I'm not just a director

Chapter 358 Coming soon

"Painted Skin" will be released soon.

On the contrary, Jiang Pei'an felt at ease, and all the publicity that needed to be done had been done.

The next step is to wait for "Painted Skin" to be released.

Jiang Pei'an's idea for "Painted Skin" is simple. It will surpass "Inception" at the domestic box office.

After all, the share of the movie market is constantly increasing, compared to the brain-burning and suspenseful "Inception".

A movie like "Painted Skin" that tells the story of love with a touch of fantasy elements is more suitable for the current movie-watching preferences of domestic audiences.

In fact, this is exactly the case. Before the new century, people still regarded watching movies as a luxury consumption.

At that time, only a few big cities had the habit of watching movies.

For example, during the Spring Festival of 95, "Red Zone" was released simultaneously in Beijing and around the world.

At that time, the Geological Auditorium, Ziguang Cinema, Capital Cinema, Changhong Cinema...everywhere were full of family members coming to watch the movie.

There was a huge attendance rate of 100%, and the box office revenue also set a record in the 46-year history of film distribution and screening in Beijing.

To commemorate this grand occasion, "Beijing Daily" also published a report titled "Some people still watch the movie...".

At that time, a movie ticket for a family of four cost 4 yuan. A few years ago, this kind of ticket price was still not accepted by people.

But just a few years later, watching movies became an entertainment activity for the whole family during the holidays, and this amount of economic expenditure began to be accepted by the people.

Of course, this is only in big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai.

In Xinyang City, Jiang Peian's hometown, watching movies at that time was still a relatively luxurious thing.

You must know that the first cinema was opened in Xinyang around the 50s. As for the county-level cinemas, few people went there...

But after the new century came, everything changed.

After entering the new century, Spring Festival movies have begun to change from focusing on comedies to including costume films, action films, emotional films and other genres, arousing the enthusiasm of audiences of all ages for watching movies.

Movies during the Spring Festival show a thriving scene. People have started queuing up to watch their favorite movies during the Chinese New Year.

During the Spring Festival of 2002, more than a dozen movies such as "Shrek", "Harry Potter", "Love at First Sight" and "The Unparalleled" were screened in Beijing. Long queues formed in front of many cinemas.

During the seven-day holiday, more than 7 theaters in Beijing screened 50 movies, with more than 2648 viewers, and total box office revenue of nearly 20 million yuan, setting a new high for the Spring Festival movie market.

The modern cinema facilities in Beijing also attract foreign audiences to come to Beijing to watch movies during the Chinese New Year.

From the evening of New Year's Eve to the seventh day of the first lunar month, the movie theater was full every day, and even the first row was filled with audiences.

Since the market is getting hotter year by year, and the subject matter is suitable for a wider range, there is no reason why the box office of "Painted Skin" cannot surpass "Inception".

But obviously Jiang Pei'an's expectation was not supported by film critics.

""Painted Skin" is good, but I still think that both "Inception" and "Heartbeat" are of higher quality than "Painted Skin"."

"Director Jiang Pei'an is on the decline, and we can see the signs of it from "Painted Skin."

"I still suggest that Director Jiang should stop making romantic movies and return to his best science fiction movies.

Domestic science fiction movies have always been weak. In comparison, Director Jiang is still more suitable for this field. As for romance movies, this place is already crowded. "




Su Qing slammed the newspaper on the table.

"Nonsense, these people have been eating all day long, and they have the final say on whether the movie is good or bad?"

Jiang Peian smiled and said:

"Why are you arguing with them? You already said that the quality of the movie is not up to them, so why are you so angry?"

The mouth is on other people, and they can say whatever they want. These domestic film critics or public servants are all like the keyboard warriors of later generations.

Of course, when these public intellectuals express certain views, they are still well-founded and easy to deal with.

As long as you can convince them with reason and evidence, it's not that difficult.

When later generations of keyboard warriors take action, it will be completely different.

This group of people just talk nonsense and make things up out of nothing. They do nothing but stir up trouble and stir up trouble.

"I just think these people are unreasonable. Our movie is about to be released, and now they have published these reports. What does it mean?

These film critics are experts in the eyes of the audience. When they curse, the audience's hearts will sway.

