Chapter 74 Sword Cultivator Shiyan (89)

"Shiyan, have you thought about the future?"

Small courtyard.

Inside the main hall.

He Lian was having a routine heart-to-heart meeting with his third disciple, Shao Shiyan. Although Shao Shiyan had to postpone the opening of the spirit for a year, it was only less than a year and a half away from the opening of the spirit.

In the past, both Wu Junming and Qi Boyan held heart-to-heart meetings at this similar time point.

However, compared to the former two, Shao Shiyan's path is probably the most determined.

Sure enough, Shao Shiyan, who was still idling, paralyzed on the chair of the Eight Immortals, raised the spiritual tool sword in his hand, and said: "Naturally, it is to become a sword cultivator, a unique one, free in the world, punish rape and eliminate evil, A sword cultivator who comes and goes freely."

He Lian scratched his head, a little speechless, and after organizing his words for a long time, he said: "Then have you thought about how to be unique, escape the world, punish rape and eradicate evil, and come and go freely?"


Shao Shiyan sat up straight, and said with a smile, "Becoming the number one swordsman in the world, wouldn't you be unique, free in the world, punish rape and eradicate evil, and come and go freely?"

He Lian felt that the two were talking about tongue twisters, but Shao Shiyan's goal was too big.

"Shiyan, people should not set too high a goal for themselves, lest they live an unhappy life.

Don't always compare yourself with others, that will put the cart before the horse, just say the number one swordsman in the world, how do you want others to recognize you?Do you draw your sword when you meet another sword cultivator?Then you will have many enemies in the future.

Of course, it can’t be completely incomparable, otherwise there’s no sense of accomplishment, right? "

He Lian was really under the psychological shadow of Qi Boyan. Qi Boyan was too talented and too ambitious, so he plunged into the "Five-Revolution Spiritual Fire Art". It has been more than two years, and the actual progress of the research has only slightly advanced.

But there is no way, Qi Boyan's spiritual root aptitude is too poor, and there is only Huashan in front of him, so he has to do it if he can't.

But Shao Shiyan has many choices, there is no need to plant too high goals in his heart at a young age, after all, a monk's life is very long, there will be many encounters, and no one knows what the future will hold.

Faced with He Lian's earnest words, Shao Shiyan, who was about 15 years old, frowned slightly, and couldn't help arguing: "Master, do you have no confidence in me? Do you think it is impossible for me to become the number one sword cultivator in the world?"

He Lian didn't answer directly, but said: "You will be 16 years old at the Spirit Opening Conference next year, what if you don't manage to kill a low-rank monster with one sword?
Will it be postponed for another year?At that time, you will be 17 years old, and it will be even more difficult to open your spirit, if you do not succeed by then."


Shao Shiyan jumped up as if his tail had been stepped on.

"It's not that Master doesn't believe you or hit you, but that people have certain limits at every stage. It's gratifying to break through the limits, but sometimes manpower is exhausted, and if you can't reach it, you won't be able to reach it.

So no matter how you behave or do things, you must have a plan, and when it really doesn't work, take a step back.

Otherwise, if you push yourself to a dead end from time to time, there will always be a day when you will fall. "

Seeing He Lian's seriousness, Shao Shiyan calmed down a little. After sitting down, he thought about it carefully and said, "Master, do you mean that the "Jian Jing" says that it is extremely rigid and easy to break?"

The so-called "Sword Manual" is nothing more than some low-level sword cultivator's cultivation experience and comprehension that He Lian commissioned Chen Feng to find. Shao Shiyan regards it as a treasure and often ponders it.

"You kid still has a little understanding."

"That's right, I understand what Master means. Before the spirit enlightenment next year, if I can't kill a low-grade monster with a single sword, then I will go to enlighten the spirit, but I will definitely be able to do it!"

He Lian nodded in relief. He didn't ask for much, and Shao Shiyan just didn't want to be too horny.

"Besides, your pursuit doesn't necessarily have to be the number one swordsman in the world to achieve it.

