I'm not just a director

Chapter 190 Lions Gate Visit

Chapter 190 Lions Gate Visit
Zhou Peng sat alone in the dormitory, and all his roommates had gone home during the summer vacation.

She didn't go back because she had a song to record with Zhang Hongguang.

Her family is in Yu Province, but in fact her mother is Mongolian and her father is Han.

Zhou Peng followed his grandmother to NMG when he was very young, and started running freely on the grassland.

Maybe because he is used to being "wild" on the grassland, Zhou Peng fell in love with the feeling of being free.

Even if she returned to Yu Province to study later, she did not forget the prairie in her childhood memories.

After returning to her hometown from the grassland, like most of the students, she studied hard and made progress every day.

But the life of studying is too boring, and Zhou Peng, who loves freedom, gradually develops other interests.

She fell in love with theatrical performances, and because of her appearance advantage.

From elementary school to high school, she has always been the literary backbone of the class.

After graduating from high school, Zhou Peng, the backbone of literature and art, made a decision.

Enrolled in PLA Academy of Art and became an art student.

Undoubtedly, this is an industry that Zhou Peng is very passionate about.

Because of his love, Zhou Peng participated in the [-]th CCTV Young Singer TV Grand Prix last year.

And with the beautiful song "Tarim River", he successfully won the silver award of popular singing in the professional group.

After winning the award, many companies flocked to him.

This had a big impact on Zhou Peng, who suddenly became famous and was still in his sophomore year.

It's just that Zhang Hongguang valued her later and invited her to make music together.

A few days ago, when I was recording the song "I'm Beautiful", I accidentally met Jiang Pei'an, a bigwig in the film and television industry.

For Zhou Peng, a child who has no roots in the entertainment industry and came from an ordinary family in Henan Province.

Jiang Pei'an was already a bigwig in the entertainment industry that she could come into contact with.

And this entertainment legend actually wants to sign herself, and at the same time pull her "teacher" Zhang Hongguang into her company.

Zhou Peng's heart suddenly became chaotic.

She didn't know much about Jiang Pei'an, except that she knew from the teacher that he was a very famous international director.

The box office of his movies is also frighteningly high, with each movie starting at [-] million yuan.

But one thing is, the other party is not a music company in the strict sense.

Although he has a talent in music that the teacher admires.

But the "Spark Entertainment" he was talking about was still an entertainment company that had nothing to do with music.

It gives her the feeling that she is more inclined to film and television companies.

This made her a little tangled, can she get a broad development platform after joining the company?

She didn't ask this question, and she didn't like to ask. After returning to Yu Province from the grassland, she seemed to lose her freedom after losing the grassland.

There are many things that she will only bury in her heart and think about them secretly.

If Jiang Pei'an knew what she was thinking at the moment, he would definitely tell her with confidence:

Sister, you are still young, as long as you hang out with your brother, do you still worry about not having a platform and resources in the entertainment industry?
Movies, music, dance, these all belong to the entertainment circle, brother has enough resources!
Of course, Zhou Peng definitely didn't know, or he underestimated Jiang Pei'an's influence, and he was still worrying all by himself.

The teacher asked her to discuss it with her parents, and she also called back.

But my parents are ordinary people, and my understanding of art or music is still only at the stage of singing.

And asked her intentionally or unintentionally, what can I do after graduating from music?
This troubled her a little.

So she wrote a letter to her grandmother who lived on the grassland.

Although her grandmother's education level is not high, she has had a close relationship with her since she was a child.

In her heart, although grandma doesn't understand these things, she always gives herself some inspiration.

It is estimated that the letter will be sent back in the next two days.

Depressed, she turned on the computer left by her roommate to relieve boredom, and began to search for information online.

While she was browsing the forum, a message suddenly jumped into view.

"A dark horse in the music scene, "Fireworks Are Cold" is a high-quality music work not to be missed this year!"

Fireworks get cold?

Zhou Peng was stunned, isn't this the song Jiang Pei'an sang in the recording studio that day?

Could it be the same name?

With curiosity, Zhou Peng began to look up relevant information online.

When topics related to Jiang Pei'an, "Fireworks Are Cold" and "Love Has an Afterlife" popped up, Zhou Peng suddenly realized.

That's right, Jiang Pei'an recorded this song at that time.

When she opened the third trailer of "Love Has an Afterlife", she immediately threw herself into it...

After watching the trailer, Zhou Peng leaned on the chair for a long time unable to recover.

All that came to her mind were the images of the movie she had just seen.

