I'm not just a director

Chapter 62 Talk collapsed?

Chapter 62 Talk collapsed?
"Hi Max, it's an 'honor' to meet you at work so early in the day"

At the front desk is a blonde beauty with a hot body.

She greeted a man in his early 20s with a playful smile.

The man is chewing gum and wearing headphones around his neck, looking very trendy.

He behaved flamboyantly and whistled at the front desk.

His eyes plucked out fiercely on her chest, and said:
"You know Betty, I've always thought that going to work was an oppression of humanity.

We should be doing crazy sex things at night.

Then eat some 'jelly beans' and reach the peak together in the trembling of the soul.

During the day, it's time to replenish your energy and sleep, instead of being greeted and sent in this 'prison', nodding and bowing, what do you think Betty? "

Betty smiled slightly and said:
"If I had an uncle at the top of the company, I think I would do that."

"Oh, birth cannot be changed, but my uncle can also become your uncle, as long as you want."

Betty shook her head and said with a smile:
"I think... that young man from Huaxia has been waiting for you for a long time, and it's time for you to meet him."

"Oh, damn Huaxia boy, it's because of him that my tired body can't get the rest it deserves during the day."


In the reception room, Jiang Pei'an was drinking the coffee prepared by the overbearing front desk lady.

Beside him sat old Brown with silver hair.

"How's the coffee?"

Old Brown asked with a smile.

It's too bad to drink.

"Excellent, like today's weather."

Jiang Pei'an said with a smile.

"Jiang, you know that no matter how good the coffee is without sugar, it will be too bitter to swallow.

But if a coffee bucket is broken or moldy, even if you add more sugar, it will affect its mellow taste. "

Old Brown has something to say.

Jiang Pei'an smiled slightly and said:

"There is an old saying in Huaxia that a rat droppings can ruin a pot of soup."

"What a wonderful metaphor, you are a very knowledgeable young man."

Just as Old Brown was farting rainbow farts, the door of the reception room was pushed open.

A young man sat carelessly on the sofa opposite.

Old Brown frowned, and said slowly in a voice that he could only hear:
"Mouse droppings are coming..."

"Good morning Max, you are much more handsome today, let me introduce you, this is Jiang from China..."

The young man waved his hand, interrupted Old Brown's introduction, and said:

"Old Brown, I think we should change the meeting room and let Uncle and the others come to participate, so as to show our Lions Gate's hospitality etiquette, what do you think?"

"You're right, I'll inform the director and them."

Jiang Pei'an was also observing the second generation ancestor.

When he was in the conference room just now, Old Brown had already told Jiang Pei'an what had happened.

It is nothing more than the second generation ancestor took a fancy to the script of "Chain Saw" and communicated with his uncle who was a senior executive of Lionsgate.

Lionsgate thinks the script is very good, but if a Chinese director is directing the film, why not hire someone of their own?

So there is today's release.

It can be said that Jiang Pei'an came all the way here because of this second generation ancestor!

After changing a meeting room, all the leaders of Lionsgate's film production department came over.

It's just that the uncle of the second generation ancestor couldn't leave for the time being because of other things.

Old Brown served as an intermediary to introduce the two parties.

In the first round of conversation, Old Brown relayed the words of the president of Lionsgate Films, the uncle of the second generation ancestor, on his behalf.

Lionsgate is willing to buy the script of "Saw" for 15 US dollars.

This price is really not low, you must know the first script of Shane Black, the most successful screenwriter in Hollywood.

"Lethal Weapon" sold for a high price of $25, and "Lethal Weapon" became one of the most successful movies of the 90s.

Later, his 1996 film script "Agent and Flower" went through a bidding process.

It even sold for 400 million US dollars, which was already the highest price in Hollywood at that time.

Lionsgate waited for Jiang Pei'an's reply after paying the price.

Jiang Pei'an smiled, looked at the six people present, and said:
"For a newcomer who has just debuted, this price really shows me the sincerity of Lionsgate."

Before a smile appeared on Max's face, Jiang Pei'an's expression changed, and he said directly:
"But I'm not going to sell the movie, and at the same time, I'm not going to work with Lionsgate again."


Old Brown was in a hurry, he didn't expect this young man from China to be so strong.

Jiang Pei'an interrupted him and said:

"I'm disappointed with Lionsgate's move today and I'm ashamed of my choice.

Although Lionsgate is not as strong as the Big Six, at least I have a good impression of the city of Vancouver.

At the same time, I also believe that Lions Gate, located in Vancouver, a city with 15% Chinese, will make me feel as close as home.

But what Lionsgate did today really opened my eyes and made me extremely disappointed! "

According to Statistics Canada, the population of Vancouver in 1999 was about 200 million, of which the Chinese population was more than 30.

Of course, it is impossible to determine how many ethnic Chinese are Chinese in this data.

But Jiang Pei'an is not counting the population, he is just looking for an explanation.

Jiang Pei'an's words revealed the most crucial piece of information:
You won't let me shoot?Then I will go to the Sixth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and you think the script is very good, and you even pay a high price to buy it.

Does the Sixth University have no vision?Moreover, the strength of the six major forces is even greater.

It doesn't matter whether the Sixth National Congress accepts Jiang Pei'an, as long as the Lions Gate people believe in it.

Old Brown was ashamed when he heard Jiang Pei'an's words.

At the beginning, it was he and Jiang Pei'an's matchmaking, but now that Jiang Pei'an said so, it was obviously heartbroken by Lionsgate.

He also failed Jiang Pei'an's trust!
"Young man, I must remind you that the script is in our hands at this time."

A middle-aged man spoke.

Jiang Pei'an remembered that this middle-aged man was called Ryan, and he was a producer at Lionsgate.

Jiang Pei'an replied with a sneer:
"Mr. Ryan, I also want to remind you that you must have misunderstood, I have already registered the copyright of the script.

And also signed a confidentiality contract with Mr. Brown instead of Lionsgate.

Without my authorization and permission, you detained and filmed without permission, and I can definitely sue you. "

Jiang Pei'an's words made Ryan suffocate.

Jiang Pei'an continued:

"Or is it that Lionsgate wants to fight a cross-border lawsuit with me? I just came back from Cannes and I still have some... heat in China.

If your company insists on going its own way, there will be many law firms in Huaxia who are willing to act as my defense lawyers.

After all, winning a multinational lawsuit against a Cannes Grand Prize winner is still very attractive to them.

What's more, you have almost no chance of winning..."

Having said that, Jiang Pei'an smiled, spread his hands and said:
"Even I can license the script to the Big Six or your competitors for free.

"Saw" is very good in your eyes, please allow me to say something arrogant...

I've got better screenplays than this one... Enough said, bye! "

Jiang Pei'an didn't even look at the astonished and angry Lionsgate leader, and left the meeting room directly...

 Thanks to Brother Time 1979 for the reward, this is also an old book friend hahaha welcome back!
  Everyone remember to click on the last page to start the follow-up update. This is very important to me, thank you!
  In addition, I plan to adjust the update time recently, the headquarters can keep the brothers waiting for so long!

(End of this chapter)

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