Chapter 156 Users
Zhou Xin heard Bill Gates complain about users thinking that you should pay for their Internet services, and he couldn't hold back for a moment.

Because there will indeed be a large number of similar Internet applications in the future, not to mention Didi Taxi, Pinduoduo, and various electronic payment software. The cost of acquiring customers will be at least two hundred.

These are basic operations, because paying users is a subsidy method, that is to say, you need to have a real transaction in order to use their subsidies to enjoy a service that is much higher than the price you actually paid.

In the craziest era of the mobile Internet, some short video platforms will give you money as long as you watch it, and it will give you as much money as you spend enough time. You only need to browse.There are also apps that pay for users to watch advertisements, and finally go public.

Zhou Xin thought to himself, what you said is true. When Internet companies realize the importance of users, they are willing to pay high prices for traffic and subsidize users in order to acquire users.

After Bill Gates finished speaking, Zhou Xin wanted to say a few words, so he said: "Microsoft is also doing Internet services. Just now Bill also said that they do MSN, Hotmail, message, etc. The difference from other Internet companies is that, Microsoft has no pressing need to make a profit.

There is a windows operating system that can bring Microsoft a steady stream of cash flow, so their mentality to explore the payment model will not be very urgent.

They only need to copy a good product on the market, using the user base that comes with the Windows operating system and the IE browser.

After copying it out, just wait and see how the leading companies achieve profitability.Therefore, I think that Microsoft does not have to worry about failing in the Internet age and falling behind in the Internet age.

Microsoft's cash flow and talent base determine that they will be one of the biggest players in the Internet age, unless people no longer need an operating system in the future. "

Bill Gates frowned after hearing Zhou Xin's words, because the subtext of Zhou Xin's words was to accuse Microsoft of sitting on its own and copying the profit models of other companies. It does not need to contribute to the development of the Internet, but only needs to enjoy the results.

Although this is an Internet conference held in Huaguo, the content of the conference will be spread all over the world by the media, especially the people who talked in this forum are all big names.

This session named Summit Dialogue is also the most concerned session of the entire Internet conference. Before the start, Huaguo, as the organizer of the Internet conference, had considered whether to arrange Huaguo entrepreneurs.

The result is forget it, because Huaguo can't find an equivalent entrepreneur, and if it's a government official, it's not suitable.And Zhou Xin can be regarded as the representative of Huaguo.

Bill Gates retorted: "I don't agree with Newman's words. This is a kind of prejudice against Microsoft. Microsoft also has a demand for profitability, and investors and the board of directors also have requirements for growth in Microsoft's profitability.

Global users have limited demand for operating systems and are seriously affected by piracy, while Internet services can bring unlimited profits.

Quora alone can bring Time Warner more than [-] million U.S. dollars in revenue every year, and with the opening of electronic payment in Europe, Asia and other regions, Quora's global layout, this number will continue to grow.

Quora is just a small piece of Internet services that can have such huge growth, so what about others?What about other Internet services in more fields?
Microsoft will not give up its exploration and investment in the Internet field, nor will it give up its exploration of the Internet profit model.

Including that we will launch our own home game consoles in the next two years, and expand Microsoft's business territory to the hardware field. Microsoft has very grand plans, and we hope to better provide users with more services. "

One of Time Warner's main businesses now is Quora, and the major shareholder behind Time Warner is Goldman Sachs. Even if Goldman Sachs is selling Internet companies' stocks, they have very little reduction in Time Warner.

Therefore, Goldman Sachs is behind Quora. Goldman Sachs has been working hard in Europe, hoping to promote the formulation of electronic payment bills as soon as possible, and Goldman Sachs hopes to gain more shares in NewPay.

Even if the Nasdaq index fell by more than 10%, Goldman Sachs' vice president, Jerry, has been trying to chat with Zhou Xin.

Every time a new appointment is made, Jerry will find various reasons on the surface, such as tasting red wine, playing golf together, Goldman Sachs' high-end summit, etc., but the final core is still that Goldman Sachs hopes to lead the investment in NewPay's next round of financing.

After Zhou Xin expressed that he was not short of money, Goldman Sachs said that he could lead the investment together with Zhou Xin to dilute the shares of other shareholders. At the same time, Goldman Sachs would help NewPay get electronic payment licenses in Asia and Europe.

After Bill Gates finished speaking, the audience in the audience had only two words in their hearts: envy.Microsoft is involved in the whole field from hardware to software.

A thought flashed in pony's mind: Compared with the big guys, our structure is still too small. We only hope that qq can reach the scale of ICQ in the future, and we also need to use qq to build products in all fields.