"The filming is really beautiful, the song is also very nice, it catches my ears unexpectedly..."

If Zhou Peng were to evaluate Jiang Pei'an's song, the composition, arrangement, lyrics creation, and music production are all top-notch.

The only fly in the ointment is probably the level of the singer. She has heard the dome of "Fireworks Are Cold".

It can only be said that the level of the singer is average.

But combined with the movie screen and the performances of the male and female protagonists, this song is unexpectedly suitable for the occasion.

At the same time, she also remembered the song "Left Pointing to the Moon" that Jiang Pei'an wrote for herself, but she couldn't sing now.

That song was written really well.

Thinking of the music score of "Left Pointing to the Moon", her heart swayed for a while.

It's a pity that I can't sing now...

Just as she was daydreaming, the doorman suddenly called and said that she had a package.

Thinking of the possibility, Zhou Peng immediately jumped off his seat and ran to the door post.

A large package, which contains dried beef jerky, and some NMG specialties.

However, due to the long and bumpy journey, many things were broken.

Looking at this big bag of things, Zhou Peng's eyes were rosy, and his mood was extremely complicated.

She doesn't often write letters to her grandmother, who cannot read and has to be read to her by other people.

And every time I write a letter, my grandma will definitely send her a big bag of things, for fear that she will have a bad life.

"Do what you like to do. At the very top, you have to remember that there are people in the court who are easy to be officials, and there is no mud under their feet, so they can't fall down..."

Dingding is her nickname, which was the name she used when she changed her name later.

Grandma didn't say much in her letter, and only used a proverb to answer her inner confusion.

Look at the letter from grandma, and then look at the webpage that has not been closed just now.

Zhou Peng clenched his fists and made up his mind.

She picked up the dormitory phone:



"Well, okay, I see. I have something to do these two days. You wait for my news, and then we will talk at the company."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Pei'an smiled slightly.

Sure enough, Zhou Peng chose to join Starfire Entertainment.

There is no doubt about Zhou Peng's strength. Singing depends on skill and hard work on the one hand.

On the one hand, it is completely dependent on talent.

Zhou Peng belongs to the kind that the patriarch feeds.

Whether it is the early dance music such as "Dong Bala" or the brisk Sanskrit songs such as "All Things Live", she can perfectly control it.

As for the fact that later generations said that her lip-syncing with the microphone was questioned.

Come on, I'll be the runner-up in the Youth Song Competition anyway.

Because of lip-synching and doubting her singing ability, she lost to Jordan and his boss.

Then a large group of people jumped out and said that Jordan couldn't play.

With a singer like Zhou Peng joining Spark Entertainment, it can be said that the music sector can hold its own for the time being.

The next step is to create a few songs for Zhou Peng personally, so that she can gain a foothold in the music world first.

Right now it is still a golden period of development in the music world, with albums, announcements, and concerts.

Tsk tsk tsk, in the golden age of the music scene, how could he not get involved.

Of course, these are all things for later, he told Zhou Peng just now that he was busy these two days and it was really not about framing her.

The road show of "Love Has an Afterlife" has come to an end, and the team led by Yu Feihong has rushed over there.

If he stays in the capital, he has other things to do.

Lions Gate President Charles personally came to China to visit him.

At first Jiang Pei'an thought it was a joke.

Until Old Brown called him and told him that he would also visit China with Charles.

Only then did Jiang Pei'an realize that these guys were really in a hurry.

"Ghost Shadow 2" has been released worldwide, and the results are gratifying, although there is still some gap with the box office of the first film's 1.5 million.

But as a sequel, Lionsgate has been overjoyed to get the current box office of over [-] million.

But seeing that "Ghost Shadow 2" is about to go offline, "Chain Saw 2", which is one of Lionsgate's "two-step" strategies, has been silent for a long time.

Charles panicked.

He once hinted that Jiang Pei'an could start working on "Chain Saw 2" when Jiang Pei'an went to Vancouver to promote "Ghost Shadow 2".

As a result, Jiang Pei'an turned a blind eye and didn't panic at all. He was a little puzzled for a while.

What does this Chinese man want?
Later, when he called to tell Jiang Pei'an that he could shoot "Chain Saw 2", Jiang Pei'an also played Tai Chi with him.

With the Pacific Ocean between them, he couldn't force Jiang Pei'an face to face.

Coupled with the fact that the headquarters kept asking why the successor of "Ghost Shadow 2" was delayed, he finally made up his mind to come to China.


Beijing Airport.

Jiang Pei'an brought the general manager of Starfire Entertainment, Yujie Su Qing and the only director Ning Hao to pick him up at the airport.

