Wander!blue star

Chapter 447 The Temptation of Warhammer

Chapter 447 The temptation of Warhammer [-]K
"The Warhammer [-]K universe is a universe with a risk index beyond our control. I refuse to vote in favor of all activities related to the Warhammer [-]K universe. This is my responsibility as a director of the coalition government."

The strong man Rogoff had a serious face. He leaned forward, and his rough voice and burly body gave him a strong sense of oppression.

"Warhammer [-]K is too dangerous!" He reiterated his point of view.

Zhang Weilai remained silent.

Not long ago, an exploration team from the coalition government lost contact.

It has been a long time since the coalition government lost contact with an exploration team. This incident immediately attracted attention after it was reported.

The coalition government launched sophons to the place where the exploration team lost contact, and witnessed a battle of unprecedented scale.

Humans and green-skinned aliens are fighting fiercely in a star system. The entire star system is filled with the wreckage of various battleships and debris from exploding shells - including those of the lost exploration team.

Judging from the traces of damage, the coalition government's exploration team was attacked by both warring parties at the same time. It encountered the dilemma of having cheese on two sides and declared defeat after not being able to resist for long.

Tomoko read the remaining information in the exploration ship and restored the battle scene.

The exploration team encountered unknown interference and accidentally came to this star system where a war was breaking out during the space jump.

The two warring parties are already fighting.

After confirming that the exploration team was not part of our own team, we classified them as enemies.

The outer shell of the exploration ship was melted by the human forces on both sides of the war, creating two holes. Human super soldiers entered the battleship through these two holes and killed everyone in the battleship.

After some time, the green-skinned alien forces on both sides of the war destroyed the exploration ship with artillery fire.

At this time, the exploration ship lost its crew and was damaged internally. Its shield had been closed and it had no defensive capabilities. It suddenly turned into a space coffin.

Tomoko wandered around the battlefield, constantly collecting information, and finally determined the origin of this universe.

"Warhammer [-]K"

This is an extremely prosperous subspace universe, far exceeding the "Super Seminary" universe.

The subspace of the "Warhammer [-]K" universe allows life to move and gave birth to the four evil gods Khorne, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, and Nurgle, as well as countless dangerous subspace creatures.

Humanity once had an extremely bright time in this universe, which is called the Golden Age.

Humans in the Golden Age had mature time technology.

They have a time gun that can be fired into the past with 105% accuracy, an erasure gun that can delete events that happened within one second from history, a ship-based time transfer device that can directly send enemy ships back to the past, and Time travel technology that enables ships to continuously jump across the timeline for millions of years.
In addition to mature time technology, they also possess a large number of destructive weapons.

These weapons include but are not limited to a star quencher with a diameter of 81 kilometers, a shipboard black hole, a supernova catalytic converter, a planetary doomsday energy flow generator, etc.

At that time, humans were already able to mass-produce warships across river systems, launch space probes to reach the edge of the universe in only [-] years, and place a planetary environment modification engine to transform uninhabitable planets like Mars overnight. Transform the planet into a vibrant human home, and even build colonies on the surface of gas giant planets to interfere in the multiverse.
Humans during that period were almost like gods, and could even fire in subspace, allowing demons and evil gods to escape.

But unfortunately, the splendid golden age only lasted for a moment in the long river of time, and eventually fell due to over-reliance on AI.

The subspace of the "Warhammer [-]K" universe is extremely prosperous and very close to real space.

This allows reality and the Warp to influence each other.Humanity's negative emotions entered the subspace, echoed in the subspace, and were eventually transmitted to the AI, causing a disaster called the Iron Man Rebellion, which drew the curtain on the golden age of mankind.

Humanity paid a huge price to suppress this rebellion, and later banned the use of AI.

But the golden age of mankind was built on the help of AI. Human civilization at that time could almost be called a half-iron civilization. After losing AI, mankind was unable to understand the technology that AI participated in research, and fell from the altar to the bottom.

Since then, mankind in the "Warhammer [-]K" universe has fallen into a long catastrophe that will never see the light of day, shrouded in fear and despair all day long.

But humans did not give up.

A great human being known as the Emperor emerged and led mankind to launch a 200-year Great Crusade, eventually taking back most of the human planet and rebuilding human civilization.

The "Warhammer [-]K" universe is currently at the end of the Great Crusade. Under the leadership of the Emperor, mankind has repeatedly won battles and achieved unprecedented results.

In this star system discovered by the coalition government, humans also have an advantage, and this advantage quickly expanded into an overwhelming advantage after another human fleet came to support from deep space.

In a few days, the battle in this star system will be over.

If you want to make contact with the human civilization in the "Warhammer [-]K" universe, now is the best time. Taking advantage of the fact that the exploration team was wiped out, you can easily talk to the human civilization in this universe.

But the five directors had a huge quarrel over this.

Suna, the representative of the Star-Spangled Kingdom, believes that the risks of entering the "Warhammer [-]K" universe are controllable.

Because the main danger in the "Warhammer [-]K" universe comes from subspace creatures, and although the "Dune" universe where they are located also has subspace, there is no subspace for the activities of subspace creatures.

This means that they are in contact with the "Warhammer [-]K" universe, and even if they are attacked by subspace creatures, the direct threat will not reach the United Government's homeland.

The technological level of the "Warhammer [-]K" universe is extremely high. As long as the coalition government can get a part of it, it can climb to new heights in the technological tree, which will be of great help to the development of the entire civilization.

"There is nothing scary in the "Warhammer [-]" universe, as long as we don't use artificial intelligence." Su Na smelled the benefits from the "Warhammer [-]" universe, and she still insisted on developing the "Warhammer [-]" universe.

"If it doesn't work, we will train special forces from other universes specifically to perform tasks in the "Warhammer [-]K" universe, and never let the people of this special force set foot on the land of the coalition government."

Suna made a slight compromise.

Worried about the impact on the coalition government?

No problem, then we will isolate ourselves from the "Warhammer [-]" universe and use strict procedures to prevent any direct contact between dangerous factors in the "Warhammer [-]" universe and the coalition government.

Does this work?

Su Na looked at Zhang Weilai for help.

"AI is not the only source of danger. This matter needs to be considered in the long term." Zhang Weilai shook his head and did not immediately give support or denial. Instead, he said with a serious expression, "Let me think about it carefully. "

 Chapter one

(End of this chapter)

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