I am immortal.

Chapter 688 The end of the story, the beginning of the legend

Chapter 688 The end of the story, the beginning of the legend (finale)

Since that magnificent and unparalleled battle.

There is no longer a legend about Zhenwu Daojun in the heaven. The huge Zhenwu Mansion is just empty and has never been removed. No one dares to mention it in front of the Jade Emperor that Zhenwu has gone, so why not give this Zhenwu Mansion too? Just get rid of it.

Perhaps in the future, after the giant snake returns from practicing in the Xuanming land of Beihai, he will still take over the responsibilities of Zhenwu, but it will be the same as Laojun.

Zhenwu Zhentian, the Great Emperor, and Zhenwu.

Taishang Laojun and Taishang.

But only the names are similar. In the hearts of the immortals and gods, they are already two parts.

Between heaven and earth, time has changed, and in the blink of an eye, more than a hundred years have passed. The great emperor who suppressed the sky has gradually become a legend, and the legend has gradually disappeared and disappeared, and is no longer mentioned often. .

Whether they are humans or gods, they are not creatures that are stuck in the past and will always look forward.

Yang Jian's fame spread all over the world, and Sakyamuni Buddha replaced Amitabha and became the Lord of the Five Elders.

These six realms are majestic and turbulent, and there are always endless stories and endless legends. However, the human world does not care about the stories in the sky. The wooden statue of Emperor Zhenwu is still popular in this world, and it was once really The people who met in that battle more than two thousand years ago are now the ancestors of various sects.

They won't tell others about this.

However, just in the human world, as long as the smoke is floating, the legend will continue to be sung.

Wherever there is a drinking water, there will always be people telling those ancient stories and epics. Even if the stories and epics themselves have been mottled by the years, the characters in the legends will still make such a difference in people's lives. Influence.

This influence may be a legend that has no beginning or end, or it may be a habit.

For example, if the statue enshrined in the home is the origin, even the oldest man in the village can't explain it. In the end, he can only say that it is auspicious and ward off evil spirits. Why is it to ward off evil spirits? I don’t know anymore, but people from generation to generation are still stubborn enough to remember that he once protected the world.

Then, trust him simply and purely.

Yongan Town is not a very big town, but its reputation brings auspiciousness, which makes people feel comfortable. Yongan, Yongan, and peace forever. Many people are willing to stay and live in this town. Since there are people living in it, there naturally needs to be corresponding A craftsman in every aspect of life.

There are woodcutters, butcher Zhang who kills pigs and scalds them, and restaurants that open fashionable dishes.

There is also a teahouse for people to relax.

And among all kinds of people, there are also conflicts.

The only difference between these two people is that they are the most respected by everyone, but they are the most vulgar. Butcher Zhang, who can carry a knife and scold the widow for three streets, is polite and polite from the bottom of his heart. They are a couple. A fairy-like figure.

The woman is a very talented doctor, and the husband is a gentleman who teaches literacy and preaching skills.

For the people of Yongan Town.

You don’t have to eat meat, at least not the pork from Butcher Zhang’s house.

But who can avoid getting sick, and whose children don’t need to read, read, or practice exercises? It's impossible, so I have great respect for this doctor. In addition, these two have compassionate and gentle personalities. They are really god-like figures. Some poor families teach literacy for free and diagnose diseases. , it is also a medicine that can cure diseases.

It is even more virtuous and highly respected.

Everyone in this small town respects both of them. During festivals and festivals, they are willing to pay a visit with some gifts. Even if they enter the door and say a few words, they feel that they feel really comfortable and can brag to the neighbors. Within half a year, these two people never received these things in vain, and would also prepare some gifts in return.

It is often said in the world that courtesy should be reciprocated.

Where can anything be clear between people?

With this coming and going, friendship and favors were established, and we gradually became familiar with each other. Today, Butcher Zhang slept in and got up late. As he was walking in a hurry, he saw the gentleman in the teahouse over there. There were actually three guests.

Of these three guests, one is a middle-aged Taoist priest, one is a kind old man, and the other is a free and handsome young man. They all have extraordinary styles and look like masters at first glance.

In the past, the teahouse owner, who regarded himself as a former imperial concubine and was quite arrogant, brought two pots of tea and some tea snacks and gave them to him personally. After thinking about it, the butcher felt that he We can't let this shabby guy who sells tea be more beautiful than before.

I went back to the pork shop at home, sifted through the selections, and selected the braised pork that I was most proud of. I took a large white porcelain plate, took a large teapot, boiled it several times with boiling water, and then carefully cut the braised pork. , also set the plate and brought a bottle of wine to send over.

When they were being sent there, the storyteller in the teahouse was telling stories about immortals and gods, about Zhenwu Great Emperor, and the story about a young man who wielded a sword and defeated all the demons. Zhang Butcher couldn't help curling his lips. Although he was a rough and tumble man, he was the one who respected him the most. Scholars just don’t like these fairy tales that sound extremely ethereal and far away.