Sister Su Yu has been very tempered recently, and since Jiang Pei'an recruited her into the banner, she has been in a state of letting go.

If it wasn't for the monthly salary arriving on time, plus Jiang Pei'an's reputation in the circle.

She really suspected that she was cheated by Jiang Pei'an.

She has been in the company for half a year. Apart from the most basic staff, there are no other artists in the company...

Oh, Ning Hao is one.

Su Qing, who has no generals under her command, seriously doubts whether the "Spark Entertainment Industry" that Jiang Pei'an described to her before is just making money.

National first-class pastry chef, Jiang Pei'an.

The specialty is drawing cakes for employees.

Masterpieces: "Spark Entertainment Industry", "Creating a Literary Empire in the Entertainment Industry", "Follow me and work hard, sooner or later you will win the entertainment industry"...

Some time ago she saw the news on the Internet that Jiang Pei'an released a new song MV for the movie "Love Has an Afterlife".

I just felt a burst of air-conditioning from the soles of my feet straight to the top of the sky.

There is still a reason, my big boss produces works, but I don't know it at all.

If "Fireworks Are Cold" is handed over to the company for operation, its influence will definitely be higher than it is now.

When she called to question Jiang Pei'an angrily, the other party's light "I forgot" made her so angry that she almost had a cerebral hemorrhage.

With such an unreliable boss, what else can she do?
"Director Jiang, what's wrong with Mr. Su?"

Ning Hao approached Jiang Pei'an and asked in a low voice.

Jiang Pei'an glanced at Su Qing, whose face was as cold as ice.

Miss Su Yu is wearing a blue shirt made of velvet today.

The style gives people a sense of luxury, and the drapey fabric highlights her overall shape and design.

Below is a set of black hip striped skirt, which is both business style and out of fashion.

Sister Su Yu, who is full of aura, walks gracefully yet capable, and is a proper professional woman.

Jiang Pei'an withdrew his gaze and whispered:
"It may be that she has been unwell and has a bad temper these two days."

Ning Hao understood in seconds, nodded, and said:
"Understood, Xing Aina is like this sometimes, let's avoid her today."


Sister Su Yu rolled her eyes at Gou Chongchong's boss and employees, and their words naturally fell into her ears.

"Boss, what shall we do this time?"

While waiting for someone, Sister Su Yu asked.

She was in charge of coordinating the contact with Lions Gate this time, which made Sister Su Yu, who had been silent for a long time, feel that it was time to show her talents.

She must take the other party down so that the boss will stop ignoring her existence.

"It's very simple, let the group of Lions Gate let go of the shooting rights of "Chain Saw 2" and let our company intervene."

Jiang Pei'an's light words made Su Qing's blood surge.

Lionsgate will certainly not be cooperating with other parties to make a movie.

After all, "Chain Saw" is a low-cost movie, and it does not need capital injection from other companies.

Co-production means a split of the box office and a large loss of profits.

As long as Lions Gate is not stupid, it will never open this hole.

Even if the opponent is Jiang Pei'an.

Even if it is a brother, he is still clear about it!

"What if the other party doesn't want to?"

Su Qing asked.

Jiang Pei'an smiled slightly and said:
"Don't want to? We have a good product in our hands, don't we still worry about not being able to sell it?"

"However, there are not many companies with the same size as Lionsgate that agree to our conditions, right?

Moreover, the subject matter of "Chain Saw" cannot be screened in China, and it can only be filmed and produced by foreign companies.

Other companies are either willing or not strong enough in distribution, or strong enough, but like Lions Gate, they will not agree to our request.

The Sixth National Congress can be considered, but... the water here is too deep, boss, you'd better not get involved lightly. "

Su Qing analyzed one by one.

Of course Jiang Pei'an knew what Sister Su Yu said.

He patted Su Qing on the shoulder and said with a smile:
"So it's up to you, President Su. How can you make these foreigners cry and beg to cooperate with us? This is the company's test for you."

Jiang Pei'an walked past her, but Su Qing clenched his fists.

This task is very heavy, but as long as she completes it, she will definitely be able to prove her strength and make the boss look at her with admiration.

"My friends, welcome to Huaxia hahaha."

Just when Sister Su Yu burned her own small universe and vowed to win the Lion Gate, Jiang Pei'an's hearty laughter came from behind.

Looking back, I saw that he was embracing a few foreigners and having a good conversation.

Boss, how about letting foreigners cry and beg us to cooperate?

Laughing is really worthless!

(End of this chapter)

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