I'm not just a director

Chapter 369 So, I am a scumbag!

The success of the "Hero" series of movies made a group of Bernard's senior executives very envious.

What Fatty Yu calls Bernard International Cinema Investment Management Co., Ltd. was actually in preparation two years ago.

Just been waiting for the right time to launch it.

The current success of "Painted Skin" is like an introduction, directly allowing Bernard to launch this long-prepared project.

Bernard has invested in the construction of 15 five-star multiplex cinemas with 110 screens and more than 15000 seats in cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Tianjin and Shancheng.

And as an important part of the Bernard film industry chain, they will continue to vigorously expand their theater business across the country in the next few years.

To build the most important cinema investor and famous cinema brand operator in China.

Seeing Jiang Pei'an looking at him, Fatty Yu gave full play to his deception ability and said:

“Relying on the powerful film resources and marketing power of Bernard Films, we will also establish a Bernard Advertising Company and a Bernard Acting Agency in the future.

As the name suggests, the advertising company brings brand communication experience in the film field to many future partners through its creative planning capabilities, event execution capabilities and stable theater channel relationships.

The establishment of an entertainment agency will sign a large number of artists, which will feed back the entire group through the actor economy, allowing the group's influence to continue to increase. "

Jiang Peian was not surprised at all when he heard Fatty Yu's plan.

If Bernard wants to be as successful as later generations, he must take the group route. Facts have proved that Bernard is on the right path.

Two or three years later, probably in early 2007, the two most influential internationally renowned venture capital companies in investing in high-growth and cultural enterprises, Red Mountain Capital and Haina Asia Venture Capital, successfully injected capital into Bernard.

This move makes Bernard the first mainland private film company in China to successfully connect with capital.

This financing not only attracted widespread attention in the field of media investment in 2007, but also pushed Bernard to the forefront of capital attention.

Not long after, in 2009, Bernard will successfully complete the second round of financing, with Jingwei Venture Capital teaming up with Red Mountain Capital to inject RMB 1 million into the company.

This financing successfully demonstrates its leading advantages in film investment, production and distribution, the company's excellent management team and brand awareness in the industry.

Therefore, Bernard Film Group continues to seek multi-faceted business expansion while integrating excellent capital in the industry and grafting multiple capital channels.

And at the time, this was a quite forward-looking deployment, and it was this move that made it successfully become one of the most influential film group companies in the Chinese film industry.

After Fatty Yu said so much, looking back at Jiang Pei'an who still looked calm and calm, he couldn't help but feel depressed.

Isn't he curious why he said this to him?

In other words, after hearing so much from himself, doesn’t he want to get involved?

Yes, Fatty Yu said so much about the company's future plans just to get Jiang Peian into Bernard's trenches.

In other words, use interests to bind Jiang Peian and move forward together.

Seeing the dejected look on the fat man's face, Jiang Pei'an stopped showing off and said with a smile:

"Mr. Yu, we are not very interested in the advertising company or entertainment company you mentioned. After all, Xinghuo is also doing these businesses. There is no way that we will become rivals in the future."

Although Xinghuo's current main focus is not on advertising, the entertainment company has been developing.

He doesn't have many signed artists, but all of them are elite soldiers, which is much better than some entertainment companies who sign contracts with large packages.

Hearing Jiang Peian's words, Fatty Yu smiled awkwardly and said:

"What Director Jiang said, it's just business overlap. At present, these are just assumptions, and it's not certain whether they will be implemented in the future."

Jiang Pei'an didn't care whether what he said was true or false, he smiled and said:

“The market share is huge, and even Xinghuo or other companies cannot capture it, so Mr. Yu should not be too cautious.

What do you think of our cooperation on "Painted Skin" this time? "

"Good! That's great!"

Speaking of "Painted Skin", Fatty Yu, who had been showing off all night, was still talking about sex. He rubbed his fat face numbed by alcohol and said:

"To be honest, Director Jiang, brother, I took a lot of risks when I voted for "Painted Skin". It's not that I doubt your ability, Director Jiang.

I have always had great trust in your ability, but there are some old guys in the company.

Of course, I am also an old guy in front of you. Not every young person can be as talented as you, Director Jiang.

