Chapter 5
The snowflakes do not know when they will fall, and they will get bigger and bigger.

Jiang Pei'an and his brothers were walking on the path back.

Looking at the depressed elder brother, Jiang Peijian slurped the lollipop, grinned to reveal his tooth decay, and gloated:
"I said that Uncle Li wouldn't agree, right? Now it's all over. I didn't invite anyone, so I packed two boxes of things in."

Jiang Pei'an glanced at his mouth full of decayed teeth, and said calmly:
"I went back and told grandma that you were secretly eating candy again."

Jiang Peijian engraved fried hair:
"It's obviously the pocket money you gave me!"

"I didn't let you buy candy."

Jiang Peijian drooped his head and said sullenly:

"I was wrong, brother."

"Well, then I won't tell my grandma..."

"Thank you bro..."

"I told my aunt."

Jiang Pei'an smiled slightly.

Jiang Peijian's face turned pale immediately, her mother was much stricter than grandma!

After teasing his little cousin, Jiang Pei'an felt much more at ease.

The biggest problem right now is finding actors.

The biggest highlight of folk ditties is the combination of singing and action.

Although it is okay to cast ordinary people, it takes a lot of time to adjust.

This kind of training is not the kind of fine-tuning of movements and lines in filming.

Jiang Pei'an has only one requirement, the actor can ignore the existence of the camera, and at the same time speak his lines and make actions fluently.

But ordinary people can't do it at all, or the cost of learning is particularly high.

In particular, the leading actors of folk ditties are all middle-aged men and women in their 30s.

Embarrassed to face the camera, can't remember the lines, and the movements are not fluent, these are the main problems they face.

That's why Jiang Pei'an came up with Li Shouguo's idea.

He has been performing on stage all the year round, he has enough experience, his movements are in place, and more importantly, he does not need dubbing for the singing part.

Ordinary people can be found for supporting roles, but the leading roles must be played by people with acting experience.

Especially Li Shouguo's image is very appropriate.

The folk ditty talks about the parents' short-sightedness, and even the content is a bit vulgar.

Most of the talk is about family ethics such as angry mother-in-law and strong daughter-in-law, brother-in-law and sister-in-law.

Therefore, it is best to fit the public in the casting, and even look worse than ordinary people.

When watching a play, the audience firstly watches the excitement, and secondly, has a sense of substitution.

Are you looking for a handsome guy to be the hero?No one is watching at all!
Jiang Pei'an first looked for actors in the Zhenbang Troupe, but he didn't like it.

The actors are all too upright and have a great image.

Li Shouguo is very suitable, but he is unwilling to act, and his words seem to reject the Zhenbang Troupe?
Jiang Pei'an also couldn't understand the grievances between him and the Bangju Troupe.

Bangju, also known as Yuxing Bangju, Xiangcheng Bangju, Gusu Bangzi, etc.

It originated from Shahe Diao, one of the four vocal tunes of Henan Opera.

Because Henan Opera was formerly known as Yu Province Bangzi, Bang Opera is the common name of Henan Opera in northern Xin'an Province and Pengcheng, Gusu.

Bangju is the most popular opera among the people north of the Huaihe River.

The reason for its popularity is that there are troupes at almost every level in Xinyang City.

There are bang opera troupes in cities, counties, and even towns, such as Jiangtai Town where Jiang Pei'an is located.

There are more than a dozen people in the troupe, and they perform around to earn some extra money during the slack season.

They are also invited to perform on stage when there are weddings and funerals in the town.

However, in recent years, affected by the turmoil in the sea, actors have quit their performances to work part-time.

The Bangju Troupe in Jiangtai Town is in danger of going bankrupt.

In fact, the opera troupe began to decline after the 80s, and did not revive until Jiang Pei'an was reborn.

Later, the County Bang Opera Troupe in Jiang Pei'an's hometown was reorganized into the County Performing Arts Center of the public institution.

It has also been faced with the problem of low wages and benefits, and the incumbents and retirees have not applied for social security, medical care, accident insurance and other security benefits.


Exhaling a breath of mist, Jiang Pei'an tightened his collar.

Or go back and continue to squat in the town troupe.

"Brother... is he calling us?"

Jiang Peijian tugged at his brother's sleeve and pointed to the people behind him.

Jiang Pei'an turned his head and looked back.

In the flying snow, a staggering figure was running towards them.

He was in a hurry, but his legs and feet were inconvenient. He fell down and got up again from time to time, and his body was stained with snow and mud.

