Chapter 222
This tone!This look!This figure!

Confinement stared intently at Quintasha floating in mid-air, gradually overlapping Quintasha's figure with the image of the Creator in his memory.

The Creator has been away from Transformers for far too long.

Confinement had never seen the Creator with his own eyes before. His knowledge of the Creator came from the image data passed to him by his teacher Hot Rod, and the image data of Hot Rod is also an old antique passed down from the previous Transformers.

Creators do not have a fixed image, but their body materials are very special and easily recognizable.

"Confinement! Meet my God!"

Imprisoning a spirit, he got up from the ground and knelt down on one knee facing Quintessa, his head drooping deeply.

Lockdown is a bounty hunter, and he's too smart.

He knows what to do and when to survive on the treacherous battlefield.

Kuntasha nodded slightly.

The manner of confinement won her favor.

"Very well, it seems that you still have the most basic humility and know how to treat your creator." Kuntasha flew up high, she gently hooked her little finger, and suspended the confinement with an invisible magnetic chain stand up.

This is what it feels like to be hung up.
The confinement dared not resist at all.

He didn't know anything about the Creator's true strength, but the slaps Kuntasha slapped him just now were real, seemingly light, but they damaged his sensors, and the force was several times stronger than the impact of a spaceship.

He wasn't sure if he could break free from Quintasha's shackles when he struggled, but he knew that his struggle would definitely arouse Quintasha's anger.

For now, Quintasha doesn't want to kill him.

If Quintasha wanted to kill him, he could do so when his ship was in the vicinity.

Quintasha might need him on errands.

The confinement silently endured the discomfort of being bound. At this moment, his psychological feeling was very strange, and he could suddenly empathize with the ancient Transformers he had "collected".

But empathy is not sympathy.

He thought to himself that when he went back, he must tie those ancient Transformers tighter, and completely put an end to their thoughts of absconding.
Time passed by minute by minute.

Kuntasha was operating parameters and programs that she couldn't understand in the confinement in front of the screen. After a long time, she asked casually, "Do you know why I came to you?"

Confinement hesitated for two seconds and replied: "You need me to go to the earth to find the scepter for you. Compared with some waste, I am more trustworthy."

Confinement is very regretful.

If he knew that this task was issued by the Creator, he would never come to join in the fun.

Although the Creator can provide him with more powerful weapons and technologies, but that is the Creator, the rain, dew, thunder, and lightning are fickle. He may be kind to him one second, but throw him into the furnace and burn him into a lump of iron in the next second.

Compared with the benefits he may get, the danger he will face is too great.

What's more, the Creator has to issue commissions to do things, and the danger itself will not be too low. Maybe this commission is the last commission in his life.

"You're right." Kuntasha curled her lips and changed the topic, "But in my eyes, you are also a waste."

Confinement fell silent.

"You are thinking, since I think you are a waste, why did I ask you to do this." Although Kuntasha was guessing the psychology of confinement, her tone was statement.

Confinement was startled, because Quintasha had completely expressed what was in his heart.

"You are surprised that I completely guessed your psychology."

Kuntasha said slowly.

"God, can you hear my heart?" Confinement couldn't hold back the doubts in his heart. He asked the question, but he was slapped again and spun wildly in the air like a spinning top.

Kuntasha looked indifferent: "Did I let you talk?"

The confinement finally stopped the rotation of his body. He opened his mouth when he heard Quintassa's words, but he didn't say anything in the end, but the humiliation on his face was almost solidified.

This is the Creator.
"Although you are a waste, compared with other wastes, you are a more unique one." Kuntasha didn't care about the psychological feelings of confinement at all, every word and every word stabbed a knife in the heart of confinement, " But I don't think you are much better than other wastes, I just thought you would be more obedient, you are a hunting dog running for bones and meat."

Confinement was silent.

Kuntasha did not allow him to speak, he was worried that he would be slapped again when he opened his mouth.

"Why didn't you take my word for it?"

Confinement covered his face, puzzled.

A slap for speaking is a slap for not speaking. Is there something wrong with the Creator's mind?
In one slap after another, Shun got the answer to his last question, it turned out that the Creator could really hear his heart.
"This is the last time." Kuntasha withdrew her hand with disgust on her face, "If you dare to offend your creator, there is no need for you to continue to exist."

Lockdown deeply lowered his head, desperately controlling his thoughts, for fear of having any disrespectful thoughts to Kuntasha again, which would bring an end to his life.

As Kuntasha said, he is not much better than other bounty hunters.

If Quintasha is angered, Quintasha can kill him and replace him with a bounty hunter similar to him to carry out the task of recapturing the scepter.

"Taking back the scepter was originally a very easy thing, but now the earth has undergone a very big change."

Kuntasha is very curious about the earth now, because she has been investigating for a long time but has not found out where the coalition government came from. clues.

"Megatron and Optimus Prime both turned their backs on their creators and became the dogs of other civilizations, as did the Decepticons and Autobots they led."

Quintessa's tone was full of disgust.

In her opinion, even if Transformers are dogs, they can only be dogs for her. After all, she created Transformers.

Which onion is the coalition government?

"With your current strength, the past is to die." Kuntasha turned around and flew to the confinement, she stretched out one hand to hold the confinement's face, "So I have prepared a strong army for you, and a full-scale battle Orientation modification."


Creator's modification, the effect must be extraordinary!
Confinement eyes lit up.

He was stunned by Kuntasha's slap, thinking what's wrong this time?
"Turn off the two headlights in your eyes, it's shaking me." Kuntasha turned her face away in disgust, avoiding her closed eyes, and continued on her own, "Time is urgent, and there may be some pain .”

A series of invisible magnetic chains wrapped around Shu Shu's body, Shu Shu suddenly had a bad feeling.

"God, what are you doing?"

Kuntasha remained silent, and the next second, the shadow of confinement was torn apart.
(End of this chapter)

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