Hongwu Survival Guide

Chapter 319 Improvement Suggestions

Chapter 319 Improvement Suggestions
Zhu Yuan and his party left the Jianghu community, and the first destination in the afternoon was the cement workshop.

Both Zhu Yuan and Lao Zhu wanted to come and have a look.

After all, cement can be regarded as one of the most basic industrial products in the industrial age, and it plays a huge role.

After Shen Quan, the ambassador of the Cement Bureau, successfully fired the cement, Lao Zhu made some plans in person. Not only did he raise the grade of the Cement Bureau to Zhengqi, but he also asked to set up workshops in various places in the next year and reach a production scale of 2000 people.

Finally arrived at the scene, the group put on masks and personally saw the whole process of cement production from material selection to grinding to mixing and firing in the furnace, as well as the prefabricated slabs being made.

Lao Zhu was very satisfied.

Zhu Yuan felt...very primitive.

In particular, the raw materials are crushed with stone rollers and stone mills unique to this era.


Simply invisible.

The efficiency is simply too low.

Therefore, after reading it roughly, Zhu Yuan started brainstorming on the spot and raised various opinions.

The first is stone rollers and stone mills: "Manpower or animal power is too slow, um... we can consider building several hydraulic crushing workshops on the riverside, following the model of bearing workshops, and the same is true for choosing locations in other places in the future."

Shen Quan followed the big figures, and when he heard what Zhu Yuan said, he just nodded.

He also glanced at Lao Zhu.

Of course Lao Zhu had no objection: "Follow what Yuan'er said, and if you need anything, you can find Shan Anren."

Shen Quan quickly agreed.

Zhu Yuan turned to firing again: "Although we have determined the best formula, the research can't stop... Well, the general goal is to make the simplest, most fuel-efficient, and relatively speaking the most A simple cement that is durable."

Shen Quan looked at Lao Zhu again, but this time, before Lao Zhu could open his mouth, he already had his own thoughts: "Pingzhang, I understand your thoughts, but... as you said, this cement, at this stage ...Even if hydraulic power is used later, it is impossible to produce on a large scale, because it would be too time-consuming and labor-intensive just to crush one piece. It's... doesn't exist."

Zhu Yuan was taken aback.

Thinking about it again, I have to admit: "Oh, I was wrong."

At present, if you want to burn cement, you must first grind all kinds of materials into a fine powder that can be sifted with a flour sieve. It is only determined by this process, and there is no simple way for the time being. cheap cement.

Seeing that Zhu Yuan had admitted his mistake, Shen Quan hurriedly bowed his hands.

Zhu Yuan said: "If you are wrong, you are wrong. I will skip this paragraph."

Old Zhu next to him had a different opinion: "Yuaner, I can understand your idea...or...you can use less lime iron powder and add more cement, so the crushing process...doesn't have to be so detailed?"

"Ancestor, I also thought so at the beginning," Zhu Yuan said: "But, think about it again, it is not cement when it is made in such a way, and it may be good for paving roads, just like... I remember Qin Chaoxiu. The way is to steam the clay to avoid grass growth, but that is really not cement. Cement should have a standard definition, be able to set, and be strong enough.”

Hearing what his precious 23rd generation grandson said, Lao Zhu didn't insist, but he still ordered Shen Quandao: "This is the way, in the next few years, some places will also need to be repaired. The method of steaming in the Qin Dynasty, and what Yuan'er just said You are also thinking about the simple firing of the cement, just as a... well, project. You are a good one, don't limit yourself to this cement."

Shen Quan solemnly agreed again.

Then comes the next step, material stirring.

Zhu Yuan asked someone to find a pen and paper, and roughly drew the model of the drum mixer of later generations: "According to this, making some mixers will definitely be much faster than your manual mixing. Not only mixing materials before firing, but also making prefabricated plates This mixer is also useful when

Everyone looked at it together, Li Shanchang couldn't hold back, and picked something wrong: "Pingzhang, this thing...is made of iron, I'm afraid it will cost a lot, and besides...such a heavy thing, how to drive it?"

"After the Daming Iron and Steel Company is put into operation, we will soon have enough steel. You don't have to worry about this," Zhu Yuan said. , I believe our Ming craftsmen have enough ideas."

Lao Zhu assisted: "I'll just say something, if you make something good and report it, the court will reward you."

Lao Li: "..."

My lord, you are eccentric!
Chang Yuchun had been listening, and couldn't help interjecting at this time: "It's such a good thing, I just thought, the master said that the 2000 people are too few, why don't we gather tens of thousands of people to burn this cement, when the time comes, Hongshan Several nearby universities can be built with this cement, or they can be preserved like the Great Wall a hundred years ago."

Zhu Yuan: "..."

General Chang is so proud.

Lao Zhu patiently explained: "Tens of thousands of people, people eat horse chews, the cost is too high, it's not worth it. Wait for Yuaner's steam engine... Oh, you have seen models in the palace... That thing is made , a steam engine can have the effect of hundreds of people, and then many things can be unfolded."

Chang Yuchun looked forward to it: "Since that's the case, my lord, let's go to the steam engine workshop later, and the watch workshop, isn't it too late?"

Old Zhu looked over.

Zhu Yuan said: "There is no arrangement for today, so if I go there rashly, even if the ancestors are safe and sound, I'm afraid there will be no one to welcome them."

Lao Zhu turned to Ai Jiang with a smile: "Tomorrow, let's go to the watch engraving workshop today... Well, there is also the spring workshop, let's take a look."

Chang Yuchun didn't insist, and agreed with a smile.

Only continue here.

After seeing all the details, Zhu Yuan, who was still wearing a leather mask, stood in the yard of the workshop and gestured around: "In my opinion, the entire production process can be further standardized. One of the goals is to Avoid dust to the greatest extent. When it comes to details, you need to think about it yourself. I can only say that if you do it better, you will benefit yourself. After all, even if you wear a mask, the protective effect is not [-]% after all. Hmm... In the future , if conditions permit, the craftsmen in the cement workshop should also be rotated, and they cannot stay in the same position for a long time."

Shen Quan understood this time, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you for your compassion."

Everyone went to the front of a batch of prefabricated slabs that had already been made and were drying. Zhu Yuan knelt down and touched and felt them with his hands. After commenting on some details, he left with Lao Zhu and rushed to the next station, the engraving workshop and the spring workshop.

Zhengdan presented an engraved watch yesterday, coupled with the previous pocket watch and the relevant significance to all aspects of the world after controlling the precise time explained by him, Lao Zhu also paid attention to the engraved watch workshop, and specially included it in the agenda today.

(End of this chapter)

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