Wander!blue star

Chapter 657 Technical Sergeant: There is nothing lower than this

They would suffer too much if they exchanged the technology Guilliman salvaged from the Golden Age; but if they exchanged it for other technologies currently held by the Empire, they would be too primitive and backward.

Then give nothing?

It's only their first day here, they can't discredit the Emperor and Ohm Messiah!

If because of them the reputation of the Emperor and the Ohm Messiah were brought into disrepute, they would have to commit suicide to apologize.

"Sorry, please let us discuss it." A technical sergeant said nervously.

Stark nodded indifferently: "Please do."

He didn't panic at all.

He was sure that everyone who came here had two skills. After all, this was a super communication platform that spanned the multiverse, and not everyone was qualified to enter.

He was just curious about what the technical sergeants would eventually discuss.

The Techmarines looked at each other.

They walked to the side with an uneasy mood, gathered around and murmured quietly.

"This is your first communication, don't screw it up."

"What technology should we give him?"

"Neutron battle star construction project?"

"That's too high-end. How about a stellar energy extractor?"

"This is too precious!"

“Think about it, what skills do we have?”

Stark did not eavesdrop on the technical sergeants' conversation, because he couldn't hear it even if he wanted to. The technical sergeants turned on the cone-shaped silent force field, and no sound could be transmitted from the force field.

"How much do you know about them?" Stark asked Zhao Renjie in a low voice.

The silent barrier works both ways.

He couldn't hear the technical sergeants' voices, and the technical sergeants couldn't hear him and Zhao Renjie's voices.

Zhao Renjie put his arm around Stark's shoulders and said mysteriously: "Don't look at the way these technical sergeants are dressed. They come from a super human empire that rules the galaxy, and they have two gods who exist on the timeline. "

If the empire of "Warhammer 40K" moves to the Marvel Universe with the technology salvaged by Guilliman from the Golden Age, it will undoubtedly be a T0-level force. Whether it is technological level or personal power, it will stand very high in the pyramid.

Thanos can't touch porcelain.

"They have 80% of the technologies you can imagine, so cherish this exchange opportunity." Zhao Renjie poked Stark's waist.

Zhao Renjie has a very good relationship with Stark.

He didn't know if such a multiverse forum would be held again in the future, so he sincerely hoped that Stark could gain enough from this forum.

"Really?" Stark looked shocked.

The technical sergeants were too plain-looking, and they had no airs when communicating. He really didn't realize that the technical sergeants were as powerful as Zhao Renjie described.

Zhao Renjie nodded affirmatively.

He said with determination: "Of course it's true. They can send a random fleet to kill Thanos who hasn't collected all the infinite stones!"

Stark was sincerely moved.

At this time, the technical sergeants had finished their discussion. They closed the cone silent force field and returned to Stark.

"Mr. Stark, frankly speaking, we do not have the knowledge to properly exchange suits." A technical sergeant said apologetically.

Stark was stunned for a moment.

"But under the watchful eyes of the Emperor and the Ohm Messiah, we will never let our friends suffer." Another technical sergeant spoke up. He was the captain of these technical sergeants.

"This is an STC template." The technical sergeant took out a silver metal ball the size of a human head.

"You just need to slam it to the ground hard, and it will use the surrounding resources to automatically build a large space dock."

"It contains several production models of spacecraft."

"Your civilization is still developing inside the planet, so it should be useful."

He handed the metal ball to Stark with great care, and when he let go, his face was filled with pain.

The STC module, which stands for Standard Template Construct, is a high-tech computer system that can build buildings set in the program without the user having any relevant knowledge.

For a long time in the past, STC modules were an important part of the human empire's technology.

But after Guilliman became a god, he could bring back any technology directly from the Golden Age, so the importance of the STC module plummeted.

This time they brought a total of twenty STC modules for trading with other civilizations.

Although the STC module is not as important as before, and the STC module he gave to Stark was originally used for trading, he still felt very reluctant to part with it.

This is the STC module!
Stark was shocked. He held the STC module and asked: "You mean, I don't have to do anything, just throw this thing on the ground, and I can get a large space dock?"

This sounds incredible.

The civilization on Earth where he lives is still developing inside the planet and has no technology or experience in building spaceships.

If what the technical sergeant said was true, it would save humanity a lot of hard work.

Let the people on earth directly enter the interstellar age!

"Yes, the STC module is such a simple and practical technological crystallization." The technical sergeant stared at the STC module in Stark's hand and said reluctantly, "The dock also contains three standard battleships, standard transport ships, and standard space fighters. a production model.”

The STC module is the crystallization of wisdom left by humans in the Golden Age. It is designed to serve the uneducated colonists in the Golden Age. It highlights that with a fool's operation, even an ape can build a building that spans the ages with the help of the STC module.

"As long as you provide raw materials, the shipyard will automatically produce these three space vehicles."

The technical sergeant's voice became lower and lower: "It doesn't matter even if the raw materials are insufficient. The shipyard will adjust the production details according to the raw materials you provide and produce simplified versions of these three space vehicles."

"So good?" Stark looked happy.

He is not worried about materials.

With this thing, he can mass-produce spaceships, and his civilization on earth will reach the sky and become an interstellar civilization in one step!

"The knowledge you provided is actually not enough to exchange this STC module." The technical sergeant said distressedly, "But we don't have anything lower than this, let's just treat it as a friend."

Stark's mouth felt dry.

Nothing lower than this?

Do people say it?
"If you can, please promote it for us when communicating with other civilizations." The technical sergeant took a deep breath and said solemnly, "We are very generous and have very powerful technology."

Stark nodded: "No problem!"

Techmarines surrounded Stark.

Their eyes kept turning on the STC module in Stark's hand, and they seemed to be hesitant to speak.

Stark noticed their looks.

He calmly moved the STC module behind his back and fixed it with his suit, like a small bag on his back.

"Haha, I suddenly thought that I still had something to do, so I left first!" Stark smiled, "I'll visit you again in a while!"

After saying that, he quickly turned around and walked out.

If he didn't leave, he was afraid that these technical sergeants would regret it and take back the STC module.

Make a lot of money this time! (End of chapter)

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