Wander!blue star

Chapter 535 Announcement 1 Paragraph

Chapter 535 Come to an end

Guilliman is not a naive child. He understands that if the coalition government really uses this plan to help the empire reduce the burden of government affairs, then the cost of the coalition government itself will reach astronomical figures. No matter what the relationship between the coalition government and the human empire, the coalition government is impossible. without return.

After all, this is an exchange between two civilizations, and every move involves the interests of countless people within the civilization.

Guilliman and Qian Feiyan looked at each other, wondering whether the coalition government wanted relics from the Golden Age or STC modules this time. If it wanted STC modules, how would he deal with those crazy mechanical sages.

Guilliman sighed inwardly.

The Human Empire had dealt with the coalition government several times, and his family fortune was almost wiped out. He hoped that Qian Feiyan would not make too harsh demands, otherwise he might not be able to make decisions as an acting regent.

Under Guilliman's gaze, Qian Feiyan smiled and spoke: "The Emperor sealed a Star God fragment on Mars in his early years. We want to take this Star God fragment away."

"What?" Guilliman looked confused.

He understood every word Qian Feiyan said, but when they were put together, he couldn't understand them.

What is the Star God Shard?

Sealed by the Emperor?

When did this happen?

Qian Feiyan had already expected Guilliman's reaction. He smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. If you can't make the decision, we can talk to the Emperor. He is with us now."

This was still the era of Warhammer 30, and the Imperial Navy had not yet come into contact with the C'tan Fragments.

No one except the Emperor and Malcador knew what the C'tan Shard was.

The coalition government is trying to get some from the Necrons, but the work efficiency of the figure king Trazin is too low, or it may be because of his poor popularity that no one trusts him, so there is no news yet.

The coalition government set its sights on the Empire.

Star God, similar in concept to Galactus in the Marvel Universe, is ancient, powerful, and likes to eat planets.

Star God is weaker than Galactus and has a smaller appetite, but after eating and drinking enough, he can also exert terrifying power that distorts reality.

Because they are purely material existences and all their power comes from the real universe, they are also called gods in this world.

The Star God was born from the Big Bang and is a pure energy life form born from a star.

They had no fixed form in the early days, and their consciousness was in a state of confusion. They were just a group of dust aggregates orbiting the star, silently devouring the star's energy until the entire star was eaten dry.

Before meeting the Necrontyr, they spent most of their time on the stars.

After the Necrontyr discovered them, they crafted their bodies from a living metal known as Necrontyr skin.

After obtaining the body, the intelligence of the Star Gods soared, and at the same time they formed a unique outlook on life, gradually turning into a powerful species that is sentient, conscious, intelligent, but without morals.

A C'tan named Mephitlan the Deceiver tricked the Necrontyr into mechanical ascension, and shared with other C'tan the bodies and souls of the entire Necrontyr race, turning the Necrontyr into what would become the Necron.

It was also from this time that the Star Gods began to go to war with another powerful race called the Old Ones.

The ancient civilizations in the galaxy were almost completely destroyed by this sweeping war, and there were fewer and fewer species for the Star Gods to enslave and eat.

After deceiving the Necrontyr into mechanical ascension, the trickster Mephitlan made another big move. He deceived the Nightbringer, the first Star God to gain a body, and made the Nightbringer think that his own kind was delicious. As a result, he induced the Star God God’s Civil War.

After the civil war, there were only four powerful star gods left on the surface: the Nightbringer, the Deceiver, the Void Dragon, and the Outsider.

The Ancient Sages took advantage of this great opportunity to defeat the Star Gods, even if they died together. However, the Star Gods' power was unmatched, and they were eventually destroyed by the Star Gods. However, the Star God did not get any favors either.

The Necrons took advantage of the weakest moment when the Star Gods defeated the Ancient Saints, and used their invincible black technology to blast all the few surviving Star Gods into pieces, and locked their fragments in the hypercube maze to be used as power banks. or weapon use.

Only the outsiders escaped because they did not participate in the final battle.

Although the power of the fragments of the Star God is less than that of the complete form, it is still irresistible to most races.

However, the coalition government does not covet the power of the Star God fragments when it wants the Star God fragments, but wants to gain access to the knowledge possessed by the Star Gods and study the nature of special creatures like the Star Gods to see if they can get some inspiration to help Father Earth in the real world. Build a "golden body".

"The Emperor is with you now?" Guilliman was a little surprised.

Before leaving, the emperor only said that he was going out for a trip, but did not say where he was going.

How likely is it that Maka will be with the Emperor?

If Horus had known that the Emperor had gone to the United Government, he would have summoned Qian Feiyan long ago and asked Qian Feiyan to inform the Emperor to send Malcador back.

"Didn't the emperor tell you before he left?" Qian Feiyan was a little surprised.

Guilliman shook his head: "He didn't say anything. He probably didn't want us to know that he was no longer in the galaxy. Please don't tell others about this, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble."

The Emperor is the anchor of the human empire.

If everyone knew that the Emperor was no longer in the galaxy, there might be monsters and demons that would appear and put a damper on the growing Empire.

"Okay, I understand." Qian Feiyan nodded.

He paused for a moment and then continued: "Regarding the matter of the Star God fragments, we will have a good talk with the Emperor. No matter what the outcome is, I will inform you when there is news, which should be within the next two days."

Guilliman said gratefully: "Then please."

He didn't know what the Star God Shard was, because the Emperor had never told them about the Star God Shard, but he felt that the future of imperial government affairs might lie on the Star God Shard, and he hoped that the Emperor could reach an agreement with the United Government. trade.

Qian Feiyan stared at Guilliman twice. Although he felt it was unnecessary, he still reminded him: "You'd better not go to Mars to find fragments of the Star God. That thing is very dangerous. If it is found, it will be very harmful to you and the Empire." It’s all very bad stuff.”

The Emperor relied on psychic energy to seal the void dragon, and Guilliman was a psychic insulator. Even if Guilliman did go to find it, there would probably be no results.

But just in case, Qian Feiyan decided to give a reminder.

Guilliman was startled for a moment, then nodded: "I understand, I won't go looking for him."

Guilliman is a measured man.

He had no intention of searching for the fragments of the C'tan that had been deliberately hidden by the Emperor.

Now that he has been reminded by Qian Feiyan, he will even less go.

(End of this chapter)

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