Chapter 44
He Lian pondered for a long time and didn't say anything, Zhao Huo'er at the side finally lost his temper and said, "Do you know why I chose today to come here to get acquainted with you?

And after specifically choosing Chun'er that girl is willing to serve you as a concubine? "

He Lian finally came back to his senses, he more or less guessed it, but shook his head deliberately.

"Senior Sister Lian said that I am a masculine and upright person. I have the audacity to think that I can still bear these four words. You and I are both the generation with the highest Dao, so even if we form a Taoist couple, we are also compatible with the Dao.

That girl Chun'er, if you really want to, I won't stop you.

Even after I achieve the golden elixir, if you want to straighten Chun'er, you and I can get along. "

Tsk tsk, this is Baiyimen. The foundation-building monks have to be so polite and considerate when looking for Qi-training monks and double-cultivators. How can this Chubei find a second school like this?

He Lian nodded, looking quite satisfied. He just likes to associate with a man like Uncle Zhao who is open-minded and acts in an upright manner.

"But if you want to obtain my Yuan Yang Qi, to reconcile Yin and Yang, in order to harmonize water and fire, my cultivation level is too low, and the cold flame's heat is not enough. How many years can Uncle Zhao wait?"

He Lian entered into the technical discussion in a serious manner, which made Zhao Huo'er's cheeks blush, but she didn't hesitate, and said directly: "I am 160 years old this year, and Chu Bei is not over [-] years old to form alchemy, but I built The foundation is late, and the origin is at a disadvantage, and I can wait for you for twenty years at most."

"I feel Uncle Zhao's sincerity, so let me tell you what I mean."

Zhao Huo'er nodded.

"First of all, Uncle Zhao wants to help me practice, that's for sure, right?"

Zhao Huoer nodded in approval.

"Furthermore, Martial Uncle Zhao must protect the way for me, right?"

Zhao Huo'er still nodded.

"In addition, I don't want to disappoint Senior Sister Yinchun, and I can't make her wait too long. After we have double cultivation, no, I should welcome Senior Sister Yinchun in immediately after Senior Uncle Zhao has formed the alchemy?"

Zhao Huo'er said this just now, so naturally he would not object.

"and also."

He Lian, Lin Zongzong said a dozen things, and saw that Zhao Huo'er was a bit impatient, so he said: "Anyway, the days are still long, and I can meet with Master Zhao from time to time. It is best that Master Zhao can stay with me directly. Anyway, you All foundations have been completed.

In this way, the relationship can be enhanced, no, it is mutual trust. After all, the matter of double cultivation still needs to be open to each other, and the privacy of both parties can be clearly seen in the eyes of the other party.

Moreover, there are still many details to discuss about becoming a Taoist couple, and it is best to have an agreement. "

After finishing speaking, He Lian looked at Zhao Huo'er with a smile on his face, his eyes seemed to say: Well, I'm the one who lifts up my trousers and refuses to admit it, are you satisfied?
Zhao Huo'er sent He Lian back to the small courtyard, and then left. Although He Lian suggested that she stay in the small courtyard in the future, Zhao Huo'er only said to go back and think about it. In fact, He Lian made her a little bit defensive. She really didn't I have seen this kind of man.

He Lian looked at Zhao Huo'er's leaving figure and shook his head. He knew that Zhao Huo'er would come sooner or later. Zhao Huo'er was able to let go of his face today, disregarding his status as an elder and the fact that he was more than 100 years older than himself, and openly spoke about dual cultivation.Compared with this, a little discomfort will naturally be overcome soon.

But for He Lian, in matters between men and women, either the east wind prevails over the west wind, or the west wind prevails over the east wind. Regardless of Zhao Huo'er's open-mindedness, He Lian doesn't believe some things at all.

This love for a long time is not just talk, although the combination of monks is mixed with the Dao, but the essence is the same.

Therefore, the dominance must be in your own hands, and you must have the upper hand from the beginning.If you want to be ruthless, I will be more ruthless than you; if you want to be infatuated, well, I will also be ruthless.

