I'm not just a director

Chapter 385: Your battle is quite big.

TV series make money in a different way than movies.

Movies mainly rely on distributors and theaters, and results can be seen in the short term.

For example, when some domestic movies are released, there will be first-day box office after the premiere day, followed by first-week box office, etc.

Anyway, they are all done to cater to the marketing point, as will some movies in the future.

You can even track the day a movie is released and send posters or short videos on time every day to report results to audiences and fans.

Of course, most of those who can do this are very famous movies or super casts.

Some movies with small lineups do this, and if they don't do well at the box office, they will probably be criticized to death by fans.

The cycle of TV series is slightly slower.

However, its way of making money is slightly more flexible and diverse.

For example, the well-known advertising revenue is one of the main sources of income for TV series.

During the broadcast of TV series, advertisers can pay a certain fee to the TV station or online platform and insert their own advertisements into the series.

This kind of advertising revenue is usually calculated based on the number of plays and ratings of the series.

The more popular a TV series is and the higher the ratings, the higher the advertising value in the middle or before the start.

To give an inappropriate example, CCTV’s Biao Wang...

There is a place in the capital called Media Center.

This is a comprehensive business hotel invested by CCTV.

Before 1994, only a few media people would stay here when traveling to the capital.

But after 1994, it became a arena for Chinese enterprises.

The rise of Media Center in the domestic advertising circle is all because of a legendary strong woman in the Chinese advertising industry.

Tan Xisong, then director of the advertising department of CCTV.

During Tan Xisong's tenure, CCTV's annual advertising revenue jumped from less than 10 billion yuan to more than 40 billion yuan.

And her special skill is to take out the prime spots of CCTV and conduct a national bidding.

And the company with the highest bid amount is given a laurel title: Bid King.

This title has been used for more than 20 years until later generations.

In 1994, for the Spring Festival Gala bidding, it is said that Tan Xisong personally took action, visited heroes from all over the country, and spread the bidding hero poster.

Then the date for the Spring Festival Gala bidding meeting was set on November 11 every year, which is pronounced as "Yao Yao Fa".

The location was at the Media Center, and these traditions of bidding for the Spring Festival Gala were still used in later generations.

So this is an opportunity for a company to become famous in one fell swoop, whether it's Buffett's lunch or a sign at the Media Center.

Of course, we must first distinguish a concept, the difference between the Spring Festival Gala King and the CCTV King.

The standard king of the Spring Festival Gala is generally considered to be the company that counts down to 8 o'clock or 0 o'clock for the Spring Festival Gala (now it is also the golden thirty seconds, interactive cooperation).

Because the price is the most expensive in those few seconds of countdown.

In addition to the Spring Festival Gala, CCTV Biao Wang also has many prime time cooperations.

At the beginning of the public bidding, there was actually no separate concept of "Spring Festival Gala Bidding King".

However, the company that sponsored the two special time points (eight o'clock and midnight) of the Spring Festival Gala and the CCTV standard king are basically lingering among the wine companies.

The first "Biao Wang" of the Spring Festival Gala (CCTV) was a little-known small winery in a county town of Shandong Province called Kongfu Yanjiu.

Jiang Tinghua, who was the director of Confucius Banquet Winery at the time, was a "marketing expert".

Under the background of not being very open at the time, he had formed a "model team" to promote wine, and beat popular brands such as Sun God with a price of 30009888.98 yuan.

Won the advertising time including hourly time, "Weather Forecast" and "Focus Interview".

Overnight this little-known little winery became a household name.

In 1995, after the Confucius Banquet was featured on the Spring Festival Gala, it achieved sales revenue of 9.18 million yuan and profits and taxes of 3.8 million yuan.

This data ranked first among domestic wine companies that year.

You must know that even Moutai only reached the sales mark of 2000 billion in 10.

It has to be said that compared with all the top IPs, the traffic of the Spring Festival Gala is immeasurable. It is the top among the top.

The battle for the king of bids has also become a bellwether for market changes.

For the next four consecutive years, it was basically all about drinks that won the CCTV title.

There is no other reason. Drinks are really huge profits.

At the end of 1995, in the competition for the second CCTV "Bidding King", Lujiu Qinchi Wine spent 6666 million to win the Spring Festival Gala.

In 1996, Qinchi's sales increased by more than 1995% compared with 500, and profits and taxes increased by 600%.

Although the company that reported the time for the Spring Festival Gala that year was also Lujiu, called "Kongfujiajiu", Qinchi's marketing obviously had the upper hand.