He prefers the legend of the mighty king Li Zhai and the story of Emperor Taizong Wen.

There are also the legend of Su Fuzi's wise break from prison and the Nine Monuments of Fuzi. These stories are real and have historical data to check. Just put a mouthful of strong wine into the throat, burn the lungs, and spit it out in one breath. Who wouldn't say a word and be dripping with joy? Those legends of immortals and gods are beautiful and good-looking, but they are too light and ethereal.

Like a sip of tea, it went into your mouth and now into your stomach.

Clear and light, ethereal.

Let's just say it tastes good.

It can be said that there is no taste, no matter how much you smash it in your mouth, you can inadvertently find a trace of aftertaste and a long aftertaste, which makes people unclear. Therefore, this picture of a butcher and a teahouse is convenient. The teahouse owner who hires storytellers and sells a few pounds of legendary stories and heroic swan songs is never dealt with.

When I came in at this moment, I didn't even look at the staple food in the teahouse. I only carefully carried the things in my hands and brought them to the gentleman's table. Then I sang a fat promise and said: "Sir, Lao Zhang, I'm outside. I just saw you having a guest, and by chance, I have some freshly braised meat and a jug of good liquor."

"I'll just bring it to you, just enjoy it!"

As he said, he was a roughneck.

When he talks and does things, he is straightforward and hearty, but he doesn't like those guys who are too verbose and too boring. At this moment, he said what he had to say, but it made the owner of the teahouse not far away stumble and almost jump. On the ground, he grinned and cursed silently.

When he said this, he didn't mean anything at all, and it was offensive to the seniors.

But he has already seen that this teacher is already a gentle and gentle person, a very important person. Although he is incompetent, he has also stayed in the state capital academy for twenty or thirty years, but he has never seen him before. With this kind of magnanimity, I am afraid that only the masters from the academy in that state's capital city could have such a temperament.

This gentleman is like this.

Aren't these guests equally distinguished? !

In the past, the teahouse owner and Butcher Zhang didn't deal with each other, but now they were a little worried about him, worried that he would offend these three people. However, he never thought that the young man slapped his sword on the table and laughed: "What a coincidence. , What a coincidence, as I said just now, tea doesn’t taste good, and if there is such a strong drink, it can be something that can be forced into the throat. "

"Hahahaha, that's wonderful!"

The young man put the wine cup on the table, poured the liquor into the cup, drank several cups in succession, took out the chopsticks, picked up several chopsticks of braised pork and ate it into his mouth. It was so enjoyable that it made that Zhang The butcher's face had a smile on his face, but he never thought that this young man might not look big, but he was actually an extremely forthright and cheerful person.

I don’t know where another cup came from, and he also poured a glass of wine for the butcher Zhang, saying: “Come on, come on, you have a drink too, the wine is good, it’s comfortable in the mouth, and the meat is not bad either, hahaha, Thank you very much."

Butcher Zhang couldn't resist, so he held the wine glass with both hands. Then he raised his neck and drank the wine. Then he turned around and left, not disturbing the chat of these people. He just felt a little dizzy and didn't know what was going on.

In the past, my drinking capacity could be regarded as one that could never pour a thousand glasses. It didn't matter if I drank jars of ordinary wine. I would just go to the latrine and put some water in it and feel comfortable and happy. Why is it like this today?

After just one drink, he seemed to be staggering drunk, and for some reason, he felt extremely happy and a little bit unexplainably proud, but it seemed that when he grew old, he could be with his children and grandchildren. In casual conversation, when it comes to what I am most proud of, I am afraid that I drank this glass of wine today, but why is this?

Butcher Zhang is a rough man, a real rough man.

He didn't think about the reason in detail, and just let himself take advantage of his drunkenness to stagger away. The sky is high and the sun is far away, drink wine and eat meat!

Drunk and dreamy!


What a pleasure!

When the young Taoist saw him walking away, he smiled freely and said: "He is a rough man, but he is also a wonderful person. Wuhuo, Wuhuo, your secluded place is not bad, it is quiet and interesting. , but you want to live in seclusion, why don’t you stay in some cave? Do you have to come to the human world?”

The gentleman in blue shirt said gently: "I am a guest in the human world, so I will come to the human world."

The Supreme Leader shook his head and said helplessly: "You, you."

"After the matter was over, I left immediately without any reluctance. I really don't know who you learned this temperament from." He said this, but there was a bit of pride in his tone.

Finally, Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun looked at the Taoist who seemed to have mediocre cultivation in front of him, pondered for a moment, and finally stopped his chopsticks and asked: "How, with your current state, you are enough to go forward with us. That’s why I came to ask today.”

Mr. Lanshan said: "However, this disciple is already walking on my path."

Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun looked at him deeply, and finally nodded with a smile: "This is the best."

So I never mentioned this matter again.

The three of them came here to chat, drink wine, drink tea, and talk about the affairs of the six realms.

It is said that Yang Jian became famous, and it was said that the Great Heavenly Lord of the Qing Dynasty Lingbao discovered that his mount actually had a son in the lower world.

It was a big buffalo with white hair. Calculating the time, it was about the time when Qi Wuhuo had just ascended to heaven. The buffalo seemed to have gone to congratulate the old green cow on his journey to the emperor's realm, and then came back and found an excuse to descend to the mortal world, leaving behind This kind of thing made Lingbao Tianzun annoyed for a while.

It is said that the Jade Emperor's methods became more and more sophisticated, but he also gradually lost his original intention.

Talk about the changes in everything.

It is said that heroes rise and fall.

A cup of tea and a pot of wine.

He has talked about all the things in this world and talked about the storms in the six realms.

When saying goodbye for the last time, the gentleman in blue shirt said goodbye to the three teachers and walked out of the town. When he was at the gate of the town, the old man turned around and looked at the Taoist in front of him. In a trance, he seemed to be able to see the past and see the young man carrying his back. As he walked a thousand and two hundred steps, a gentle smile appeared on his face:

"Then, fellow Taoist, let's leave it at that."

Mr. Blue Shirt stopped.

The three Taoist ancestors laughed gently, and Yuqing said: "My Taoist friends are here, we will discuss the Tao someday."

The Taoist ancestors of the Sanqing Dynasty turned around, one to the east and the other to the north.

But the old man just strode forward, getting further and further away, but he didn't know where he was going.

What I saw today was that the scenery was still the same as before, and the world was warm and peaceful. Mr. Lanshan gently watched the three teachers leave. After a long time, he smiled, turned around, and walked toward home step by step, thinking about today. What should I eat?

The food, rice, oil and salt in this world are also the taste of life in this world.

Pedestrians passing by took the initiative to say hello, and he returned the greetings. He also said with some enthusiasm that he had picked new vegetables and that he would bring some back. He smiled and agreed, but he did not immediately calculate the ledger. There is an ledger in this person's heart. During the journey, when we reached the center of the town, we heard bursts of noise in front of us.

Many people in this town gathered around the place in front, forming a big circle. They seemed to be watching something, and they were excited and scared. Someone said: "Is this a monster? It doesn't look like someone from the Land of All Spirits." Creatures, but how can ordinary monsters enter my human race's human destiny formation?"

"Yes, but when I see him like this, he's not a villain."

"Damn it, he took my clothes!"

"Yes, yes, you even ate my noodles!"

Another voice shouted: "You even ate my noodles!"

So the man from before became angry and said, "You, you, you, don't imitate me!"

The voice after that laughed again, clapped his hands and said, "Hey!! You, you, you, don't imitate me!"

Everyone burst out in joyful laughter, but that person was very angry and was about to take action, but someone said: "Ah, it's Mr. here! Mr. is well-informed, so he knows it, Old Liu , you get out of the way."

There was a sound of pushing and shoving, and the people made way for the gentleman in blue shirt.

Mr. Lanshan walked in and saw the 'people' surrounded. He smiled and said gently: "I will give him his food money and clothing money." This statement was taken away from him before. The clothes and the people who ate the noodles were less angry and said repeatedly:

"No need. Since Sir recognizes it, it's okay."

"It's gone, it's gone!"

"Ahem, stop standing around here!"

People seemed to trust the gentleman in the blue shirt very much. When they saw him coming, they all dispersed. The gentleman in the blue shirt gently watched them leave. He lowered his eyes and saw that what was surrounded just now was a monkey, wearing a Wearing ill-fitting blue clothes, he also brought a bowl of noodles to express his gratitude and bowed repeatedly:

"Old Immortal, my disciples are starting to take action!"

Mr. Lanshan said gently: "Don't be busy, don't be busy, who are you and why are you here?"

The monkey said: "Disciple, I am originally from the Huaguo Mountain in the East China Sea. I have been free for three to five hundred years. Suddenly, I felt the pain of life and death, so I wandered from overseas to this land to find a fairy fate." He didn't know. Where did he learn the etiquette of the world? He seemed to know that he was not in line with the etiquette, so he bowed and said:

"I don't know what the old immortal's name is. Disciple, how do you call him disciple?"

The sun is warm and the world is bright.

The gentleman in blue shirt put his right hand behind his back, bowed slightly, touched the monkey's head with his left hand, and replied with a gentle smile:


"A poor Taoist, Qi Wuzhuo."

"That is to say, when doing things in this life, there will be no doubts."

(End of book)

(The story begins with the Supreme Being seeing Qi Wuhuo)

(The story ends when Qi Wuhuo meets Wukong)

(Bow down and salute)

(End of this chapter)

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