“Generally, in order to create a good box office atmosphere, films will be released on weekends when the box office is better.

But "The Promise", which has no taboos, was released on a normal working day on Thursday.

The rising box office has broken the previous records of many theaters, and is even praised by industry insiders as breaking the curse of "black days" for movie screenings.

The unstoppable vitality of "The Promise" surprised everyone, and even made all the theater managers laugh from ear to ear.

We have reason to believe that with the arrival of the holiday weekend, theaters will usher in a real box office peak. "

The first week of the release of "The Promise" and the fourth day of the release of "Let the Bullets Fly".

The streets are full of reports about "The Promise."

There is no doubt that the marketing and public relations of "The Promise" are excellent.

Both entertainment newspapers and magazines are all reporting news related to the movie "The Promise".

There are even more exaggerated reports: "All films have given way to "The Promise."

The unstoppable "The Promise" has caused theaters across the country to line up all the films to make way for it, in order to satisfy the surging tide of movie-watching by the audience.

According to media reports, “Major theater chains will give this New Year blockbuster the best treatment within the next week.

Guangdong Feiyang Cinema, which ranks first in the country's box office, will all show "The Promise" in the theater.

Directors of theaters in Shanghai and Beijing also revealed that the next week will be "The Promise" week. "

"You idiot, some people also like to watch this movie. I'm so damn convinced."

A man in a suit with a work badge hanging around his neck took an entertainment newspaper from the newsstand.

Before he even finished reading the news above, he started to curse.

When the movie "The Promise" hadn't been released yet, he was really looking forward to it. After all, the dream-like scenes in the movie, as well as so many powerful stars joining the cast, all looked so beautiful.

While waiting for the movie to be released, he immediately ran to the cinema and bought two tickets.

He wants to ask his goddess to go to the cinema to watch "The Promise".

As a result, the goddess agreed to let him go.

However, the goddess basically slept in the movie theater until the end.

Come on, this movie is really boring and I can’t understand it at all.

Later, when I was chatting with the goddess, I asked about her feelings about watching the movie. The goddess had a complicated expression on her face:
You have great taste, but I am not good enough for you.

Thinking of this, he felt depressed, and since then he never dared to contact the goddess.

"This is such a scam movie, but there are still movies to make way for him? Domestic movies are finished."

He held the newspaper in his hand and continued to read it boredly.

"Since the screening on December 12, the audience has been polarized, with lovers loving it to death and haters hating it to death.

Some people think that this gap in word-of-mouth is an essential factor for blockbusters, and the gap forms a fatal attraction.

Generally speaking, for both blockbusters, the audience's love and hate for domestic films is much stronger than for imported films.

The bigger the blockbuster, the more likely it is that sticks and flowers will be thrown at it as soon as it comes out.

Such movies are precisely the ones that audiences like to watch the most and are most likely to create box office miracles.

According to relevant analysis, the film's box office peak will occur during Christmas and New Year's Day.

This film is likely to become this year’s box office champion, and the film’s maximum box office is expected to exceed 1.5 million yuan..."

After flipping over and over, an entire section reported news about "The Promise".

He impatiently turned over the newspaper in his hand, only to see different news.

""Let the Bullets Fly" is another masterpiece this year by Jiang Pei'an. It will be premiered at the Workers' Stadium on the 19th."

"In the movie theater late at night in the cold winter, they all came for Jiang Pei'an!"

"The biggest competitor of "The Promise" is here. Perhaps it is the only one that can break the dominance of "The Promise" and let the bullets fly for a while."

The story about "Let the Bullets Fly" is on another page.

"The explosive opening of "Let the Bullets Fly" gave everyone a surprise.

The zero-point venue in the spring market was still full at minus 32 degrees Celsius, and the Jiangsu and Zhejiang University was still hot and hit a record on the first day of cooling.

Yesterday, similar news came from major movie theaters across the country: Tickets for the early morning screening of "Let the Bullets Fly" that night were sold out in the afternoon.

It is worth mentioning that the screening of "Let the Bullets Fly" was slightly conservative yesterday. Based on the number of moviegoers, "Let the Bullets Fly" exceeded the number of moviegoers on the first day of "The Promise" by 20%.

This also leaves huge room for imagination for the first weekend box office growth of "Let the Bullets Fly".

The person in charge of the distribution of "Let the Bullets Fly" revealed that all night yesterday he was fielding calls from theater managers across the country requesting urgent additional copies.

