I'm not just a director

Chapter 130 First Day Box Office!

Chapter 130 First Day Box Office!

Jiang Pei'an stayed with Brother Ma for a day.

The main reason is that Xiao Ma was still scratching his head for the company's follow-up development just a second ago.

As a result, Jiang Pei'an came to "give money" in the next second.

Brother Xiao Ma shouted excitedly, "Mazu has appeared!"

Mazu Niangniang will protect every worker who works hard outside!
As for Jiang Pei'an, Xiao Ma, as a surfing expert, naturally knows his background.

Two well-known directors with a global box office of more than [-] million, and now they have joined the domestic giant China Film Group to make a blockbuster.

Such a funder is definitely not short of money... As for the investment motivation.

Jiang Pei'an didn't say anything in detail, and Brother Xiao Ma didn't go into it, just give the money!

"Mr. Ma, I have so many conditions, as long as you get IDG and Wintech, and then take out 11% of the shares.

Ask for their opinions, and then give me a price... Don't let the lion open his mouth and take me for a ride. "

Jiang Pei'an said with a smile.

Brother Xiao Ma adjusted his glasses and assured him:

"Mr. Jiang, don't worry, IDG and Yingke have long been willing to sell their shares.

IDG just contacted us two days ago to express this meaning, as for the price.

We will definitely show the greatest sincerity, and to be honest, we are in the most sluggish time for the Internet.

They can't wait to get rid of our hot potato immediately..."

In the end, Brother Xiao Ma had a slightly bitter expression. No one dared to take over the company's shares, which was a real blow to him.

Today's Jiang Pei'an is like a piece of wood caught by a man who fell into the water to the whole penguin.

The lion opened his mouth?
does not exist at all!
As long as you don't think Penguin Temple is too small!
"Okay, then I will wait for the good news from President Ma, please make sure to deliver clearly.

I am in Hong Kong province during this period, let us leave a contact information, and you can tell me when the contract will be signed. "

Jiang Pei'an bought 40% of the shares held by IDG and Yingke, and then took 11% of the existing shares of Little Penguin.

A total of 51%, he wants absolute control.

After Jiang Pei'an left, Xiao Ma was still in a daze.

"Ma Gong, what kind of business did that man do just now?"

Zhang Zhidong walked into the office, looked at the dazed Xiao Ma and asked.

"God of Wealth."

A sentence popped out of Brother Ma's mouth.

"What do you mean?"

"He is the God of Wealth who invested in us!"

Brother Xiao Ma suppressed his excitement, told Zhang Zhidong the conversation between him and Jiang Pei'an, and also told all about Jiang Pei'an's background.

Zhang Zhidong was also very excited, but soon he calmed down and said:

"He also wants 11% of our shares, which is for control!
He is a director, and he has nothing to do with our line of work.

In the future, he will dictate the company's business, what shall we do? "

There is a saying that laymen guide experts, and basically every migrant worker will encounter it.

On the Internet, there are product managers who are just waiting to die and point fingers.

In the film and television industry, there are also idiot Party A who don't understand at all but want to shoot 1000 yuan video quality with a budget of one yuan.

Brother Xiaoma pondered for a while, then he waved his hand and said:
"Old Zhang, the most important thing is to survive now, otherwise how can there be a future?

No matter what he does next, let's get through the crisis now.

Let's discuss with each other to get 11% of the shares evenly.

Aren't everyone short of money recently, so it's like getting dividends in advance. "

Zhang Zhidong nodded, what Brother Ma said made sense.

It's always a good thing.

"Old Zhang, I suddenly had an idea, can we launch a virtual image that can be freely created in our button chat.

Think about it, in a pure text chat environment, this kind of virtual image can significantly enhance people's sense of immersion in the virtual world. "

Little Ma said suddenly.

"What was the source of inspiration?"

Zhang Zhidong asked with great interest.

Brother Xiao Ma lit a cigarette, puffed out the clouds and said:

"Mother Mazu..."


Jiang Pei'an, who rushed to Hong Kong Province, didn't know that Xiao Ma had accidentally had the idea of ​​doing "Koukouxiu" at this time.

Once this thing is launched, it will be a proper non-mainstream + online dating artifact.

Who wasn't a red diamond noble back then?
Jiang Pei'an was delayed for a day to rush to Hong Kong Province, and received a call from Han Shanping the next day.

"Taken" first day box office is out!

It was screened in more than 20 cities across the country, and China Film Group started to produce action movies in 2001.

393 million on the first day!
The box office results on the first day directly rank among the top three in today's mainland movies!