For example, if you are unique, if you become the strongest sword master among sword masters, and the most powerful sword maker among sword masters, isn't that also unique? "

Shao Shiyan's eyes lit up, and he immediately drew inferences, saying: "Yes, as long as I feel at ease in my heart, I can be free and free, as long as I punish rape and eliminate evil, as long as my cultivation level is higher than that of the villain, and I can come and go freely as long as I run fast, and no one can catch up with you." Just go up.

Haha, Master, I understand. "

"As long as you know."

Seeing that Shao Shiyan listened to it, He Lian was also relieved. When accepting disciples in the future, he must not be arrogant, and his expectations should not be too high.

He Lian had a hunch that sooner or later Qi Boyan would become one of his heart problems, and he never wanted a second heart disease to appear.

Seeing He Lian reaching out to the table next to him, the well-behaved Tonger immediately picked up the tea and handed it to He Lian.

"Master Immortal, please drink tea."

"Well, Qing'er is good."

This new servant boy is called Xu Qing'er, a member of Xu Daoyuan's tribe, but because he is a little girl, He Lian was not used to it at first.

However, after getting along during this time, He Lian felt that this girl was the most cute, caring, and easy to command among all the servant boys he had experienced so far, and he simply liked it.

Therefore, even though He Lian began to sprint towards the establishment of the foundation, he would take an hour every day to teach this girl, and sometimes Qi Boyan and Zhao Huo'er would teach respectively.

Xu Qinger's talent in crafting is far inferior to Qi Boyan, only better than Shao Shiyan, but this girl can calm down and endure hardships, and she can take the initiative to work hard at a young age, He Lian thinks she still has a bright future.

"Qing'er, go and bring the prohibition map to me to recite."


When Xu Qing'er took back the restriction map and recited it in front of He Lian shaking his head, Shao Shiyan over there finally really understood.

"Master, I have completely figured it out. As long as I have a strong swordsmanship, a high level of weapon refining, and a pure heart and fast running, I can realize my pursuit.

If you can achieve these points, you will be happy if you can become the number one sword cultivator in the world. If not, there is a stronger sword cultivator than me.

Oops, now I feel that my future is bright, thank you Master for your guidance, I am going to practice swords! "

Shao Shiyan grinned, saluted He Lian and was about to go out, but just as he turned around, he saw Master Xu and his grandfather at the door.

Shao Shiyan was not stingy, and he was not reserved, so he saluted the two of them.

"Greetings to the master, and the great master, I'm going to practice swords, boy."

As he said that, he took a step forward, and then his whole body turned into green smoke, and reappeared outside the hall. This is a way of using Shao Shiyan's special talent—the body of cloud and mist.

It was the first time for Xu Daoyuan to see him, and he only said: "This boy Shiyan can use his special aptitude before he is enlightened?"

Shao Changqing knew a thing or two, and said modestly: "It's just a small achievement in body training, and I can borrow one or two things, but it all depends on He Lian's hard teaching."

Seeing the two of them, He Lian got up quickly, stepped aside, and saluted.

"Greetings to the master, and the ancestor."

"No gift, sit down."

After the three of them took their seats, Xu Qing'er, who had finished reciting the prohibition map, saw her ancestor coming and hurriedly saluted.

"Well, Qing'er is good, go out and play by yourself, I will talk to your master about something."

Xu Qing'er retreated obediently, but He Lian couldn't help slandering: I haven't confiscated Qing'er as a disciple yet, why did I get the name of master?

However, the slander belongs to the slander, but even the head of the family has spoken, and He Lian also knows that he has no room to refuse.

Xu Daoyuan is a very straightforward person, when Xu Qing'er stepped back, he immediately put down a soundproof cover, and said, "Who else knows about the 'Xuanhuang Seal'?"

He Lian's heart skipped a beat, but he replied immediately: "My wife Zhao Huo'er, Jia Ying's master Chen Nan, Tang Xiaoshan, a disciple of Fu Chuan Dao's qi training, and Jia Ying's younger brother Jia Lin, should also know a thing or two."

