I'm not just a director

Chapter 395: Can this film you filmed be broadcast?

The popularity of "Sword and Sword 1" is not without reason.

There is really no TV series like this that is purely adapted from a game on the TV series market.

Secondly, it is because of his Xianxia attributes, or it is not too much of a theme to be called a costume myth.

In fact, 2005 was definitely a hit year for costume mythological dramas.

For example, CCTV's "Lotus Lantern", "Jingwei Reclamation" starring Shu Chang and the comedy "Seven Fairies of Joy".

and "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio" and other magical dramas with strange gods and ghosts.

Speaking of these dramas individually, they are all childhood memories of many people born in the 90s.

And it's the kind that will be remembered by many celebrities in future generations.

This version of "Sword and Sword 1" produced by Jiang Pei'an is destined to become the memory of many people like the previous one.

On the first day that "Sword and Sword 1" was released, two episodes were aired back to back, which made the audience very unhappy.

"Why are there only two episodes? What will the follow-up be like?"

"Yes, is the character Jiujianxian good or bad? What is Li Xiaoyao's subsequent development?"

"To be fair, Hu Ge is not worthy of my heavenly looks. There are not many men in the entertainment industry who can!"

"Upstairs, just watch the TV series. Don't think of yourself as an actor. I'm really convinced."

"No, it's agreed with the three TV stations. If you show two more episodes, you'll die, right?"

"It's not satisfying, it's not satisfying at all!"

Regarding the TV series "Sword and Sword 1", everyone is urging the update.

But no matter what, the TV station stipulates that two episodes will be released every day, and it is definitely impossible to add more episodes.

The current TV dramas are like this. Each program has its own time. It cannot be shown more or less.

Unlike later Internet platforms, you can watch it whenever you want, fast forward or play backwards.

The TV station must have lost hope, so many netizens left messages on Jiang Peian's social forum.

"Director Jiang, please, please update a few more episodes every day, I really want to watch it!"

"A ten-year-old fan came here uninvited. For the sake of me being a fan of you for so long, let the TV station update it quickly!"

"Please, my girlfriend just wants to watch the follow-up plot. We have argued many times. If you don't show a few more episodes, we will break up!"

Various troll netizens left messages under Jiang Peian’s social media account urging updates.

Some netizens who didn't know that "Sword and Sword 1" was airing thought that Jiang Pei'an's account had been maliciously hacked.

Although they know that harassing the TV station and Jiang Peian is useless, netizens still enjoy it.

Some people also knew that "Sword of Sword 1" was adapted from a game, so they met in an Internet cafe to play the Sword of Sword game together.

The name "Legend of Sword and Fairy" is very interesting. It was named this when the first generation game was produced.

Yao Zhuangxian explained that it is because the word "fairy" represents a human fairy like Zhao Ling'er.

"Sword" represents Jianghu, martial arts, and Li Xiaoyao.

But he felt that only two words were not enough, so he continued to use the word "Qi" to represent fantasy elements such as Miaojiang and Anu.

"Xia" means the spirit of chivalry, representing a righteous girl like Lin Yueru.

Finally, the suffix "Zhuan" was added, thus forming the name "The Legend of Sword and Fairy".

The game "Sword and Sword 1" was released in 1995, ten years have passed since this year.

Therefore, when the TV series "Sword and Sword 1" was broadcast, it also focused on the theme of "Sword and Sword's Ten-Year Promise".

When netizens were immersed in the game world because the TV series was updated too slowly, they realized what a wonderful game they had missed.

"Holy crap, this game is so awesome. I actually played the maze level all night long and didn't even get out!"

"Wow, some of the dialogues in this are really good, and some of the poems really touched my heart."

"One thing to say, if I had been exposed to this game earlier, I probably wouldn't have been able to pass the 985 exam."

"Brother upstairs, may I ask where you go to school now?"

"Moving bricks at the construction site..."


Riding on the popularity of the TV series, "Legend of Sword and Fairy 1" became popular again.

That is to say, there is no circle of friends in this era. If there were, it would probably be filled with screenshots by now.

Fortunately, there is Penguin Space in this era, so a large number of players are posting screenshots of various game screens in the "Sword of Sword 1" game on Penguin Space...

Of course, whether these players express their feelings or show off, they are subtly promoting the TV series "Sword and Sword 1".

