Wander!blue star

Chapter 694: Capturing the Singer

"Space jump program is starting. Crew members with physical fitness below β level please return to their seats. Jump countdown 20, 19, 18."

MOSS's voice echoed throughout the spacecraft.

The crew members who had just woken up from the hibernation capsule looked at each other, then lay back down in the capsule obediently and manually closed the hatch.

They don't have the same good physical fitness as Liu Peiqiang.

I just woke up from the hibernation capsule and my head is still a little dizzy, so I don't want to withstand the load of the space jump.

Space was visibly distorted in front of the spacecraft.

After the countdown reached zero, the spacecraft drove straight into the distortion area and disappeared without a trace.

The superluminal technology that is unattainable in the universe of "The Three-Body Problem" is just an ordinary deep space movement technology for the United Government.

The singer did not realize the consequences of his glance at Liu Peiqiang.

He was still humming his favorite old ballad.

Although the scene in this ballad cannot be reproduced in a universe reduced to three dimensions, it expresses his yearning for the good old days, that wonderful era when he could scoop up a handful of time and give it to his loved ones.

Time passes silently.

Suddenly, he discovered that a strange space distortion phenomenon occurred near him. The range of the space distortion was very small, but it was very close to him, almost sticking to his spaceship.


The singer was a little curious, and he thought, could it be that a curled up four-dimensional space happened to unfold nearby?
He didn't look closely.

He immediately maneuvered the spacecraft to turn away from the distortion area.

Curiosity kills.

Normally, the curled up four-dimensional space cannot expand on its own under natural conditions. If it expands, it must be due to the intervention of some civilization.

This civilization may not still exist.

But they may have placed something in the four-dimensional space, such as bombs of various powers.

"Abnormal gravitational field detected!"

"No escape!"

"Warning! Abnormal gravitational field detected!"

"The ship can't escape!"

Suddenly, a shrill alarm sounded in the singer's ears.


The singer's heart skipped a beat.

He couldn't remember the last time he had this feeling, maybe it was when he was assigned to the job of cleaner.

"Why am I so unlucky?"

The singer feels as if his life is over.

He felt that he might have stepped on a space torpedo deployed by a certain civilization, which first imprisoned something with strong gravity, and then released an explosion to destroy the imprisoned object. This was a very common routine.

Their civilization would deploy such space torpedoes when fighting other civilizations, but they would not be so advanced, the gravitational confinement strength would not be so strong, and the bomb itself would not be hidden outside the main dimension.

In an instant, strong negative emotions flooded into the singer's mind.

Bad luck!

Bad luck!

Bad luck!

The universe is so vast, how come I happened to step on a torpedo?
The singer did not condemn the possible civilizations that deployed torpedoes. Death was the main theme of the universe, and if one was killed, one could only blame oneself for being weak, just like those weak civilizations that he had eliminated.

"Elder, have you noticed me here?"

The singer gave up struggling.

He planned to leave a will, which was to warn his fellow tribesmen to pray to the gods more often. If he prayed to the gods every day, he might not be so unlucky today.

"I saw it." The elder's voice sounded in the spaceship, "The gravitational field is very strong, almost comparable to that of a white dwarf. The spaceship's engine is completely paralyzed. I can only wish you good luck."

The singer quickly delivered his last words, and then he asked: "What will happen next, will civilization avenge me?" "No." The elder's answer was very cold.

The singer is just a cleaner, belonging to the lowest level of existence in the entire civilization. Civilization will not go to war over a cleaner.

Perhaps from a hospice perspective, the elder explained: "There is no other civilization nearby. What killed you was a landmine left by an unknown civilization a long time ago. Even if I wanted to avenge you, I don't know when I can find that civilization."

"Of course, if you think optimistically, maybe it's not a bomb."

The singer sighed in his heart.

Not a bomb?

If it's not a bomb, how can there be a gravitational field confinement?
“Or maybe this bomb has fallen into disrepair and only the gravitational field remains, without the explosive part,” the elder consoled.

This one is more reliable.

The singer stopped talking. He stared at the distorted area displayed on the screen, waiting for his fate to come.

After a while, the explosion did not happen.

He saw a dark gray spaceship emerge from the space distortion and fly straight towards him.

"It's really not a bomb?" the singer was surprised.

He looked at the ship in confusion.

He saw these three letters on the hull of the spacecraft.

He immediately searched for related patterns in the main core, but did not find any similar signs of civilization.

This is a strange civilization.

"Elder!" he shouted.

The elder replied, “I am watching.”

Occasionally, a cleaner would be cleaned up by others while cleaning up other people's things. He would watch the entire process without missing a single frame. This was one of the few pleasures in his boring life.

This time it's even more special.

The singer unexpectedly encountered a spacecraft from another civilization at close range.

Not only that, this spaceship also came out of the distorted space. What kind of technology is this?
Is there a small universe hidden nearby?
Why did the other party show up at this time? Is it because the energy to maintain the microcosm has been exhausted, or does he have other intentions?


The screen in front of the singer suddenly went dark, and when it lit up again, a figure appeared on it.


"I am Liu Peiqiang, and I am speaking to you on behalf of the coalition government."

The singer was stunned.

Because the main core translated Liu Peiqiang's words.

"this language"

The singer couldn't help but tremble.

Doesn’t this language mean “I am here”? The other party is the civilization that challenges the Dark Forest!
The singer's brain was a little confused.

The signal he received was 5.3 light years away, and it hasn't been long since then. How come the other party suddenly appeared in front of him?

The singer hadn't thought of faster-than-light technology.

For the Three-Body universe, superluminal technology is an old dream that has been shattered.

"We hope to learn some common sense about the universe from you. In return, we can provide you with a technology that you don't have at our discretion." Liu Peiqiang spoke slowly.

There is no need to talk about the foundation of the coalition government.

For a civilization that is still engaged in cleanup work, any cutting-edge technology that the United Government picks out is a groundbreaking technology that this civilization may not be able to break through even after tens of thousands of years of painstaking research.

A powerful gravitational field bound the singer's spaceship.

The singer has no right to refuse the transaction.

He was like a small insect caught in a spider's web, his life or death completely dependent on Liu Peiqiang. (End of this chapter)

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