I'm not just a director

Chapter 331 Let Hua Liu become the best in the world

May [-]st is Labor Day.

Filming of the movie "Painted Skin" officially started in Hengdian.

This launch can be said to have attracted countless attention in all aspects.

Fans from all over the country rushed here, and many crew members who were also based in Hengdian came to participate.

"I'm telling you, you kid, it's so risky to engage in such a big battle without saying a word!"

At the startup scene, a hearty voice sounded, and then Jiang Peian's shoulder seemed to be patted hard.

With such a tone and such strength, Jiang Pei'an knew who the other person was without even turning his head.

Ginger smells.

Lao Jiang has been squatting in Hengdian during this period, and his life is quite comfortable.

He took on a play last year called "Letter from an Unknown Woman", adapted from a novel by an Austrian writer.

Director, Xu Cainv.

This movie can be regarded as Xu Cainnu's famous work. The movie requires funds and stars.

The movie was regarded as a love bible by many literary and artistic young people in later generations and was touted everywhere.

Xu Cainv herself also successfully won the International Category A Film Festival Award for this movie she wrote, directed and acted in, confirming her reputation as a talented woman...

"Brother Wen, why didn't you tell me in advance when you were coming?"

Jiang Peian turned around and said with a smile.

Only then did he realize that Xu Cainv was standing next to Jiang Wen.

"Director Xu, hello."

Jiang Peian nodded politely to the other party.

"I met Director Jiang again. I'm looking forward to your movie."

Xu Cainv said with a smile.

"Thank you."

The appearance of the two people immediately attracted the attention of a large number of reporters present.

"Director Xu, when will this movie be released?"

"Jiang Wen, you are the leading actor this time. How does it feel to work with Director Xu?"

"Can you three come closer so I can take a picture for you?"

The scene became chaotic for a while, and Jiang Peian quickly waved his hands and fled the scene.

The power-on ceremony started at [-]:[-] a.m., and crowds of people continued to pour into the scene.

"Director Jiang, good luck with the startup."

Chen Kun came over and congratulated him. He came with Zhou Xun. His good friend's movie was launched, so of course he came to congratulate him.

At the same time, he also had other purposes for coming here this time...

"Chen Kun, Chen Kun, look here!"

"Chen Kun is actually here? Oh my God, didn't he and Jiang Pei'an have a feud?"

"It seems like he came here with bad intentions!"

"No, he seems to have said hello to Director Jiang. What's going on?"

The reporters and spectators on the side felt unbelievable when they saw Chen Kun and Jiang Peian greeting each other.

Especially those who know the past grudges between the two find it even more incredible.

Damn it, there's a good show happening right now. Is Chen Kun here to look for trouble at the launch of Director Jiang's new movie?

If you start scolding, it's better to start a fight. Tomorrow's front page headline will be: "Chen Kun bloodbathed Jiang Pei'an's movie launch scene."

Unfortunately, the plans of these onlookers did not go as planned, and they saw Chen Kun slowly walking towards Jiang Pei'an.

Jiang Peian smiled and reached out to shake hands with him in advance, and the two talked for a while before they separated.

Seeing this scene, many people were stunned, and then reporters rushed toward Chen Kun like crazy.

"Chen Kun, what is your purpose for coming here?"

At that moment, a girl with short hair took the microphone and asked sharp questions.

When this issue is raised, it is equivalent to tearing off the previous fig leaf.

The reporters were very excited. There is never a shortage of warriors among our colleagues!
  Seeing the serious look of the short-haired reporter, Chen Kun thought helplessly, this must not be a fan of Director Jiang, right?
  "Director Jiang and I are friends, and the heroine Zhou Xun is also a friend. When their new movie starts shooting, of course I will come to bless them. This is my purpose."

"No, why did I hear that you had a grudge against Director Jiang back then?"

As soon as Chen Kun's words came to light, reporters immediately asked questions.

Chen Kun tried his best to keep smiling and said slowly:

"What happened back then was just a misunderstanding. As you can see, Director Jiang and I are friends now.

I explained the previous matter to Director Jiang and apologized. That matter is over now. "

After saying these words, Chen Kun left without looking back.

The reporter behind him was furious.

The result of that war was quite tragic.

Is Zhao Yanzi awesome? She was "dead" on the spot and all the classmates of Nortel Class 96, led by her, were shouted at and beaten by everyone because they were in the wrong team.

