I'm not just a director

Chapter 320 Endorsement is online

Because of Xinghuo's intervention, Hu Ge completely terminated his contract with Tang Ren.

After being discovered by the media, the incident quickly made the front pages of major newspapers.

"Hu Ge has terminated his contract with Tangren, and his next employer is suspected to be Spark Entertainment?" 》

"Hu Ge would rather pay a high breach fee to leave Tangren. Why?" 》

"Hu Ge: The termination of the contract is a normal business interaction. Please do not over-interpret the media. 》

It is very common for artists to change jobs, not to mention that Hu Ge did not receive much attention in the Tang Dynasty.

When the two parties first signed the contract, Hu Ge was able to enter the company only because of his outstanding appearance.

After Hu Ge became popular, the Tangren gang began to accept various commercial advertisements for Hu Ge, regardless of Hu Ge's wishes.

Hu Ge approached Cai Yinong many times about this matter, but in the end they all failed, leaving him with a gap in his heart.

This job change was very sudden for the media, but for Hu Ge personally, he had been thinking about it in his heart.

Because of the popularity of "Heartbeat", he turned around and fell into Starfire's arms. This is normal...

Jiang Pei'an originally thought that Hu Ge's departure would make the Tang people unyielding. Unexpectedly, this time the Tang people chose to keep things quiet and did not cause trouble.

I always feel that Cai Yinong is not the kind of person who keeps silent after suffering a loss. He must be secretly planning some big move.

But Jiang Peian is not afraid. If Xinghuo and Tang Ren collide, he may not be the loser...

"Director Ning, this is the script of "Breathless". You should read it first."

In the office, Jiang Pei'an handed Ning Hao the script he had been working on for a week.

Hearing Jiang Peian's words, Ninghao looked excited. He was still a movie director at this time.

It's as if an old reader is facing an updated novel by his favorite author and can't wait to open the script and browse it carefully.

Although Jiang Pei'an gave him a chance to choose one of the two, Ninghao himself also understood that "Escape" would never be put on the big screen now.

This "Breathless" is obviously more of an atmospheric horror film created using shooting techniques and techniques.

It may not be as good as "Get Out" in terms of plot, but it can still be regarded as a continuation of the horror elements of the "Ghost" series of movies.

He is very good at this...

There are no monsters or serial killers in this movie.

But it keeps people breathless from beginning to end.

The "Detroit News" once commented: The tension brought by the film makes this tight and uncontrollable nervous tension throughout the film, and it is not possible to breathe until the last moment.

In fact, the film industry has developed to such an extent that the audience's senses have long been numbed by Hollywood blockbusters.

Compared with large-scale productions, such small-scale movies seem to be more eye-catching.

Small-budget movies that appear almost every year and surprise people seem to have been confirming this.

Ning Hao read it very carefully. Jiang Pei'an's writing was relatively concise, without many modifiers, just like a bowl of boiled water, straightforward and tasteless.

But it is what is written in such words that is even more shocking. He is like a pair of eyes watching the plot of the story, looking at it all indifferently and objectively.

Coupled with the split-shot script drawn by Jiang Pei'an in each key scene, the script is like a comic with a full sense of presence.

Ninghao is very slow in doing things. It seems that he is thinking about the next step every moment.

The same thing happened when he was reading the script. He lit a cigarette and read the script quietly.

Jiang Peian felt bored and started browsing the news on the computer.

The publicity related to his endorsement of Penguin has been online, and it caused a huge uproar as soon as it went online.

As an Internet company that has grown rapidly in recent years, Penguin has become very popular among young people.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he has changed the social chat among young people. Especially with the promotion of "Star You", Penguin has almost become a national-level social software.

Coupled with the hunger marketing that Penguin Space deliberately played some time ago, it really made it gain enough attention.

Now Jiang Peian's franchise endorsement has made it once the darling of young people rushing to download and register.

Especially when the user enters the penguin space, Jiang Peian and the little penguin wearing a red scarf appear in animation holding hands.

"Welcome to Penguin Space."

Also, when the user logs in to the Penguin account, Jiang Peian’s humanoid photo will be online, smiling and saying to the user:
"Welcome to Penguin Account."