You must know that when the main theme movie "The Choice of Life and Death" was released last year.

The box office only got about 120 million on the first day.

Although this result cannot be compared with the popular "Red Fan District" in the past few years.

Compared with the first-day box office of 1580 million on the first day of "Hero" released next year, it is not enough.

But now it is the beginning of 2001, and the mainland film industry is basically in a state of collapse.

There are markets, but good movies are rare!
What's more, the cast of "Taken" didn't use any big-name stars.

The only well-known Yu Rongguang is the fame he gained earlier in Hong Kong Province.

However, Jiang Pei'an shook his head, he is used to watching movies of later generations that often break [-] million in the first day.

The score of 393 million is nothing, of course he knows that there is no way to compare it with later generations.

However, the first day is just the beginning, with the passage of time and the fermentation of public opinion and subsequent marketing operations.

Basically, the subsequent box office will far exceed this number.

Han Shanping's tone on the phone was very excited:
"After the premiere, the media all said that they saw the hope of the evolution of 'Turtle' into 'Scarab'.

At that time, I was still skeptical, but the first-day results of "Taken" have made me start to imagine the future of Huaxia Film and Television!

At least it gave me the courage and opportunity to imagine! "

Han Shanping was very emotional, Huaxia Film has been in a situation of being beaten in recent years.

It can't be said that it's a small fight, it's not that there is no big investment, but the result...it's hard to describe.

As of yesterday, the top five New Year's films in 2001 were in the "Warring States Period".

"Happy Time", "Taken", "Beautiful Home", "What a Big Fuss" and "A Family Exam" all appeared in Beijing.

The box office in the capital area on December 12 last year has already been counted.

"Happy Time" 18 yuan.

"A Family Exam" was 7 yuan, which did not include the 10 yuan ticket purchased by a certain brand furniture city for Fu Biao.

"Fuss" is more than 4 yuan.

The first seven-day box office of "Beautiful Home" totaled less than 100 million yuan.

Jiang Pei'an's "Taken" grossed 73 yuan in Beijing on the first day!
Kill all the movies shown in Beijing!
It is a certainty that "Taken" will win the box office.

It is even expected to directly break the box office record of the tens of millions of national Lunar New Year films jointly created by Feng Xiaogang and Ge You.

Except for Jiang Pei'an's "Hurricane Taken".

Although the above four New Year's films have their own characteristics, Lao Mou Zi mainly focuses on warm dramas, with Ben Shan and Dong Jie as their golden signatures.

"Beautiful Home" pays close attention to people's lives and so on.

But they all have their own shortcomings, and some film stars have insufficient appeal.

Some films are a bit rough in production, and some have insufficient comedy factors.

The more important reason is that these four New Year's films have not formed a brand like Feng Xiaogang, which caused a sensation in the market.

There is also no internationally renowned director like Jiang Pei'an and excellent plot design...

"Han Dong, I'm actually not too satisfied with such a result."

Jiang Pei'an said bluntly.

Han Shanping on the phone was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly and said:

"I take back my previous evaluation of you, you are not too stable, you have no youthful spirit.

If you say this, don't make the director of the film of the same period mad! "

Jiang Pei'an followed with a smile, but did not speak.

Han Shanping continued:

"The popularity of the first day's results has opened up the situation, and I believe it will be published in the newspaper tomorrow.

China Film Group will increase its publicity efforts, and online channels should not be underestimated.

At the same time, this is just the beginning. Judging from the current results, the postponement of withdrawal is already a certainty.

I am also looking forward to which step "Taken" can find! "


As Han Shanping said, there were endless reports about "Taken" the next day.

And all of them are praises. At the same time, "Operation Hurricane" quickly became popular and became the representative movie of the Spring Festival in the mainland.

"393 million on the first day!Yiqi Juechen, Jiang Pei'an uses this movie to tell you that I am an international director! "

"Gods block and kill gods, Buddhas block and kill Buddhas, happy!" "

"Brilliant, crisp, and cool to the end, this is an action movie"

"Yu Rongguang, an excellent actor who was delayed by the villains in Hong Kong movies! "

"Hurricane Rescue, just like its movie name, Hurricane Rescue Huaxia movie! "


On this day, Feng Xiaogang suffered from insomnia.

He tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep at all.

He opened his eyes, under the dimly lit desk lamp.

The headline was "393 million on the first day!Yiqi Juechen, Jiang Pei'an uses this movie to tell you that I am an international director! "The report came into view.

"393 million on the first day!"

Feng Xiaogang was still complacent after getting the investment from Columbia at first.

