Chapter 231
The battle did little to hone the Coalition government's space force.

The bounty hunter corps was weaker than the coalition government had expected. They had no countermeasures against the water drop detectors. This made the coalition government easily win the war without even using wormhole weapons.

The officers were all disappointed.

They discussed this war for dozens of hours, taking into account all aspects, and even prepared a plan for emergency evacuation when the battle is unfavorable.

That's it? !
Before they officially started, the bounty hunter army collapsed, which made all their meticulous plans into waste paper.

It's a waste of time to think so much.

"Why are they so weak?"

"Waste all our brains!"

"Forget it, let's finish it quickly."

"They are not a qualified opponent at all. We don't even need to drive the army over. Throwing a water drop detector from a distance is enough to eliminate them!"

"I'm so disappointed! I haven't fired a single shot yet!"

"Quickly cool down the wormhole weapon!"


In front of the water drop detector, the bounty hunter army is like the earthlings in the original "Three-Body" universe, and the huge fleet will collapse at the touch of a button.

Their performance is not even as good as the Earthlings in the "Three-Body" universe, who were able to escape at least a few spaceships, and they were wiped out easily.

Only the spaceship where the confinement was located received special care. This spaceship survived the death net woven by the water drop detector, floating among the densely packed wreckage of the spaceship bursting with sparks, like a living coffin.

Confinement sat silently on the chair.

When the communicator became dead silent, he knew that the war was over. They prepared the Legion from Sagittarius and ran all the way outside the solar system just to set off a firework for the coalition government.
Confinement can't figure it out.

He didn't go to the earth for a while, why did the people on earth suddenly become like monsters, destroying their huge army of bounty hunters with just a small gadget.

Are they too weak?

of course not!

Although their legion is infighting every day and every spaceship looks strange, their members are notorious top bounty hunters and interstellar mercenaries.

Any one of them could destroy an entire civilization alone, and together, even the Transformers civilization before the outbreak of the Cybertronian Civil War would have to avoid it.

But such a powerful army was destroyed in less than 10 minutes.
Confinement suddenly clapped his hands as if he was sick, and he said to the air: "It's really an exquisite massacre, full of artistic sense. Tell me, what do you want from me?"

The confinement paused for 2 minutes, and no one responded.

"It's really an exquisite massacre, full of artistic sense. Tell me, what do you want from me?"

Lockdown repeated what he had just said.

2 minutes later, again.

And again, and again, and again.
He tirelessly repeats the same actions and words.

This weird behavior was seen by the space army of the coalition government.

"What is this guy doing?"

"I don't know, maybe I want to create a feeling of inscrutability, so as to gain the initiative in front of us?"

The behavior style of confinement is very insidious, and the execution of tasks is almost never confrontational. It can be said that he has a bad stomach, and his mind is much more than ordinary people.

If the coalition government hadn't used sophons to monitor him, when the staff of the coalition government boarded his spaceship and heard such a sentence suddenly, they might really be bluffed.

It's pretty funny right now.

"Hahahaha! Sorry, I shouldn't have laughed, but he's so funny!"

"Let the nano warriors jump to the gang!"

"Seize the confinement, and at the same time let Sophon patrol the wreckage of the fleet to see if Kuntasha is hiding here?"

A coalition frigate sails out of the fleet.

The pilot on the ship checked the data and activated the wormhole device. The wormhole exit at the far end devoured the wreckage and cosmic dust near the exit, clearing an open space for the frigate.

The frigate sailed into the wormhole, and instantly appeared next to the confined spaceship.

Confinement himself has given up resistance, but the spaceship AI still fired at the frigate of the coalition government according to the previously set procedure.

The frigate maneuvered flexibly around the confinement spaceship to avoid the shelling of the confinement spaceship.

Intensive artillery fire enveloped this frigate. This frigate is like a butterfly among flowers. With its advanced intelligent system and powerful hull performance, it shuttles through the artillery fire. It passes through thousands of flowers without touching any leaves.

In the frigate, ten nano fighters responsible for carrying out the mission had already walked out of the hatch. Their bodies were wrapped in silver-gray battle armor. No matter how violently the frigate shook, they remained motionless, as if they were nailed to the floor.

"Comrades! I'll leave the rest to you!"

The voice of the captain sounded from the ceiling above their heads, and they waved their hands to the camera, indicating that they were ready to leave the cabin.

click -

The first airtight door opened, and ten nano-warriors filed in.

click -

The second airtight door was opened, and the cabin was in direct contact with space. The huge pressure difference sucked ten nano-warriors into space.

The nano warriors were unfazed.

They activated the jets in their palms and flew towards the confined spaceship under heavy artillery fire and explosions.

Humans are too small to be noticed by the ship's fire control radar.

Accompanied by the dull crashing sound, all ten nano-warriors jumped onto the confinement spaceship.

The leading fighter took out a sharp cone like the Eiffel Tower, and there was a clone of MOSS in the sharp cone, which would open the tortoise shell under the feet of the nano fighters.

Nano-warriors attach the spikes to the ship.

Ding Dong!

The sharp cone emits a blue halo, and the surging information flow spreads in the form of electromagnetic waves, infiltrating into the control system of the spaceship, competing with the central computer of the spaceship for control.

"The map is here, let's go!"

The MOSS clone quickly came to fruition, sending a map of the ship to the nanowarriors.

Following the guidance of the MOSS avatar, the nano-warriors followed the map to a hatch on the spacecraft. As soon as they walked under the camera, the hatch opened automatically.

Obviously, the MOSS avatar has won a major victory in the battle for authority.

Transformers are silicon-based creatures. They are naturally very confident in their computer technology. There are not even any physical valves on the spaceship to control the behavior of the intelligent system, which makes the MOSS clone like a fish in water.

The MOSS avatar can now provide all assistance to the nano warrior team, as if they are the masters of the spaceship.

(End of this chapter)

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