Chapter 134 Growing Up

Leaving the central castle, Xu Mu changed his figure several times to make sure that he did not follow or leave any traces, and then returned the same way.

"This woman is really waiting outside!"

Xu Mu originally wanted to return directly to the cave on Chenwu Island, but saw Zhang Tianluo sitting on the rocks of a nearby island waiting for him like a fool.

When Xu Mu walked in front of her with the invisibility technique, he didn't notice it at all.

"This bastard, idiot, idiot, why are you so slow? Nothing will happen, right? Should I go and have a look? It's none of my business? It's better to die! No, he hasn't taught me the exercises yet, I still want to... ..."

"what else?"

Zhang Tianluo was taken aback by Xu Mu's sudden appearance.

When he first found out that it was Xu Mu, his face suddenly showed joy, but then he hurriedly restrained himself, and once again regained a look of disgust.

"You have to teach your guy a lesson! Hmph!"

"Because you still want to teach me a lesson, believe it or not, I will deal with you now?"

"I don't believe it, come here if you have the ability!"


Seeing Zhang Tianluo who had learned to take off her robes on her own initiative, Xu Mu was somewhat speechless.

He stretched out his hand and couldn't help but rapped her on the head, and said, "Smelly brat, you're quite courageous now! But I still have something to do, so I'll deal with you next time!"

"No! You coward! Bastard! Coward..."


Xu Mu couldn't be bothered to care about this tough talker, and after sending her back, he rushed directly to Chenwu Island, preparing to upgrade the Tianji Zilei Body.

The reason why they didn't go to Kuroshio Island, which has a stronger defense force, was that on the one hand, they couldn't fully trust Xu Yiren, and on the other hand, they were worried about accidents.

If there is really a gang looking for trouble, the first target must be Kuroshio Island.

So it's safer to stay in your own little grip!
After returning to Chenwu Island, Xu Mu activated all the defensive circles and opened the system to check.

【Name: Xu Mu】

【Lifetime: 72/386】

[Boundary: Foundation Building Sixth Floor; 967/6000]

[Cultivation method: Chi Ling Jue is extraordinary; 0/0 (beast soul blue bird)]



The fourth-rank Grandmaster of Zhuyan Pill; 0/2.56w, the fourth-rank Foundation Establishment Pill is extraordinary; 0/0...

Body training:

Tianji Zilei is perfect; 0/1.28w

The corpse control technique is extraordinary; 0/0...

Supernatural powers


The odd door:

One hundred and eight movements of Yin and Yang Tongji completed; 0/100000, proficiency in the Twelve Awakening of Insects; 5000/10000 (Phantom Thunder Silver Shark)

Happy daughter: increase luck value by 10 points every day!
The Blessing of All People: Increase luck value by 20 points every day!
Golden House Cangjiao: Increase luck value by 10 points every day!
Family with Shuangshu: Increase luck value by 20 points every day!
Stealing Jade and Stealing Fragrance: Increase luck value by 10 points every day!
Blessed with a precious son: Increase luck by 10 points every day!
Both sons and daughters: increase luck value by 20 points every day!
Like glue like paint: increase luck value by 10 points every day!
Three wives and four concubines: increase luck value by 40 points every day

【Luck Value: 21105】

Xu Mu had already given up cultivating skills below the fourth level, because even the third-level extraordinary level has very limited effect on him now.

And he was so focused on cultivation and alchemy that he didn't have the energy and time to practice.

Except for the increase in the corpse control technique some time ago, the luck value has been accumulated, and even the Flame Thunder Wing, which is fleeing for his life, has not improved much.

The reason why he didn't improve is because he encountered a situation similar to the original light body technique. Various external resistances made the input and gains disproportionate. If he continued to invest in luck points, his speed would not increase much, but on the contrary, his speed would not increase much. The consumption of transport value will increase more and more.

On the contrary, it is better to upgrade the Celestial Purple Thunder Body. On the one hand, it can enhance the strength, and on the other hand, it can also promote the improvement of the Flame Thunder Wings.

And he also has to consider the follow-up replacement of the exercises, as well as the strange secret technique with a greater return on investment.

For example, the Twelve Awakening Tactics, after merging with the blood of the Phantom Thunder Silver Shark, he can easily obtain the sixth-level proficient magic power of Phantom Thunder.

Moreover, it is a skill that rises with the tide, and as long as the cultivation base is improved in the future, the magic thunder supernatural power will naturally improve.

It is much more cost-effective than simply improving Yulei, or Yuhuo Shentong.

To be honest, with the improvement of his cultivation base, many originally powerful skills have become tasteless.

For example, the fire control technique, except for alchemy, is basically not used, let alone the invisibility technique, let alone the light body technique.

Even beast souls that are about to reach Qingyan level can only be used for sneak attacks.

The foundation building stage has divine sense, while the Jindan stage has more means, and low-level magical powers are like tricks to them.

After reading the system, Xu Mu took out the dragon's blood sea valley that the mysterious sea woman traded to him, then took out one grain, and fed it to a first-order blue-striped water turtle that he caught casually.