The cold wind engulfed the flying snow, and every time he opened his mouth to shout, the wind and snow ruthlessly poured down his throat.

"Go back! It's Uncle Li!"

Jiang Pei'an recognized that figure as Li Shouguo, and he ran towards Li Shouguo with his long legs.

"Help, help me, Xiuying, she is dying!"

Zhang Xiuying, wife of Li Shouguo.

Jiang Pei'an helped Li Shouguo up, and hurriedly said:

"Uncle Li, don't worry, I'll go and have a look now."

Asking his cousin Jiang Peijian to support Li Shouguo, Jiang Pei'an hurriedly ran towards the hut.

He was 1.7 meters tall, and his legs swung so fast that he left the two of them behind him in a short while.

On the bed, Zhang Xiuying's face was pale, she had more air intake and less air output, her forehead was hot, and she was very weak.

"Cold, cold..."

Zhang Xiuying whispered.

Seeing this posture, Jiang Pei'an had to go to the hospital.

Wrapping the padded clothes on Zhang Xiuying's body, he found another cart from outside the house.

Even the quilt and the person were put on the cart.

Seeing Li Shouguo approaching anxiously, Jiang Pei'an left a sentence "after going to Jiangliu Clinic" and pulled the cart towards the next town.


There is no clinic in Jiangtai Town, and the only doctor is that half-assed Li Hongliang.

So Jiang Pei'an pulled the cart all the way to the clinic in the next town.

When Li Shouguo and Jiang Peijian arrived at the hospital, Zhang Xiuying was sleeping peacefully on the hospital bed for transfusion.

Jiang Pei'an, who was on the bed next to him, was wrapped in the quilt with only one head exposed.

"It's okay, my aunt already has underlying illnesses, plus it's been cold in spring and has a high fever.

After finishing the drip, you will be able to go home after two or three days in the hospital, don't worry, Uncle Li. "

Jiang Pei'an said while sitting on the bed shivering.

Li Shouguo looked at Jiang Pei'an helplessly, and didn't speak for a long time.

With Jiang Pei'an's many years of experience, he knew what Li Shouguo was thinking when he saw Li Shouguo's appearance, and said:
"I paid all the expenses, including the money for hospitalization and medicine in the next few days."

"how much is it?"

Li Shouguo asked hoarsely.

Jiang Pei'an hesitated for a moment and said:
"Twenty dollars."

Judging from the average monthly salary of urban employees of 777 yuan, 50 yuan in rural areas is already a lot.

Even in the eyes of a person like Li Shouguo who only had one mu of land to harvest, it was too much!
"You are not from the troupe."

Li Shouguo was silent for a while, then suddenly said.

Jiang Pei'an nodded:

"I don't want to sing, and I don't want to sing anymore."

Li Shouguo looked at Zhang Xiuying's sleeping face, and continued:

"After I broke my leg, the troupe fired me.

Everyone gets the same money for every performance, and I, a cripple, gets the same money as everyone else, which makes everyone feel uncomfortable.

But I'm lame for the show! "

Speaking of this, Li Shouguo seemed a little unwilling.

"Although the troupe will come to condolences every year, they will not bring such expensive gifts.

Nor will she spend a penny on Xiuying's medical treatment.

Everyone has no money, so I don't want to drag them down.

Originally, Xiuying started to have a fever two days ago, but I thought it would be fine to take some medicine..."

Jiang Pei'an suddenly remembered that when he went to Li Shouguo's home today, he looked at himself hesitating to speak.

It turned out that he wanted to ask himself to take Zhang Xiuying to see a doctor.

Listening quietly to Li Shouguo's words, Jiang Pei'an said slowly:

"Uncle Li, I came here to ask you to act in a play, the kind that can be on TV..."

"I would like to play."

Before Jiang Pei'an finished speaking, Li Shouguo interrupted, saying:
"Although I don't know if the acting you mentioned is different from my understanding, but performances are paid for, right?
You have paid in advance, and I will act with you. "

Jiang Pei'an was overjoyed, and immediately jumped off the hospital bed, took out a notebook from his small bag, and said:
"Uncle Li, this is the script, you should read it first."

Li Shouguo glanced at the notebook, matts, the kind used by children to practice calligraphy.

He didn't answer.

What do you mean, Jiang Pei'an doesn't understand, do you need to increase the salary?

"I don't know how to read."

Jiang Pei'an: ...

(End of this chapter)

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