Wander!blue star

Chapter 613 The deception of the universe

"We need to wait for notification as to when we can go back." There was no emotion in MOSS's voice, only reason.

Alice was silent.

Although she had expected this situation, she still felt a little uncomfortable when MOSS told her personally.

Of course, she understands the coalition government's decision.

Even if the coalition government is willing to send her back to the "Resident Evil" universe, she herself is unwilling to go back.

Because she is under the surveillance of high-dimensional civilization.

Even if the wormhole leading to the "Resident Evil" universe is opened for only a second, high-dimensional civilization will definitely be able to rush in and go to the "Resident Evil" universe with her.

This is luring the wolf into the house.

Although this high-dimensional civilization shows no malicious intent, introducing them into the "Resident Evil" universe is tantamount to handing over the fate of the entire "Resident Evil" universe to them.

This is unacceptable to Alice.

"Alas." Alice sighed.

She had a premonition.

She may never return to the "Resident Evil" universe, and she will likely spend the rest of her life in this universe.

This universe is huge, but it is not her home after all.

"Don't be discouraged." MOSS noticed Alice's negative emotions and comforted her, "The coalition government will not give up on you. Your return is only a matter of time."

The United Government is growing rapidly, especially in the Warhammer 40 universe, which is about to have a major breakthrough.

According to the Emperor's plan, the United Government is expected to obtain an "evil god" who can freely travel through the "Warhammer 40K" timeline.

The "evil god" itself is a high-dimensional creature.

Once successful, the coalition government can also use the power of the "Evil God" to return to the War in Heaven period in the "Warhammer 40K" universe.

The Star God, who can be said to have perfected the laws of physics, was active during that time period.

With the help of the "evil god", the coalition government has the opportunity to obtain high-dimensional knowledge from the Star God, and then it will be able to compete with the high-dimensional civilization in "Interstellar".

However, MOSS and Alice don't know that the high-dimensional civilization in the black hole is facing an unprecedented panic.

Yes, panic.

They discovered something incredible.

They are trapped in the timeline.

Confinement--it doesn't mean that they have lost the ability to jump around the timeline, but it means that once they jump out of this timeline, they will enter another timeline that has nothing to do with Alice, and they will not be able to jump back.

Just at this moment, many members have "disappeared".

Nothing like this has happened before.

"How could this be?"

"I can not accept!"

"We've been fooled by the universe!"

At this moment, the interior of high-dimensional civilization is unprecedentedly lively.

For a long time, they thought they were traveling on the same timeline, but they suddenly discovered that they might just be jumping at different time points in different timelines.

They look similar, but there's a big difference between them.

The former truly masters time and ignores paradoxes and conflicts; the latter only masters the method of switching timelines.

The universe had been fooling them all along, and only now was it revealed.

This high-dimensional civilization originally thought that it could control time and exist anywhere in time.

But that may not be the case. The fact may be that this universe has countless timelines, and "they" happen to exist at every point on the timeline.

When they decide to do something on the timeline, because there are countless timelines, there must be one timeline where they achieve what they want to do at the corresponding time point.

They will automatically switch to that timeline.

In other words, there are countless timelines in this universe that can satisfy any situation.

When they want to do something in the past or future, the universe will switch them to the corresponding timeline, giving them the illusion that they can manipulate time.

The deception of the universe was successful until Alice and MOSS appeared.

The universe cannot be created from people and things in other universes. There is no Alice and MOSS in other timelines, and "they" in other timelines cannot imagine going to a timeline with Alice and MOSS.

Their compatriots jumped to other timelines, but no compatriots from other timelines jumped to fill the gap, so these compatriots seemed to be missing.

It turns out that they have always been under time, never above it for a moment.

The universe used complex physical rules to weave a rigorous lie, making them mistakenly believe that they can make time round and flat.

At this moment, the high-dimensional civilization in "Interstellar" has fallen into an unprecedented panic.

The cosmic lie was too subtle for them to believe it was the result of natural evolution.

Everything seems to have been set by someone.

To find out the truth, they can only hope for a coalition government from other universes.

Ten thousand years later, Terra is filled with icons of the God-Emperor.

There are countless temples and palaces, and believers from all star regions queue up to worship devoutly. Some of them are already very old. They have been on pilgrimage ships since they were babies and have been riding for a lifetime before arriving at Terra.

You were lucky to reach Terra alive, as most would have died on the way or disappeared into the warp.

The Emperor stood in the palace, smelling the scent of incense wafting in the air, and muttered to himself: "This is the smell of failure."

The emperor's mood was complicated.

He had never seen any planet with such a strong religious atmosphere, even compared to Luojia's perfect city, it was even worse.

What a blasphemy for him who hated being worshiped as a god!

However, he can understand himself in this universe.

The Webway plan failed, he was betrayed by Horus, and he refused to ascend to God and destroy mankind, so he could only sit on the golden toilet and linger on.
In the darkest of times, faith can serve as fuel to help humanity survive, even a good fuel.

Moreover, humans who believe in him will not be swallowed by subspace after death, which can not only alleviate human suffering, but also delay the growth of subspace power.

Poor Luojia in this universe. If he had endured until now and worshiped him as a god, the perfect city would not have been burned to the ground, let alone surrender to the evil god and become neither human nor ghost.

"Big man!" A vicious voice came from behind the emperor, "You have looked directly at the icon for so long and have no respect for the God-Emperor. It is simply blasphemous!"

"Damn it!"

The emperor turned around expressionlessly, lowering his head to look at the missionary of the state religion.

"Uh!" The missionary was stunned.

In his field of vision, first the face of the Emperor, then the face of the Emperor's icon.

These two faces are exactly the same!
He felt suffocated.

At this moment, it was as if an invisible hand was holding his throat.

The Emperor ignored the missionary.

He bypassed the missionary and left silently.

He had seen enough failure.

Now, he wants to do something about success. (End of chapter)

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