I'm not just a director

Chapter 413 Just for fun?

Since the completion of "Let the Bullets Fly", Jiang Pei'an has a lot more free time.

For him, one movie per year seems to have become an ironclad rule.

The same goes for fans.

The post-production work of "Let the Bullets Fly" is still in progress. As a director, Jiang Pei'an only needs to participate in the work in the middle and late stages.

The crew of "Crazy Stone" is also in preparation under Jiang Peian's instruction and promotion.

However, I encountered some problems regarding the actors.

Ning Hao prefers to find some new actors, because it is easier for new actors to train.

This is his experience from filming abroad. Sometimes, new faces are often more trustworthy than old actors.

Han Yan seems to be more inclined to choose some well-known stars to play the roles.

After all, doing so will ensure both box office and movie quality.

Even though Han Yan is usually sluggish, when it comes to film and television creation, he is more serious than anyone else.

Even Ninghao couldn't move him.

Jiang Pei'an seemed to have thought of something after learning about this and laughed.

In fact, in the original time and space, the casting of "The Stone" was controversial and full of twists and turns.

At the beginning, the male lead in "Crazy Stone" was Guo Tao.

When he was about to sign the contract, someone suddenly told Ninghao that Sun Honglei was very interested in this drama and wanted to play the male lead.

But Ninghao didn't know how to give Guo Tao an explanation at the time, so he asked the producer to discuss it with Guo Tao, and Guo Tao also generously agreed.

However, when Ninghao contacted Sun Honglei, Sun Honglei said very generously:

"We don't need to talk about money. I'm getting zero pay to star in this drama, but you have to wait for me for two months because of the schedule."

But Ninghao was very anxious at the time and couldn't wait for such a long time, so he shamelessly went to find Guo Tao again.

When finding Guo Tao, Guo Tao said frankly:
If you were two hours later, I would have signed someone else."

In this way, the character Bao Shihong in "Crazy Stone" became popular.

And Guo Tao also gained everyone's recognition with this drama, and since then he has had countless film appointments.

Similarly, during the preparation stage of "Crazy Stone", Ning Hao found his good friend Tao Hong, hoping that she would play the role of Brother Dao's partner.

But at that time, Tao Hong was busy with other matters and could not spare time.

After reading the script, Tao Hong recommended her husband Xu Fan to Ning Hao.

It is worth mentioning that Tao Hong's vision is very vicious.

At that time, Xu Huan had already gained some fame among the audience with "Spring Splendid Pig Bajie".

But at that time, the protagonists were all confirmed, and they only had supporting roles.

Xu Fan didn't take it to heart and said that supporting roles were fine.

Ning Hao was even more embarrassed about this and said:

"I would like to warmly welcome you to appear, but the crew is short of funds, so I can only give you a red envelope."

Xu Hu even replied: "It's okay, I don't want money."

In this way, Xu Huan completed his transformation in "Crazy Stone".

He tore off one of his "Zhu Bajie" signs and opened up a new world for himself.

Huang Bo, who is also the protagonist, only received a salary of 10,000 yuan to join the crew.

Although Huang Bo's role in "Crazy Stone" is relatively small, he is very brilliant.

When Xu Fan first saw Huang Bo, he felt that the threshold for actors was getting lower and lower.

When Huang Bo saw Xu Fan, he thought that even celebrities like Zhu Bajie were here.

The two people despised each other at the time, but became very good friends.

In this way, Ning Hao, Xu Fan, and Huang Bo began their Long March journey.

Taking "Crazy Stone" to an unprecedented peak.

In fact, the relationship between these three people is very good, and they are a veritable "iron triangle".

From "Crazy Stone" to "Crazy Racing", from "Blissful" to "No Man's Land", they are all their masterpieces...

If Jiang Peian were to choose, he felt that both Guo Tao and Huang Bo were indispensable actors in the movie "Crazy Stone".

Well, Brother Shan Zheng can also be replaced as a minor supporting role.

Therefore, when Jiang Peian found Ning Hao and Han Yan with the list of actors, the two people immediately stopped insisting on their opinions.

Okay, you are the boss, we all listen to you.

Han Yan naturally agreed with Jiang Pei'an's intervention. He was persistent but not mentally retarded.

Jiang Pei'an has spoken personally, and there is nothing else that can't be decided.