"Then let's talk about it when Zhao Huo'er comes."

While Xu Daoyuan was speaking, several streamers of Feixun shot out from his hand, and so did Shao Changqing who was beside him.

While waiting for Zhao Huo'er, the three of them also chatted.

"I heard what Shiyan said just now, this kid has a really big heart, but it's a pity that my Baiyimen Sword Cultivator has only a few inheritances, and this kid's road in the future will be difficult."

"It's not that there are a few sword cultivators from the Variety Academy back then, but this bastard is not based on skills, but on swordsmanship, which greatly violates the righteous way of my Baiyi School."

The righteous way of Baiyimen is the evil way in the eyes of other sects, "approaching the great way with other arts", but this is the Zhengshuo inheritance of Baiyimen.

"Anyway, this kid is much stronger than he was a few years ago. Now he can refine high-grade spiritual tool swords with a mortal body. In the past, he didn't dare to think about it. Thanks to He Lian's hard work, I am willing to Great value."

Shao Changqing seemed quite satisfied with Shao Shiyan, and He Lian was somewhat relieved.

Zhao Huo'er came very quickly, and after entering the hall to greet the two of them, he sat down next to He Lian, and Xu Daoyuan and Shao Changqing immediately became solemn.

"This time in the Hefu secret realm, disciple Jia Ying used the 'Xuanhuang Seal' you refined to slaughter all 19 members of the Rong family who participated in the secret realm. Only one person remained, and he was frightened mad."

Xu Daoyuan's first words made He Lian's heart beat wildly, but at the same time he was amazed, he felt a burst of joy in his heart, he couldn't help clenching his fists, and secretly cheered for Jia Ying: "Senior sister Jia is doing well!"

"This time, one of the people from the Rong family participating in the Hefu secret realm is a direct blood descendant of Rong Qingsheng, a Yuanying cultivator of the Rong family. Rong Qingsheng regards this son very highly, and his qualifications are also the highest in the Rong family in the past 20 years.

This son has a high-grade spiritual root, opened his spirit at the age of 14, and reached the Great Consummation of Qi training in seven years. Now he is only 22 years old.

The Rong family will never let this matter go, the uncle already expected that the Rong family will call soon. "

He Lian's heart tightened, and his face became serious. Although the consequences of killing Jia Ying had already been expected, He Lian didn't expect that the Rong family's Yuanying monk would directly intervene so quickly and hit the door.

"Just now I wrote to ask Chen Nan and Jia Lin. Chen Nan is a person of duty. The Xuanhuang Seal is a treasure of the Dharma. She has not disclosed it to the public. Jia Lin is a taciturn person and has not disclosed anything. This I will explain to the two of you later."

After speaking, Xu Daoyuan looked at Shao Changqing.

"Tang Xiaoshan is a bit talkative, but this time it is abnormal. He didn't talk about the Xuanhuang Seal to the outside world. Before and after Jia Ying participated in the Hefu Secret Realm, most of this person was in retreat."

He Lian was not surprised to hear this. Tang Xiaoshan's thoughts on Jia Ying are so blind that a blind person can see it. It involves Jia Ying, or Jia Ying has explained it. Tang Xiaoshan did not brag to the outside world, and Jia Ying's cultivation is higher than him In order to successfully form a Taoist couple in the future, Tang Xiaoshan has also been practicing hard in recent years.

Seeing that the news about the Xuanhuang Seal had not been widely spread, both Head Master Xu and Shao Changqing were somewhat relieved, and Xu Daoyuan immediately said: "The two of us came here this time under the orders of our uncle.

Uncle Master said: He Lian will not be able to refine such treasures as the 'Xuanhuang Seal' in the future. Once outsiders get a glimpse of his ability, the Rong family will definitely find him. "

After hearing Xu Daoyuan's solemn confession, He Lian finally realized that he had lost his caution this time, and while he was being taught, he couldn't help asking: "But what should I do if I have already refined it?"

After speaking, He Lian opened his mouth and spat out, and the ice chi seal appeared in his palm.

(End of this chapter)

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