Chapter 2

New Year's Day.

The snow has not yet melted, and it is freezing cold, and it creaks when you step on it.

New Year's greetings on the first day of the new year.

Jiang Pei'an was fully dressed and walked in front to support his grandparents, lest their feet slip.

Parents followed behind, and his father, Jiang Wanglong, kept his face dark all the time and did not speak.

He stared straight at Jiang Pei'an who was walking in front.

But when grandma turned her head to talk to her daughter-in-law.

Jiang Wanglong immediately changed his expression again, and accompanied him with a smile.

Jiang Pei'an sighed in his heart. In his last life, he specially went to Sichuan and Shu to watch the face-changing performance.

If talent performances are needed in the New Year, he will definitely recommend his father to perform this Sichuan and Sichuan unique skill that he likes so much!

"Anzi, do you have to do this, today is the first day of the Lunar New Year!"

Jiang Wanglong said suddenly from behind with a straight face.

Jiang Pei'an is from northern Anhui, and there are many taboos on the first day of the new year.

For example, you can't wash your hair, you can't take out the garbage, and you can't beat or scold your children.

You can't come to ask someone to do something, and you can't come to find something.

There are many taboos, but they are all imaginary. In layman's terms, they are probably:

New Year's Eve...

Hearing this, Jiang Pei'an stopped and looked back at his father, pointed to the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, and said seriously:

"Dad, if I am blind in my left eye, I will be called a one-eyed dragon for the rest of my life.

I have endured other people's strange eyes all my life, and feel inferior everywhere.

Don't dare to take the initiative to talk to people, let alone fall in love, and will fight with others and go to prison because of others' ridicule! "

What Jiang Pei'an said really happened to him.

It's just the last life!
At that time, he was blinded in his left eye because he missed the best opportunity for treatment.

And all this stems from Li Hongliang's misdiagnosis...

It can't be said to be a misdiagnosis, it should be a malicious injury under his intentional cover!
Jiang Pei'an, who has low self-esteem, goes out to work alone, and is excluded and bullied everywhere.

Later, he got into a fight with someone and went to jail.

After being released from prison for two years, he suddenly figured out something.

Afterwards, he worked on the spot in various production crews, bowed his knees everywhere, and thoroughly experienced the warmth and coldness of the world.

By chance, I hugged a "thigh".

The so-called thigh is just the assistant director of a certain crew.

A place like the crew relies on connections.

The rich contribute money, but it may not be able to win people's hearts.

If you work hard, do dirty work, and do all the things you see and don't see, it's natural that someone will take a fancy to it.

No one buys box lunches?
I'll buy!

No one moved props?
I move!

No one dares to fall from a high-altitude building?

let me try!

Difficult to communicate with the scene?
I go to "communicate"!
Relying on a lot of hard work and continuous learning and accumulation, Jiang Pei'an finally caught the eyes of the assistant director.

When the assistant director turned into a director, Jiang Pei'an rose to become the assistant director.

When the director became a producer, Jiang Pei'an had been an assistant director for five years.

There are often plots of fighting and killing in movies and TV dramas, but this is not popular in reality.

Only brute force and hard work can't achieve big things, so he began to study the production of movies and TV series systematically.

In my spare time, I go to major film and television academies to attend lectures to recharge, and consult with the cooperating directors with an open mind.

When Jiang Pei'an directed his first film, he had been an assistant director for seven years.

The box office performance of the movie is not bad, and the management is satisfied.

So he has his second and third movies...

Therefore, Jiang Pei'an became the famous "Little Sunglasses King" in the Mainland.


"Bah, bah, bah! It's not good to say anything during the Chinese New Year, but I have to say these unlucky things!"

Grandma interrupted Jiang Pei'an, her eyes were red.

Jiang Pei'an is the eldest son and grandson she has cared for for 15 years.

Just thinking about what Jiang Pei'an said just now made her panic.

Jiang Wanglong was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect his son who has always been taciturn to say that.

Although what his son said was hypothetical, Jiang Wanglong's face darkened when he thought of that possibility:
"Go, go to the fucking New Year, and dare to cover up his nephew, I will beat Li Hongliang up!"

Seeing this, Jiang Pei'an smiled slightly.

Last night he pretended to have eye pain, and howled all night before he got the whole family to go to Li Hongliang's house for New Year's greetings.

At this time in the previous life, he didn't know that the person who injured his eyes with a firecracker was Li Hongliang's nephew.

Later, when he came home, he happened to see the boy who injured his eye called Uncle Li Hongliang, so he understood the relationship between the two...

But that was years away.

At first, his eyes did recover after a few days of rest, but his vision was a little blurry.

He didn't think it was done completely, until he completely lost his sight a month later.

When I rushed to the hospital, the doctor said that the best opportunity for treatment had been missed.

