I'm not just a director

Chapter 88 Communication between the director and the female model

Chapter 88 Communication between the director and the female model (first update, please book first!)

When mentioning "Chain Saw", many people's minds are except for the continuous reversal plot and bloody scenes.

And of course the infamous jaw clefters.

This is the most iconic and only killing device that appears more than once in the "Chain Saw" series.

It has almost become a patent for jigsaw and his disciples to fight each other.

This is a metal device placed on the player's head, with metal pieces inserted between the upper and lower jaws.

If it is not released within the specified time, it will explode and tear the entire head, killing you with one blow.

Its power comes from four torsion springs on both sides and a high-pressure pneumatic piston on the right.

Jiang Pei'an looked at the jaw cleft tool made by the props team and nodded in satisfaction.

Signal to Aunt May Marisa next to her to put on the props to try the effect.

"Oh my god, knowing it's just a prop, it still gives me the chills."

Marisa shrank back to Jiang Pei'an in shock and said.

Marisa has an excellent figure, and she exudes the charm of a mature woman in every gesture!

But Jiang Pei'an took a step back calmly, keeping a distance from her.

Because Gao Yuanyuan was standing beside him at this moment.

When the director's assistant told Jiang Pei'an that there was a lady looking for him outside.

His first reaction was that Hu Jing was here.

However, since Hu Jing was frightened last time, she once told him that she never wanted to come to Vancouver again.

But what he never expected was that it was Dameiyuan who came over.

"How did you find out here?"

When Jiang Pei'an saw Dameiyuan, he asked curiously.

"An old gentleman brought me here."

Gao Yuanyuan blinked her big eyes and said happily.


"Jiang, this beautiful lady wanted to see where you work, so I brought her here on my own initiative.

I think you will be more motivated when you have beautiful women to accompany you at work.

Of course, Marisa is pretty enough, but unfortunately she is only a supporting role. "

Hearing this, Jiang Pei'an knew that Gao Yuanyuan's finding here must be attributed to Old Brown.

Brown Sr. is a producer, but don't expect the 70-something old man to do it himself on set.

Most of the time, he spent tea and read newspapers at the Lionsgate headquarters, and asked several production assistants to assist Jiang Pei'an in his work.

"Of course, very well."

Jiang Pei'an gritted his molars and said.

This old guy has seen Hu Jing before, so he should also vaguely know his relationship with Hu Jing.

Now that he has seen Gao Yuanyuan, his words are full of ambiguity.

This mature guy may be thinking about something in his mind.

"Jiang, I think you must be too happy, and the tone of your speech has increased a lot."

Old Brown looked at Jiang Pei'an with a smile.

Jiang Pei'an ignored him, and took Gao Yuanyuan around the set, introducing various props.

"These look horrible, eerie."

Gao Yuanyuan said while clutching his chest.

Jiang Pei'an took her hand and said with a smile:
"This is a thriller and suspense film in itself, foreigners like to watch this, there is a market!"

Gao Yuanyuan nodded, her beautiful eyes fixed on Jiang Pei'an tightly.

She doesn't care what foreigners like to watch.

She loves watching him!
So Gao Yuanyuan became Jiang Pei'an's little assistant.

Most of the time, she plays the role of a small follower...

Today's shoot is for Amanda, played by Marisa, to complete the game made by Jigsaw.

Within the allotted time, she took the key from the inmate's stomach and opened the jaw cleft device on her head.

The crew had already prepared pig intestines, and Marisa had to fumble for the key from the pig intestines during filming.

The pig intestines are fresh pig intestines bought from the vegetable market, and they have a fishy smell.

The blood plasma is made by the props team. These two things are superimposed, and just looking at it makes people feel physically uncomfortable.

"All departments prepare, start!"

Marisa has gotten into acting mode.

Seeing that the lighting and camera seats were all arranged, Jiang Pei'an sat in front of the monitor and shouted.

Marisa wears a jaw cleft device. The combination of terrifying instruments of torture and a fiery figure is very visually impactful.

She just showed a pair of frightened eyes, but just the look in these eyes is enough to impress people deeply on this character.

Worthy of being an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor.

Much easier to use than Ryan and Smick!


But soon Jiang Pei'an discovered something was wrong:

Jiang Pei'an yelled, and Marisa took off the jaw cleft device from her head, crouched next to the trash can and vomited.

The assistant stepped forward to appease her, Jiang Pei'an frowned and waited for her to finish vomiting before coming over.

"Jiang, I have to say that you are really a perverted director, I, I really can't stand it!"

Marisa looked at Jiang Pei'an, with tears in the corners of her eyes from vomiting.

Jiang Pei'an squatted down and said slowly:
"Take a break, it was a great performance, Amanda was on the verge of this emotional breakdown.

As long as you can hold back and don't spit it out, I think this is not difficult for a mature actor. "

Marisa waved her hand and said:
"It's better to hurry up and shoot, and end it early."

"Is your body okay?"

"Isn't this the state you want?"

"You are such a sensible actor, Miss Marisa."

"You are also a very comforting director!"

In the end, Marisa NGed this performance about five times before presenting a result that satisfied Jiang Pei'an.

"Jiang, I have to admit that you are a very talented director.

Especially in terms of perversion, I even wonder if you have any relevant experience.

You know the kind of experience I'm talking about! "

Marisa doesn't have many roles, and she has other movies to do.

So Jiang Pei'an filmed all her scenes in one day, and it was done!
Jiang Pei'an spread his hands and said:

"Stephen hasn't seen aliens either, but that doesn't stop him from sending ET to the Oscars."

"You are all very talented directors, we will definitely see you again, right?"

"Of course, I'm looking forward to it."

After seeing off Marisa, today's filming ended immediately.

Jiang Pei'an took Gao Yuanyuan back to the villa arranged by Lions Gate.

Although the temperature in Vancouver is not too low in winter, it is rainy.

It rains for a while almost every day.

Sometimes it will last for several days, especially at night.


The howling wind outside was loud, and gusts of wind poured into the room through the windows.

The rain is also falling harder and harder, the sound of wind, rain, and thunder is like a symphony played by nature.

The tune rises and becomes louder and louder, followed by a beautiful solo melody.

It is brisk and smooth, like the gurgling stream of a deep mountain.

It is also like the fish in the stream lightly licking the soles of the traveler's feet, which makes people feel happy and relieves their fatigue...

Jiang Pei'an sat by the window and smoked slowly, the scarlet sparks were like a raging fire in his heart.

The rain blew in from the window, extinguishing the restlessness.

Gao Yuanyuan was wearing Jiang Pei'an's white shirt.

The shirt was a bit too big, covering her straight and white thighs.

Jiang Pei'an held her in his arms and asked with a smile
"Didn't you brush your teeth just now? Why are you still going?"

Gao Yuanyuan gave him a coquettish look, broke away from his arms, and went straight to the bathroom.


 Brothers, please make the first order, thank you thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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