But the students from the same class of 96, because of their strong support for Jiang Pei'an, have always had the help of Jiang Pei'an, a noble man, in their development.

Now that Chen Kun has appeared openly at Jiang Peian's start-up scene, and at the same time said those words in front of reporters, does it mean that Chen Kun, no, all the students in Nortel Class 96 have been "forgiven" by Director Jiang?
  Although the word forgiveness sounds very middle-class, it is extremely suitable when used between Jiang Peian and Nortel Class 96.

After all, as long as Jiang Pei'an doesn't nod or deliberately seeks trouble for them, these people will not be able to develop in the entertainment industry.


At [-]:[-] in the morning, the host of the opening ceremony took the stage.

"Thank you to all the reporters and audience friends present, today is the opening ceremony of "Painted Skin".

I believe that you have read the relevant news about "Painted Skin" on the Internet before, so I won't go into details here. Now let's invite the main creative team of the show to come on stage..."

The host was talking hard on the stage, and Fatty Yu and Jiang Pei'an took the lead on the stage. Fatty Yu was the producer, and Jiang Pei'an was also one of the producers, and also served as director and starring.

Behind him are Zhou Xun who plays Xiao Wei, Zeng Li who plays Pei Rong, Xia Bing and Sun Li, and Wu Jing who plays Pang Yong.

Assistant director Chang Xiaoyang also appeared with a group of supporting actors, including more than a dozen.

"Hello everyone, I am Jiang Peian, the producer, director and star of "Painted Skin"."

"I am Yu Dong, the president of Bernard Pictures and the producer of "Painted Skin"."

"I am actor Zhou Xun, and I play the heroine Xiao Wei in "Painted Skin"."

"I am actor Zeng Li..."

The main creators came on stage to introduce themselves, and the flashlights in the audience flashed crazily. As everyone's introduction was completed, the audience burst into warm applause and cheers. The cast of "Painted Skin" is very strong. Needless to say, Jiang Peian, most of the reporters who came to the scene were here for him.

Zhou Xun is a frequent star in various literary and artistic films. He has won many awards and is also the darling of various directors.

Although Zeng Li is not as famous as the two above, she is known as "Miss An" and has become famous in the country in recent years.

At the same time, because of the best-selling "Ghost" series abroad, as one of the heroines of the "Ghost" series, she is very popular among foreign audiences.

There are also Wu Jing and Sun Li. The former is famous for his costume films and fighting scenes, and the latter made his official debut with his first TV series "Jade Guanyin".

The drama won the "Most Popular Actress Award" and "Most Favorite TV Series Actress Award" at the 22nd China TV Golden Eagle Awards, making it an instant hit...

After all the actors introduced themselves, Fatty Yu took the stage to speak on behalf of Bernard.

The content described is nothing more than emphasizing the strategic partnership between Bernard and Spark, and also introducing the two companies' high hopes for the "Painted Skin" movie, followed by a look into the future...

These words are very cliché, but they are indispensable for such occasions. Jiang Pei'an couldn't say them himself, so he had to let the fat man do it for him.

After Fatty Yu finished speaking, Jiang Pei'an came on stage. In order to save time, Jiang Pei'an directly let reporters ask questions.

This unconventional move immediately attracted frantic questions from the reporters present:

"Director Jiang, we all know that your previous movies were either about modern cities or sci-fi futures.

The style and theme of this shooting are different from those in the past. Why did you shoot a fantasy movie in ancient costume? "

"Director Jiang, what kind of considerations do you have when it comes to casting?"

"I would like to ask Director Jiang, the story "Painted Skin" is almost a household name, and there have been remakes of movies of the same type in the past. Is your "Painted Skin" different from other directors' "Painted Skin"?"

"Director Jiang..."

Questions came one after another. Jiang Peian quickly stopped reporters from asking questions, otherwise the questions would not be finished until dark.

"Everyone, let's answer the questions one by one. Of course we have our own considerations as to why we made the movie "Painted Skin".

You must have watched imported foreign blockbusters in recent years, right? Let me give you an example. Does everyone know JK Rowling?
  Her first "Harry Potter" movie was released in 01. Does anyone know what its global box office was? "

"$9.747 billion!"

Someone actually answered it at the scene.

Jiang Peian nodded towards the man and said:

"Yes, 9.7 million U.S. dollars. What a huge box office is this? It can be said to be the top big IP today, and it was a huge success when it debuted.

