Chapter 177

Lionsgate has mentioned more than once that it will represent the overseas distribution of Jiang Pei'an's films.

But Jiang Pei'an did not agree.

Just kidding, there is still a big gap between Lions Gate and the Big Six.

The original overseas distribution of "Taken" was led by China Film and cooperated with several of the six major companies.

Lionsgate knew that it could not get along with China Film, so it had to ask Jiang Pei'an for help.

"Mr. Charles, you know, this is not something I can decide."

Jiang Pei'an said frankly.

"Jiang, if I have a chance, I would like to go to Huaxia to meet your boss."

Seeing that Jiang Pei'an didn't immediately agree, Charles said solemnly.


It should refer to Han Shanping.

Jiang Pei'an and China Film Group are just a cooperative relationship, and it is impossible to talk about who is the boss.

If Charles is willing to go to Han Shanping, he will go.

But Lao Han will definitely not agree to him, after all, Han Shanping is now in a good relationship with Warner.

One wanted Chinese films to go global, and the other wanted to enter the Chinese market.

As we all know, China's film market is not open enough.

Foreign films that want to enter China must be imported through China Film.

Or in the name of a co-production.

Therefore, Hollywood has always wanted to get more opportunities by cooperating with Huaxia Film Company.

Does it sound like a joint venture car?
It is worth mentioning that in two years, China Film Group will form a joint venture with Warner Bros. and Hengdian Group.

The newly established company is called China Film Warner Hengdian Film and Television Co., Ltd.

The three companies hold shares in a ratio of 4:3:3, covering three different capital forms of foreign capital, state capital and private capital.

This is also the first Sino-foreign joint venture film entertainment company in China's history.

After the announcement of this incident at that time, the shock caused in the Chinese film industry was astonishing.

Many people believe that the development of China's film industry itself is extremely immature.

Allowing foreign capital to enter at this time is tantamount to leading wolves into the house.

But in fact, after the company filmed several films such as "Love Call Transfer" and "Crazy Racing".

almost disappeared from the industry.

Warner failed to enter the country for the first time, and subsequently, the theaters and theaters it invested in China were also taken over by China Film Group.

Of course, at this point in time, the two are still in the initial contact and further ambiguous relationship.

If nothing else, Jiang Pei'an's "Source Code" will also be jointly released by China Film and Warner Bros.

Warner got the overseas agency rights of "Source Code". Note that it is an agency distribution, not a buyout.

The traditional markets for Chinese films are Japan, the Netherlands, France and the United States.

Buyers are also mostly from these countries and regions.

Many large foreign film production and distribution companies are buying Chinese films.

Depending on the signed contract, the nature of the cooperation is also different.

For example, Columbia Corporation has planned to acquire Lu Chuan's "Looking for a Gun" and Feng Xiaogang's "Party A and Party B".

And Zhou Xingchi's "Shaolin Soccer" (renamed "Kung Fu Soccer") was bought out by Miramax.

It is scheduled to be released in nearly a thousand theaters across the United States on May 5 next year.

The company's most impressive record is the buyout of Lao Mouzi's "Hero".

"Hero" was released in 2002, but it was not released in North America until 2004.

Once it was released, it won the North American weekly box office championship in one fell swoop with a box office score of 1780 million US dollars.

But in fact, "Hero" has achieved such a good box office in North America, but it cannot bring any benefits to the production company's new screen.

Because Miramax bought out the distribution rights of "Hero" in North America.

Zhang Weipin said in an interview:
"The investment of 2.5 million yuan in "Hero" forced New Picture to adopt this method to withdraw funds.

We will learn from the lessons of Hero.

In the future, try to avoid copyright selling and adopt a more flexible way to cooperate with foreign companies.

We can’t let foreigners earn all the money…”

Just as Zhang Weipin said this, Lao Mouzi's next movie "House of Flying Daggers" was released overseas at a buyout price.

It has to be said that Lao Zhang knows how to sell movies.


After the meeting, Jiang Pei'an and Zeng Li, led by Lions Gate staff, went to the countryside of Vancouver to visit Old Brown with gifts.

Old Brown had a private manor. When Jiang Pei'an saw him, the old man was lazily lying under the vine trellis to cool off.

"Oh, my God, Jiang, my good friend, I won't be dazzled, but I actually saw you at my house."

Old Brown got up from the recliner and said with a face full of surprise.