"Many theaters regret that there are not many theaters lined up, and the number of theaters lined up for today's show will increase significantly today."

"Currently we are stepping up our efforts in developing, printing and shipping to ensure that all viewers who want to watch "Let the Bullets Fly" will not be disappointed."

According to the current popularity of "Let the Bullets Fly", it is bound to have a big breakout over the weekend.

The pre-sale of weekend prime time tickets is already very tight at present, and those who intend to watch the movie are best to book in advance..."

Last night, the producers of "Let the Bullets Fly" organized a trial screening of the Sichuan version at Sanlitun Meijia Cinema.

Jiang Peian, who had just finished his promotional tour in Chengdu, suddenly appeared after the screening, causing the entire theater to boil.

Just like the audience meeting held throughout the country, the entire venue once again burst into cheers and applause.

In the words of a media reporter:
"If you hadn't been there in person, you wouldn't have imagined that those roaring mountains, tsunamis, and passionate public sentiments were not rumors."

There was also enthusiasm for screenings in various places. Manager Zhang, who was in charge of distribution, said that the theater managers’ voices trembled when they called them.

"'Let the Bullets Fly' is not only good at the box office, but the problem is that it has been many years since the audience spontaneously applauded in the theater, and it was excited and hot when they walked out of the theater."

It is not just ordinary viewers who have continued the wave of "crossing overs" between film critics and the media.

Once established this year, there are two major websites that have been gathered by movie fans: Time.com and Douban.com.

"Let the Bullets Fly" also broke the trend of falling immediately after its release. Time.com went from a score of 8.1 before its release to a score of 8.7.

After being rated by 8000 viewers on Douban.com, the score has risen to 9.2. Both scores swept other films this year and set a new high for Chinese-language films.

On the meager public opinion platform, there is also a lot of praise for "Let the Bullets Fly".

Comments such as "The best Chinese-language film of the year, bar none" and "Highly entertaining, laughing from beginning to end in 130 minutes" abound.

"Let the Bullets Fly" breaks the law that domestic blockbusters that are good at the box office are often controversial and have poor reputation.

It also broke the law that movies with good reputation among elite circles cannot be recognized by the audience, and "Let the Bullets Fly" has become the hottest topic of the year.

"The Promise" is actively exploring the front line, while "Let the Bullets Fly" is a rising star.

Throughout the entire Lunar New Year period, only these two movies were competing.

As for Lao Mouzi's "Riding Alone, Thousands of Miles", it has already withdrawn from the fighting circle.

To be honest, in terms of box office, how can literary and artistic films compare with commercial films?
Ever since "Let the Bullets Fly" was released, Jiang Pei'an has not been idle.

He first went to Chengdu and mountain cities to start a nationwide promotional tour.

Because considering the release of the Sichuan version of "Let the Bullets Fly", of course he had to visit these two cities first. As for why the Sichuan dialect version should be implemented, it is actually very simple:
First, this movie is an adaptation of the novel "Ten Tales of a Night" by Ma Shitu, a famous Sichuan writer.

There are some essences in it that can only be expressed in Sichuan dialect. Jiang Pei'an had been thinking about making a Sichuan dialect version long before filming.

Some of the dialogues in the play are interpreted in Sichuan dialect to make them more spicy and provocative.

Second, according to incomplete statistics, the test results of "Let the Bullets Fly" showed that the audience laughed more during the movie than in the Mandarin version.

Especially when the authentic slang and common sayings in the film such as "Gua Wa Zi", "Bu Le Jiao Oh", "Walk Up", etc. appeared one by one, the Sichuan audience reacted particularly enthusiastically.

Third, it is not uncommon for domestic movies to play the dialect card before, but this time "Let the Bullets Fly" does not quote dialects in the movie.

Instead, we simply use two versions in Mandarin and Sichuan to enter the Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou, and Hubei markets, with the idea of ​​"one shot, two hits."


Jiang Peian is currently conducting a road show in Shanghai.

Hu Ge is from Shanghai, and this time he spontaneously appeared as the company's project platform.

People in Shanghai also like this big boy. Although Hu Ge did not play a role in "Let the Bullets Fly", he still received a lot of attention.

"Haha, please turn your attention from Hu Ge to our movie, otherwise the company won't let Hu Ge come out next time."

Jiang Peian smiled and interacted with the audience.

"No, Hu Ge must participate, otherwise I won't watch your movie."

"Director Jiang, why don't you let Hu Ge star in "Let the Bullets Fly"? Our Hu Ge is also very good."