After the water turtle ate the Dragon's Blood Valley, it began to roll all over the ground. After a while, its whole body convulsed, its skin cracked, and its seven holes bled to death.

Xu Mu checked the water turtle's body and was relieved after confirming that it was only due to excessive energy.

Although theoretically the other party has no reason to harm him, it is better to be careful, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

After confirming that there was no problem, Xu Mu took out one and ate it first.

The thousand-year-old sea valley is almost like a spiritual thing, it can be eaten raw.

In fact, like Lingmi Linggu, it can be eaten raw, but it is not easy to digest and the taste is not very good.

However, Xu Mu is a body-training cultivator, and he has systematic help, so it doesn't make much difference for him to be familiar with it.

After the dragon's blood sea valley entered the stomach, it was quickly absorbed and digested, and became a steady stream of essence, which merged into his limbs and bones.

"That's right! It's just such a small one, it's easier to absorb and digest than the last third-order Huanglong Pill, and the energy is more pure!"

Although the energy of one grain is very small, it weighs five hundred catties. If it was replaced with Huanglong Dan, it might fill the entire cave.

Xu Mu was very satisfied with this result.

These dragon blood sea valleys are enough for him to raise the Tianji Zilei Body to the level of a master.

Afterwards, like eating white sugar, he swallowed hundreds of grains of sea valley in one bite, and at the same time, he called up the system and started adding points to the sky purple thunder body non-stop.

[Tianji Zilei Body +10]!
[Tianji Zilei Body +10]!
[Tianji Zilei Body +10]!

The energy formed by Haigu was quickly absorbed by the system and transformed into brand new energy, constantly transforming Xu Mu's body.


A golden thunder appeared, almost obliterating the entire cave.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye.

On this day, the Tianji Zilei body finally rose to the level of a master.

[Tianji Zilei Body Master; 1/2.56w]!
Endless golden thunder emerged from Xu Mu's body, like flowing gold, covering most of Xu Mu's body, and finally solidified into a set of mighty and extraordinary armor.

In this upgrade, apart from the complete transformation of the thunder into gold and the transformation of the thunder clothes into the thunder armor, the original turbulent power of the thunder has also become restrained, and there is a tendency of transformation like returning to nature.

"and this!"

Xu Mu took out the Thunder Sword and injected energy into it. The whole sword was immediately covered by thunder, and then changed continuously, becoming a thunder sword with a length of several feet.

With a light wave, there is a terrifying sense of oppression.

"Obviously he is cultivating immortals, but I have made him look more and more like a warrior!"

Xu Mu laughed at himself.

The improvement of cultivation is too slow, and the improvement of body training is too fast, so that in order to end the battle as soon as possible, he has to fight hand-to-hand every time.

"I just don't know how powerful it is, can I have a few tricks with Jin Danqi?"

It turned out that he was already a top existence in the foundation building stage, and now he has improved a lot. It stands to reason that even if he can't win, he should not be much worse.

However, with Xu Mu's personality, even if he surpassed the golden core stage, he would not find someone to try his hand for no reason.

In addition to the improvement in strength, the two supernatural powers related to the Celestial Purple Thunder Body, Yulei and Flame Thunder Wings, have also seen different degrees of improvement.

There is also a certain increase in lifespan, reaching 410 years old.

Depending on the situation, reaching the age of five hundred is not a problem before breaking through the golden core stage.

After upgrading the Tianji Zilei Body, Xu Mu did not leave.

He still has a lot of dragon blood sea valleys in his hand, which is definitely not enough to continue to improve the Celestial Purple Thunder Body, but it is more than enough to improve the Twelve Awakening Stings.

As long as he raises the Twelve Awakening Stories to the perfection level, he will be able to fuse the two bloodlines again, and at the same time, his control over the Phantom Thunder Silver Shark's bloodline can also be raised to another level.

But after this upgrade, it will be difficult to upgrade next time.

Therefore, the remaining two bloodlines must be carefully planned.

【Twelve Insect Awakening Technique+10】!
【Twelve Insect Awakening Technique+10】!
【Twelve Insect Awakening Technique+10】!

[The Twelve Awakening Insects Jue is complete; 1/10w]!
After the promotion was completed, Xu Mu was not in a hurry to find new blood essences of monsters for fusion.

He doesn't like ordinary monsters, and those precious blood essences of monsters can't be found just by looking, so it's useless to be anxious.

Of course, he was not idle, and had asked Xu Yiren to inquire.

At the same time, he also asked him to help collect the medicinal materials for refining the sixth-order True Yuan Pill, prepare to refine the True Yuan Pill, and use the True Yuan Pill to break through the late stage of foundation establishment.

Therefore, he still needs to accumulate luck points to improve the refining skills of Zhenyuan Dan. There is really no need to run around.

Day by day, Xu Mu is not busy practicing, or going in and out of Xu Yiren and Zhang Tianluo's cave. With the continuous expansion, Xu Yiren becomes more and more mature and attractive, but Zhang Tianluo actually——

grown up!
 If you want to add an achievement, please provide it!
(End of this chapter)

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