Chapter 175

Starting in May, movies from all over the world began to rush to release.

Hollywood has "Fast and Furious", "Shrek", "The Mummy".

And "Pearl Harbor," modeled after Cameron's "Titanic."

In Asia, Hayao Miyazaki also took his "Spirited Away" to publicize in island countries.

Thailand, as always, engages in its horror and python elements, such as "Snake Girl", "Spiritual Snake Love", "Lost Heart" and so on.

In China, there is Zhou Xingchi's "Shaolin Soccer".

The original plan was to release it simultaneously in Hong Kong and Mainland China on July 7, hitting the summer schedule.

After the movie was completed, Xinghui Company sent all the materials to the General Administration for review, but the result of the review was that it failed.

It is because the title of the film involves the word "Shaolin", which conflicts with the copyright of the Shaolin Temple in Henan Province.

As well as many meanings such as the millennium ancient temple and traditional culture represented behind the word "Shaolin".

All of these lead to the fact that the word "Shaolin" cannot appear in this movie.

On the mainland, "My Brothers and Sisters" starring Liang Yongqi, Jiang Wu, and Xia Yu.

"Who Says I Don't Care" directed by Huang Jianxin, starring Feng Gong, Wang Zhiwen and Lu Liping.

Both movies are about family, the former tearjerker, the latter hilarious.

Before, people were still guessing whether it was better to "laugh" or "cry".

But judging from the box office, 30 is compared with 40.

"Who Says I Don't Care" is slightly better in the end.

Does this count as so-called entertainment?
Although the summer vacation has just started this year, we can basically see the clues.

Last year, the domestic film "Choice of Life and Death" became a major highlight, but this year it mainly relied on "Pearl Harbor", which accounted for more than half of the box office.

Generally speaking, the entire summer movie market is not active.

Especially the visual feast that lacks the characteristics of students.

Except for the cartoon "Little Tiger Spot" screened at the Little Bright Cinema.

And the Korean movie "Let's Kiss" enjoyed by groupies.

There are very few other films tailored for students.

Therefore, compared with the hot market in later generations, today's summer film is not valued by filmmakers or distribution companies at all.

But the students are not all idle.

During the summer vacation, I used old ten-cent popsicles, and the tapes contained songs such as "Xing Qing" and "Tornado" by the music rookies who just debuted in Taiwan last year.

The album is called "Jay".

After school starts this year, he will also release an album called "Fantasy".


Magic City Film and Television Base.

"Source Code" set.

Inside the train compartment.

Hu Jun's head was pressed against the car window, his expression struggling, and his eyes slowly opened.

Looking around, suddenly, he sat up straight.

Being in an unfamiliar environment, his career as a soldier made him vigilant about his surroundings.

"Thank you for your advice, I have made a decision."

Gao Yuanyuan, who was sitting opposite him, looked at him with a smile, his eyes were full of tenderness.

Hu Jun glanced at Gao Yuanyuan in confusion, a little confused about the current situation, and the doubts in his eyes became more intense...

Jiang Pei'an sat behind the monitor and watched the performance of the two.

This is the first scene, and it is also the scene where Jiang Pei'an directed Gao Yuanyuan before.

Fortunately, Gao Yuanyuan completed the performance of the scene excellently, even more perfect than in rehearsal.

But Hu Jun's state is fuller than Gao Yuanyuan's, and the flash of blankness in his eyes is immediately replaced by vigilance.

The tightness of the facial muscles and the subconscious defensive action immediately brought people into the mood.

After all, it is an actor who has acted in dramas for more than ten years and has been an actor for so many years, with a solid foundation.

"You are right, I have resigned now, and I will enjoy my long vacation next."

Gao Yuanyuan said with a smile, as if he was relieved.

Hu Jun became more and more confused. Someone behind him unscrewed the Coke bottle, making the sound of bubbles impacting, and he looked back subconsciously.

It just so happened that a girl passed by him with a drink. Because she walked too fast, the drink in the bottle overflowed and spilled on Hu Jun's shoes.

Hu Jun looked down at the shoes again.

It gave people the impression that he was in a hurry and full of anxiety at this time.

Gao Yuanyuan spoke again at this time, still with eyes full of gentle voice:
"How have you been, last time"

Halfway through, the phone in the bag suddenly rang.

She picked it up to look at the number, hung up the phone, and put it back again.

Gao Yuanyuan said helplessly:

"When I wanted to raise my salary, the boss said that the company said that anyone can transfer if I leave, and now.

Now that he has resigned, he said that who will do the rest of the work after I leave.

Ever since I submitted my resignation letter, the boss's phone calls have not stopped..."

"Resignation letter?"

Gao Yuanyuan said a lot, but Hu Jun still didn't understand.

This woman in front of me knows me?

"What's wrong with you, your face is very pale, are you uncomfortable?"

Gao Yuanyuan asked with concern.


Before Hu Jun finished speaking, He Bin, who played the role of flight attendant, came over:
"Hello, check in."

Ticket check?
Hu Jun stared at the other party, but didn't react for a while.

Gao Yuanyuan reached out his hand into his chest pocket, but Hu Jun instinctively reached out to stop him.

But Gao Yuanyuan had already taken out the ticket and handed it to the flight attendant.

"Okay, click, pass!"

Jiang Pei'an yelled.

The overall state of the two actors is very good, and the first scene has such an effect, which is a good start for the entire crew.

"Okay, let's keep one more, the two of you can try another way of acting."

Jiang Pei'an said with a smile.

Guaranteeing another way of acting is a recognition of the actor's previous performance.

The next time, the actors play as they please.

Except for the shooting task, the actors may give more exciting performances after letting go of their psychological shackles.

"Yuanyuan's acting skills have improved a lot. It seems that she has worked hard during this time."

Producer Gao Chengsheng looked at Gao Yuanyuan on the monitor and praised.

"Yes, the handling of emotions is more delicate, just like her smile just now, the camera cuts to her many times, and the degree of smile is different."

Assistant director Wang Yuhong nodded.

"I heard that she went abroad to study and perform in this period of time."

Jiang Pei'an said casually.

In fact, he was very satisfied when he heard what the people next to him said.

In addition to studying abroad, Jiang Pei'an privately instructed Gao Yuanyuan how to shape the role.

This kind of one-on-one guidance is undoubtedly the most effective for actors.

Directors who are especially good at digging out the characteristics of actors can almost sculpt actors into what they want.

Lao Mouzi is such a director. It took almost a lot of time for actors to go from amateurs to roles.

The opposite is the sunglasses king of Hong Kong Province.

This guy will be good at telling stories with the camera.

But let’s talk about directing the actors... Write two lines on the script, and the rest is up to the actors to scratch their heads and figure it out.

So Sunglasses King especially likes to use actors with acting skills and talents.

Of course, the combination of Jiang Pei'an and Gao Yuanyuan is often guided to other aspects...

(End of this chapter)

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