Not only that, users can also choose to use Jiang Peian's image as a pop-up reminder in the settings, or use the previous "cough sound" to promote friends online.

"Holy crap, Director Jiang chose you as the image spokesperson. Penguin really has you."

"If nothing else, Penguin, you paid Director Jiang to be the spokesperson. You guys know marketing."

"Hahaha, I always felt that Director Jiang never showed up, but now whenever I board the Penguin, Director Jiang will take the initiative to come out and say hello to me. It feels really cool."

Jiang Pei'an's endorsement has only been online for 48 hours, and it has aroused heated discussions among netizens.

At this time, he was laughing and looking at the various trolling comments on the Internet. Some people even posted screenshots of his endorsement photos as emoticons on the forum.

Seeing this, Jiang Peian is very aware that he was reborn relatively early. If he pushes it back more than ten years, I am afraid that by then the website will be full of ghost videos of his demonic nature...

Jiang Pei'an was browsing the web page leisurely, while Ning Hao had already finished reading the script.

Jiang Peian turned around and looked at Ninghao and said:
"What do you gain after reading this?"

Ninghao knew that Jiang Peian was testing him, so he thought about it and said:
“In this movie, there are basically only four characters: three young people and a veteran, but as the title says, it makes people hold their breath from the beginning to the end.

As the villain in the film, the blind veteran's role is quite outstanding. He alone drives the development of the entire plot.

He was obviously blind, but he had excellent physical fitness and reflexes. After shooting Minor, he instinctively felt that Minor had an accomplice.

So he simply sealed all possible exits from the house. This is very consistent with his character as a veteran, and it is a detailed setting, but at the same time it promotes the plot..."

“There are many details like this, and they are arranged reasonably and cleverly.

Many scenes show Alex teaching Luo Ji how to use the American home security automatic alarm system.

In just a few words, the audience can understand that the veteran became blind while participating in the Gulf War.

So in the end Luo Ji was able to make the veteran collapse by activating the automatic alarm, because the shrill alarm triggered his war sequelae..."

Hearing Ninghao's words, Jiang Peian nodded and said:

"If you look at it carefully, these details will be reflected in the actual shooting of the movie. This is a subtle performance.

As long as the audience is not stupid, it will leave an impression in their minds. This can be regarded as a foreshadowing for the development of the subsequent plot, and what else?Is there any deeper interpretation? "

Ninghao frowned, flipping through the script in his hand and thinking.

The director is the soul of a movie, even if Jiang Pei'an puts the script in front of Ning Hao.But if he doesn't understand it well or doesn't grasp some details, he won't be able to achieve the effect when directing and shooting.

Sometimes, it can even produce completely opposite results.

After all, whether it is the lighting, the actors' performances, or the cooperation of other departments, these are all based on the director's understanding of the script.

Jiang Pei'an was not in a hurry, so he sat aside and waited for Ning Hao's answer.

“I personally feel that the most important thing is that the main characters of this movie are not so black and white.

Three young men who broke into houses and even spared the elderly and orphans.

A blind veteran who has cruel tactics and always wants to use other people's stomachs to leave an heir for himself.

Which one can be called an absolutely good person?

But they all seem to be ordinary people with unknown sufferings and struggling in life..."

Having said this, Ninghao raised his head and glanced at Jiang Pei'an, who motioned for him to continue.

"Luo Ji wants to get the money, realize her sister's dream, and leave her blood-sucking family.

Alex loves Luo Ji deeply and wants to help her get the money and go away from home.

The blind veteran first lost his eyes on the battlefield and then experienced the pain of losing his daughter.

He knew that the murderer who killed his daughter was a wealthy girl from a prominent family and would not receive the punishment he deserved.

So he pretended to be reconciled and kidnapped the rich girl, hoping that she would have another child for him.

But he didn't force the rich girl...

When facing Luo Ji, who was unable to resist, the veteran did not use rough methods.

Instead, she chose to use her own saved semen for artificial insemination.

To put it bluntly, he is just a lonely old man who lost his daughter and went to extremes.

