the movie theater. This kind of visual sensory stimulation made everyone feel refreshed.

Especially when Yu Rongguang was dressed in black, he was decisive in killing and attacking, and his appearance of taking both black and white was really bloody.

Seeing the performance of the audience, Jiang Pei'an was relieved.

"No one left, achieved."

"No one sleeps, reach."

"No one scolded, reached."

More than 90 minutes is not a long time, especially under the tight plot arrangement.

The feeling of looking forward to the next episode after watching one episode makes people unable to perceive the passage of time at all.

Yu Rongguang took his daughter to a door.

"Where is this?"

"A surprise for you."

The door opened, and the female singer played by Zhang Ziyi appeared.

"Good job."

Zhang Ziyi greeted Gao Yuanyuan with a smile.

Seeing his idol appear, Gao Yuanyuan's eyes turned red with excitement.

Zhang Ziyi smiled and said:
"I heard you want to be a singer?"


"Come in, let me hear how you sing."

The three entered the room and the door closed.

The movie is over!

The lights in the theater were turned on again, and the dazzling light made everyone feel as if they had passed away.

"This is the end?"

The audience sat in a daze in their seats. In the past 90 minutes, Jiang Pei'an weaved a dream for everyone.

In the dream, there are wonderful fights, some invincible "heroes", and delicate and touching father-daughter feelings.

"I kind of miss my dad."

A girl about eighteen or nineteen years old whispered with red eyes.

"Exciting, cool!"

Someone exhaled in various ways and said while waving his fists.


I don't know who stood up and took the lead in applauding, which immediately radiated the audience.

All the audience stood up and clapped their hands vigorously.

Applause erupted everywhere, like thunder for a long time, and quickly spread to the outside!

Some editors wrote in a small notebook:
"A real, big-budget film that everyone should applaud."

"I suddenly understood what Director Jiang said before the opening about the 'soil turtle' becoming a 'scarab'."

Amid the applause of everyone, Jiang Pei'an took the stage with the main creators of the crew.

The photographers in the audience were also very forceful and kept shooting.

"First of all, I would like to thank Director Jiang for giving me this opportunity. To be honest, an actor has reached the stage of 40 years old.

There are very few opportunities to act as leading actors. I have only returned to the mainland in recent years, and I feel deeply about this.

So, I became a director and producer, but my desire to act has never changed. Thanks again to Director Jiang for choosing me! "

Yu Rongguang is 1.8 meters tall and has a tough temperament, but the simple words he said at this time are very moving.

After working hard in Hong Kong Province for so many years, he has always been in the second and third tier positions, and has basically never been reused.

It is really a rare opportunity for him to play the leading role on the big screen.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a turnaround!

The crew members took turns to speak, and when the martial arts instructor Ma Zhongxuan spoke, he was just a bit of a nerd.

"I really admire Director Jiang. Do you enjoy watching the action scenes in this movie?"


"It's right to be cool, because basically all the action scenes in it are designed by Director Jiang.

One day I chatted with him, I said you have done everything, why do you still ask me to be a martial arts instructor?

What do you think he said? "

The audience in the audience shook their heads, and Ma Zhongxuan followed Jiang Pei'an's example and said innocently:

"I didn't look for you. Didn't Director Han stuff you into the crew?"

The audience in the audience immediately fell forward and backward in joy.

"Hahaha! I laughed so hard!"

"Director Jiang's mouth is really poisonous!"

"I feel sorry for Director Ma, but what is your relationship with Director Han? Why did he put you in the crew? Hahaha."

Ma Zhongxuan smiled and said:
"Just kidding, but my admiration for Director Jiang is real.

In "Hurricane Rescue", I was the martial arts instructor, but in fact it was Director Jiang who was instructing me.

Everyone has also discovered that the action scenes in this movie are completely different from those in previous movies.

In an action movie, it almost reaches the point of establishing a school.

Regarding this point, I want to worship Director Jiang as my teacher, and ask him to guide me as a martial arts instructor! "

"Hahaha, Director Ma, you killed me laughing!"

"I didn't expect Director Jiang to have this talent. Not only is he a strong director, but he can also design motions!"

"To be honest, the action performance in "Taken" beats Hong Kong action movies in seconds!"


(End of this chapter)

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