Not only did it become the box office champion of the year, it also became the second highest grossing movie in film history. The number one movie at the time was "Titanic". "

Nowadays, not many people pay attention to the concept of IP, but Jiang Peian doesn’t care about this and continues:
  "The second part of "Harry Potter" took in $2002 million at the box office when it was released in 8.79. Although it was a little lower than the first part, who could ignore such a behemoth?
  In one month's time, the third part of the "Harry Potter" series will be released. What do you think the box office performance of this part will be? "

The scene was so quiet that no one could answer.

Everyone is still immersed in the shock of the high box office of the "Harry Potter" series.

Foreigner movies are so fucking profitable.

At the same time, in the past few years, China has been clamoring for a "box office of over [-] million." If the box office of a movie exceeds [-] million, the whole country will celebrate.

But the foreigner is awesome and pretty, so he makes money.

9.7 million US dollars, what kind of concept is this!

“I am not saying this to make people think that we are not good, on the contrary, we are very good, we are many times better than them.

This is not blind confidence or arrogance. Everyone knows that "Harry Potter" is adapted from a novel and was written by a single mother.

And what about our country? There are too many magical novels like "Harry Potter".

"Feng Shen Bang", "Journey to the West", "Sou Shen Zhuan", "Shan Hai Jing", and Mr. Pu Songling's "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio".

Therefore, someone asked me why I filmed "Painted Skin" because our excellent traditional culture deserves to be seen by the public, and it deserves to be shown to the world, and movies are the means of showing it! "

"At the same time, I also call on my colleagues to pay attention to traditional culture and make Chinese culture popular in the world!"

"Let Hua Liu become the top class in the world!"


After hearing Jiang Pei'an's words, everyone in the audience burst into warm applause.

Well said, our Chinese culture is no worse than that of foreign countries.

And the excellent works left by our ancestors really deserve to be seen by more people.

If the timeline is pulled back, Jiang Pei'an's words are actually about cultural self-confidence...

Fatty Yu next to Jiang Pei'an also looked at him in shock.

Damn, this kid is so eloquent. Comparatively speaking, what he just said was like a child playing house.

Zeng Li's beautiful eyes were shining on Jiang Pei'an on the stage. This man was really outstanding.

"Let Hua Liu become the top class in the world!"

"Director Jiang, awesome!"

"We'll support you forever!"

Jiang Pei'an's speech quickly caused a huge response on the court, especially since these people were all his fans.

After Jiang Peian finished speaking, he prepared for the opening ceremony.

Generally speaking, the crew will choose to cover the camera when turning it on to prevent accidents from happening during filming.

The so-called opening ceremony is similar to the opening ceremony, groundbreaking ceremony, and crew mobilization meeting. In order to attract the attention of the audience, we tell the media and the audience that we are going to produce a new work.

Later, Hong Kong directors collectively went north, and the opening ceremony gradually became more fantasy-like.

Burning incense and worshiping Buddha during the start-up ceremony is a trivial matter. What's even more impressive is that some crews will invite eminent monks to come to the scene to chant sutras, recite Buddha's name, and consecrate the camera.

Of course, some directors have their own special habits during the opening ceremony.

For example, director Lao Mouzi likes to wear red at the opening ceremony of his movies, which means prosperity and box office sales...

Gradually, the booting ceremony has also formed a custom. Each crew will perform a booting ceremony. Of course, this is also inseparable from the beliefs of the Chinese people.

As the news of the production of "Painted Skin" spread among the media reporters present, many people became aware of it.

But what is widely circulated is Jiang Peian's sentence "Let Hualiu become the top class in the world."

This kind of slogan can be said to be shouted very loudly. If ordinary people shouted slogans like this, they would probably be sprayed to death by the audience.

But this is Jiang Peian, a man who has repeatedly created miracles at the box office.

While other directors were still making movies to make money, Jiang Peian was already thinking about how to bring Chinese culture to the world.

Is this realm and thought something that ordinary directors can imagine?
  The next day, the headlines of major media outlets changed to:

"The movie "Painted Skin" has started filming. Director Jiang Pei'an: Let Hua Liu become the best in the world."

"When "Painted Skin" started filming, Jiang Pei'an's speech was an epic speech!"

""Painted Skin" is a movie that allows foreigners to witness Chinese culture. It is a must-see when it is released!" (End of Chapter)

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