The system makes me rich and versatile

Chapter 627 The mad dog bites!

Chapter 627 The mad dog bites!

After chatting with Seol Hyun for a while, Zhang Junyi stared at the ceiling in a daze at home. In summer, it is most comfortable to stay in such an air-conditioned room. If there is no such problem, Zhang Junyi should be in the southern hemisphere or surfing on an island at the moment, but it is meaningless to say this now. After all, the world is reducing outdoor activities!

After resting for a while, Zhang Junyi's coffee was brewed. He made himself a cup of iced Americano, and then sent a message to Zhixiu: "Where are you busy recently?"

But after the news passed, Zhixiu never responded. Zhang Junyi went to see BP's official friends and learned that they were in the beautiful country, which made Zhang Junyi couldn't help but shake his head. At this time, their company really doesn't care about the safety of the artists, and they actually let them go to the beautiful country?

It happened to be late at night there, so it was normal for Ji Soo not to reply to the message. So Zhang Junyi, who was bored, made a video call to Taeyeon. He lay on his sofa and connected to Taeyeon's video.

She was taking her dog to take a bath at a pet shop outside. She connected to the video: "What's going on?"

After Zhang Junyi saw that the environment around her was not her home, he said, "Oh? I thought you were at home, outside?"

"Well, let's take the dog out to take a bath and buy some dog supplies. Is everything okay?"

"Nothing's wrong, I'm just a little bored at home alone and looking for someone to chat with. How about coming to my house after you're done there?"

Taeyeon thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll come over after it takes a bath!"

Not to mention Zhang Junyi being bored at home, Taeyeon is also bored at home. The difference is that she at least has a pet, while Zhang Junyi doesn't even have a pet.

Zhang Junyi thought for a while, and while Taeyeon was coming to play soon, he went out to buy some ice cream for summer. Ice cream should be the best snack to relieve the heat.

Zhang Junyi went out to buy a freezer and came back to rest for half an hour before Taeyeon rang the doorbell of Zhang Junyi's house. He opened the door for Taeyeon. Today, Taeyeon put on a little makeup because she was going out. Wearing a dress with her bun in a bun, she looked cute with a skin that didn't look like she was thirty years old.

After Taeyeon came to the entrance of Zhang Junyi's house, she put down the dog in her arms and let the dog run around freely in Zhang Junyi's house. In her hand, she was also carrying some bamboo baskets specially made for pets.

While changing her slippers, she handed the basket to Zhang Junyi and said, "I'll make a bed of diapers for the dog first, otherwise he won't be able to find a place to go to the toilet in a while."

Zhang Junyi's visit to Taeyeon's home was very casual, and Taeyeon's visit to Zhang Junyi's home was also quite casual. After she entered the room, she took out some snacks from the basket, and then went to put a diaper on the dog at the same time.

Zhang Junyi went to the kitchen to get a piece of chocolate ice cream for Taeyeon. Taeyeon looked at his back and said, "Today's news involves your family Seolhyun. Didn't you call and care?"

Zhang Junyi handed the ice cream to Taeyeon and responded: "I simply asked, there is no problem with her. She said she was going to talk to that person tonight. I am 100% sure now, that person is There must be something wrong in my heart, either a psychological distortion or bipolar disorder."

After hearing Zhang Junyi's answer, Taeyeon showed a bitter smile, because she had never seen such a situation in the entertainment industry before. Taeyeon can't tell which one is cut and what condition is it. Is it because she can't bear to see her teammates eat enough? So are you going to come out and destroy your job?

In the entertainment industry, it is common for one person to support a team. For example, Kim Hyuna's team and Bae Suzy's team were all famous. In these cases, one person was famous and other teammates basically didn't pay much attention to them. These are somewhat similar to the status of AOA groups, but those teams in the past have never had such a job-killing thing until they were disbanded? But now something happened that ruined my job...

Do you think she is depressed? Her extreme behavior definitely belongs to the category of depression, but her job-killing behavior is not something that can be caused by depression. Instead, it is a bit similar to the bipolar disorder Zhang Junyi mentioned!

Taeyeon said: "Shouldn't it be depression? I have cut my wrist several times!"

"Didn't you say in an interview some time ago that you weren't feeling well all the time? Would you have behaved like this at that time?"

Taeyeon shook her head slightly. Yes, Taeyeon had suffered from depression, but it was only mild. It was later cured. Now, with Zhang Junyi by his side, this mental illness has basically been overcome. So she has a lot of say!

Taeyeon shook her head in response, which means that whoever is at this time is completely biting like a mad dog!

The only two people in the AOA team who had good personal development, Jimin and Seolhyun, were both targeted by her. This was obviously a loss of jobs!

Zhang Junyi took the dog's snacks and fed it to Taeyeon's dog. At the same time, he said: "That's right. Anyway, I feel like she is a mad dog biting her now. My feelings don't count in this matter. After all, even if Seolhyun and the others apologize today, she still won’t buy it!”

Taeyeon said: "I've already apologized, but it makes no sense to continue to pester me. By the way, did you ask Seolhyun? Why did she choose to quit the team in the first place? Was it really because of Jimin?"

Zhang Junyi: "This is not easy to ask, just like I never ask you about the internal affairs of Girls' Generation."

Taeyeon said: "We? What do we have to ask? As you can see, more of us have said on the show that we basically don't contact each other on weekdays. Even if we are For people on the same team, as long as they don’t meet for work, it’s normal for them to not see each other for three to five months!”

Zhang Junyi said with a smile: "Is it really because we have been together every day for ten years that we are tired of each other?"

"A bit! Not to mention teammates, even couples who stay together for a long time will still have this or that situation, which will lead to some disputes between them."

Now that they were talking about Girls' Generation, Zhang Junyi said, "You guys have been Girls' Generation for thirteen years, right? When you're waiting for fifteen years, haven't you thought about getting back together again?"

"Who knows, our schedules are quite busy now."

"Busy? You walk the dog at home every day and play with the dog. I don't see how busy you are?"

After being exposed by Zhang Junyi, Taeyeon herself laughed: "I start working every day when I wake up, but you don't know it."

(End of this chapter)

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