Jiang Pei'an smiled and said:
"I didn't see you when I came to Vancouver, I always felt that this trip was in vain."

Jiang Pei'an said with a smile.

"It's an honor to hear you say that.

Oh, and the beautiful Miss Zeng, you are welcome here, I hope you will like it here. "

Old Brown looked at Zeng Li behind Jiang Pei'an, and said with a smile.

"Thank you."

Zeng Li's English level is only good enough for simple conversations, she said with a slight smile.

"Peggy, there are guests at home, bring the food and wine quickly."

Old Brown yelled into the room, then smiled and said to Jiang Pei'an:
"Jiang, you came at the right time to try our own wine,"


Vancouver's wines are globally renowned and enjoyed by many regions.

Not long after, a tall, blond, 20-year-old Caucasian beauty appeared in Jiang Pei'an's sight.

"Jiang, this is my granddaughter Peggy. She is very interested in Chinese culture and always talks about when she can go to China."

Old Brown smiled and introduced to Jiang Pei'an.

"Hello, Director Jiang, I like your movies very much, welcome to my house as a guest."

Peggy smiled slightly, and greeted her in Mandarin with a substandard pronunciation.

"Hello, Miss Peggy, your Chinese is very good, and you are welcome to Huaxia as a guest."

Jiang Pei'an greeted with a smile.

While the two girls were talking, Jiang Pei'an exchanged pleasantries with Old Brown.

He's in good shape and full of energy.

"Jiang, are you here to promote "Ghost Shadow 2"?"


Old Brown looked up at the heavy purple grapes above his head, looking very attractive.

"Jiang, I remembered the first time I saw you at the Cannes Film Festival.

At that time, you were accompanied by the beautiful Ms. Gong, it seemed that there was no shortage of beauties by your side, it's nice to be young..."

Old Brown said with emotion.

Jiang Pei'an glanced at Zeng Li, who had a good relationship with Peggy not far away, and said with a smile:
"Old Mr. Brown, always recalling the past means that you are not doing well now, isn't it?"

Old Brown shook his head and said with a smile:
"It's just a feeling, my body is pretty strong, but I can't accompany you when I go to New York this time.

Has Charles said anything about your next film agency? "

Jiang Pei'an nodded.

"You definitely didn't agree. Of course, with Charles' stupid head and profit-seeking businessman character, he definitely didn't see your prevarication."

Old Brown lit a cigarette and said with a smile.

Jiang Pei'an smiled and said nothing, wanting to see what the old man would say next.

Old Brown continued:

"I plan to retire from Lionsgate, as you can see, my body does not allow me to continue working."

"That's Lionsgate's loss."

Jiang Pei'an said slowly.

"So, I'm not working for Lionsgate right now, and you're not my partner.

We are just friends, and I will not interfere with any decisions you make about Lionsgate in the future.

As a friend, I certainly hope that you can get the benefits you deserve. "

Old Brown said sincerely.

"Thank you for your suggestion."

Jiang Pei'an talked with Old Brown again, but he was very emotional.

As the old Brown said, when the two met for the first time, he was still a "movie newcomer" who had no connections.

In a blink of an eye, Old Brown retired, and his cooperation with Lionsgate is about to usher in a turning point.


The next day, Jiang Pei'an and Lions Gate's team arrived in New York.

Prior to this, the marketing team of Lions Gate had already released the news.

"Ghost Shadow 2" will land in the North American market, and the first stop for its premiere will be New York.

Today, Jiang Pei'an has completely gained a foothold in Hollywood with a few movies.

Everyone is curious about this young Chinese man who has created a series of miracles.

Jiang Pei'an's fans were even more supportive and waited outside the theater early.

"Mom, is this brother very powerful? Many people come to see him."

Among the crowd, a fourteen or fifteen-year-old Chinese girl pointed to Jiang Pei'an on the poster, looked up at her mother and said.

The young girl is young, with sharp nasal bones, straight eyebrows, and a cold expression. She looks quite temperamental.

His mother is even more temperamental. She is tall and slender, with a delicate face and a soft and moving expression.

"Anxi, haven't you always wanted to be an actor?

He is our Huaxia's hottest director in Hollywood in the past two years. "

Liu Xiaoli said while touching her daughter's head.

"Is it hotter than Cheng Long?"

"Stupid boy, Cheng Long is an actor, he is the director, he can decide whether an actor can play a role or not.

