I'm not just a director

Chapter 9 Pulling Investments

Chapter 9 Pulling Investments

In the evening, Jiang Pei'an came to Zhao Fusheng's house.

Bangju was very popular in the early years, and Zhao Fusheng led the troupe's actors to travel across the country to perform, and accumulated a considerable family business.

When most of the town was still houses with red bricks and blue tiles, Zhao Fusheng's family had already lived in a small flat building with a large courtyard.

In the 90s, there were very few rural areas that could afford small one-story buildings.

If two more floors are added to the house, it looks like a small villa from the outside.


After Jiang Pei'an knocked on the big iron gate, Wang Hong opened the big iron gate from the inside.

"Director, why are you here?"

Wang Hong was a little surprised.

"I'm here to find Commander Zhao."

Jiang Pei'an smiled.

"Oh, yes, he's in the room."

Wang Hong walked ahead and led the way.

Because she is an opera actress, Wang Hong has a particularly slender figure.

Thin waist and wide hips, curling and graceful, unique style.

Zhao Fusheng really made money!
Looking at Wang Hong's back, Jiang Pei'an thought to himself.

"What are you doing here?"

Seeing Jiang Pei'an, Zhao Fusheng snorted coldly.

If his wife hadn't been present, his attitude would have been even worse.

Jiang Pei'an sat opposite him and said:

"Two days ago you came to my crew to make a big fuss, which was just a misunderstanding in the final analysis.

I'm here to show you something, so you don't have to guard us like thieves. "

Although Wang Hong suppressed Zhao Fusheng, he came back to make trouble for the follow-up filming.

Not afraid of thieves stealing, but afraid of thieves thinking.

Jiang Pei'an took out the DV, put it on the table, and said:

"Here's all the videos we've taken, and there's a time stamp on each video.

You can compare, do we have time to do the things you think in your mind! "

Zhao Fusheng picked up the DV, learned Jiang Pei'an's operation method, and watched the video up and down.

He watched very carefully, not letting go of every second.

At first, his eyes were fixed on the time at the bottom left of the screen, but he was soon attracted by the plot of the video.

"Every time I finish filming a group performance, I will go to film Aunt Wang and Uncle Li, and the time interval will not exceed half an hour.

And every time the filming is finished, work is over. You can go to the village to inquire about this, and there are always people watching the excitement nearby.

Don't think too much, have confidence in yourself, and believe in Aunt Wang's character. "

Jiang Pei'an lit a cigarette and sat opposite and said leisurely.


Zhao Fusheng stared at the DV screen and nodded.

About an hour later, Zhao Fu put away the DV while his business was still unfinished.


"It's wonderful, better than the Bangzi opera."

"I'm asking you, have you noticed any clues, has your wife messed around outside!"

Zhao Fusheng said with a embarrassed expression:
"I believe in Xiaohong, and I also have confidence in myself."


Jiang Pei'an glanced down at him, and squinted at Wang Hong's majesty.

Who gave you the courage?

"Your format is very novel. If it is played, the common people will definitely like it."

Zhao Fusheng traveled all over the country and spent most of his time in the countryside, knowing what ordinary people like to watch.

"Of course I know that ordinary people like to watch this, otherwise they wouldn't make it."

Jiang Pei'an nodded, changed the subject and said:
"Head Zhao, your Bangju Troupe is having a hard time right now?"

Hearing this, Zhao Fusheng sighed and said:

"It's really hard. The common people are watching TV at home, and there are fewer and fewer people listening to the opera."

"So have you ever thought about changing?"

Jiang Pei'an crossed his legs and asked.

"You mean to change your career? We've been acting all our lives, what else can we do besides singing."

Zhao Fusheng said with a dark expression.

"You still have to sing, but how you sing and who you sing for needs to change..."

"You mean to say..."

Zhao Fusheng suddenly reacted, his face was rosy, and he said excitedly:

"You took this, this..."