Because the factory director of Qinchi said boldly:

“In 1995, we drove a Santana into CCTV every day and what came out was a luxury Audi.

This year, we're going to drive into a luxury Mercedes every day and try to drive out a stretch Lincoln. "

At the end of 1996, Qinchi Winery won the title of "Biao Wang" for the second time.

Qin Chi and his career reached an unprecedented peak at this time.

However, the traffic brought by the Spring Festival Gala makes people wonder how a small county-level winery can produce liquor with sales of 15 billion yuan?

Later, four reporters from the Economic Information Daily began an undercover investigation of Qin Chi.

This unannounced investigation directly hit the vitality of Qinchi Wine - "Biaowang" wine was originally collected from "loose wine" from Sichuan and Sichuan and "blended".

After the director of Chi Winery won the bidding, he was busy buying a Mercedes Benz and renovating a stylish office building, but he didn't think about how to deal with crisis public relations.

"Sichuan wine entering Shandong" is actually well known in the liquor industry. "Blending" liquor based on edible alcohol is more advanced than the traditional solid-state fermentation process. Qin Chi failed to tell the public.

Therefore, consumers are all angry and feel that they have been cheated.

Therefore, the scandal that led to Qin Chi not only directly brought down Qin Chi, but also indirectly caused all of Lu Jiu to fall into a "blending scandal."

Liquor in Shandong Province is gradually declining.

Later, Sichuan wine became mainstream, and famous Sichuan wines such as Tuopai Liquor, Wuliangye, Jiannanchun, and Langjiu became popular.

Therefore, the brand king of liquor from 1998 to 1999 became the Tuopai liquor of "Long Years of Liquor, Drop by Drop of Tuopai Love"...

Of course, CCTV’s traffic is unmatched by anyone, especially in the past few years when the Internet and major TV stations have basically not developed much.

Can "Sword and Sword 1" be sold to CCTV?

Of course you can, but the price offered by CCTV will never be higher than that of local satellite TV.

After all, its position is too important, and it not only has traffic, but also self-made TV series.

It can be said that I don't like "Sword and Sword 1" at all.

The second point is copyright fees. When TV stations or online platforms broadcast TV series, they need to pay certain copyright fees to the producers. Because when TV stations or online platforms broadcast TV series, they need to use the copyright of the TV series shot by the producer.

There is also the peripheral, or IP.

After many TV series are broadcast, some peripheral products will be launched, such as toys, stationery, clothing, etc.

The sales of these peripheral products will also bring a certain amount of income to the producers.

For example, when "Returning the Pearl" became a hit, you could see "Returning the Pearl" book bags and posters all over the streets.

The students also have stickers, pencil boxes, notebooks, etc. from "Returning the Pearl", and some snack bags also have photos of the protagonists of "Returning the Pearl" printed on them.

Of course, some of these are authentically authorized, while many more are pirated and published.

In addition to the above, there is another overlooked point of TV series, and that is overseas distribution.

Some high-quality TV series also have certain markets overseas, and producers can earn a certain amount of income through overseas distribution.

This is not reflected in many Chinese TV dramas. After all, there are very few TV dramas that can go abroad.

But it is very important for other countries, such as Korean dramas and Japanese dramas that are now popular.

The last point is sponsors.

Some TV series are sponsored by sponsors during the filming process, and these sponsors usually provide certain financial or material support to the producers.

It is very common for TV drama parties to do some implantation of the products of these sponsors.

Aren’t the so-called “Wuba Tongcheng” inns often seen in costume dramas?

In short, there are many ways for TV series to make money, but the most important ways are advertising revenue and copyright fees.

With the development of the Internet, the channels for broadcasting TV series are also expanding, which has also brought more sources of income to producers.

"Sword and Sword 1" has enough buzz in the early stage and has a strong lineup. What's even more commendable is that it is still Jiang Pei'an who personally directs the plot.

With the foundation of "Star You", the combination of Jiang Pei'an + Wuershan has become the most recognized combination by the majority of TV drama audiences.

Therefore, when the news of the "Sword and Sword 1" screening auction first spread, all satellite TV stations were ready to take action.

Because Jiang Pei'an restricted the level of TV stations, which meant that "Sword and Sword 1" was only sold to Shangxing Satellite TV, this also made many local TV stations with deep pockets very disappointed and protested.

Naturally, Jiang Pei'an made arrangements to give priority to local stations.

