Chapter 9 Biyin Lake

The anti-election link!

The Rong family asked for 1000 yuan of spirit stones, which made him, who was used to being poor, jump in his heart, but the style of the young master of the Rong family really made people feel unreliable.

Shao Changqing was obviously aware of the private conversation of the Rong family, he just smiled slightly, and said with his spiritual thoughts: "Little friend, what the old Taoist said before seeing Lie Xinxi is by no means aimless, but there is a great method in my sect that is very suitable for my little friend to practice.

Although this great law is not the fundamental great law inherited by my Baiyi sect, it also directly points to the Dao of Lianxu. However, because it is difficult to get started, no one has practiced it for hundreds of years.

Little friend, on this road of cultivating immortals, although foreign objects play a big role, the foundation of cultivation is still the skills.

As for the Rong's family, I, Baiyimen, live in Biyin Lake with them, and live next to each other. As for his family, I can just watch it by myself in the future. "

After finishing speaking, Shao Changqing took out a jade slip and handed it to He Lian.

Directly pointing at the exercises of the Dao of Refining the Void?
As far as He Lian understands Chubei and even Chuzhou, only those with the highest cultivation level can only practice in the void stage. Is this level of supreme Dafa so light and easy to get?
To be honest, He Lian really didn't expect that he would have such an encounter. He snatched someone from Rong's family and asked for a thousand spirit stones, and when Shao Changqing came up with this supreme method, He Lian felt a little unreal, like a dream.

"Is this the so-called One Step Immortal?"

He Lian was a little hesitant, but Shao Changqing shook his head and said, "You don't need to worry too much, it's just a brief overview, just to let you know something.

He Lian just took the jade slip, and under Shao Changqing's guidance, he printed the jade slip between his eyebrows, and as his mind concentrated, a skill appeared in his mind.

"Five Revolving Spiritual Fire Art"!
"Another fool who was fooled by Baiyimen, he really doesn't know how to flatter, let's go!"

Seeing that He Lian took Shao Changqing's jade slips, Brother Young Master immediately became impatient, and after a thunderous roar, he took a dragon into the air and floated away.

Fortunately, He Lian was protected by Shao Changqing and was not disturbed. It took him a long time to recover.

Shao Changqing asked with a smile: "He Xiaoyou, how about this method?"

He Lian thought for a while and replied, "Mysterious and magnificent."

In order to drive all the servants to work for nothing, Xian Zifeng passed on a book of qi training methods called "Liu Shui Jue" to them. He Lian once deduced from this that the practice during the qi training period should be breathing out spiritual energy and meditating.

However, this "Five-Revolution Spiritual Fire Art" completely overturned his previous cognition!
The core of this exercise is to cultivate spiritual fire to help practice, but how to cultivate it has a lot to say.

First of all, this method does not directly absorb the spiritual fire into the body for practice, but refines the magic weapon to collect the spiritual fire, then puts it in the body to accumulate the spiritual fire seeds, and then refines other magic tools to cultivate the spiritual fire seeds , The final cultivated spiritual flame seems to grow from itself, with the same mind, spiritual connection, and can be transported at will.

According to He Lian's feeling after a rough reading, the fundamental idea behind the establishment of this exercise is to realize the idea that refining is practice, practice is refining, and spiritual fire is just the carrying of practice and refining.

Practicing in this way is really a way of "approaching the great way with side arts", but so what?
This "Five Turns of Spiritual Fire Jue" divides the spirit fire into five elements of true flames, and there are corresponding five elements of spirit formulas, one turn and one line, and finally the five elements will become one, and you can go straight to the Dao of Refining the Void!

He Lian can only use "mysterious and magnificent" to evaluate such a unique and innovative method that goes straight into the practice of refining.

Shao Changqing clapped his palms and laughed loudly: "Haha, "Five Turns of Spiritual Fire Jue" really deserves these four words, so Xiaoyou He is willing to practice this method?"

"I can't ask for it!"

He Lian answered firmly.Such a technique, no spirit stone, or any foreign object can compare to it. Although it is extremely difficult to get started with this method, it is aimed at others. He has ice-blue flames and a refining system. The skill of refining equipment has been practiced!
Shao Changqing's face was full of joy, but he still said: "My little friend, do you really want to understand? It's not easy to get started with this method. In the past, there were many experienced fellow disciples who guided many immortal seedlings to practice this method, but they all gave up later."

