I'm not just a director

Chapter 86 The Gunpowder Smell of the Crew

Chapter 86 The Gunpowder Smell of the Crew
Since it was the first scene at the beginning of the movie, Jiang Pei'an was very fond of this scene.

There was no problem with Smic's performance, but Jiang Pei'an always felt that he could do better.

Otherwise, it will be the same as the original film, and the moment when Adam wakes up always feels exaggerated.

"Smike, come here."

Jiang Pei'an called to stop the filming and waved at Smic.

"Director, is there something wrong with my performance?"

Smick asked.

Jiang Pei'an looked at him who was wet and dripping from his hair, and said:

"I want you to immerse yourself in the character, you know, where you are in my opinion.

It's like a brown bear falling into a trap, there's nothing else to watch but struggle, I think..."

"What kind of state do you want me to show?"

Smic interrupted Jiang Pei'an's words and asked back.

Jiang Pei'an squinted his eyes and looked at him, without speaking, took out a cigarette and smoked it slowly.

He could hear the displeasure in this kid's tone!
No wonder he hadn't heard of this kid's name in later generations.

With this character, it's no wonder he can get ahead!
Smick's voice was loud, and the eyes of the staff present were immediately attracted.

Smick is fighting with the director?

Whether in China or in the West, do you dare to confront the director on set?
It's an act of dementia!
But in the crew of "Chain Saw", the situation is a little different.

Their director is a yellow-skinned Chinese who is too young.

His sudden rise to fame caught the eye of many.

But there are always fools eager to try and challenge the authority of this Chinese director!


After about 10 minutes, Smic, who was too cold to stand it, said angrily:

"Director, what exactly do you want to do?"

Jiang Pei'an threw the cigarette butt on the ground and slowly wiped it out with his feet, as if he was doing something very important.

With a serious and focused expression, he said calmly:

"I was thinking, how many times is the remaining film enough for you to NG?"

Hearing this, the anger in Smick's eyes slowly disappeared.

No matter how stupid he is, he still understands.

If Jiang Pei'an keeps yelling "click", then he can only be soaked in the water in 0° weather.

Looking at the smiling Jiang Pei'an, he felt even colder.

"Smick, I think you haven't figured out your role, what do you think?"

Smick was speechless, looked at Jiang Pei'an for a long time, and then slowly said:

"You are very direct, unlike those Chinese people I have worked with."

"I'll take it as if you're praising me, and besides, brown bears shouldn't just panic when they fall into the trap.

There is also the sizing and adaptation to the unfamiliar environment. Your performance just now is like a headless chicken.

Without any emotional variety or layers, you might have to relearn acting. "

"I will."

Smick said expressionlessly.

The scene full of gunpowder finally disappeared in Jiang Pei'an's smiling face.

The filming continued, and after the filming resumed, it may have been threatened by Jiang Pei'an, or it may have been clicked.

Smick's performance was indeed much better than before.

Looking at Smick in the camera, Jiang Pei'an nodded in satisfaction, just when he was about to shout.

The scene changed suddenly, and the iron chain that locked Smick's ankle broke!



Jiang Pei'an shouted angrily.

"Director, I, I will change the props right away, and it will be ready soon!"

The props were taken aback. The iron chain looked thick, but it was actually made of other materials to protect the actors.

Smick and Ryan had to look like they were struggling as they struggled with the chains.

"hurry up!"

Jiang Pei'an urged.

Smic was standing in front of the bathtub, all wet, looking at Jiang Pei'an with an aggrieved expression.

Jiang Pei'an shrugged:

I don't want to mess with you, it has nothing to do with me.


The filming of "Chain Saw" was quite smooth.

This is a low-cost suspense thriller with a very simple story structure.

But there are a lot of suspenseful elements of the plot and violent and bloody scenes.

Han Shanping wanted to introduce "Chain Saw" to domestic releases.

But Jiang Pei'an thought about it, and with the domestic censorship system, it is estimated that the only thing that can be imported in the end is the title of this movie...

When the later Wen Ziren filmed this film, the pre-production of the film only took 5 days.

Shooting + post-production took only 18 days, of which the bathroom episode took only 6 days.

The progress is so fast, on the one hand, it is because his budget is insufficient and he dare not procrastinate. After all, one extra day of filming means one extra day of money.

For example, in the original script, when police officer Xing hunts down the old man, he will encounter a game mechanism called "Iron Cocoon".

However, the film studio felt that the cost of making Cocoon exceeded the budget.

Therefore, this plot was canceled and the "lead gun" mechanism was used instead.

Compared with Wen Ziren's cost constraints when he was filming, Jiang Pei'an no longer has this worry.

Since "Ghost Story" exceeded [-] million, Lionsgate has also changed a little bit the style of digging and searching.

The production budget has increased from the original $80 to $120 million.

Familiar taste, Lionsgate is still the same Lionsgate!

Within a week, Jiang Pei'an filmed all the scenes in the bathroom plot.

Then Aunt May Marisa joined the group.

As soon as she bends down, as soon as she turns her head, her loose hair dances along with it.

This is a graceful woman, she has a kind of mature sexy charm that makes people stand up.

It's a pity that "Saw" doesn't need beautiful women.

A woman is also a pervert!
However, in this shoot, not only were there many women, but most of them were also beauties.

Old Brown is a producer...he knows how to choose actresses for directors!

There are only a few female characters in the film, but in thrillers, female characters are used to torture.

For example, the country next door that lives a very good life always likes to shake things on the faces of beautiful women when filming two-person dramas.

Destroying the beauty is always a perverted enjoyment!
Especially Marisa, a young woman who still has charm...

"Director, there is a lady looking for you outside."

While filming, suddenly the assistant director came over and said.

Jiang Pei'an was a little puzzled, but when he saw the figure walking in, he smiled slowly.


 Ask for the support of the brothers!

(End of this chapter)

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