After the actor's problem is solved, the crew's preparations are completed.

Although this is Han Yan's first project with Xinghuo, Jiang Pei'an is not worried. After all, Ninghao is helping.

However, when the crew set off for the mountain city, he still followed them.


Since Shancheng was upgraded to a municipality directly under the Central Government in 1997, external discussions and evaluations of Shancheng have been mixed.

Some people say that mountain cities have too many people and large areas, and they are not like municipalities but like provinces.

Some people also say that the rural area is larger than the main urban area. In fact, this is correct.

The establishment of municipalities directly under the Central Government in mountain cities is an opportunity given by the Three Gorges Project. It is a small horse-drawn cart and a big city leading to a large rural area.

Jiang Peian's memory of this city is more of an Internet celebrity city in later generations.

This is an inland city with the city in the mountains and the mountains in the city. Outsiders call it an 8D magical city.

Roads are being built over mountains, bridges are built over water, light rails are passing through buildings... You think you are on the first floor, but when you go out, you realize you are on the 10th floor.

Some people even jokingly said that the Panlong Overpass makes the navigation even get lost and take the wrong intersection. There are big mountains, big water, and a big heart here.

The people of mountain cities are fiery, outgoing, rough, forthright, enthusiastic and upright, which is inseparable from the geographical environment, history and culture of mountain cities.

The mountain city is located between valleys. Going out is either uphill or downhill, so the mountain city is particularly hardworking.

Due to the year-round rain, fog and high humidity, the people in the mountain city are also particularly tough.

Because it sits on the Yangtze River and Jialing River, although it is isolated, the mountain city is not conservative. It dares to love, hate and be the first.

There are many delicacies in the mountain city, and hot pot is the most representative.

Everything flying in the sky, swimming in the water, and crawling on the ground is hot.

Some people say that a hot pot also reflects the inclusiveness of Shancheng people.

People in mountain cities have strong tastes, and they don’t like anything spicy or hempy.

If I don’t eat noodles once a week and hot pot once every half month, I have no appetite for anything.

Although there are many Shancheng hotpots in various places, compared with local hotpots, people in Shancheng feel that it is not satisfying at all.

This is not Jiang Peian's first visit to the mountain city, but he makes new discoveries every time he comes.

There is a script reading meeting for "Stone". Jiang Pei'an came here just for sightseeing, so he was not involved in the specific affairs at all.

This made Han Yan both excited and disappointed.

What's exciting is that Jiang Pei'an's departure also gave him face as a director, saying that he would not arbitrarily interfere in the crew's affairs.

This respects his identity as a director. What's disappointing is that everyone from Jiang Peian came to the mountain city, but I didn't expect that he would completely ignore things.

Doesn't he care about the ten million?

Yes, Spark invested 10 million in the filming of "Crazy Stone".

This is much richer than the three million in the previous life.

You must know that the previous life "Crazy Stone" was an out-and-out low-cost movie.

There was no special photography equipment at that time, so we shot on DV.

In order to save money and not waste film, Ninghao would sometimes just take one shot. In order to save money, Ning Hao did not perform film-level color grading in the later stage.

This makes the film look like a domestic TV series, with a very poor sense of quality.


Jiang Peian returned to the hotel after walking around the city center.

As soon as I arrived in the room, I heard someone knocking on the door outside.


Han Yan opened the door and said apologetically:

"Director Jiang, are you disturbing your rest?"

Jiang Peian waved his hand and said:
"I haven't rested yet. What's wrong? Is something okay?"

Han Yan held the script in his hand and said:
"Director Jiang, we encountered some problems during the reading today. Brother Hao and I discussed it, but we have different opinions. I would like to ask you for advice."

Hearing Han Yan's words, Jiang Peian smiled and said:
"Okay, let's sit down first. Would you like some tea?"

Han Yan waved his hand and said:

"No, no need. I tend to lose sleep at night when I drink tea."

Han Yan waved his hand.

Jiang Peian nodded. There are indeed people with this kind of physique.

He made himself a cup of tea and asked:
"What problems did you encounter today?"

Han Yan sat up straight and asked a question in his mind:
"Director Jiang, what do you think is the main plot of "Stone"?"

Hearing this question, Jiang Peian almost laughed angrily.

As the director of "Stone", Han Yan actually didn't even figure out the main line of the story.

But when I thought about it, Jiang Pei'an realized that it was not that simple.

