Wander!blue star

Chapter 630 MOSS: Liu Peiqiang, listen to my explanation

The Tick-Ta civilization is a wandering civilization without a home planet. An asteroid destroyed their home a long time ago, so they can only ride on a huge civilization ark and wander aimlessly in the universe.

According to human classification of civilization levels, the Dida civilization is a Type II civilization. They can build Dyson spheres and seize all the energy of a star system.

But they usually don't.

Because the efficiency of the Dyson sphere is too low, there are many ways to extract stellar energy that are more practical than the Dyson sphere.

For example, the quadrangular pyramid hydrogen distortion catalytic converter.

As long as a square pyramid hydrogen distortion catalytic converter is put into the star, the hydrogen in the star will compress the combustion process of billions of years to one or two hundred years, and at the same time transport the energy generated by the combustion to the energy spacecraft dozens of light-years away.

The efficiency is countless times higher than that of Dyson sphere.

The Tiktak civilization has always collected energy in this way. They don't care whether the stars they collect energy from have given birth to civilization.

In their moral view, when a civilization faces a disaster, whether it can survive the disaster is entirely a matter of the civilization's own capabilities and has nothing to do with the cause of the disaster.

If they accidentally destroy a civilization while collecting stellar energy, they will think that the civilization's own technological level is too low and has nothing to do with them.

Wandering civilizations are prone to giving birth to similarly cold moral values.

This is related to the resource dilemma in the early stages of wandering civilization. Most wandering civilizations do not actively choose to wander after being fully prepared, but are forced to wander due to various reasons.

After losing their home planet, resource supply became a difficult problem to solve.

Worthy citizens will receive more resources, while worthless citizens may even be abandoned by civilization. In the long run, the morality of wandering civilization will be extremely cold.

They have become accustomed to an extremely unethical behavior for a long time, and this moral inertia will continue until they no longer have resource dilemmas.

"Star 0889813 is burning."

"We will stay here until the hydrogen in this star is burned out, and then we will start the next voyage. Please keep the mother civilization in touch with us."

This is a sub-fleet of the Tick Civilization. They are docked outside a planet with pleasant scenery dozens of light years away from the solar system.

Wandering civilizations never act in groups.

They usually divide the fleet into several parts and maintain maximum communication distance between each other.

This can not only expand the exploration area, but also avoid being wiped out when encountering strong enemies. It can also act like a pig and eat the tiger when encountering an evenly matched opponent.

It can be said to serve multiple purposes.

This also caused a minor headache for the coalition government.

"Found you."

Based on the energy transmission lines of the square pyramidal hydrogen distortion catalytic converter, the coalition government found the sub-fleet of the Dida civilization dozens of light years away.

MOSS, located in the "Dune" universe, allocated most of its computing power to invade this fleet.

The moment the warning light comes on, the invasion is over.

Facing the invasion of celestial-level intelligent life, the Dida civilization, as a silicon-based life form, has no power to fight back.

All major systems in the fleet were shut down.

The coalition government's nano-soldiers landed on the fleet through the wormhole, feeling as comfortable as returning to their own home.

"You are captured!"

The fleet's public address system rang out in a well-spoken voice.

"Give up all resistance, we will not kill the prisoners!"

captain:? ? ?
"We completely lost control of the ship."

"The fleet has been captured."

"Our soldiers are exchanging fire with the enemy inside the ship, but judging from the combat situation, we do not have any advantage. Surrender is the best option now."

Tick-tat civilization is very sensible. After a few minutes, all the Tick-tat people on the fleet gave up resistance.

The appearance of the Tick-Ta people is close to what people on Earth imagine.

With green skin, slender limbs, and nearly exposed brains, different individuals among them can only be distinguished through their brain waves.

After a few more minutes, the entire Dida civilization surrendered.

The United Government obtained the cosmic bridge technology that can span the universe from the "Interstellar" universe. This is a crossing technology that contains high-dimensional knowledge, and the United Government extracted the galactic bridge technology from it.

Galaxy Bridge technology is a river-level shuttle technology that also contains a very small amount of high-dimensional knowledge, but it is relatively stable and can be put into use in different universes with only a short period of debugging.

Using the captured sub-fleet of Dida civilization, the coalition government followed the clues and captured the entire Dida civilization.

The person in charge presented the intelligence to the Council.

"There is super-light navigation technology in the "Wandering Earth" universe, and there is no black forest. The Dida civilization has been active in the Milky Way for a long time. It has encountered civilizations with similar strength, but has not encountered a particularly powerful civilization."

"Comprehensive assessment shows that the danger coefficient of the "Wandering Earth" universe is not high, and you can directly intervene."

"New feasible solutions detected."

"Tinder plan cancelled."

In the Pilot space station, the voice of MOSS, which had disappeared, suddenly sounded.

New possible solution?

Liu Peiqiang raised his head in astonishment. He showed an expression of surprise and asked nervously: "MOSS, what is the new feasible plan?"

"Not going anywhere." MOSS replied concisely.

"Ah?" Liu Peiqiang was confused.

What kind of feasible solution is not going anywhere?
Not to mention the helium flash from the distant sun, just the gravity of nearby Jupiter, the earth can't stand it!
"Explain." Liu Peiqiang ordered.

MOSS was silent for two seconds and then said: "The coalition government from another universe helps the coalition government shield the gravity of Jupiter and at the same time terminate the solar helium flash. The earth will not go anywhere and will stay in the solar system."

Liu Peiqiang was confused.

A coalition government from another universe? What nonsense is MOSS talking about?
Got a virus?

Many astronauts in the space station have realized that MOSS is planning to abandon the earth. Maybe one of them is proficient in computer technology and uploaded a virus to MOSS to keep MOSS in the solar system.

"Not going anywhere is okay."

Liu Peiqiang shook his head: "United Government, I am Liu Peiqiang, applying for engine flame impact!"

On the ground, the planetary engine was spraying wildly.

As long as the flames of the planetary engine are used to ignite the space station, and then the explosion of the space station ignites Jupiter, the earth can escape and use Jupiter's gravity to fly out of the solar system.

Snapped! MOSS cut off Liu Peiqiang's communication.

"Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang."

"The Pilot space station is implementing a new plan."

"No need to impinge on engine flames."

Liu Peiqiang took a deep breath, and with a heavy heart he took out the vodka given to him by astronaut Mao Zi, and asked in a relaxed manner: "MOSS, do you know why astronauts were not allowed to bring alcohol into space during the Gagarin era?"

MOSS: "Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang, please calm down."

"Listen to me"

Liu Peiqiang threw vodka at MOSS's camera, and the sound of the bottle exploding covered MOSS's voice. (End of chapter)

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