This is the traffic brought by the real-life version of the game. Old players watch TV series to remember their youth.

Fans of the TV series went back to support the game.

Of course, if "Sword of Sword 1" is like the online games of later generations, then it is estimated that it can take advantage of this wave of popularity to reap a large sum of money from big bosses.

The TV series "Sword and Sword 1" already has the potential to become a hit. Many people in the industry have even noticed this TV series and are thinking about which game to adapt.

Of course, this is just an idea. After all, "Sword and Sword 1" has only aired two episodes, and the specific situation still needs to be seen in subsequent developments.

Insiders are waiting and watching at this time, while the audience is looking forward to the follow-up plot.

As the main creator and soul of the show, Jiang Peian was having a secret meeting with a bald man in the hotel.

That's right, it's Uncle Ge.

"Teacher Ge, this is the script, please read it first."

Jiang Peian handed the script of "Let the Bullets Fly" to Ge You.

At this time, he had already obtained the rights to adapt "The Thief of Officials", but the contract was on the way back.

Therefore, it does not constitute infringement for him to reveal the script to the actors at this time.

"Oh, I can't be a teacher. If Director Jiang has something to do, you can just tell him. Haha, then I should read the script first?"

Ge You took the script with both hands and his attitude was very humble.

Seeing his attitude, Jiang Peian felt quite satisfied.

Ge You's character traits can be summarized as introverted, cautious, peaceful, and unwilling to offend others.

And this depends on an experience in his early years.

Ge You once went to the commune to jump in line.

The job he took over was raising pigs. Ge You has been working as a pig herder for more than two years.

Later, after Ge You became famous, his master recalled that when he was a pig herder, Ge You was very obedient and could endure hardships.

Raising pigs is very hard. Every day at 3 o'clock in the morning, when it's still dark, Ge You has to get up and work, but he never complains.

In more than two years, he raised a total of fifteen or six pigs, and also learned how to build pig pens, deliver babies, administer vaccinations, etc...

Gradually, Ge You began to show some artistic talents. The most prominent manifestation is that he likes photography.

At that time, in the fields, you could often see a thin young man holding a camera and taking photos here and there in a serious manner. Sometimes the photos are of rural scenery, and sometimes the photos are of villagers working.

And this person is none other than Ge You!
Ge You was introverted and not good at talking, so his parents thought he was not suitable to be an actor.

However, perhaps because his parents' literary genes were too strong, Ge You finally embarked on the road of acting.

In 1979, art academies across the country began recruiting students, and Ge You wanted to enter the acting department.

He applied to several schools including Nortel, Chinese Opera, and Experimental Theater, but failed because of his ordinary appearance and mediocre acting skills.

Seeing that his son's dream of becoming an actor was repeatedly frustrated, Ge Cunzhuang became anxious. He began to inspire his son:
"Growing up, what do you think is the happiest, saddest, or most unforgettable thing you have ever experienced?"

Ge You thought for a while and said:
"Raising pigs."

Ge Cunzhuang continued to guide Ge You and asked him to connect all the interesting things during the pig raising period one by one.

After Ge You finished recalling the interesting things about raising pigs, Ge Cunzhuang asked him to direct and act in a sketch "Pig Raising" as an exercise for the art exam.

More than two years of experience as a pig farmer have made Ge You extremely familiar with pig raising.

In this way, with the down-to-earth sketch "Pig Raising", Ge You won the favor of the judges.

As expected, he stepped into the door of the ACFTU Art Troupe and became a drama actor.

Pig raising, in the eyes of most people, is an unattainable job, but Ge You has benefited a lot from it.

What's more interesting is that his career as a pigherder also provided an opportunity for his later fateful turn.

Many years later, the successful Ge You said:
“The experience of being a pigherder later changed my life. To this day, I still want to go back to the place where I joined the team to raise pigs in the countryside.”

The reason why Ge You became a big shot in the Chinese film industry, in addition to his own efforts, also relied on the support of several noble people.

These people all helped him a lot at different times.

Ge You's first nobleman is Feng Xiaogang.

There is a saying in the film industry, "Miss Feng who is flowing water, Ge You who is iron-clad."

This shows the status of Ge You in Feng Xiaogang's heart.