They just don’t want the audience to watch our movie. As long as the movie doesn’t reach the expected box office, they will come out with weird ideas and make me mad! "

Su Qing said angrily.

Jiang Peian smiled and said:

“There are so many experts in the country, and some people suggest that farmers buy houses in the county and drive back to farm. These people just have enough to eat.

Moreover, the audience’s eyes are sharp and they will not stop watching our movies just because of one or two innocuous remarks. "

People are curious and have a rebellious mentality that challenges authority. The more experts do not recommend doing something, the more they want to do it.

The same is true when watching a movie. I hear others say it's not good, but I just want to join in the fun. After all, there are topics to talk about when scolding.

"Okay, don't be angry. What do you want from me?"

Jiang Peian asked.

"Oh, you need to go over and rehearse for the movie's premiere tomorrow night. The rehearsal time is set for three o'clock this afternoon, which will take about two hours."

Fatty Yu wanted to hold a premiere ceremony that was not shabby, and Jiang Pei'an satisfied him.

Invite friends in the circle to help out. In addition to big names like Han Shanping on the surface, there are also some relatively well-known actors.

Isn't it just to create public opinion effect? ​​Celebrities are better tools to build momentum, both in terms of exposure and topicality.

Moreover, Jiang Peian also conducted an online live broadcast in a unique way this time.

The online live broadcast was initiated by Penguin Entertainment and online audiences were invited to watch the live broadcast together.

At the same time, CCTV 6 will also broadcast the entire ceremony live.

Of course, the guests attending the show will definitely have to perform a little talent, but it won't be as exaggerated as Lao Mouzi's "House of Flying Daggers", where each star has to sing two songs to start.

It’s just one song, and lots are drawn on the spot to see who will be on stage, which adds a bit of fun.

"Okay, I understand, is there anything else?"

"Well... there is one more thing I need to tell you in advance."

Su Qing said coyly.

Seeing her like this, it seemed like it was a private matter.

"Tell me what you want, no one else is here."

Jiang Peian said with a smile.

"My parents also want to go to the premiere."

"Okay, you can just arrange a good place for them."

Jiang Peian nodded.

"I can handle this, if they greet you or something on the spot.

Just pretend you didn't see it, okay? I'll also ask them not to talk to you in front of others, so as not to reveal their secrets. "

Su Qing said slowly.

"Isn't this not good? My uncle and aunt say hello to me, how can I hide." Jiang Peian said.

"I'm just saying that in case, just remember to ignore them anyway. Afterwards, you can say you were too busy and didn't see them."

Su Qing insisted.

"Okay, I see."

Jiang Peian nodded.

He also knew Su Qing's worries. After all, there would be a large number of reporters pouring into the venue tomorrow. If someone photographed their relationship, their relationship would be over.


Jiang Peian went to the rehearsal of the premiere ceremony in the afternoon.

The two hours made him exhausted, mainly because this premiere was the largest one he had held since his debut.

There is no room for any mistakes.

"The place is pretty good, it's like having a concert."

Jiang Peian stood on the stage and said with a smile.

In order to be in line with "House of Flying Daggers", Fatty Yu chose to hold the premiere ceremony at the Workers' Gymnasium.

Located on North Road of Sanlitun Workers' Stadium, this place was first built to host the 26th World Table Tennis Championships.

It is also the first stadium to appear on Chinese stamps and can accommodate 1.5 spectators.

As a venue for sports competitions and performing arts activities, the Workers' Stadium has hosted thousands of events and has become an important entertainment and sports activity center in the capital.

Zhang Huimei is the first person to eat crabs.

As early as 1999, Zhang Huimei held the "Meili 99" Beijing concert at the Workers' Stadium.

Became the first singer to hold a solo concert at the Workers' Stadium.

Later in 2012, she returned to her hometown and held a concert here for the second time.

Later important singers like Phoenix Legend, Jay Chou, Wang Fei and other important singers have shown their singing voices here...

Standing here, Jiang Pei'an was filled with emotions. You must know that this was the first place where many large-scale concerts were held.

The most famous one was the Hong Kong Provincial Music Stars Concert in 93.

This time is the largest gathering of artists from Hong Kong: BEYOND, Zhang Geshen, Li Ming, Liu Tianwang, Lin Yilian, Zhang Weijian, Guan Shuyi, Ye Qianwen, Ye Yuqing, etc.

