super agricultural empire

Chapter 0052 1 Lies

() The setting sun is setting, the afterglow of the setting sun is slanting, and the mottled light and shadow fall on the benches beside the flower beds on the campus. Students in twos and threes are walking in the English wide angle of the campus, the learning field, the newspaper reading corridor, and some chatting Looking at the sky, some are walking, some are chasing and playing. <Nianhua, they are working hard and struggling, looking forward to a bright future in order to be admitted to the ideal university. <The past. <Nianhua, it’s just that the years are ruthlessly aging, drowning each other’s Huanian.

"Jiayi, doesn't your school have any suitable male teachers? Why don't mom find someone to introduce you? You are not young anymore."

"Jiayi, how about this Ye Jinsheng? His father is the deputy director of the Construction Bureau."

"Look at today, where is this Tang Yuming? His mother works in the Cultural Bureau."

"Jiayi, how was your conversation with Huang Zhiqiu yesterday? His uncle works in the Traffic Management Office."

In the past ten years, the mother has spent her thoughts on the important events of her daughter's life.

"Oh, Mom, don't mention it, I don't feel it."

For ten years, Liu Jiayi used this sentence to deal with her mother's arrangement.

Because of a promise, Liu Jiayi waited for ten years. She believed that if the relationship lasted for a long time, they would not become strangers because of the long separation.

"Xiao Liu, Mr. Zhang has been very persistent in sending flowers for three consecutive months, why don't you think about it?"

"I think Teacher Wang from the language group seems to be nice to you. He's a nice guy. How is it?"

As a person who has experienced it, Sister Zhong seems to be very clear about the things between men and women, and she always inadvertently mentions the men around her in Liu Jiayi's ear.

It's just that Liu Jiayi always smiled and declined those who wanted to get close to her. In her heart, she had already lived in a person for ten years, and she couldn't tolerate other irrelevant people.

However, ten years later, Wu Feng came back, no longer has the glory of a soldier, he is just a small security guard.

"I waited for ten years for you, but can you change for me?"

Liu Jiayi made a small wish.

In this early summer evening, the mountains in the distance, the gradually falling sun, exudes the last colorful light of the day, infecting the elegance of the entire campus.

Liu Jiayi's heart was crying and sad, this was not what she wanted.

"Xiao Liu, what are you thinking about? You're so preoccupied." Teacher Zhong finished sorting out the textbooks and came out.

"Sister Zhong, I don't have anything on my mind, I just want to watch the sunset." As if someone had seen through her mind, Liu Jiayi's pretty face flushed slightly, reflecting the light of the setting sun, making her even more shy.

"Tomorrow weekend, the class time is relatively relaxed, let's go, Xiaoliu, Miss Zhong treats you to dinner." Teacher Zhong didn't point it out, but changed the subject.

"Okay." Liu Jiayi smiled and said, holding Teacher Zhong's wrist, the two walked towards the school gate.

Passing by the school gate, the security guards on duty hadn't changed their shift yet. Wang Zhiqiang saw from a distance that Mr. Zhong followed a beautiful teacher, walking slowly towards the school gate.

Wang Zhiqiang hastily opened the exit of the electric telescopic door wider, and greeted with a smile, "Ms. Zhong is out."

"Yeah. Xiao Wang, haven't you got off work yet?" Teacher Zhong replied with a smile.

"It's still a while." Wang Zhiqiang said with a silly smile, but his attention was on the young female teacher next to Teacher Zhong.

Wang Zhiqiang was slightly surprised, why did the young female teacher keep looking into the duty booth?

"What? What are you looking at?" Teacher Zhong noticed Liu Jiayi's eyes and asked with a smile, "Look at your old classmate? Old friend?"

"No way, Sister Zhong, just make fun of me." Liu Jiayi quickly covered it up, and said duplicity, "Our relationship is not what you think."

Inside the sentry box, there was another young campus security guard, and there were no other security guards. Liu Jiayi glanced at him for a few times until she walked out of the school gate, but she didn't see Yu Wufeng. For some reason, she felt a little disappointed in her heart.

I've been waiting for ten years, and I just met him at noon, why, now I desperately want to see him again.

"Hehe. Sister Zhong just said that, let's go to eat." Teacher Zhong smiled and pulled Liu Jiayi out of the school. She came from here and didn't expose Teacher Xiao Liu's lies. Time to wait.


The brilliance of the setting sun sprinkled on the ridge of the back mountain of Zhengjia Village. The village was full of smoke, slowly lingering, and a hazy layer of smoke was shrouded in the sky above the village. Dusk fell unconsciously, tired birds returned to their nests, and pedestrians returned Home.

Yu Wufeng was wearing the last rays of the setting sun, and opened the gate of the courtyard. The big yellow dog was jumping around, warmly welcoming the owner's late return. The young owner walked over slowly. It stopped making noise and was as docile as a little sheep , his head can't stop on the master's body, rubbing back and forth, acting coquettishly for favor.

Yu Wufeng comforted him for a while, and made a few gestures. The big yellow dog understood a little, and lay obediently in the corner.

Mother was busy in the stove, preparing dinner, Yu Wufeng went to the pool, washed his hands, rolled up his sleeves, walked into the stove, and helped.

Seeing her son coming in, the mother looked very happy. While adding firewood to the stove, she turned over the vegetables in the pot and said, "Xiaofeng is back, go and chat with your dad. The dishes will be cooked in a while."