It makes people sympathize and pitiful, but what he does cannot make people agree with him.

There is no absolute good or absolute evil, only the last resort forced by life...

This is one of the important ideas that the film wants to convey, and it is also the value of the role of the blind veteran.

Compared with monsters and monsters, what is more terrifying is the human heart; compared with the human heart, what is more terrifying is the last resort..."

Ninghao seemed to say the last sentence with emotion.

Jiang Pei'an smiled and nodded, saying:

“There is no absolute black and white, no absolute good guys and bad guys.

Each character is not a single perpetrator or victim, they just have their own cause and effect, and they are suffering the consequences. "

Ninghao nodded, and he said that the meaning was probably what Jiang Peian said.

"Okay, you take the script, but I only have one thing. The role of this blind old man must be chosen well.

It's best if the actors can stabilize. If this one does well at the box office, I will consider writing a sequel. "

Ninghao was very excited when he heard Jiang Peian's words.

As we all know, when making movies in Xinghuo, only movies that do very well at the box office will have the opportunity to make sequels.

Does Jiang Peian's words mean that he is very optimistic about the movie "Breathless", at least in terms of box office, it will definitely not be a hit?

Within Xinghuo, especially directors like Guan Hu, Ning Hao, and Wu Ershan, they have a morbid admiration for Jiang Peian.

Perhaps the outside world views Jiang Pei'an as a young director with several films with over [-] million box office, and a banner-bearer for Chinese films today.

Very awesome and very rich.

But these are just conceptual things. Only real practitioners, or those who understand this industry, know how difficult it is to exceed [-] million in box office in this era.

Only then did I realize that, let alone being popular abroad, Chinese films can be considered a success in a sense just by being able to go abroad.

Not to mention someone like Jiang Pei'an who spends his whole day playing in the autumn wind in North America, taking away hundreds of millions of dollars at the box office.

Therefore, when Jiang Peian feels that a project is suitable, especially a film and television project, the feeling for Ninghao and others is that this thing is definitely promising and will definitely be welcomed by the audience.

If Jiang Peian shook his head and didn't approve of this film and television project, then it would be in vain.

These are not superstitions, but based on the experience summed up by Ninghao and several people based on many actual cases before them.

Seeing the surprise on Ninghao's face, Jiang Peian smiled and said:
"So I want you to prepare in advance. This movie is actually different from the traditional thriller movie, and even very different from "Ghost". I call it a 'small format movie'.

Whether it is Hitchcock's works or some unknown people's films, they all follow the following routines:
The supernatural forces causing trouble, the causes of mental illnesses, the recurring illusion of dreams, and the startling soundtrack induce the audience.

But "Breathless" has successfully avoided the above misunderstandings. To put it bluntly, it can be said to have redefined the meaning of horror movies and given the audience a good sense of immersion...

Therefore, I am also very confused. I don’t know whether the current audience can accept such a brand new setting. "

Hearing Jiang Peian's words, Ninghao felt relieved and said with a smile:
"Since I chose this movie, I will go all out to make it to the end, at least in the early stages of filming without leaving any regrets. As for the final box office, I will leave it to the audience to judge."

Jiang Peian was very pleased to hear Ninghao's words.

Sure enough, the best way for a director to train is to accumulate experience through continuous filming.

Ning Hao's current way of thinking is completely different from that of the novice who just entered the industry.

"Come on, let's make foreigners willing to pay and enter the theater this time."

It is obvious that "Breathless" will never be released in China.

Therefore, in terms of plot setting, Jiang Pei'an did not change too much in the plot except for modifying the time and space background.

"Director Jiang, I'll go back and make preparations first. I'll fly to Canada next week and ask people from Lionsgate to help contact the actors. They've been urging me like crazy lately."

"Okay, go ahead and say hello to old Brown and Charles for me."

Jiang Pei'an said with a smile.

"it is good."

Ninghao had just walked out of Jiang Peian's office, and he couldn't suppress the raised corners of his mouth.

The box office is stable!

Article [-] of "Jiang's Law":

When a film and television project makes Director Jiang wonder whether it can be a hit, congratulations, this project will definitely be a hit! (End of chapter)

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