Wander!blue star

Chapter 672: Occupying "Resident Evil"

The cells scattered on the ground wriggled and clung to the skeleton, first forming layers of blood filaments like textile threads, then forming skin, and finally forming blood vessels, muscles and organs.
The whole process exudes the beauty of Cthulhu.

Chen Fan looked at this scene with no emotion in his heart. This was just a small scene for him.

In less than half a minute, the skeleton returned to its human form.

The mercenaries backed away in horror.

This is a monster!

They were unarmed and had no ability to defend themselves.

I shouldn't have taken this mission in the first place.

Chen Fan didn't care about the mercenaries' reactions. He waited quietly to see if the Lord God would react to his resurrection.

Two minutes passed and nothing happened.

The Lord God acquiesced in his existence, or perhaps his resurrection from the dead successfully exploited the Lord God's loophole.

He stood up slowly.

Without making any sound, the nanorobot formed a pair of silver-white wings behind him, and the propulsion engine spurted out blue-white flames, causing his body to fly along the train tunnel at high speed.

In the blink of an eye, the platform was plunged into darkness.

He left a communication device on the platform. If Zheng Zha comes back, he can be contacted through this communication device.

In fact, if Zheng Zha follows his advice and comes to practice in "Resident Evil".

Then he can find Zheng Zha without Zheng Zha contacting him.

Because "Resident Evil" will soon be fully under his control, this world will become the bridgehead of the coalition government in "Infinite Horror".

Nanobots surged out along the tunnel.

They form micro-assembly factories, wildly devouring various materials and then assembling them into new nanorobots.

One becomes two, two becomes four, four becomes eight
The number of nanorobots increased exponentially, and the silver-white wave penetrated the elevator shaft at the end of the tunnel and rushed into the vacation villa used as a disguise above the hive base.

In the blink of an eye, the nearby land turned silvery white.

This change quickly attracted the attention of the Umbrella Company. Although the real senior executives of the Umbrella Company were killed by Zheng Zha, there are still clones of them outside.

These clones know nothing about the truth and they all think they are the original owners.

"what happened?"

"What are these silver things?"

"Some kind of new virus?"

"Will you arrange for someone to take some samples back?"

"This is different from what we planned."

In the conference room, the clone executives observed the scene near the villa through satellite images, and they were all confused.

They planned to use the hive base as the center to erupt a biochemical crisis sweeping the world. In order to prevent being liquidated after failure, they specially arranged a good show of stealing the virus.

Even if the Resident Evil crisis is suppressed by various countries, they can still argue that others accidentally broke the virus when they stole it, and it has nothing to do with their umbrella company.

At least they don't have to be primarily responsible.

But big problems arose at the beginning of the plan. First, the mercenary team lost contact as soon as they got off the train. Second, an unknown silver substance poured out from the hive base.

They now have no idea what happened in the hive base, let alone what this silver substance is.

Things were getting out of their control.

"Arrange a nearby laboratory to collect samples." Dr. Cloned Isaacs said slowly, "Find out what this silver thing is. Wait, what is this?"

On the big screen, the silver substance changes dramatically. The silver substance centered on the villa and formed wriggling spheres within a radius of three kilometers, as if it was about to hatch something.

"Send someone to conduct an on-site investigation immediately." Dr. Isaacs clone ordered.

Chen Fan stayed in the villa.

This villa was built by Umbrella Corporation to conceal the hive base.

The Hive Base is a biological virus base. No residents want to be neighbors of a biological virus base, so such a cover-up is necessary.

As for why the Umbrella Company does not place the hive base in a deserted place, but places the hive base in a densely populated city, it can only be said that it makes sense for the residents not to be neighbors with the biological virus base.

This villa is usually occupied by Alice and his wife, and is fully furnished with all kinds of furniture.

Chen Fan poured himself a cup of coffee.

The spheres that Dr. Isaacs saw from the satellite were actually the prototypes of various types of buildings.

Nanorobots are multiplying crazily around this villa and building dozens of large buildings at the same time. If nothing else, the first one to be completed should be an air defense system.

In "Resident Evil", Raccoon City, where the Hive Base is located, suffered a nuclear attack.

If Chen Fan wants to control the world from this city, he will probably be hit by a nuclear bomb, so it is extremely necessary to build an air defense system that can protect the city first.

This air defense system has no name.

Through space technology, it can shoot down 128 flying objects in the atmosphere at a distance of no more than 3,000 kilometers in one second.

The working principle is to solidify one or more space points in front of the flying object, causing it to collide with a high-speed flying object, causing irreversible physical damage to the flying object.

If it is a missile, there is a high probability that it will detonate early in the collision.

With the efficiency of this air defense system, even if all nuclear-armed countries rained nuclear bombs on Raccoon City, it would not have any impact on Raccoon City.

As for the pollution problem caused by the explosion of a large number of nuclear bombs in the atmosphere, it can be dealt with later by a sufficient number of nanorobots.

Although Chen Fan has not yet controlled the entire planet, it is only a matter of time, and it will not be long.

Facing the technology of the United Government, a powerful civilization based on the multiverse, humans in the "Resident Evil" universe have no ability to resist.

Ding - the elevator dinged.

The mercenaries came out cunningly. When they saw Chen Fan who was drinking coffee, they couldn't help but tremble in fear.

There is only one entrance and exit to the hive, and they can't hide even if they want to.

They discussed it for a long time on the way here, and finally agreed that Chen Fan was an alien, which made them full of awe of Chen Fan.

Matthew asked bravely: "Hello, can we go?"

They don't dare to leave without saying goodbye, as they may die easily.

"All the real senior executives of Umbrella Company died in the hive base, and those outside are their clones." Chen Fan said calmly.

Matthew's heartbeat quickened.

But what Chen Fan said next surprised him even more: "You are also clones produced by the Umbrella Company, and your memories are all fabricated."

"What?" Matthew looked shocked.

Chen Fan said calmly: "They even cloned themselves."

The mercenaries looked at each other.

Are we clones?

They all saw the disbelief in each other's eyes, but it was the aliens who told them this. There was no reason for the aliens to lie to them, right? (End of chapter)

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