He Lian glanced at Shao Changqing, this old Taoist priest is friendly and sincere, he really is not like an ordinary cultivator.

And before Shao Changqing called the young man beside him Tong'er, he was probably a servant boy, and if he could send the servant boy to open his spirit, his character is much better than Xian Zifeng's, right?
He Lian didn't have extravagant hopes for people's hearts. In his eyes, Shao Changqing was already an excellent atypical monk, which was very suitable for him, so he was willing to show sincerity to a certain extent.

"To be honest, Daoist Master, He Lian is already a high-grade craftsman."

He Lian handed over the fire-breathing ring, and then told Shao Changqing about his situation. Of course, he would never tell anyone about the refining system, and he also skipped the matter about the cold flame ring.

"He Xiaoyou has worked hard all the way, and he can be satisfied with his tenacity; he can become a top-grade weapon refiner as a mortal, and he has excellent qualifications in the art of refining. You should come under my door, you should come under my door!"

Shao Changqing laughed happily, and then said: "He Xiaoyou is like this, so let me go?"

"Please wait a moment, Daoist, I have an elder brother who came to open the spirit, let me know when I find him."

Shao Changqing nodded understandingly, then shook the brush in his hand, and saw a little flash of light on the tip of the brush, then Shao Changqing used spiritual energy as ink, and with a little flick of a brush, a mirror of water appeared in front of He Lian, helping He Lian find Chen Feng Come.

Not long after, He Lian found Chen Feng's figure, and Shao Changqing immediately sent him over.

"Xiao Wu, congratulations on your admission to the Immortal Gate, and you will live forever in the future."

When Chen Feng saw He Lian descending from the sky, he didn't know what was going on, and immediately congratulated him, with half envy and half disappointment in his eyes.

Seeing this, He Lian couldn't help asking: "Second brother is going well this time?"

Chen Feng nodded and shook his head again, before he said: "The people from Jubao Pavilion came to me just now, and they have tested the spiritual root, the low-grade four spiritual roots."

At present, there are more and more forces entering the valley to recruit fairy seedlings, but most of them have to pass the assessment. As a third-rate force, Jubao Pavilion pays special attention to the old customers. Undecided.

"Second brother, you should find another family to test your spiritual root. Jubao Pavilion is not a good person. Moreover, the spiritual root is just a stepping stone. Second brother, you have a strong heart for the Tao. I believe that you can blaze your own path in practice. Come."

He Lian took out a bag of spirit stones and stuffed them into Chen Feng's hands, and said: "Second brother, don't give up lightly! If you need something in the future, you can come to Biyin Lake to find your younger brother."

While the two were talking, the surroundings suddenly became restless, and He Lian and Chen Feng couldn't help turning their heads to look, only to see a young man with a pair of narrow and long red phoenix eyes wearing only a thin undershirt, his lower body naked and his head bowed all the way to the valley. For the uninitiated, there is a miniature monkey with the size of a fist lying on its shoulder.

"He is Li Shaohai!"

"It is said that it was originally the number one fairy seedling of Potianjianzong, but it turned out to be a spiritual root!"

"If I were him, I would have no face to live in this world."

It wasn't until Li Shaohai left that the restlessness around him calmed down. Perhaps it was because of Li Shaohai's fate that Chen Feng's mood improved a lot. Anyway, he still has spiritual roots and can practice.Beside him are friends like He Lian who have come through adversity and are willing to support each other.

Chen Feng thanked He Lian again, and after the two agreed on the contact information, He Lian followed Shao Changqing.

Shao Changqing carried He Lian and his children into the clouds with the imperial brush, and landed on a huge flying shuttle. This is the flying treasure of Baiyimen, Qingming Shuttle. Quickly start, carrying everyone towards the sky with a bang.

A few days later, Qingming's flying shuttle drove into the edge of a huge lake, and He Lian could only see a piece of sparkling blue waves.

At the east end of the lake, there is a fairy pavilion standing in the middle of the sky, surrounded by clouds and mists, and with spiritual light flowing, it is really like a fairyland on earth.

"That's where the foundation of the Rong family is, how about it? Seeing this fairyland-like place, do you have any regrets?"

Faced with Shao Changqing's joke, He Lian just shook his head. Although he didn't know much about the Rong family, he knew that in this kind of cultivating family, people with foreign surnames might not be so easy to mess with.