He Lian walked towards the main hall, and when he passed the front yard, he saw that Shao Shiyan had also returned, and he was immersed in practicing his sword, and he put in two points more than before.

He Lian didn't bother him, and with the help of the sensor array, he found that Qi Boyan was in the refining room and was refining the parts of the Tianxuan Yunyi Bow.The two apprentices went their own way, and He Lian also found something to do.

He took out Shao Changqing's talisman experience and began to study the way of talisman.

The way of this talisman is completely different from that of refining weapons. The basis of the talisman is the dao pattern. With the help of the talisman pen, the monk uses his own mana as the ink and the talisman paper as the carrier to outline the dao pattern to form the power.

There are one hundred and eight kinds of basic dao patterns in the talisman, which is equal to the number of Zhoutian. The basic dao patterns can be drawn one by one, and even born with power. After completing all the basic talismans, you can enter the next step of learning, that is, to become Tier [-] Talisman.

Therefore, the foundation of the talisman is a hard work. Without a few years of hard work, it is impossible to master all the dao patterns and basic talismans by heart, and it is impossible to talk about learning the later compound dao patterns and high-level talismans.

In the blink of an eye, three months have passed.

On this day, He Lian was picking up a brush to draw a talisman. Seeing that it was about to be completed, there was a sudden explosion in the courtyard. Even though He Lian had set up a soundproof array, the whole small courtyard shook violently.

The magic power of He Lian's pen tip suddenly slackened, but fortunately, his magic power was pure, and the spirit fire seeds in the cultivating fire beads burst into flames, gathering the magic power, and He Lian finally completed the last stroke.

I saw a hazy aura bursting out from the talisman paper, showing that the talisman was successful.

He Lian smiled, picked up the basic talisman, and a faint blue light appeared in his eyes.


Yes, He Lian found that although the talisman he drew could not see the specific effect, it could actually be consecrated, and he tried it. Talismans can also get experience points, but only half of the spiritual tools of the same grade.

Cut your income in half and double your expenses.

After He Lian tried it once, he didn't try again.

He put away the talisman, stepped out of the main hall, and shouted: "Shao Shiyan, what are you doing?!"

After Shao Shiyan came, the small courtyard was really messed up. Fortunately, this guy spent most of his time practicing swords, especially after the Minglan incident, he worked even harder, but He Lian already had an inherent impression.

Shao Shiyan ran over with an innocent look on his face, "Master, I didn't do it. If I made such a noise, it was determined that a sword exploded the rockery, then you can learn how to use a sword!"

"Where did that sound come from?"

"It's from the backyard."



He Lian's heart thumped suddenly, and he directly activated the instant transformation of the Tongyuan boots under his feet, and appeared in Qi Boyan's refining room after a flash.

"Bo Yan!"

Qi Boyan lay on the ground with blood all over his face, He Lian was shaken for the first time since he started!
In the evening, He Lian walked into Qi Boyan's refining room again.

When Qi Boyan was experimenting with restraints, due to the conflicting restraint attributes, the objects carrying them exploded. A small face was basically disfigured, and a few holes were cut into his body, but his life was safe anyway, and it would not affect his future practice. .

He Lian carefully looked at Qi Boyan's experimental records. This kid drew all the 42 spiritual prohibitions in the water-raising fire box on the wall in the order they were drawn, and then disassembled them in three or four or more in order, and then found Come to study similar spiritual tools, and then recreate the spiritual tool, and then try to replace it with the blood ban as a whole.

It can be said that Qi Boyan's research is very in-depth, and has entered the practical stage, but there is still a problem in the process, which is the solidification of the concept of "one breath and one mind".

That is to say, these prohibitions must be grouped according to the order of "unifying spirits", but according to He Lian's understanding of the prohibitions, the combined effect of the prohibitions does not necessarily come in the order of outline.

He Lian opened Qi Boyan's experiment log, and commented on it: "You can follow this line of thought first, if you can't get through, you can disrupt the order of the prohibitions, and then arrange them randomly for comparison, and find similar artifacts for small-scale replacement research.

