I'm not just a director

Chapter 78 Halloween Chapter

Chapter 78 Halloween

After attending the premiere of "Ghost Shadows", Jiang Pei'an finally had the opportunity to take Hu Jing out to have fun.

Today is Halloween, and the streets are bustling with activity.

"Director, should we also dress up and go out?"

Hu Jing asked with a smile.

This girl loves to play, and it is the first time to participate in this kind of festival, so she is indescribably excited.

Jiang Pei'an touched his chin and said:

"Then let's dress up well, do you have anyone you want to cosplay?"


"It's role-playing, who do you want to dress up as?"

"Hmm...I'll think about it, but can I find a costume? I want to dress up like a fairy."

Jiang Pei'an smiled and said:
"This is Vancouver, don't worry, I'm sure you can find it, let's go, I'll take you to a good place."

The good place in Jiang Pei'an's mouth is naturally Chinatown, which he has visited twice.

Perhaps due to the influence of the festive atmosphere, today's Chinatown is also very lively.

"Brother, two bowls of beef pan noodles."

Jiang Pei'an came to the authentic beef noodle shop and said with a smile.

"Hey, fellow, you are here again. Your girlfriend is so beautiful, just like a movie star."

The chubby boss handed Jiang Pei'an a Puwan with a smile.

Hearing the boss's compliment, Hu Jing laughed silly.

It's not because of complimenting her on her beauty, but because of the phrase "your girlfriend...".

Jiang Pei'an nodded with a smile, and instead of taking the cigarette handed by the boss, he took out a whole cigarette from his bag and said:
"I smoked you so much, I brought you this specially from China."

"Yo, I'm too embarrassed to accept you for being so polite."

"Take it, it doesn't cost much, just give us a free bill later."

Jiang Pei'an said with a smile.

"That's what I said, it's only a few dollars, isn't it normal to be free!

I just accepted the cigarettes, thank you for your support, brother, I took the trouble. "

The boss put down the cigarette with a smile and went to make noodles for Hu Jing and Jiang Pei'an.

"This street is full of Chinese food, is it enough for you?"

Jiang Pei'an said to Hu Jing with a smile.

"Enough, that's enough. I see there's Guoqiao Rice Noodles in front of me. I really like them."

Hu Jing said with a smile.

"Then go buy a bowl and taste it, the noodles will have to wait for a while."

"Director, do you like this beef pan noodles?"

"Well, it tastes really good."

Jiang Pei'an said with a smile, in fact, most of the time he came here just wanted to talk to this fellow from Xinyang City.

Especially in a foreign country, there is always a different feeling when hearing the dialect of my hometown.

Of course, there are other reasons that will not be mentioned for the time being.


Two bowls of noodles were served, and Jiang Pei'an talked to the boss while eating:

"Boss, how is the business during the holidays today?"

The fat boss sat on the chair and swallowed, saying:
"It's all foreign devils' festivals, what's so good about it, our Chinese ghost festivals don't have a longer history than theirs.

It's just that many people don't pay attention to it now, and the fame doesn't show up. "

Hu Jing and Jiang Pei'an looked at each other, they were still discussing how to celebrate the festival just now.

This was criticized by the boss.

However, the boss looked at the cigarette in his hand and continued:

"Of course, it cannot be completely denied that the cultures of different countries are also worth experiencing.

In the end, we will find out that the things left by our ancestors are better. "

Jiang Pei'an gave him a thumbs up and said:
"When you quit the literary world, I strongly opposed it."


Hu Jing was amused by Jiang Pei'an's words.

The boss also laughed.

After dinner, the boss handed Jiang Pei'an his business card and said:
"My fellow, you should still be in Vancouver for a while, this is my phone number, the store has a delivery service.

When you want to eat, you don’t have to run so far, just call and I’ll send someone to deliver. "

Looking at the greasy business card, Jiang Pei'an calmly accepted it and put it in his pocket.

Hu Jing, however, was very interested and ran to the boss to ask questions, probably asking for advice on how to make beef noodles.

After Jiang Pei'an waited for a while, he and Hu Jing went shopping in Chinatown again, and bought the costumes of the cosplay characters they wanted.

At night, there are already people wearing all kinds of strange clothes walking up and down the street, which is very lively.

"Hold on to me later, there are so many people on Halloween, don't get separated."

Jiang Pei'an grabbed Hu Jing's hand and carefully instructed her.

Hu Jing's cosplay is Bai Suzhen in "Legend of the New White Lady" played by Zhao Yazhi.

Dressed in a white gauze ancient costume, she looks very immortal, and foreigners look back at her from time to time on the road.

In fact, Hu Jing is especially suitable for ancient costumes, smart and pure, with a restrained charm of an oriental beauty.

Jiang Pei'an was dressed in a red robe and looked beaming. He was not a bridegroom official, but the Chinese God of Wealth.

When Jiang Pei'an wore this outfit, he couldn't help but think of a Halloween stampede that happened in the next door country.

According to the statistics of the Vancouver police, they deploy more than 200 additional police officers to maintain order every Halloween.

Police received thousands of service calls that night.

More than half called 911, and police called out and made hundreds of arrests.

Many were arrested for criminal offenses that day, while others were arrested for breach of the peace or public intoxication.

Behind the excitement is the accumulation of crimes.

Jiang Pei'an didn't say what hurt Hu Jing's mood.

They don't go to crowded places to join in the fun, they just go to the streets to experience the festive atmosphere.

"Director, your outfit is really festive."

Hu Jing covered her mouth and snickered.

Jiang Pei'an supported the hat on his head, smiled and said:
"The gods of China will bless every Chinese who goes abroad."

"Then what if I dress up as a monster?"

Jiang Pei'an took her hand and said:
"It's okay, I will protect you."


When the two walked to the street, they suddenly discovered a strange phenomenon.

On Halloween over the years, there are a lot of people who dress up as witches or vampires. If you don’t know what cosplay is, just do it.

As a result, this year it has changed its form, and many foreigners wear straight collars.

Slits at the sides, ties and knots, and a plain collar at the neckline.

There is also a yin and yang gossip mirror in his hand, which can illuminate whoever is caught.

Isn't this the Huaxia Taoist robe?

Good guy, the theme of this year's Halloween is "Taoist play"?
"Director, why do I find their clothes... so familiar?"

Just when Hu Jing was wondering, dozens of women suddenly appeared on the street.

They were wearing pajamas, with disheveled hair, red paint on their necks, and daggers in their hands, moving forward slowly like walking dead.

Jiang Pei'an seemed to feel something in his heart, and his eyes looked over the lively crowd to the opposite building.

There is a huge promotional poster of "Ghost Story" hanging there...

"Hey Max, what are you doing staring at that foreign couple?"

On the side of the street, several men in black leather jackets riding motorcycles were smoking.

"Cook, do you want to play a game of cat and mouse with our foreign friends?"

Max asked, smoking a cigarette.

"That sounds pretty good, sure."

Cook shrugged.


The sound of the motorcycle engine sounded.

"Damn it, Max, why are you in such a hurry!"

Cook cursed and hurriedly followed!

 Yesterday's debt has been made up, thanks to book friend 20220331181830548 for voting for the monthly ticket support!

(End of this chapter)

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