"Folk ditties."

"Yes, folk ditties, you want us to make folk ditties?"

"That's right!"

Jiang Pei'an stubbed out the cigarette butt, and said calmly:

"Your Bang Opera Troupe can last a year or two at most, and by then all of you will be unemployed.

Folk tunes are an opportunity for you!
Uncle Li said that I gave him a way out.

It might be better to say that the folk ditty gave you Bangju Troupe a way to survive! "

"You can join my crew, and after this film is finished, I will continue to shoot other series.

When the time comes, you will replace me as the director, and pull all the actors from your Bang Opera Troupe to the crew, and get employed again! "

The term re-employment is not difficult to understand, and Zhao Fusheng quickly raised his own questions:

"How do you make money?"

Jiang Pei'an smiled slightly, pointed at Zhao Fusheng's VCD and said:
"It's very simple, sell discs!"

"Sell discs?"

"Yes, as long as you get the version number, then the discs will be produced and sold in the market.

The folk ditties you watched just now, I only sell the complete works for ten yuan, and the cost is only about one yuan.

You can imagine the profits, and it's like no other in the market. "

Jiang Pei'an said lightly.

Zhao Fusheng was very excited. He sold it for ten yuan at the cost of one yuan, and made a net profit of nine yuan!

Although there must be other expenses in the middle, even if the miscellaneous costs are worth five yuan, it can still make a net profit of five yuan!

And Zhao Fusheng can imagine the power of folk ditties, there are definitely people who are willing to pay for them!

"What do you want?"

Zhao Fusheng calmed down and asked.

Jiang Pei'an's late-night visit couldn't be just to dispel his suspicions, there must be other demands.

Jiang Pei'an spread his hands and said:
"There is no money in the account, and there is no way to start filming without money."

Zhao Fusheng's expression froze, he was asking for money.

But when he thought about the market that Jiang Pei'an had just described, and the re-employment of the Bang Opera Troupe, he felt an itch in his heart.

"how much money do you need?"

"one thousand!"

Zhao Fusheng's breathing was stagnant.

1000 yuan is not a small amount of money!

"What can I get?"

"The artistic direction of this film, and the directorship of the next folk ditty, as well as the opportunity for your Bangju Troupe to be employed again."

"What you said is false, I don't understand art direction.

As for the lower part of the folk ditty, there is no hair, you are trying to be a white wolf with empty hands. "

Zhao Fusheng shook his head and said.

"There is nothing called Mao, this is the script for the next play.

If you don't know how to read, you can ask Aunt Wang to read it to you.

Letting you be the art director of "An Angry Husband Fights a Smart Daughter-in-law" is to lay the foundation for you to direct the next play.

Of course, if you don't want to, I can find other people to cooperate, anyway, there are many Bangju troupes.

But if you want to start a new stove and do my job, it's basically impossible. "

Jiang Pei'an took out the script and handed it to Wang Hong, tapped his fingers on the table and said:
"You just said that I was a white wolf with empty hands. In fact, this is called investment. You gamble with me and win a lot of money.

If you lose...you won't have to worry about food and clothing without the 1000 yuan, right?Head Zhao! "

Zhao Fusheng understood what Jiang Pei'an meant, but he still shook his head and said:

"One thousand is too much, three hundred at most."

"Nine hundred!"

"Three hundred and two..."

"Nine hundred and five!"

"Three hundred and eight..."

"Eight hundred and five!"

"Four hundred..."

"Eight hundred!"

"Four hundred and five..."

"Seven hundred!"

"five hundred……"

"Okay, deal!"

Five hundred was Jiang Pei'an's psychological price, and he stretched out his hand in front of Zhao Fusheng:
"Give the money!"

Zhao Fusheng gritted his teeth and said:
"I believed you once, I bet!"

Jiang Pei'an smiled slightly:
"You definitely won't lose!"


(End of this chapter)

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