Dreams are always beautiful, but the gravitational force of reality will pull people back from the sky to the ground. Pony immediately thought that he hadn't even reached the first round of financing, and his pride and ambition disappeared in an instant.

Zhou Xin realized that what he said just now was attacking Microsoft. Bill Gates’ participation in the Internet Conference was largely to give him face. Zhou Xin explained: “Bill, I mean, it’s easy for Microsoft to enter other fields. Technical barriers, user loyalty is also very low.

However, it is very difficult for other Internet companies to enter the field of operating systems. Technical barriers are one aspect. The loyalty of Windows users is much higher than that of other Internet services.

Even Quora, which has the highest user loyalty data, cannot compare with Windows in this respect. "

This is a survey conducted by the New York Times not long ago. They surveyed more than 1 users and asked them which of the Internet applications they used was the most difficult to leave.

Quora topped the list, followed by Yahoo, and MSN was only seventh.This list does not include windows.

Probably because windows can be used without networking.

Zhou Xin has always wanted to make an operating system, and he has asked Ximo to find a company with operating system experience to acquire it.

What he wanted was not the company itself, but the company's operating system development team, starting from the first mobile phone of Matrix, developing an operating system specifically for mobile phones.

As Microsoft's competitors in most areas of the Internet, whether it is Jerry Yang or Gerald Wright, they are happy to see Bill Gates deflated.

"Yes, in the early days when Yahoo was just a little famous in Silicon Valley, we were most worried about Microsoft, and we were worried that Microsoft would create products similar to ours.

Later, Microsoft did launch a portal website. Microsoft has its own advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that Microsoft has many excellent engineers, sufficient funds and a large number of promotion channels.

These are the unique advantages of Microsoft compared with start-up companies, but Microsoft also has its own big company disease, it is difficult for them to deeply understand what users really want.

Even if the bottom-level product managers can understand what users want, it is difficult to pass the needs to the management in a true and correct way.

This is also the problem that Yahoo is facing now. With the expansion of Yahoo's market value and the rapid growth of its personnel, it is becoming more and more difficult for us to make products that truly meet the needs of users.

This is probably why, after Internet companies develop to a certain stage, they will focus on acquisitions and acquire companies with innovative products.We did it, Microsoft did it, Time Warner did it. "

Gerrard complained: "Unlike the three of us, Newman specializes in making such products and selling them to us."

Bill Gates said: "I want to correct what Jerry said. Microsoft didn't make the portal because Yahoo was very successful in the portal. It's just that we think that the ie browser is competing with Netscape. There needs to be a home page, and users need to have a guide when using the ie browser.

In addition, Yahoo is not the earliest portal website. Yahoo is just a relatively successful portal website built after 95. You are far from the pioneers of portal websites.Moreover, Yahoo has no right to blame Microsoft in this field. After the launch of the fist electronic community, Yahoo directly moved the content of the fist community. "

The image of Microsoft and Bill Gates in Silicon Valley is somewhat similar to the image of the later Goose Factory in China, the role of the old villain.

Seeing that Zhou Xin was in a bad situation, he didn't want this summit conversation to turn into a summit scene where the four of them exposed each other's shortcomings.

The popularity is absolutely overwhelming, but it is impossible to invite these people to participate in future Internet conferences.

If this was the Wuzhen summit hosted by Jack Ma ten years later, Zhou Xin would have liked to fight them, watching the excitement would not be a big deal.

"Bill, Jerry, it doesn't matter, we are all entrepreneurs, ideas are the least valuable, a single idea is too replicable, and there is no patent for an idea, let alone any threshold.

Therefore, whenever an excellent Internet model emerges, many start-up companies will enter this field, such as portal websites, mailboxes, e-shopping, and the current question-and-answer community.

This is a normal business phenomenon, not just a problem for big Internet companies, startups will also copy the Internet model of other startups.

You are all leaders in the Internet industry. To the audience, most of these audiences are Internet practitioners in Huaguo. Do you have any experience to share? "

Jerry Yang said: "I think it is necessary to choose the right model, especially when the entire Internet environment has been questioned and the market value of Internet companies has plummeted. At the beginning of the business, think about what kind of objects you want to serve.

How to achieve profitability is very important.

It will become more and more difficult to get money from investors in the future, and it is increasingly necessary to have a clear business model. "

 Originally, the editor-in-chief who was on the homepage today strongly recommended more, but it turned out that I didn’t get home until almost eleven o’clock.

  There will be a meeting at 09:30 tomorrow morning, it's really numb.

(End of this chapter)

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