Chapter 60 The Supreme Mobilization of the Coalition Government

The drivers of the two vehicles, who were friends, were chatting on the radio as they sped along the winding mountain road that transported stones for the planetary engine.

"Old Han! How many times is this your trip today?"

"First trip!"

"It's the first time? Are you staying for a drink at night?"

"No! Liu Qi is still waiting for me to go home!"

"Liu Qi? Your nephew?"

"Grandson, his father is in the space station, and I will take care of him alone, and I have to go back to cook for him at night."


Han Ziang chatted with his friends one after another, a faint smile appeared on his wrinkled old face.

But this smile only existed for two seconds.

When he thought of his grandson Liu Qi getting into trouble at school every day, he couldn't laugh anymore.

"Oh, I'm so ignorant!"

He sighed heavily.

Han Ziang is Liu Peiqiang's father-in-law. After Liu Peiqiang went to the space station, he has been taking care of the children for Liu Peiqiang and his late daughter Han Duoduo.

Speaking of Liu Qi, Han Ziang felt a little ashamed.

Liu Peiqiang entrusted Liu Qi to him, but he failed to clear Liu Qi's knot. Liu Qi always believed that Liu Peiqiang killed his mother, and his relationship with Liu Peiqiang was very bad.

Han Ziang sighed, "I'll talk to that little brat when I get back today."

Han Ziang drove the car to the unloading warehouse.

He stepped out of the cockpit, chewing hot and sour dried radish while waiting for the robot to unload him.

He used to be a smoker.

However, after the mountain removal plan, the area of ​​arable land was greatly reduced, and the country stopped producing tobacco products, and it has not recovered until now, causing old smokers to complain.

But it would be nice to have dried radishes to chew. He still remembered that when he first entered the dungeon, he could only chew dried earthworms.

At that time, the technology of making dried earthworms was immature, and it smelled earthy when chewed, and sometimes what was eaten was not as much as what was spit out.

Fortunately, Pandora came.

The global temperature rises, the area of ​​arable land expands, and the country begins to provide other food again. When the currency system is rebuilt in the future, it may be smoked again.

Rumble boom!

In the distance, there were continuous loud noises.

Han Ziang was stunned.

He walked to the edge of the winding mountain road, looked in the direction of the sound, and a horrifying scene came into his eyes.

I saw a long and narrow gap in the smooth ground.

This gap is at least a few hundred meters wide and [-] to [-] meters long, like a sharp knife piercing a planetary engine, even on the winding mountain road thousands of meters high, it can be seen clearly.

Han Ziang's mind went blank.

One second

Two seconds
three seconds
Suddenly, he felt a strong shock.

He woke up with a start.

"Something has happened! Come down the mountain!"

Such a large crack appeared out of nowhere at the foot of the mountain, indicating that the foundation of the planetary engine had been damaged. If this crack continued to spread towards the planetary engine, those who were still on the mountain would undoubtedly die.

You know, there is magma under the planetary engine!

An ominous premonition shrouded Han Ziang's heart, and Han Ziang couldn't care less about unloading. He rushed into the cockpit, swiping his card and pulling on the handbrake.

"Han Ziang, senior pilot."

"Beijing Third District Traffic Committee reminds you: There are tens of thousands of roads, and safety comes first. Driving is irregular, and loved ones cry."

Han Ziang unhooked the cargo box without hesitation.

He turned the car around and drove down the hill with other drivers who sensed something was wrong.

Rumble boom!

Before driving far, Han Ziang's ominous premonition came true.

The crack at the bottom of the mountain really spread towards the planetary engine, and the tremors on the mountain became more and more intense.


Han Ziang heard a loud noise coming from the left side. He looked up through the car window and saw a pile of stones taller than a person rolling down towards him.

Han Ziang was so frightened that he lost his soul, but he calmed down in an instant.

I can't die!

What if my child dies?
Han Ziang slammed the steering ball. Decades of driving skills were brought into full play at this moment. The transport vehicle drew a strange S-shaped arc on the road, cleverly avoiding the biggest boulders.


There was a shrill scream on the radio.

Han Ziang's heart trembled. He knew that someone had been knocked down by a rock, but he didn't have time to feel sad for others. Just a second later, he was also hit by a rock.

The truck shook violently.

Han Ziang bumped his head against the direction ball, and his whole body was stunned. Blood trickled down his forehead. He seemed to be broken, and he couldn't even remember who he was.

This is a classic symptom of a concussion.

Han Ziang raised his head in a daze, and saw the Maitreya Buddha ornament fixed on the car.

He woke up suddenly.

The little bastard is still waiting for me at home!
I want to go back alive!

Han Ziang slammed the steering ball again, and drove the transport vehicle down the mountain.

At the same time, all parts of the world are shrouded in the shadow of natural disasters, such as volcanic eruptions, rampant earthquakes, flash floods, and tsunamis.
Human beings were caught off guard by the worst natural disaster in history.

It all starts with the more than 1000 steering engines that face the earth.

They run at full power against the rotation direction of the earth, and instantly generate 15 trillion tons of thrust in the opposite direction, causing man-made plate conflicts.

It stands to reason that multiple layers of applications are required to start the planetary engine, but the coalition government has not received any news.

They never gave an order to restart the steering engine, and they were never contacted!
After the first wave of disasters, they learned that the steering engine had restarted by watching the news!

"All the salvage teams at sea have lost contact!"

"Damn digital life!"

"First draw our attention to the sea, and then play tricks on the planetary engine. I'm afraid this is his real intention?"

"In any case, the engine must be stopped immediately!"

"But we can't give up looking for antimatter!"

Although the Coalition government was late to the news, they were quick to respond.

"The coalition government's highest mobilization!"

The sound of the broadcast resounded through the skies of the earth.

"Notify the global combat readiness force!"

"Affected by digital life, a total of 1127 engines around the world started abnormally, causing multiple plate displacements, triggering large-scale earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. In order to maximize the safety of life and property of the people in the disaster area, all ministries set off immediately according to the No. [-] plan!"


"At the same time start the search and rescue of the victims!"

"This rescue operation is about the life and death of billions of compatriots, and the priority of the goal is above everything else!"

"Any price!"

Flocks of planes flew across the sky amidst the roar, brave and resolute soldiers blocked the road to collect vehicles, and rescue teams loaded with supplies and rescue equipment headed for the disaster area mightily.

In the face of an unprecedented disaster, the coalition government launched an unprecedented rescue operation.

 It will be updated on time at [-] o'clock tomorrow night, please follow up

(End of this chapter)

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