If Li Hongliang hadn't shielded his nephew.

If Li Hongliang hadn't completely rejected his father's request to go to the hospital for examination...

Fortunately, it's not too late!

When he arrived at Li Hongliang's house, he was sitting in the yard basking in the sun with a bruised nose and swollen eyes.

Wear thick clothes in winter, and Jiang Pei'an knows how to measure them.

So he can still sit in the small courtyard today.

"What happened to Li Hongliang, was he beaten?"

Jiang Wanglong, who wanted to beat Li Hongliang fat, was a little puzzled when he saw his miserable appearance.

"Maybe I fell while walking."

Jiang Pei'an said calmly.

After Li Hongliang's nephew saw Jiang Pei'an, he immediately walked into the house with a guilty conscience.

"It's him, fired a cannon into my eyes, and now I can't see my eyes."

Jiang Pei'an did not talk nonsense and identified Li Hongliang's nephew on the spot.

Jiang Pei'an's words stunned the people in the small courtyard, and then a tall man pulled Li Hongliang's nephew out to confront him.

"Zhang Jianye, what's going on?"

The tall man should be Zhang Jianye's father, he asked directly.

"I, I didn't mean it, yes, I'm sorry."

Zhang Jianye said with a sad face and lowered his head.

Jiang Pei'an said calmly:

"It's useless to apologize, you will pay legal responsibility for intentional harm."

Zhang Jianye is the same age as him, and both of them have reached their full age.

Zhang Jianye's mother protected her son behind her and said:
"Don't say it so seriously, my son is still young, don't try to scare us!"

Jiang Pei'an smiled slightly, looked at her and said:

"Then let's go directly to the police station. You don't want your son to go to jail, do you?"

Seeing that the other party did not speak, Jiang Pei'an said directly:
"I'll go to the County People's Hospital for an examination, and one from your family will go along with you, and you will bear all the expenses..."

Before Jiang Pei'an finished speaking, Li Hongliang immediately interrupted:

"You, your eyes are fine. I've checked everything..."

Jiang Pei'an glanced at him and said:
"My eyes hurt all night last night. If I delay the treatment, I will blow up one of your nephew's eyes. If you think it's okay, you don't need to go to the hospital."


Li Hongliang opened his mouth and was speechless.

He really couldn't understand Jiang Pei'an's eyes, he just wanted to deal with it yesterday.

"Hong Liang, what's wrong with your face?"

Grandma Jiang Pei'an asked suddenly.

"Fall, fall."

Li Hongliang said grumblingly, he definitely couldn't say that he was beaten with a sap.

Not to mention that the murderer could not be found, he also knew in his heart that he deliberately prescribed expensive medicine to the villagers when he usually saw a doctor, but in fact it was shoddy.

If the number of times of cheating is too high, people will naturally find out, and it is not impossible to beat him up during the Chinese New Year.

Grandma nodded and said:

"It's a big New Year's fall, and I'm ashamed to see people."

Li Hongliang: ...


In the end, Zhang Jianye's family accompanied Jiang Pei'an's family to the county town to have their eyes checked.

Sure enough, after some examinations, the doctor's first sentence scared everyone.

"If you come a few days later, you won't be able to keep your eye. Arrange for surgery directly."

Jiang Pei'an had known in his previous life that his mild trauma caused gradual blindness in his eyes. If he was treated in time, he only needed a minimally invasive surgery to solve it.

In the end, Jiang Pei'an's eyes were healed, and he was discharged after a few days in the hospital.

In addition to bearing all the medical expenses, Zhang Jianye's parents also compensated a lot of nutrition expenses.

They were worried that Jiang Pei'an would go to the police station to sue them in turn.


It was already the tenth day of the Lunar New Year when Jiang Pei'an was discharged from the hospital, and his parents had to go out to work.

The night before his departure, his father Jiang Wanglong asked:
"It's not a problem for you to mess around at home every day. Go out to work with me."

Jiang Pei'an was watching TV, and it happened to be commercial time.

On the TV, Brother Cheng Long followed Wumao special effects, hugged a VCD, and faced the camera:

"Ai Duo VCD, good work!"

Jiang Pei'an looked at the Aiduo VCD next to his TV, thinking in his mind:
"After two years of commercial competition, the price of VCD has dropped to [-] yuan.

Ever since Backgammon became the CCTV standard king this year, almost every household has a VCD..."

"Talking to you, go out to work with me!"

Jiang Wanglong frowned, and tapped the bowl with his chopsticks to remind his son who was in a daze.

Jiang Pei'an watched the VCD advertisement on the black and white TV, leaned on the back of the chair, put his head in his hands and said with a leisurely smile:
"It is impossible to work part-time, and it is impossible to work part-time in this life..."

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(End of this chapter)

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