To put it simply, broadcasting on stars refers to nationwide copyright.

The satellite channel is a channel where the TV station uploads the programs broadcast and forwards them through satellite, that is, the satellite channel.

The programs received by the satellite antenna (pot) are satellite TV programs.

Cable companies spread satellite TV programs to thousands of households through lines, which became cable TV.

There are currently several types of broadcast rights for purchasing TV dramas. One is broadcasting on stars, which is a national copyright.

The other is terrestrial broadcasting, such as a province or a city.

One type of national broadcast is to buy out the copyright of the national broadcast. Other TV stations cannot broadcast it during the broadcast copyright period, otherwise it will be illegal to broadcast. This is also an exclusive copyright broadcast.

Another situation of national broadcasting is that several TV stations jointly own the broadcasting rights and can broadcast at the same time. The cost of such copyrighted broadcasting is relatively low, while the cost of exclusive broadcasting is undoubtedly higher.

Shangxing Satellite TV has wide coverage and a large audience, which means they have more money in their pockets.

The local channels are very limited, and due to geographical restrictions, the local channels did not create enough gimmicks when playing "Sword and Sword 1", which was not conducive to dissemination.

"Mr. Jiang, everyone has arrived at the conference room. Thirty-three people in charge of Star TV are here this time."

Su Qing walked into Jiang Peian's office on high heels and said slowly.

"You came so quickly, okay, Director Wu, let's go there too?"

Jiang Peian said slowly to Wuershan, who was sitting opposite him.

"Okay, I'm ready too."

"Don't be nervous, we have already held a similar meeting once."

Seeing that Wuershan was a little reserved, Jiang Peian joked.

Wuershan smiled bitterly and said:

"That's different, Director Jiang, there were only eight people last time... Oh, no, one more person left temporarily, there were only seven people in total.

This time there are actually more than 30 people. We in China only have 52 satellite TV stations.

Excluding the CCTV channels, there were only a few in total. It can be said that almost all of them came here this time, and the scene was huge. "

Jiang Peian waved his hand and said:

"It's useless to think so much, you just need to know that it's a seller's market now, and they are asking for us.

You should grasp the right degree, and don't worry about other things. Remember, if you don't have desire, you will be strong. "

For Jiang Pei'an, there is no need to worry about selling "Sword and Sword One". What he really thinks about is the price at which this TV series should be sold.

Fortunately, there are enough satellite TV stations coming to participate in the auction this time, I believe these people will not let him down...

When we came to the conference room, the room was full of people, and everyone was chatting enthusiastically.

Most of these people are within the system and have basically dealt with them before, so the atmosphere is still very harmonious.

"Mr. Jiang is here."

"How are you doing, Mr. Jiang?"

"Thanks to you, everything is fine. I heard that Director Liu... No, I can't call me Director Liu now. I'll call him Liu Tai instead. Congratulations, Liu Tai."

"Haha, this is all thanks to Mr. Jiang."

"Hello, Director Zhang, how are you doing lately? Which of your TV series has been very popular recently, I've watched it too."

"Haha, Mr. Jiang is so polite. If there are any shortcomings, I still need you to point out."

"Hello, Mr. Jiang, I'm from Xixia TV..."

The room was very lively. After Jiang Pei'an entered, he began to greet everyone present.

Then he slowly walked to the stage, took the microphone, looked at the people in the audience, and said with a smile:

"Thank you for your hard work coming all the way. On behalf of Spark Entertainment, I would like to thank you all for coming and thank you for your support."

After Jiang Peian finished speaking, everyone in the audience applauded.

Just listen to Jiang Peian on the stage continue:

"Last year we also held a decentralization auction. I remember clearly at that time that there were only eight satellite TV stations...

No, one more TV station left in the middle, leaving only seven TV stations to support us until the end. This year, it has become more than 30, so I am very happy and grateful to everyone. "

After hearing Jiang Pei'an's words, everyone in the audience looked at one location...

As we all know, "Star You" can be said to be the most popular and phenomenal TV series in recent years.

Many of them did not know about the auction of the screening rights of "Star You" at the beginning.

It's okay if you haven't heard of it. How come there are people who arrive at the scene and then leave midway?

Everyone's eyes turned to the Sichuan Satellite TV team...

At this time, the Sichuan Satellite TV team was looking at their noses and hearts, turning a blind eye to those looks that were either curious or joking.

In fact, I have already scolded the deputy director who temporarily left the auction last year a hundred times in my heart... (End of this chapter)

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