Do domestic mainstream directors dislike us?
We have already received investment from foreign "giant crocodiles", and we are already in line with international standards!
Even when Jiang Pei'an came back from abroad to make a movie, Feng Xiaogang complained in his heart and went downhill.

But the result?

Facts have proved that capable people will not be buried anywhere.

After five domestic Lunar New Year movies were released, he and Xu Fan both went to the cinema to watch them.

After some media discovered his interview, he also said modestly:

Learn to learn the advantages of others.

Now it seems that it is his greatest luck that there are no Spring Festival stalls and no movies released this year!

At least without Jiang Pei'an, the god of murder, the loss is not complete!
At this time, his mood was very complicated. The high box office revenue of "Taken" made him feel that commercial films could give a bad breath in the mainstream film circle.

But its performance is so dazzling that Feng Xiaogang dare not have the confidence to surpass it.

Tremendous stress!

If Jiang Pei'an knew his contradictory thoughts, he would definitely say:
I am afraid that my brother will suffer, and I am afraid that my brother will drive Lu Rover!

Also suffering from sleeplessness tonight is Lao Mouzi.

Lao Mouzi was sitting on the sofa holding a lot of newspapers and flipping through them non-stop.

"Happy Times, Dismal Box Office, Zhang Yimou Meets Waterloo"

"The box office on the first day was only 43, and Zhang Yimou lost to the international director Jiang Pei'an in the Lunar New Year file for the first time"

"Taken", the box office on the first day was 393 million, dominating the Lunar New Year stalls! "

"The Lunar New Year file is cold, Jiang Pei'an breaks out of the siege, and Zhang Yimou is defeated! "

The phone rang non-stop, and Lao Mouzi knew it was Zhang Weipin without even looking at it.

However, he didn't answer, and just locked his eyes on the words "393 million box office on the first day".

"I still want to make a commercial blockbuster, boy, I was killed by you on the beach by accident."

Lao Mouzi has never encountered any setbacks in most of his life.

A box office failure alone wasn't enough to break him.

He smiled and picked up the phone to answer:
"Great product."

"Yi, have you read all the reports?"


"Yimou, we really have to save ourselves. Have you watched Jiang Pei'an's "Taken"?"


"I think our film is not bad. If we modify the ending, it won't be too ugly to lose..."

"Weipin, we have already discussed this matter, there is no need to modify the ending, once it is modified, it will not be the same."

"Why are you so twisted! Now it's not a matter of taste.

Being surpassed by a young man, or the assistant director of your film, can you hold it on your face?
If it wasn't for you, he might have been banned by now, so why is there such a thing as "Taken"! "

Zhang Weipin is also a violent temper, he directly asked Lao Mouzi on the phone.

"I won't mention the past, this time listen to me, the ending of the movie will not change."

Lao Mouzi rubbed his head, he was well aware of his partner's temper.

But once Lao Mouzi, a man from Shaanxi Province, becomes stubborn, Zhang Weipin has nothing to do with him.

"Okay, do you want to hear it or not, let it go!"

After Zhang Weipin hung up the phone, Lao Mouzi sat under the lamp and thought for a long time.

He took out the paper and pen from the drawer, and wrote two words on the paper:



"What kind of Chinese New Year is it if you don't watch "Taken" this year!"

"Have you heard of "Taken"? It was filmed by the international director Jiang Pei'an. It's not Chinese!"

"The Huaxia police penetrated the world, my friends, can you imagine how cool it would be?"

"The best movie this year is "Taken". Cheng Long and Li Lianjie are outdated, and action movies have to be watched by Yu Rongguang!"

The results and word-of-mouth of "Taken" on the first day are still continuously fermenting.

More and more people are attracted to movie theaters, there are long queues outside each movie theater, and the movie theaters are also packed with people.

People even have a feeling that they can't talk to their colleagues and friends without watching "Taken".

People have a herd mentality, if everyone agrees, it must be good!
Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many people walking into the cinema!
This is almost exactly the same as the marketing strategy of later online celebrity stores.

The mainland film market is bustling and prosperous.

But Hong Kong Province is a little bit less interesting here.

Just two days before "Taken" was released in Hong Kong Province.

Suddenly some Hong Kong media broke out:
"Taken" exploded in mainland China, and the box office beat all the movies in the Spring Festival?
Insiders of the theater broke the news that it was a box office fraud! ""

As soon as the report came out, Hong Kong Province was shocked!

Jiang Pei'an and his party were also caught off guard by this sudden news!

(End of this chapter)

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