What is the main line of the story? Some viewers feel confused after watching the movie.

There is Brother Dao who steals stones, Mike who steals stones, Xie Xiaomeng who steals stones, and Bao Shihong Sanbao who protects stones.

There is a contract signed by Feng Dong Siyan and Xie Qianli, and there is even a story line about Xie Xiaomeng and Jingjing picking up girls.

Which one is the main line?

Jiang Peian thought about it and had an idea, but he still looked at Han Yan and asked:

"Which one do you think is the main plot?"

Hearing Jiang Pei'an put the question to him again, Han Yan did not show any other expression, but said:
"If you look at the structure and main conflicts of the crew, in the script, Dao Ge's gang and Bao Shihong's escorts have the most confrontation scenes.

The main conflict is that these two groups of people have the most conflicts, so the main line of the story is a series of stories about the battle of wits and courage between the two forces, Dao Ge's gang working hard to steal the stone and Bao Shihong's escort team working hard to protect the stone. "

Hearing Han Yan's words, Jiang Peian nodded secretly. This seemed to be a very simple question.

But if this problem is not fully understood, Han Yan will suffer a lot in the subsequent filming.

Han Yan was very happy to see Jiang Pei'an agree with his point of view.

But soon, he raised another question and asked:

"The entire script revolves around stones. If we tell this plot according to a story that we think should be normal in reality.

It is a story about a group of guards and a group of thieves fighting a desperate battle for a stone. The chasing, fighting, passion, battle of wits and courage are very eye-catching.

But what about Mike? What does this character do? Everyone has their own tasks in the script, but there is only one more character like Mike. "

When Han Yan received the script analysis, he was puzzled by the character of Mike.

Every scene in the movie that has lines or scenes is designed.

So for such a character who is basically about to join the protagonist group, Han Yan really didn't find his position clearly.

Hearing Han Yan's doubts, Jiang Peian felt that this person had indeed studied "Stone" thoroughly.

Sure enough, any director who can succeed in the future has two skills.

So he didn't sell it off, but analyzed it thoroughly:

“When Mike appeared, he was very gorgeous, and he directly looked like an international thief.

However, as soon as he arrived in the mountain city, he was severely bullied by the gang of local snake Dao Ge.

Then I bought the tools to commit the crime and had a piece of rope deducted from me by the unscrupulous merchant, so I was severely cheated at the critical moment of stealing the stone..."

Jiang Peian's speaking rhythm is neither fast nor slow, and very powerful, making people listen carefully to what he has to say unconsciously.

During the first stone-stealing operation, Mike was slapped hard by Brother Dao.

The second time he stole the stone, his role was only to prevent Xiaojun from stealing the stone.

The role played in the third stone theft operation was indeed more important.

Because of Heipi's absence, he happens to assume the role of Heipi. Of course, this role is also very funny. It perfectly helps Xiaojun steal the stone.

Looking at the three stone thefts, when he stopped Xiaojun during the second stone theft, it was completely possible to change the plot slightly and not have him stop it.

It would be perfectly fine if the plot of the third stone theft could be changed to a plot where the black skin hangs down from the air.

If we try to remove the entire plot of Mike, and the final ending is that Bao Shihong returns the jade intact to Zhao, it is actually not impossible.

Some people may say that Mike led Feng Dong and Siyan, but in fact Feng Dong and Siyan led Mike.

Even so, Dong Feng and Si Yan seem to have little role in the plot.

Jiang Peian explained his analysis bit by bit, but Han Yan's words became more and more vague. Finally, he couldn't help but ask:
"So, what exactly does Mike do?"

"For fun."


Han Yan felt that he must have heard wrongly, and he looked at Jiang Peian.

Jiang Peian smiled and said:
"If you remove the main line of Mike, you can actually find that it does not affect the plot at all.

But if you add Mike's line, you will feel that the whole movie will be much fuller.

This kind of fullness does not refer to the plot, but to the laughter. "

"Just for fun?"

Han Yan still felt a little incredible.

Jiang Peian patted his shoulder and said:

"What kind of movie do you think we are making?"

"Dark humor movie."

Han Yan said subconsciously.

The four words "black humor" Ninghao kept chanting in his ears.

"So, without affecting the plot, we add comedy elements to please the audience. Is there any problem?" (End of Chapter)

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