That concert has now become history, and what is left are only half-reported reports.

And tomorrow, Jiang Peian will only hold his movie premiere ceremony here.

This is something he never dared to think about before he was reborn, but it will come true tomorrow night...

At seven o'clock in the evening the next day, the Workers' Gymnasium was packed with people and the sky was filled with excitement.

Everyone is silently waiting for that moment to arrive.

Many celebrities came to the scene. Every time a celebrity appeared, many fans screamed. There was no other reason. These celebrities were all heavyweights in the country.

And they came today just for the man in the center of the stage.

"Wow, we saw many familiar celebrities live, including Chen Hao, Pan Yueming, Liu Yifei, and Hu Jun. This time the stars are really shining. Come on, let's say hello to the camera..."

As an artist that Jiang Pei'an has worked with before, everyone came to cheer him up.

Artists from Spark Entertainment even came out to promote Jiang Pei'an.

The host on the stage was working hard to introduce. Whenever a star walked out of the aisle, she would introduce the works of the star on the stage.

Of course, with the attention of these celebrities, the audience is very familiar with them even without introduction.

"Holy shit, how many celebrities are here this time, I feel like most of the people in the entertainment industry are here."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, this is Director Jiang's appeal. Don't tell me, most of the stars here are my favorites."

"Hey, there was a concert of "House of Flying Daggers" before, and now "Painted Skin" has stars airborne. They are indeed the two major directors in the country. The old and the young have invited all the stars in the entertainment industry, right?"

"Directors Zhang and Director Jiang set a model for the movie premiere ceremony. Future movies will be promoted according to this lineup, otherwise it can only be regarded as a press conference, not a premiere ceremony."

Online, netizens who were watching the live broadcast in the live broadcast room were frantically commenting.

At the same time, six CCTV channels were also broadcasting the event live simultaneously.

"Holy shit, is that Cheng Long? I didn't expect him to come too. Ah, ah, I like Brother Cheng Long so much!"

"Calm down, haven't you upstairs watched Director Jiang's "Inception" and Cheng Long was already cooperating with Director Jiang?"

"Don't talk about anything else, just focus on Cheng Long. This live broadcast will not be in vain!"

Cheng Long's appearance caused a large number of fans to scream. As a legendary movie star, Cheng Long's influence is not limited to the film industry.

His image has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has become a cultural symbol and representative of values.

And his influence is not limited to China, but is also very well-known internationally.

Jiang Peian was standing in the passage. Whenever a celebrity came out, he would greet them warmly.

"Welcome brother, I'm sorry to trouble you this time."

Jiang Peian stretched out his hand to shake hands with Cheng Long, but unexpectedly the other party hugged him enthusiastically.

"Long time no see, Director Jiang."

"haven't seen you for a long time."

The scene of Jiang Peian and Cheng Long embracing was quickly captured by reporters present.

"I envy Director Jiang. I wish I could hug my eldest brother."

"Who just said that Director Jiang was standing at the entrance of the passage like a receptionist? Can your receptionist hold Brother Chenglong in his arms?"

"Hey, don't be arrogant upstairs. If you're pretty enough, maybe you can not only hug him, but also...hehe."

"You upstairs are looking for death. How dare you cheat on Big Brother!"

"The hater upstairs suggests unplugging his network cable!"

After the staff took Cheng Long to his position, Jiang Peian continued to stand at the entrance of the passage.

At this time, everyone is looking forward to the coming guests.

But many people are muttering in their hearts, there must be no one behind, right?

After all, Cheng Long has come out, is there anyone more impressive than him in the future?

Just when people were thinking this, a figure slowly appeared in the passage.

After seeing clearly what this person looked like, everyone in the venue was so surprised that they couldn't open their mouths from ear to ear.

"Master Xing!"

"Damn it, it's really Master Xing, and he's here too!"

"Director Jiang, you are awesome, you are going to invite everyone in the entertainment industry to come here!"

"Master Xing is awesome, Director Jiang is awesome!"

Zhou Xingchi's figure slowly appeared at the entrance of the passage, and Jiang Pei'an hurriedly greeted him.

"Pei'an, congratulations on the release of your new movie!" (End of chapter)

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