The most obvious characteristics of old guys are that they are defensive, short-sighted, and unwilling to take risks.

But after the news came out that "Painted Skin" had exceeded 100 million at the box office, these old guys just shut up.

Whatever I decide to do in the future, I want to see what excuses these old guys have for me.

So Director Jiang, please don’t have any mental burden. Just tell me what you think and I promise to give you a satisfactory answer. "

What Fatty Yu said was full of emotion. To describe it in one word is:

Take care.

Jiang Peian nodded when he heard this. At least Fatty Yu was trustworthy at this moment.

"Mr. Yu, since you said so, I won't hide it anymore.

I want to participate in Bernard International Cinema Investment Management Co., Ltd.

As for the advertising companies and entertainment companies you just mentioned, I will not be involved in these. "

Jiang Pei'an's words were a bit confusing. He wanted to participate in something and not participate in something.

The implication is that if I want to participate in a theater investment management company, it means investing in theater chains.

But if your company engages in other things, then I won’t be able to accompany you.

Although Fatty Yu drank a lot of wine, his mind was still clear. Of course he could hear the implication of Jiang Peian's words.

He thought for a while and said:

"I understand what you mean, Director Jiang. I will have some information about the theater company delivered to your office tomorrow.

How to participate and how much to participate need to be weighed by yourself, Director Jiang.

But there is a prerequisite. In addition to other investment funds, you must make a movie for the company every year for five years, and dividends will be calculated separately! "

This is to tie Jiang Peian completely to Bernard's chariot.

Jiang Peian shook his head and said:

"Five years is too long, let's give it two."

"Not two years, four years!"

"Four years... sounds unlucky, so three years."

Fatty Yu gritted his teeth and said:

"Okay, three years will be three years, I agree."

The two talked for a while about the subsequent development of the theater management company, and Jiang Peian withdrew.

Su Qing was waiting for him outside at this time.

"Is everything settled?"

Su Qing asked.

"We've discussed it, Mr. Su. Why do I feel that except for me, everyone else seems to have not drank tonight? Their minds are spinning faster than the other."

Jiang Peian sighed while sitting in the passenger seat.

Su Qing said while driving:

"I see that you didn't drink too much. Mr. Yu definitely didn't get any advantage from you."

Hearing this, Jiang Peian smiled, and then retold Su Qing what he had just told Fatty Yu.

"Cinema? Our current development is pretty good. Why should we invest in a cinema? I feel like we can't make as much money as we do by making movies."

Su Qing said in confusion. In the current environment, those who make movies do not earn less than those who make movies in theaters, but this is only based on the past few years.

The income of movie theaters mainly includes box office income, advertising income, popcorn, drinks and derivatives income.

Among them, the largest share is the box office share, which accounts for more than half of the theater's revenue. Other revenue can cover the water and electricity management fees.

If you invest in a movie theater in a private name, the initial investment cost is high, and the mainstream business district areas are occupied by giants such as Wanda, so you can only rent venues in remote places or third- and fourth-tier cities.

If movie tickets cannot be sold, the vacancy rate is too high, and the investment cannot be recouped after a year and a half, the result will be a hard loss, and the risk is still relatively high.

Moreover, although everyone's awareness of movie watching has changed with the development of the times and has been adjusted by the excellent movies on the market.

However, the situation of "piracy" and "poor viewing experience caused by limited hardware conditions and environment" still cannot be changed, so that the profitability of movie theaters is not well highlighted.

But looking at it another way, investing in a movie theater company is different.

Mouda Film is the largest cinema in China. As of the end of 2022, the company has 825 cinemas and 6972 screens in the country.

At the same time, the company's Australian cinema chain has 56 overseas cinemas and 493 screens.

The number of theaters opened and the number of screens both rank first in the country.

It has ranked first in the country in terms of box office, movie attendance and market share for 14 consecutive years.

That is to say, the first Muda Cinema opened in Tianjin this year, and in 2005, Muda Cinema Line Co., Ltd. was officially registered and established.

In 2006, Muda Film achieved box office revenue of 1.51 million yuan, ranking fifth in the country, and its ranking has continued to rise since then.

Until 2009, a certain movie ranked first in the country for the first time in terms of box office revenue, market share, and number of moviegoers, and it has remained so ever since.

