I'm not just a director

Chapter 90 Jingjing~

Chapter 90 Jing Jing~ (The third update, please subscribe!)
In fact, there are some things that I only discovered after I experienced it...

That's it!

The joy of welcoming the new century reaches its climax when the clock strikes zero.

The emotions that had been accumulating with the countdown seemed to have reached the point of venting.

There was a strong trembling, followed by dullness.

Jiang Pei'an felt this way now, he was fiddled with his phone for a while with his head down.

Send a message to Gao Yuanyuan, so many people in the Millennium Monument can't keep up with Gao Yuanyuan, and Gao Yuanyuan is mixed in.

But fortunately, Gao Yuanyuan replied that she was at home with her parents, and her brother came back this year.

It's rare for a family to get together, and it's fun and warm.

Jiang Pei'an said that he was having dinner with friends from the "Happy Time" crew.

Gao Yuanyuan caringly asked him to drink less and go back to rest earlier.

God is sorry, Jiang Pei'an hasn't done anything since he came to the "Happy Time" crew.

On the contrary, it was Lao Mouzi who accompanied him to the General Administration, blocking some gossip.

The crew of "Happy Times" also became an excuse for him to deal with Hu and Gao girls.

Lao Mouzi:
I have a sentence that I don't know if I should say it or not...

"Go back now? I always feel a little boring."

At the end of the New Year's Eve, the crowd began to evacuate like the ebb tide, Qin Hailu said boredly.

Only she and Zeng Li came over to celebrate the New Year tonight.

Yuan Quan and Xia Yu hid in their small world.

The squad leader Zhang Tong originally agreed to come here together, but he couldn't come because he had something to do.

Jiang Pei'an looked at the three women and said:
"Why don't you go to my place to eat something, you probably won't be able to sleep when you go back to the dormitory.

I have quite a lot of rooms over there, so it’s okay to stay there and rest. "

Qin Hailu's eyes lit up, she glanced at Hu Jing, and joked:

"That's not the two-person world that bothers you two."

"Lulu, if you say it again, I'll tear your mouth apart!"

Hu Jing had a thin skin, and she was about to cover Qin Hailu's mouth as she spoke.

Zeng Li covered her mouth and laughed.

Jiang Pei'an drove back to the villa with the girls, and bought some barbecue and other food on the way.

After returning to the villa, the four of them gathered around the small table and began to eat.

The last time Gao Yuanyuan celebrated his birthday, there was still some wine left over, and Jiang Pei'an took it out.

A few girls sat and ate and drank, talking about recent stories.

Qin Hailu filmed "Durian Fluttering" with Hong Kong director Cheng Guo.

Now the movie has not finished shooting, it is said that during the Chinese New Year, I will go to my hometown in Northeast China on Qinhai Road to continue filming.

In this day and age, just hearing the name, you can tell that it is a proper literary film with realistic themes.

Reality + art = forbidden film.

Of course, the words cannot be said so bluntly:
The film was banned from being shown in mainland China because the content was not sunny enough and violated mainstream ideology and morality.

Another reason for the ban is that part of the film was secretly filmed in mainland China without reporting.

"I was eating at that time, and Director Cheng was next to me explaining the general story of the movie.

After he finished speaking, I just finished eating a bowl of noodles, and then I decided to participate in the performance. "

While eating the skewers, Qin Hailu told everyone about the process of meeting Cheng Guo.

Jiang Pei'an joked:

"Only you can do this kind of thing, Cheng Guo is the best director at the Golden Horse Awards.

His style is also unique in Hong Kong Province. Such a big director personally tells you the play, and you are still eating noodles.

Already has the style of an international big-name actor hahaha. "

Qin Hailu said with a smile:

"It's not a coincidence that he came here, just in time for dinner, I can't listen to his opera lectures on an empty stomach."

Everyone laughed, Qin Hailu's carefree personality didn't care about these problems.

Although she has been doing badly in school, she still has professional ethics.

In order to play the role in the film well, Qin Hai worked hard to figure out the mentality of a prostitute.

Talk to real whores in bars and complain like sisters.

I went to the Hong Kong Provincial Tea Restaurant to observe the lives of prostitutes, and found that they ate food as long as they were free.

It is said that I am afraid that I will wait to pick up too many customers and I will not be able to eat...

Looking at Hu Jing and Zeng Li who were fascinated, Jiang Pei'an said:

"You two don't want to go to college with big sister, because of the subject matter of her film, she needs to do so.

She can handle this role well, so you should try your best to follow the route of commercial films in the future. "

Maybe the first movie was a literary film, and Qin Hailu's performance in literary films was quite outstanding later.

For example, "Sister Tao", "The Piano of Steel", and "Six Hundred Miles to Xinyang", a literary film about Jiang Pei'an's hometown.

On the contrary, it performed mediocre in commercial films.

As for Hu Jing and Zeng Li, the two women basically have no news in later generations.

Hu Jing married into a wealthy family, and Zeng Li was hailed as "a beauty once in 200 years in Chinese opera" by media and marketing accounts.

This is pure nonsense. After all, the Lu Xun Academy of Art, the origin of Chinese opera, has only been around for 85 years.

Of course, Zeng Li kept a low profile, so she might not want this statement, but the media didn't care about it.

In the later generations, beauties have been marketed in 4000 years, so what is 200 years...

Hearing Jiang Pei'an's words, Hu Jing and Zeng Li nodded, but they did not doubt his words.

They ate and chatted while drinking, Zeng Li was overwhelmed by alcohol, Qin Hailu also drank a lot, the two went back to the room to rest one after another.

Jiang Pei'an and Hu Jing were tidying up in the living room.

"Director, rest first, I'll do the rest."

Hu Jing was wearing an apron, like a butterfly flying happily among the flowers.

In fact, she also drank a lot of alcohol, but she has a good capacity for alcohol, but she is only slightly drunk.

"I'm really happy today, because we haven't seen each other for a long time, Lu Lizi, and the director, too.

In addition, today is the once-in-a-thousand-year New Year's Eve. When we get old, we will recall what happened this year.

It feels very meaningful, very happy..."

Hu Jing chattered, but did not hear Jiang Pei'an.

She turned around and looked behind her, only to find that Jiang Pei'an was sitting on the sofa, staring at her.

Hu Jing's little face turned red instantly.

Under the influence of alcohol, her face was already flushed, but now she felt ashamed.

Her face was as red as the setting sun.

Her face was blushing, and she was very cute.


Hu Jing felt a little uncomfortable all over, and she twisted her body slightly.

She was wearing a set of tight-fitting sweaters with a hip wrap, and her figure was curvy and slender.

The slightly curly hair is draped behind her, and there is a sparkling jewel earring on her ear, which makes her feel like a fairy.

There is a touch of sexiness in the sweetness, contradictory but unexpected harmony.

Seeing Jiang Pei'an staring at her directly, his eyes seemed to materialize, and he hit a certain part of her body fiercely.

A charming atmosphere rose slowly between the two of them.

"Jingjing, I, I want to rest."

Jiang Pei'an said with a dry voice.

Hu Jing trembled, lowered her head, hummed and said:
"I'll get you the bath water."

Jiang Pei'an nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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