Since the 1990s, Feng Xiaogang has become famous for his comedy movies, and all the male protagonists in his movies are Ge You.

Before meeting Feng Xiaogang, Ge You had been doing a side job, and he was very depressed at that time.

Feng Xiaogang saw a humorous temperament in Ge You, and from that time on, the two began to cooperate for a long time.

From Yao Yuan in "Party A and Party B", to Liu Yuan in "See You or Not Parted", to Qin Fen in "If You Are the One".

Ge You and Feng Xiaogang joined forces to create a myth in the Chinese film industry.

In the words of Feng Xiaogang:

"All of Ge You's comedies are heart-warming. It is for this reason that people like him."

Lao Mouzi is also a nobleman of Ge You. In 94, Ge You was invited to participate in the movie "Alive" shot by Lao Mouzi.

When Lao Mouzi chose the male lead, he decided on Ge You from the beginning because he was very close to this character.

According to Ge You himself, he was very cowardly at that time and avoided everything.

Lao Mouzi thought that his personality was suitable for playing the role of Fugui, so he was directly cast in the role without letting him audition.

Ge You also won the Best Actor Award at the 47th Cannes International Film Festival with "Alive".

This makes him the first Chinese actor to win this honor.

This year, Ge You was 36 years old.

With Feng Xiaogang's commercial film box office success and Lao Mouzi's Cannes Grand Prix in literary and artistic films, Ge You has now become a dual-faceted actor in both commercial and artistic films.

But that alone is not enough. Actors have a very long lifespan, especially male actors.

Therefore, Ge You needs a hit movie to consolidate his position.

In later generations, it was the movie "Let the Bullets Fly."

This life, that is, this movie...

After reading the script, Ge You thought for a while and then asked:
"Director Jiang's script is very exciting, and I have also read the original novel "The Thief of Officials".

Director Jiang's script can only be said to be based on the skin of "The Thief of Officials", and the core has been replaced, let alone the plot.

It's just... I guess some people will be unhappy after seeing it. "

Ge You has a cautious temperament and won't speak too bluntly, but he will also give a few words of caution as a friend.

Of course Jiang Peian understood the meaning of his words and said with a smile:
"You are right, the changes are indeed quite big. If you want the movie to be exciting without losing its artistry, then appropriate modifications are necessary."

He didn't pick up on Ge You's last words, not that he didn't care about it.

It's just that it's useless to tell him now. Actors serve the plot, and Jiang Pei'an still has to handle matters like passing the review.

Seeing that Jiang Pei'an didn't say anything to him, Ge You immediately understood.

He smiled and said:

"The script is a good one, and I like the story very much, but there is one thing I have to tell you clearly in advance."

"Hey, tell me."

Ge You lit a cigarette and said leisurely:

"In 94, I starred in Director Zhang's "Alive". The movie was very good, and I also won an award for this movie. But this movie, hey, you know what's going on.

After I finished acting in this movie, I thought to myself that even though I won such a big award, it seemed like that.

But most people have never seen it. I am the only one who gets the limelight, so it’s not a big deal.

Later, I thought that I must never act in a film that cannot be released again. But not long after, in 96, director Xiaowen found me and offered to act in a historical-themed film called "Song of Qin".

I didn't think much about it at the time, so I agreed. The movie was also very exciting, but..."

Having said this, Ge You touched Zheng Liang's big head, grinned, and said:

"You said it was a coincidence that "Qin Song" was quickly withdrawn on the fourth day after it was released. From now on... there will be no future.

So much so that to this day, this movie is still a pain point for director Xiao Wen. "

Jiang Peian nodded. He did know something about the movie "Song of Qin".

At that time, it was rumored that the reason why the movie "Qin Song" was banned was because of the scene where Xu Qing feeds her n-girlfriend in public.

This is not nonsense.

There are many reasons why movies are banned, but pornography has never been the main force.

As long as this movie doesn't have that kind of scenes from beginning to end, there's a good chance it won't be banned and can just be deleted.

Therefore, there is naturally a deeper reason for its ban.

Jiang Pei'an couldn't say much in front of Ge You, so he just nodded.

Ge You looked at Jiang Pei'an intently and said:
"So, Director Jiang, can this film be broadcast? I can only act in it if it can be broadcast."

...(End of chapter)

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