The advantage of Muda Films is that it has the largest number of theaters and screens.

Because we started early and had money, we occupied the core areas of first-tier cities.

There are only a few movie theaters in each city that can produce more than 2000 million box office annually, and Da Film has the first-mover advantage.

At the same time, Mouda Film not only invests in film production, but also distributes films to theaters. It has a complete upstream and downstream industrial chain, which can better integrate resources and increase profits.

Sound particularly familiar?

Yes, this is what Bernard is doing and will do in the future.

Therefore, Jiang Peian chose to invest in Bernard Cinema Management Company at this juncture. Basically, it can be said that he is competing from the same starting point as the giant Xuda of later generations.

"Mr. Su, you need to take a longer-term view. Compared with the gains and losses in the future, these gains and losses are not worth mentioning at all."

Jiang Peian adjusted the back of the chair back and leaned back comfortably.

Su Qing rolled her eyes at him and said:

"I don't understand what these bosses are thinking.

But I have to tell you something in advance. My parents have invited you to my house for dinner again. "

Jiang Peian was playing with his cell phone and was happily texting Gao Yuanyuan.

"Okay, it just so happens that I haven't seen my uncle and aunt for a while. When will I go there?"

Jiang Peian asked without raising his head.

From the smile on Jiang Peian's face, Su Qing could basically guess that he was chatting with a girlfriend.

At that moment, she couldn't help but feel that her heart was clogged. It wasn't that she had any thoughts about Jiang Pei'an, but this scumbag, if he wasn't her boss, Su Qing would have to verbally criticize him on the Internet.

The reason for the heartache is probably that this guy is pretending to be her boyfriend, eating the food cooked by her mother, and chatting with other girlfriends at the same time.

Bah, scumbag!

Just when Su Qing was about to condemn him, Jiang Peian suddenly answered the phone.

"Hey, Jingjing."

"I'm on my way home. Today's celebration party for "Painted Skin" with a box office of over 100 million... Well, I didn't drink much. When will you be back?

Okay, tell me before you come back and I'll pick you up at the airport. Okay, that's it, good night. "

Jiang Peian smiled and put away his phone, only to see Su Qing looking ahead with disdain.

"what happened?"

he asked confused.

"So, you were texting Yuanyuan just now, and then you were on the phone with Jingjing. Boss, you really deserve to be you, you scumbag!"

Su Qing complained.

"Why do you care so much? Just drive well. By the way, when did you just say you were going to your house for dinner?"

Jiang Peian changed into a comfortable position and asked cheerfully.

"I'm not going to eat. I've told them that you've been too busy recently and haven't had time to eat out."

"No, no matter how busy you are, you still have time to eat. Besides, I also want to eat the braised pork cooked by my aunt."

"Boss, can you stay away from me?"


"The smell of a scumbag on you is too strong, I'm afraid it will spread to me."

Su Qing said expressionlessly.

"Haha, I am a scumbag!"


The movie is shown for about a month.

Generally, a film distribution company will sign a film distribution contract with a movie theater chain, agreeing on a time limit and related conditions.

If the movie's attendance rate is quite low within a week or three weeks, cinemas and theater chains can take the initiative to release the film, because the theater company is the active party.

So even if you don’t go to the cinema for a month, you can still get the movie released.

If the box office is not good, each cinema will reduce the number of screenings or even not screen it according to its own arrangements.

Therefore, some movies, especially some domestic low-budget movies, are basically "three-day tours in the theater" and are removed from the shelves as soon as they are released online.

If there is a decrease, there is an increase. If the movie has a good response and a stable box office performance, you can apply to extend the release time.

Beginning this year, another provision has been added to the country that prohibits becoming a person. This is also a provision that has been criticized by many public figures in later generations.

Domestic Film Protection Month.

This is probably an act of using administrative power to seek advantages for local film companies.

It blocked the introduction and release of imported blockbusters for a period of time, erecting a protective umbrella for domestic films.

Of course, this also has a time limit, which is probably from June to July every year.

The release time of "Painted Skin" is naturally not included in this list, but it was still extended.

This is a normal thing. Movies like "Hero" and "House of Flying Daggers" have extended their screening time.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so much box office.

This is all done with real time! (End of chapter)

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