The basic concept of this kind of thinking is feasible, and the research on the aggregation effect of prohibition has the same effect as the separation and combination method.

great! "

When He Lian was writing the annotation, Uncle Qi walked in. When He Lian finished writing and got up, he wanted to snatch it away, but He Lian put it in the storage bag first.

Uncle Qi looked very annoyed, and opened his mouth and said, "He Lian, I don't blame you."

"It's weird for Uncle Qi to say that."

Uncle Qi was resisted by He Lian's sentence, unable to speak the following words, finally heaved a long sigh, shook his head and sat on the ignition platform.

"Why did Master Ma and the sect leader let Boyan jump into the big pit of "Five Turns of Spiritual Fire Jue"?"

He Lian sat next to him and said, "Uncle Qi's words are not like our Yi Dao school."

Uncle Qi felt as if his tail had been stepped on when he heard this.

"He Lian, what do you mean?"

"Yidao school's skill is the first, and the skill is the foundation. How to put the skill first?
Those who are stupid in qualifications act according to their predecessors, practice makes perfect, and they have worked hard for decades, and finally they get something occasionally.

Those with high aptitude can do one thing and know three things, ten things, and hundreds of things. Isn't that so?
Or is it that Uncle Qi has been in the sect for more than two hundred years, and has never seen such a qualified person, and the people he has seen have followed the rules step by step, so how did those people in the sect pass the skill test that determines the foundation building resources? "

He Lian's words gave Qi Boyan great affirmation. If Uncle Qi was naturally happy in the past, it can be seen that Qi Boyan who is lying on the bed now has mixed feelings, and he can't object.

I searched my brains and didn't know how to respond, and finally said: "No matter how talented you are, this "Five-turn Spirit Fire Jue" is really too difficult."

He Lian nodded in agreement, and said, "Indeed, but isn't it true that those with high aptitude just want to climb one peak after another?

Boyan's starting point is too high, I have never thought of it, and Qi Shishu has never thought of it, but since we have been honored by him, we cannot deny his choice, it is blocking his way.

Even if I press his head hard and practice the "Cold Flame Jue" with me, and make us master and apprentice into enemies, will uncle be happy to see it? "

Uncle Qi naturally shook his head.

"Before opening the spirit, I will keep an eye on it. After opening the spirit, I will specially design a blood sacrifice body protection magic weapon for him, and force him to refine it first before starting his own practice."

Uncle Qi finally raised his head, and said with tears in his old eyes, "He Lian, thank you, asking you to be Yan'er's master is the most correct decision I've ever made in my life!"

He Lian patted Uncle Qi's hand, got up and left.

half year later.

The treasure boat of Yunliu sailed out of the clouds and landed slowly at the airport of Yuanxia Fairy City. When the boat came to a stop, He Lian, whose mana fluctuated on the surface and had already cultivated to the fifth level, and a female cultivator in a red cloak had another one. The half-grown children got off the boat together with the crowd.

"Little five!"

Chen Feng, who had been waiting here for a long time, waved away, and He Lian stepped forward with a smile.

"The shopkeeper wanted to come, but this is her big day, I persuaded and persuaded, so I said she is just waiting to get married, Xiao Wu won't blame the shopkeeper for his negligence, right?"

"Second brother's words are off the mark, you feel sorry for shopkeeper Shi, will younger brother stop you?"

He Lian made a joke, which made Chen Feng's cheeks turn red.

Chen Feng immediately noticed a fiery red woman standing beside He Lian. He only saw that He Lian seemed to be close to her, but the mana fluctuations on this woman were not much more than that of the only fake alchemy monk in the pavilion, so Chen Feng restrained himself. With a smile, he couldn't help saying: "Xiao Wu, who is this senior?"

He Lian held Chen Feng's hand and said with a smile, "Second Brother, let me introduce you formally. This is your future younger sibling, Zhao Huo'er."

Chen Feng was taken aback for a moment, and his whole body became dumbfounded.

 Today's second update in 5 minutes
(End of this chapter)

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