"Hugo is the best."

The audience immediately shouted loudly.

Jiang Peian smiled and said:
"Don't worry, everyone, Hu Ge is a colleague of our company. If there are suitable roles, our colleagues will be given priority."

After hearing what Jiang Pei'an said, the audience sat there and watched the movie contentedly.

The story of "Let the Bullets Fly" is about a battle of wits, a tripartite confrontation, identity change, and a substitute trap.

These comedy structures and techniques have long been performed by classics, but for the audience to believe them, they must first fall in love with the characters.

The movie never lets the audience's eyes and ears idle for a moment, using funny lines and fast editing to urge the audience along.

Of course, there is also a plot design like a serial plot, "the tailor wipes out all stitches".

The screenwriter and director painstakingly managed the plot connections between the climaxes and the climaxes.

Watching "Let the Bullets Fly" was a heart-pounding experience, and the whole cinema was buzzing with excitement.

Every time a powerful line comes out, someone in the cinema yells: "Cow!"

It's like going to a rock concert, it's hard to sit still in the chair because everyone is almost flying with the bullets.

It’s hard to have an orgasm while watching Chinese movies because they’re not powerful.

And "Let the Bullets Fly" really does it, not only does it have a climax, but it also has multiple climaxes!

More than two hours passed very quickly, and only when the movie ended did everyone react.

"Is this the end?"

"I really want to watch it again. I must watch it a second time!"


The audience stood up and watched Jiang Peian's thunderous applause.

"Thank you for your encouragement, thank you."

Jiang Peian waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet:

"Thank you all for your support, thank you all."

After watching the film, the media swarmed over:
"Director Jiang, what do you think of the low box office of Director Zhang's "Ride Alone, Thousands of Miles"?"

At that moment, a reporter asked about Lao Mouzi.

Jiang Peian smiled and said:

"Personally, I think Director Zhang's "Ride Alone, Thousands of Miles" is quite interesting, and I like it quite a lot.

But everyone knows that due to innate conditions, the performance of literary and artistic films cannot be reflected solely in the box office.

In fact, Director Zhang and I also communicated yesterday. It was said that "Riding Alone, Thousands of Miles" has achieved a weekly box office of 1200 million.

In just a few days after its release, it broke the box office record of "Peacock" for domestic literary and artistic films this year, and became the best-performing literary and artistic film in recent years.

There are many domestic literary films released this year, including Jia Kechang's "The World" and Gu Changwei's "Peacock".

These films have won many award recognitions abroad, but their domestic box office performance has not been as good as expected.

"Riding Alone, Thousands of Miles" was released among commercial blockbusters such as "The Promise", "The Great Sage" and "Let the Bullets Fly".

Although the box office 'prospect' is worrying, I believe Director Zhang will not disappoint. "

As a good friend of Zhang Yimou, Jiang Pei'an certainly couldn't do anything to add insult to injury.

In fact, "Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles" is indeed Zhang Yi's masterpiece.

This film was shot very cleanly, and there are no things that should not be in the film. Apart from the relationship between father and son, nothing else is inserted.

In this era where movies are made to make money, it is very common to add something that is more exciting to the audience in the movie.

But this movie did not do anything commercial, it just told the story of two pairs of father and son.

This is the cleverness of Lao Mouzi. If you want to stir up emotion, just stir it up to the end.

Nothing else should be allowed to spoil this sensational atmosphere.

"Director Jiang, what do you think of Director Chen saying that the future of "The Promise" is unstoppable.

No movie can rival "The Promise". "Let the Bullets Fly" is one of the biggest dark horses this year. Is there anything you want to say to Director Chen? "

These words were said by Director Chen on Weibo when he saw that the box office of "The Promise" reached 20 million on the first day.

That's right, in order to cooperate with the promotion of "The Promise", Director Chen also applied for a Weibo account.

But to bring it up on this occasion today...

Jiang Peian glanced at the reporter who asked the question. He was obviously here to start a fight.

But this can be considered one of the basic skills of a reporter.

Everyone looked at Jiang Pei'an expectantly, as if waiting for an answer from him.

Jiang Peian did not disappoint them. He smiled slightly and said:
"Don't worry, let the bullets fly for a while."


The reporters' faces showed confusion at first, and then excitement replaced them.

Everyone thought of this line that Zhang Mazi said in the movie when he led his men to ambush Ma Bond's train on his way to take office as county magistrate.

Don't worry, let the bullets fly for a while... (End of chapter)

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