Everyone in the crew must listen to him. "

Liu Xiaoli said softly.

"Oh, then can I be an actor, and do I have to listen to him?"

"Well, if he thinks you have the potential to be an actor, then you can do it."

Liu Xiaoli said with a smile.

At the beginning, she strongly opposed her daughter's entry into the entertainment industry.

But in the past two years, my daughter has been obsessed with being an actress.

Even when I usually practice dancing, I am imitating the movements in the movie.

As the saying goes, blocking is worse than sparse. Seeing her daughter so obsessed, Liu Xiaoli also wanted to open it.

As long as my daughter can do what she likes.

As for the rest, leave it to her as a mother.

"Jiang Pei'an... Oh, Mom, I remembered, your favorite song is also sung by him, right?"

Looking at the English on the poster, An Xi suddenly realized.

"That's right, it's the song he sang, a song for my mother."

"This big brother is amazing. Actors listen to him, and my mother also listens to him."

Liu Xiaoli said helplessly:

"Mom is his song, not listening to him... Also, you have to call him uncle, not brother."

"But he doesn't look much older than me."

" it whatever you want."

Suddenly, there was a burst of screaming and noise from the crowd.


"Jiang, welcome to New York!"

"Oh my god, it's the first time I feel that I like a Chinese man, it's really attractive!"

There was a commotion at the entrance of the theater, and Jiang Pei'an and his party appeared on the red carpet.

There was shouting and the media's flashing lights kept flashing.

Wearing a decent suit, Jiang Pei'an kept saying hello to the audience on both sides of the red carpet.

"It's amazing...Mom, I must be an actor."

14-year-old Anxi looked at Jiang Pei'an, who was so beautiful on the red carpet, and took her mother's hand to make up her mind.

Liu Xiaoli looked a little emotional.

Chinese people are not welcome abroad, especially in cities like New York.

Her English is not very good. When she first came to the United States, she often received strange eyes because of her language barrier.

Later, she met her current husband, a Chinese lawyer, and her life gradually improved.

Now seeing a compatriot from the motherland and being sought after by so many foreigners.

For a moment, Liu Xiaoli was proud of her identity as a Chinese.

"Okay, as long as you like it, mom will support it!"

Liu Xiaoli firmly held her daughter's hand and said firmly.

At the same time, she squeezed the admission ticket in her bag.

That was the ticket for a private reception that Lionsgate released to fans after the premiere of "Ghost Shadow 2".


"Thank you, thank you to the media and fans who are here.

I remember the last time I came to the venue, it was when "Chain Saw" was released. "

The host of the premiere is still Jiang Pei'an.

Lionsgate wanted to rely on Jiang Pei'an's reputation for marketing, so they naturally agreed with him to be the host.

There were nearly [-] spectators in the audience, and it was lively.

Hearing Jiang Pei'an mention the name of "Chain Saw", the fans in the audience cheered.

"I forgot to ask everyone, is "Chain Saw" good or not? I don't think there is any need to ask, I will know after seeing your reactions.

But this time is the premiere of "Ghost Shadow 2", those who want to watch "Chain Saw" can go home now. "


"Oh shit, I thought it was the premiere of Pearl Harbor today."

"What's a chainsaw? I want to see Jurassic Park!"

Hearing Jiang Pei'an's words, the audience booed immediately.

"Oh, that's really unfortunate. Everyone can get a refund. The refund window is at... Vancouver Lionsgate."

Jiang Pei'an said with a smile.

In the audience, Charles, who was suddenly caught by the cue, turned black.

"Hahaha, Jiang, you will be protested by the president of Lionsgate if you say that!"

"Oh, that's the funniest joke I've heard today!"

Everyone was amused by Jiang Pei'an's western humor.

"I know everyone is here for the movie, so I won't waste any more time.

Let's go straight to the movies! "

After Jiang Pei'an introduced the film's director Ning Hao to the audience on stage, he directly announced the premiere...

"Anxi, we should go."

Under the stage, Liu Xiaoli took her daughter's hand and said.

"Mom, I want to see."

Anxi said coquettishly.

"This movie is not suitable for you, we will attend the reception later, don't you want the director to see if you can be an actor?

Shall we go find him at the reception then? "

Liu Xiaoli comforted her daughter.

"Okay...Mom, this director is so interesting, I want to be his heroine too."

"Okay, wait until you grow up, okay?"



(End of this chapter)

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