"Mom, I'll cook for you first, and I'll chat with dad later." Yu Wufeng took the spatula from his mother.

"Okay, Xiaofeng is in charge today."

The mother smiled, sat down, looked after the flames in the stove, and let her son handle the cooking on the stove.

Cooking in the countryside mainly relies on firewood as fuel. One person has to take care of the fire and the dishes in the pot, which is a bit overwhelming.

The son has been in the army for ten years, and now he is back, and his mother's face is filled with a gratified smile. The fly in the ointment is that she still lacks a daughter-in-law.

When the food was on the table, Dad took out two more wine glasses. Yu Wufeng hurriedly went to the glass wine tank, filled the medicinal wine with a bucket, and brought it to the table.

"Did you go to see Erya today? Erya still knows your brother. When you went to serve in the army, she was only eight years old and only in the second grade of elementary school." The mother said while helping her son carry vegetables.

"You're so old-fashioned, how can you not recognize your brother? Didn't Xiaofeng send a photo." Father interjected, and mother gave him a reproachful look. Father pretended not to see, and calmly held out his glass for wine and food.

"Mom, I saw Er Ya, the girl has grown up, and I almost didn't recognize her." Yu Wufeng said with some shame.

As an older brother, he was indeed a bit incompetent. He entered the army and never returned home from the beginning of recruit training.

Later, I didn’t even have a family leave. Only a few times I sent photos back, and they all passed the strict review. I can make a phone call every year to report my safety, and the enlistment allowance will be remitted to my home on time every month. account.

"Hey, I don't know what kind of soldier you are. If you don't call, we can't find you if we look for you. Erya went to junior high school, and she said she wrote a letter to her brother, and the photos she sent back didn't even have an address. , there is nowhere to send letters.”

Mom sighed, and said with emotion, "Now that I'm back, it's fine if I don't eat the imperial food, the whole family is safe and sound."

"Well, mom, come on, you eat vegetables too." Yu Wufeng added food for his mother, but he felt a little ashamed of his parents. You can't relax your training, and you must always be ready to accept the call of the military order.

My father even has great expectations of himself, looking forward to being able to look like a human being in the army. However, even if he enters the most powerful fifth army, he can't tell his parents about this, because it involves military secrets. Even the position and military rank are within the scope of the secrecy regulations. To the outside world, he can only be an ordinary soldier.

The father didn't blame him for his discharge from the army, but treated his son tolerantly. But now that he quit his job as a security guard, will his father be more lenient?

Yu Wufeng was very hesitant. From the moment he got off the minibus until now, when he was sitting at the dinner table eating, he was always thinking about how to explain to his father.


In 28 years, Yu Wufeng has never deceived his parents, and he couldn't do it if he told lies.

Is it really telling the truth?

Yu Wufeng was thinking about how to explain to his father. At this moment, the father put down the empty wine glass, looked at his son lovingly and said.

"Xiaofeng, are you still used to security work?"

"Dad, I resigned." Yu Wufeng said.


The chopsticks that my father had just picked up suddenly fell on the table. With one side of his face, he said angrily: "You, resign! What do you want to do? You have served in the army for ten years, and you haven't even been a platoon leader. You said you should retire Just retired, I don't blame you."

"If you want to find a job in the county, you will quit after less than two days of work."

"For so many years, tell me, have I told you that you are serious? Everything is up to you. "

"Tell me, what are you going to do?"

"Old man, don't be angry, talk to your father if you have something to say." The mother comforted her father, then quickly looked at her son and said, "Xiaofeng, talk to your father well."

"Dad, I plan to farm..."

"Farming, what else do I need to tell you, agriculture, industry and commerce officials, farming is profitable, who do you think is still farming in the countryside?..."

"Old man, what are you excited about? Let your son finish speaking." The mother encouraged the son to continue, "Listen to Xiaofeng's thoughts."

"Dad, my idea is to build a greenhouse while planting the land, and then start a business of agricultural and sideline products. You see, the vegetables that people in the city eat now are available all year round, and they are all grown in greenhouses."

Yu Wufeng said, "Dad, if I can't make any grades in a year, I'll find a job and work hard."

"Xiaofeng, it's not that mom said you. If you don't have a job, you farm at home, and you don't have a stable income. In the current rural area, it's not easy for a daughter-in-law to come. You will be thirty in a blink of an eye."

Mom wiped the corners of her eyes. Mother was still worried about her son's personal problems, always thinking about her daughter-in-law's priority.

"Hey! You, you, if you want to build a greenhouse, don't expect the family to have money for you. The savings are reserved for your marriage, and Erya's college tuition." Steel was angry, but after all it was his own son, the father's hands were trembling, and he seemed very excited.

"Dad, Mom, don't worry about money..."

Yu Wufeng made up his mind and decided to make up a lie to comfort his parents, "Dad, in fact, I didn't retire. I just left the army temporarily and transferred from active service to reserve service. You can understand it as a vacation. Haven't I been a soldier for ten years? My army is Take a vacation once every ten years. Mom, isn’t it a matter of getting married in a hurry? When I come back, it’s so convenient to solve my personal problems.”

"Then you don't need to farm at home, and work in the county as a security guard. Isn't it good, and it won't delay your finding a wife." Dad said.

The father has always been brooding about his son's need to farm the land. He has planted the land all his life and does not want his son to follow his own old path.

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