He Lian turned his gaze to the west, and saw a deep valley next to the lake surrounded by mountains and rocks. The deep valley was covered by clouds and fog, but he couldn't see anything.

After a while, Qing Ming's flying shuttle drove into the cloud, and He Lian finally saw clearly that there was a small city built against the mountain in the deep valley. But the crowds are crowded, the aura is overflowing, and it looks like a school of vitality.

This is the foundation of Baiyimen's fairy gate - a small town in the middle of the mountain!

a few days later.

Hall of First Masters.

"Disciple, Xu Daoyuan, the No. 80 seventh-generation master, respectfully inform the ancestors"

In front of the majestic hall, Xu Daoyuan, the current head of Baiyimen, led the leaders of various schools, as well as a group of formal disciples who are about to enter the ceremony, to conduct the annual entrance ceremony.

He Lian was naturally in it, and he glanced at the Hall of the First Masters in front of him, where the eight masters who had made the greatest contributions to the opposite sects in the past ten thousand years of the Hundred Arts Sect were enshrined.

Among these eight masters, there are two real people in the refining period, one is naturally the founding master of the school, and the other is the one who created the "Five Turns of Spiritual Fire Jue"--a generation of strange people He Shiwo!

Baiyimen was established by a group of craftsmen from the very beginning, so no matter how it is passed on or the combination of sects, it is quite different from ordinary Xianmen.

Today, there are 43 inheritances of cultivating skills in Baiyimen. If there are more than a hundred people inheriting a certain skill, a separate group will be established with a supervisor; if the number of people inheriting is less than a hundred, they can be combined to form a small alliance It is called the courtyard, and there is a supervisor in charge of the courtyard.

Shao Changqing is the Fu Chuan Dao who is in charge of the inheritance of the way of talismans.

He Lian withdrew his gaze and glanced at the people around him. Most of the people around him who were about to become formal disciples with him were disciples who entered the upper courtyard after successful enlightenment two years ago and completed the assessment.

This is also because the inheritance methods of Baiyimen are different. Except for those recruited from the outside like He Lian, almost all of them are disciples cultivated by Baiyimen themselves.

Every year, Baiyimen recruits a large number of eleven or twelve-year-old boys from the vassal families and the surrounding secular world. These boys can be called the seeds of the fairy seedlings.

Afterwards, these prepared immortal seedlings will be sent to the lower courtyard to study for half a year. After passing the assessment, they will be distributed to various courtyards as servants. In the unified assessment, the outstanding ones will be qualified to open the spirit.

Once the enlightenment is successful, these people can become trainee disciples and enter the upper courtyard to study. After they have fully mastered a skill and passed the entrance examination, they can become formal disciples and then enter various colleges to formally start practicing.

In this way of inheritance, Baiyimen has continued from the beginning of the creation of the school to the present.

Since He Lian is already a high-grade weapon refiner, he doesn't need to go to the upper courtyard to study, which means that he will soon be assigned a servant boy who refines weapons. When he thinks of this, He Lian can't help but feel strange, and his mind is far away. Reminds me of the three years I worked for Xian Zifeng
When he came back to his senses, the initiation ceremony was over, and Shao Changqing, the master Xu Daoyuan and He Yuexiu, the master of the art of refining, came towards He Lian together.

He Lian hurriedly collected his mind, and when the three of them approached, He Lian immediately saluted.

Xu Daoyuan nodded, looked at He Lian carefully, and said: "Changqing really found a good seed for the master, Yuexiu, you must train He Lian well in the future, and you must not let anyone in the art of refining make things difficult or even bully he.

After all, the "Five Turns of Spiritual Fire Jue" was created by your ancestors, and it is also what your descendants, as the most holy master, should do to make this method reappear in the world. "

In the nearly [-]-year history of Baiyimen, apart from the founders of the pioneering school, He Shiwo has the highest status and is known as the most holy teacher.

He Lian lowered his head when he heard these words, and immediately felt that the middle of the conversation was deep. The sect leader, the head of the dignified sect, greeted his immediate leader face to face as a new formal disciple. noodle?
The problem is that He Lian thinks he doesn't have that much sympathy, so...
"It seems that Baiyimen is not as peaceful as I thought."

(End of this chapter)

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